Eternal food paradise

Chapter 53 A small test of skill (Part 2)

In fact, the taste and appearance of Baizi have a lot to do with the type of fish.

For example, the most expensive pufferfish Shirako.

If it is during the winter when puffer fish mate and reproduce, the white eggs are obtained by hunting. Among them, the largest tiger puffer fish has white eggs that can weigh up to 1 kilogram. You can imagine how big it is.

And Xia Yan bought it from the nearby Yokocho fishery store. It was cod Shirako.

Either the real cod Shirako is priced at an astonishing 10,000 yen per kilogram, or the ordinary cod species.

Compare cod shirataki and puffer fish shirataki.

A big piece, like white pig lungs and liver.

This is the puffer fish Shiroko.

The white cod roe is irregular in shape and full of grooves on the surface, just like toothpaste stacked up one after another.

Therefore, irregular objects are extremely demanding on the chef's knife skills.

"Please use--"


Aono Sumiko and Shimada Takashi opened their eyes wide.

On the two sashimi plates, there were a few small pieces of broken shirako, but the cut surface was very smooth. At a glance, there was no abrupt knife edge that ruined the overall beauty of the ingredients.

"Here's the dip."

The chef at the bar handed over two more sauce dishes.

Shimada Takashi said: "Is this thin soy sauce?"

When Xia Yan nodded, he took the lead in picking up the chopsticks.

Dip a small piece of white rice into a light soy sauce and put it under your eyes for observation.

The cross section seemed to be filled with wisps of cold mist.

"Is it related to the knife?"

Shimada Takashi doesn't have much resistance to the ingredient 'Shirako'. He was surprised before because he saw such a neon-style and distinctive ingredient in a Chinese restaurant.


As a result, Baizi entered his mouth.

Indescribable parts, indescribable deliciousness!

Delicate, creamy mouthfeel.

There is no need for teeth to bite open, just put the food directly on the tongue, so the white part is like ice cubes on the tip of the tongue, melting.

Then Aono Sumiko also exclaimed: "Shiroko, it seems that he has revived in his mouth!"

Xia Yan frowned.


Still failed to maximize the effect of "Arhat Crystal Slash".

To roughly describe this stunt in the dark cooking world, it is the sentence "freeze time and revive life" in the original comic.

It is precisely because of this that Renn, the Seven-Star Sword, gave the recipe "Fire Ice Fresh Sea Bream". The golden time of freshness makes that sea bream glow with supreme deliciousness.

What step have I taken?

Recreate the golden delicious time of 'Shirako'?

【Cooking is complete. 】

['Cod Shirako Sashimi' - Rating 50. 】

[Index (trait) - None. 】

Damn, it’s only 50 points!

Looking at it this way, throwing the blame entirely on the [Beichen Sirius Sword] seems a bit like trying to save face.

In the final analysis, the score and completion level were so low, or there was something wrong with his proficiency and mastery. In the past period of time, he had practiced secretly in the Shokuge World, but the results were not obvious.

“So it’s the fastest to master by allocating skill points?”

Xia Yan opened a row of system reward information.

Returning to reality, the world mission has been settled, and the 5 idle skill points rewarded have been received. I was still hesitant about how to allocate them reasonably, but now I don’t need to worry too much.

"2 for "one pot", first use this magical skill of heating up! "

"Then, the remaining 3 skill points..."

In the field of vision, updated information on dark cooking skills appears——

"Arhat Crystal Slash" (3/10).

Before throwing away the 'Imitation Ice Soul Sword' that he used to cut cod fish, the moment he just finished allocating skill points, Xia Yan suddenly felt a chill transmitting from the blade to the arm, and then half of his body trembled. Goose bumps like taking a cold shower.

But that's about it.

Xia Yan was a little unfinished and whispered: "If what you hold in your hand is the Beichen Sirius Blade, wouldn't it be a 'man and a sword'? Handling aquatic products at will is a golden and delicious sashimi delicacy?"

Bang bang!

The sound of slamming on the table brought Xia Yan back to reality.


Aono Sumiko pointed to the empty sashimi plate and shouted angrily: "It's too real. When did you learn that you only have a few slices of sashimi on a plate?"

Xia Yan spread his hands: "It's just a few hundred yen of sashimi side dishes. What else do you want? If you want to enjoy it, just go to a rotating sushi restaurant or a Japanese buffet restaurant."

"You only cut one box, where's the other one?" Shimada Takashi also joined in the complaint and pointed to the wooden chopping board.

"I plan to..."

The words suddenly stopped.

The system information that had not been cleared before and the screen was automatically switched to the task log panel at this time.

Xia Yan slapped his forehead.

Returning to reality means that you can happily complete tasks again!

1. [Want to touch my "must kill" weapon]

Task content: Make a dish with a 'luminous' or 'drugged' index of at least [High], and there is no limit to the recipe star rating.

Mission reward: 10 skill points

Task time limit: 7 days

2. [A mudslide in the culinary world of the Land of Abundance] (Paradise)

Mission content: Challenge Shao An and defeat him in a cooking showdown.

Mission reward: treasure chest*3

Task time limit: 15 days

3. [A restaurant full of stench] (Tokyo)

Task content: Your negative review indicators are far from enough. Please increase your efforts and collect negative reviews from 10 celebrities in the next period of time.

Mission reward: Unlock the mall item-‘Secret spice bag’ (special level)

Task time limit: 10 days

This special horse, only the first task has been updated. Xia Yan always feels that the next two tasks have not been cleared. They have not changed all the time. Will he never be able to win if he doesn't do it?


It means that he should work hard to study the second "Must Kill", right? System Iron Juice, you really think highly of us, and the recipe for "Spicy Thousand-feuille Cake (Thousand-feuille)" created in the world of Shoji is also thanks to you The specialties are arranged in place, so the materials cannot be obtained.

The second one, challenge Shao An?

After returning from a trip to the Shiji World, Xia Yan was very confident about his cooking skills.

He was still unable to dominate the Totsuki campus. He was slightly unstable when he punched the first-year student Isshiki Hui, let alone kicked the second-year students from the Council of Ten Elites.

Not to mention Si Yingshi, the first 'white knight of the table', according to Dojima Gin's words, this person might have barely qualified to challenge and threaten Shaoan in the Chinese world.

"Having said that, if the timeline of the Chinese Ichiban World is also advancing simultaneously, the young master Liu Pleiades will have a cooking competition with Shao An in the near future to decide who will be the next chef of [Ju Downstairs] ?”

Looking at the mission log, it’s only the third mission that has the beginning.

Moreover, the reward is a special ‘secret spice bag’. If successfully unlocked, it will be equivalent to having the ingredients for the next ‘must kill’ recipe.

"That's it!"


"Hey, what are you going to do with this box?!"

Aono Sumiko and Shimada Takashi saw the chef holding his chin, wandering away for a minute or two, and then suddenly answered them with clear eyes: "Oh, you are talking about this box, I plan to make dark dishes."


A mature female voice with curiosity and accountability broke the silence: "The association office has received more than a dozen complaints about your restaurant, all of which are about dark cuisine that caused them serious discomfort."


"Yes, some people said they were feeling unwell and weak for a few days, and some said they had psychological discomfort and would never go to a Chinese restaurant again."

Xia Yan saw Miura Yuxiang's serious face and her tone became colder and harsher.

"Don't worry about the complaints for now. It's possible that those people are spreading rumors and malicious slander. Only when you taste it yourself will you know the actual situation. So Miura-san, do you want to try it?"

The topic suddenly changed to the point where you can only know the truth by tasting it yourself.

Miura Yuka was stunned for a moment, and then her lipsticked lips curled up slightly. It seemed that this proposal was exactly what she wanted. Just now, she acted as an audience, and she was so surprised in her heart that the Shiroko sashimi + thin soy sauce made the two guests full of praise. :


The settings of Zhonghua Ichiban are based on comics, so Shao An is a special chef at the beginning, not a senior chef in the animation~

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