Eternal food paradise

Chapter 500 Arrival

Before the Loulin ship appeared on the Yangtze River, Shanghai's Longzhen Restaurant, amidst the shocked and puzzled voices of the food circles in Shanghai, completely closed the street and no longer received any foreign guests.

On this day, Xia Yan arrived in the Demon City from Shu.

Accompanying her was Liu Keling, who said she was here to see her younger brother Liu Pleiades.

The femme fatale is one foot green, Xiang En, and she already looks like a considerate little maid serving tea and water.

Zhu Qi and Mila are also there.

The two kings tacitly thought that the mysterious group member Xia Yanxia Demon King, who was also a member of the "Zhonghua Chat Group", had received the group chat mission just like them.

In fact, Xia Yan was the one who issued the mission, holding the invisible alliance order. It was not just the two of them. Among the Five Tiger Stars, except for Kaiyou, the "Cloud Dragon", the other four went separately. He Zai's Yan Xian, Yajian.

There are four dark kings who obey the chat group and essentially obey Xia Yan's orders.

At the Loulin Ship World Meeting.

Kaiyou saw that many of his relatives had deserted him.

Even Mila, the "goddaughter" who taught and raised him with his own hands, turned her back on him.

Even in the game where the culinary skills in the world are at their peak.

A painful blow to his forces in the dark world.

Xia Yan had no way of knowing whether Kaiyou's mentality was broken or not. Anyway, from his own point of view, he must have collapsed and become extremely angry. It was very possible for him to vomit blood on the spot.

"With me and the four kings, this lineup can be called luxurious no matter what!" Xia Yan secretly thought.

Even if they face the eight-man Phoenix Chef team, they are not necessarily weak.


Don’t forget there is a hidden supporter.

Liu Maliu!

The strongest man in the dark world in the past was stronger than Kaiyudu, and he studied under the legendary master of cooking skills, ‘Master Yuxian’.

He alone has been able to intimidate the light world, the dark world and the Taiji world for so many years.

For such a character, Xia Yan had to get a full favorability rating.

"Hey, don't panic at all."

Thinking of Liu Maliu.

Xia Yan glanced at Liu Keling next to her.

The grace and beauty of the Shell Fairy can be faintly seen on the young girl.

"Your daughter is here, Lao Liu." Xia Yan called from the distance in his heart.

"Ah, Mr. Xia——"

A sunny and enthusiastic voice came from the street ahead.

Liu Pleiades.

Arrives quickly.

He rushed directly into Xia Yan's arms and gave him an extremely excited bear hug.

The smile on Xia Yan's lips became even thicker, and he didn't mind giving the ultimate cheating protagonist of "Zhonghua Ichiban" a friendly slap on the head.

What kind of bad intentions can a young boy have?

Moreover, Liu Pleiades' mind was also incredibly pure, and it was too easy to fool.

Look at this kid, and use the corner of your eyes to focus on Liu Keling, who is staring at the younger brother with her hands on her hips, and begins to show the majesty of the elder sister.

Now, my son and daughter are both under control?

Xia Yan suddenly felt like he was the biggest villain.

No matter how many plans Liu Maliu had, there was no way he could make a huge difference to him? cough.

"Mr. Xia!"

"Hey, have you arrived in the Magic City too?"

As expected.

Seven-star sword Ren En, steel rod master, as a member of the protagonist group, will always appear with Liu Pleiades.


Xia Yan looked behind him.

Xiang En, Mira.

Due to the entanglement between Yizhang Qing Xiangen and Seven-Star Sword Ren, the genuine pirated version of the Seven-Star Sword, the length of the head-to-head confrontation in the Lou Lin Ship Chapter may be omitted from the main drama of Paradise World.

It can't happen again.

As for the Seven-Star Sword, Xia Yan had several of them himself, and the famous craftsman Luo Xie was still alive and had enough materials. He just asked Luo Xie to build another set according to the drawings.

The grudge between the two is far less deep than in the original work.

As for Mira...


Xia Yan seemed to see the lush green prairie on the head of the steel stick Jie Qi with a cheerful smile.

I’m afraid the spice empress of this generation won’t be able to get along with you, Master Xie.

Jie Qi's smile gradually solidified: "Why are your eyes so strange?"

"It makes me feel chilled all over and my heart is beating with fear!"

Xia Yan sighed, patted Jie Qi on the shoulder with the friendly tone of the old Wang next door, and introduced everyone behind him.

Xiang En, they know each other.

Zhu Qi and Mila have heard of their names!

"King of Darkness!"

Hiss, everyone in the protagonist group showed vigilance and retreated tactically.

"Why are you like this?" Xia Yan was amused.

Zhu Qi was just observing these little brats with great interest. Although he was not that old, he was Mila, who was worthy of being a beauty with a pale face and ice.

"The enemy!"

Liu Pleiaxing said angrily: "You may not know Mr. Xia, after we left Guangzhou, we traveled north and crossed the Yangtze River. First in the Jiuhua Mountain area, we heard clues about the suspected legendary kitchen utensil "Demon Holy Bronze Ware", but after tracing Go to Jiuhua Town, the suspicious deeds there have been solved..."

"Then we went to Mount Tai."

Speaking of Taishan and his party, both Ren and Gangbang Jieqi showed indignation.

"We finally broke through the nine seals of the "Grean Wolf Pot" one by one. Who knew we were followed by people from the dark world, who picked peaches, and the legendary kitchen utensils that had just escaped the seal were taken away! "

Xia Yan: "..."

Ni Mei's development is very similar to the original work, but in the original work, it was Yan who took the "Grean Wolf Pot" first.

"So, in the Dark World, to be precise, how many legendary kitchen utensils does Kaiyou have in his hands?" Xia Yan looked around at the crowd and asked.

"There must be a "Grean Wolf Pot"! Liu Pleiaxing waved his fist and shouted angrily, "Don't worry, Mr. Xia, I will work a hundred times harder to help you at the Loulin Ship Conference!" "

Seven Star Sword Ren said in a deep voice: "Maybe there will be a "Demon Saint Bronze Weapon". The mysterious person who took away the kitchen utensils from Jiuhua Town is most likely from the dark world. "

Xia Yan continued: "..."

Actually, I was the one who took the lead.

Gangbang Jie Qi coughed and said: "Although, although our culinary skills are far behind yours, we can't be of much help, but if you need it, just ask!"

Xia Yan nodded.

There is a pastry king named Logan, and I guess he really needs a plot to kill him in the original novel.

"By the way, where is Hu Jun who is traveling with you?" Xia Yan asked.

"Before she crossed the river, she suddenly said goodbye to us, and she went to who knows where." Liu Pleiades answered, scratching his head.

Seeing that the protagonist group continued to watch Zhu Qi and Mila warily, Xia Yan could only explain in detail that these two kings were actually his own.

The group exchanged a few words with each other and headed off to find a place to stay.


while walking.

Xia Yan suddenly stopped and looked up at the second floor of the roadside teahouse.

He saw Louis.

And, standing next to Lu Yi, was a man with a burly figure covered in a black cloak.

The probing and curious gaze just now came from this man.

"Liu Maliu!"

Xia Yan's gaze met his without being humble, and he silently called his name. Half of the man's face, covered by his hood, had a faint smile on his face, and he nodded as a friendly response.

Afterwards, the man stopped looking at Xia Yan and stared blankly at Liu Pleiaxing and Liu Keling in the team.

At this time, the eldest sister Liu Keling was asking in a low voice what happened to Liu Pleiades during the trip. Ren and Jie Qi occasionally interjected an explanation. When they heard that Liu Pleiades was mischievous, often caused trouble, and encountered many dangers, Liu Keling angrily grabbed the furry child's ears.

Seeing this, Xia Yan once again felt aggravated by the fact that he was the biggest villain.

Take a look.

No matter how great a person is, he still has his weaknesses.

Isn't Liu Maliu's biggest weakness firmly grasped by him?

At the same time, Xia Yan also observed that Lu Yi was carrying two big burdens behind him.

One is in the shape of a pot.

"Jade Dragon Pot".

The other one is tall and large in the shape of a pot.

It was related to the fact that in the past two days, the Tang family in the magic city suddenly closed its doors and refused to visit outsiders.

Xia Yan determined that this was the "Zhuanlong Pot".

A legendary kitchen utensil that speeds up cooking in an instant.

In the original work, Liu Pleiades once used a rotating dragon pot to make the legendary Juxia sauce on the spot, and this sauce with the flavor of the shellfish requires at least a year to ferment and brew.

After watching Xia Yan and their children leave, Liu Maliu suddenly turned to the eldest disciple beside him, Lu Yi, and asked:

"Are you sure that he has been promoted to dragon?"

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