Eternal food paradise

Chapter 51 Yubai

"came back!"

Xia Yan has a lot of thoughts about the journey of "The Spirit of the Halberd Eater".

Of course, the harvest can also be called a full harvest.

He raised his hand between his eyebrows and watched the sunset gradually sink into the city buildings.

This is Tokyo.

The appearance of the city is almost the same as that of the Shoji world.

But these are two completely different worlds.

Shiji can "prescribe medicine" in a serious manner.

But in today's reality, let alone the benefits of revealing clothes, when the guests are eating, their faces are red and they are panting heavily. That style of painting will definitely make people misunderstand.


Spreading his arms and embracing the sunset of the real world, Xia Yan suddenly felt regretful.

Lost the "drug".

No glow.

The culinary kingdom in my mind suddenly became dim and dull, and it lost too much fun.

"If the real world can also be drugged and illuminated, and the water meter is not checked by the police, wouldn't reality be colorful and get better!"

A surprised voice suddenly repeated behind him:

"Druged? Glowing?"

After hearing who it was, Xia Yan turned around in surprise and saw Aono Sumiko, wearing sportswear, a ponytail, and a pretty face without makeup.

Because I had just left the world of dramas, I subconsciously compared the appearance of the female characters in the inner and outer worlds.

It's not as flawless as Nakiri Erina and Nito Hisako.

But it is more authentic and natural.


Looking up and down, Aono Sumiko's figure was within a reasonable range, Xia Yan nodded secretly, and sure enough, the development of Erina's tsundere can only be realized in the second dimension.

How can I say this boundary? It's like a two-dimensional JK and a three-dimensional female high school student.

Not a species anymore.

"What a coincidence, Chengzi, it feels like we haven't seen each other for a long time." Xia Yan said.

"It's been a long time."

Aono Sumiko stared straight at him.

This girl has evil eyes!

"Why do I feel like you're about to pounce and bite someone?" Xia Yan was amused.

"Manager Xia, Boss Xia, do you know that when you capture a person's stomach and then disappear silently for a month, do you know how scumbag this behavior is to the captive?"

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

"What does this have to do with scum!"

With that said, he turned around to go back to the store: "You are a regular customer. You know, my style has always been like this."

"Is it your style to fish every day and take a vacation every day?"

Aono Sumiko complained, then turned to the uncle in work clothes on the sunset stairs and shouted: "Uncle Shimada, let's go sit down at the bar. If we don't have any entertainment today, we won't leave -"

I demonstrated first and sat down on the bar chair.

Xia Yan thought it was a girl losing her temper, so he let her wait for a while and then sneaked away. As a result, Shimada Takashi actually walked down the sunset stairs.

He glanced at Xia Yan as he passed by him.

That look in his eyes was full of mixed emotions.

It's more of an inexplicable resentment.

Xia Yan couldn't help but reflect on himself. It's strange. Doesn't my store specialize in dark cuisine? If you open a certain mobile APP review software, the comments will definitely be filled with unpleasant and harsh negative reviews.

But why, the guest's style of painting is very wrong, they all look like doormats, and they are full of resentment.

There is no need to worry about a store with all bad reviews.

Sighing and looking at the guests who had already sat down, Xia Yan pointed to the dusty tables, chairs, bar, and then pointed to the refrigerator: "I just came back and haven't cleaned it yet. Besides, most of the ingredients that were piled in the warehouse were already gone." After the tasting period has passed, don’t worry, you definitely can’t eat it.”

Aono Sumiko and Shimada Takashi looked at each other.

No ingredients?

That's not easy. Aono Sumiko raised her hand and shook her head and said, "It's not yet six o'clock in the afternoon. Are the food shops in the town still closed?"

Shitamachi is the old neighborhood of Tokyo.

Xia's restaurant is located in an old Shitamachi street, but it is in a corner location. However, it is precisely because of this that it has a large size of one house with open space in front of and behind the house.

If you accidentally squeeze into those Yokocho Streets, the small bifurcated roads can only accommodate one person walking, and the alleys are full of congestion. The Edo style and the atmosphere of the old era are very strong, but Xia Yan does not want to live In the food court that is open almost all night, I am woken up by the smell of skewers when I go to bed.

Yokocho, in neon terms, is a mixed bag of old streets and alleys.


There is an aquatic product store that Xia Yan often patronizes. There are shelves outside the store. If you come here in the morning, you can see fresh aquatic products for sale on ice-stacked foam boxes.

Since it was afternoon and evening, the shelves had been cleared of fresh food.

Xia Yan went directly to the counter.

"Are there any other recommended ingredients today? I want fresh ones."

A grandma who watches old-fashioned TV and the programs are quite old-fashioned, answered with a smile: "Yes."

Grandma took out two boxes from the fresh food cabinet.

Inside the thin and transparent plastic wrap, there is an eyeball the size of a palm.

"The tuna eyes are large enough to be eaten raw as sashimi."

Xia Yan: "..."

In the other box, there were simply a few white, sticky lumps, which were obviously some kind of tissues and organs in the fresh water body.

"Bai Zi!"

Xia Yan recognized this without Grandma's introduction.

Fish white is nothing more than the fish’s testicles.

Grill it and make seafood gout pot.

It's reasonable to have a meal of testicles tempura, which is "tempura for all things".

In Xia Yan's view, fish white is a "special ingredient" that is classified into the same category as fish eyes and fish lips.

"It's almost closing time, so that's all we have today." Grandma turned around and continued watching her comedian show.

He chooses...

Fish white!

Xia Yan put down a banknote and a few coins, took two boxes of fish whites, and walked home leisurely.

What, why not choose to go to a larger supermarket further away to buy more suitable ingredients?

You have to walk at least a few hundred meters. After leaving Shitamachi, there are large supermarkets in the commercial buildings on the other side of the canal, so don't be picky in the old street Yokocho.

And coincidentally, "fish white" is very suitable for sashimi dishes.

"It's just a test of how far "Arhat Crystal Slash" can be achieved in the real world! "

So with this idea in mind, Aono Sumiko and Shimada Takashi found that Xia Yan had returned to the restaurant efficiently not even a quarter of an hour after leaving the house.

"Wow, so fast."

Aono Sumiko clapped and said excitedly, "Where are the ingredients..."

Suddenly stuck.

Xia Yan stood at the bar, tore off the plastic wrap, and placed the box on the bar, displaying the ingredients right under the eyes of the two guests.

Aono Sumiko: (ノへ ̄,).

Shimada Takashi: ( ̄︿ ̄)!

On the other hand, he selected a long and narrow kitchen knife from the knife holder. At least in terms of appearance, it resembled the [Beichen Sirius Knife].

While watching the changes in the guest’s expressions.

"Tsk, what are you surprised about?" Xia Yan laughed out loud, "Neon people should be quite receptive to these sashimi ingredients, right?"

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