Eternal food paradise

Chapter 56 The Spring of Dog Owners

The person who presided over the meeting was ‘Zhiyuan Star’ Chen Zhiyuan. He stood up and cleared his throat and said: “Quiet, please be quiet first. If you have any other ideas about the previous motion, you can leave a message in the forum corner.”

"Then, regarding the emergency motion proposed by Jerry, I actually received his request for help yesterday."

"The 'wonderful man' had a cooking test that he failed to pass after several attempts."

There was another burst of laughter from the store.

The female player with the ID on her head, "I want to raise an otter," snorted and said, "This is just occupying the pit and getting nowhere. If he can't do it, he will just share the coordinates of the 'odd man' and let everyone use their abilities. "

'Zhiyuanxing' waited until everyone had laughed enough, then said calmly: "Coordinates, west of the city, Yunlai Inn, Room A, No. 5."

"Let's go, Qiyu is mine."

Everyone in the meeting dispersed instantly, except Chen Zhiyuan who stayed.

Other players have their own secret bases for cooking.

Chen Zhiyuan originally wanted to change places. This month, he has basically left the stage of accumulating primitive wealth as a novice and started to move towards a well-off life. There is no problem in renting a house with a big kitchen or gritting his teeth and buying one.

"I also have to make a dish to put in a food box, and take it to run the task. Maybe I accidentally hit the strike zone of that 'odd man'."

On the surface, he is as calm as water, but his heart has long been as hot as fire.

Strange man!

In the world of "Chinese Ichiban", it doesn't seem to be an exaggeration to say that the special ones are not as good as dogs and chefs walking around.

You must know that the "Liangshanbo Headquarters" in the dark cooking world has one hundred and eight generals, all of whom are special-level or above.

Among them, the "Five Tiger Stars" are the leader Kai You, the prodigal Yan Xian, the blue-eyed tiger Mila, the explosive chef Yakan, the flying great sage Zhu Qi...

They not only represent the strongest combat power in the dark cooking world.

At the same time, he is also the representative of the god-level rule talents in this world such as super touch, super vision, super hearing, and super smell.

Even if you don’t mention these roles and talents.

There are also two realms of light and darkness, recipes and cooking skills.

"Obtaining the recipes and cooking skills from that 'wonderful man' will be a real profit!"

Chen Zhiyuan was about to start cooking with great enthusiasm when he suddenly heard the sound of a wooden water well turning in the patio behind the store.

Someone is fetching water.

He also carried a bucket.

Turning around suddenly, Chen Zhiyuan opened his mouth wide when he saw the young man carrying a bucket into the store. After a long time, he screamed: "Manager Xia, you are back!"

Manager Xia didn't respond, so he took a bucket of water and poured it into the kitchen water tank.

Then, he stood at the bar with his arms folded, staring at him for a moment. Chen Zhiyuan felt that his eyes were strange, as if he was looking at the fish on the chopping board. His heart felt hairy, and goosebumps appeared on his arms.

Of course Chen Zhiyuan didn't know that Xia Yan's growth value appeared in his field of vision...

[Twisted Tree] (2/100).

So angry!

Xia Yan, who hates iron, thought to himself: "There has been no progress at all for more than ten days. It is said that the players are constantly seeking death, but why are all these guys in my paradise so Buddhist?"

This tree, a global prop, is related to the docking issue in the world of "Spirit of the Shokugeki".

It's equivalent to an Easter egg.

Keep irrigating, keep harvesting the deviation value, and on the day when it finally grows into a towering tree, the easter egg explodes and there is another considerable deviation value. In this way, the world docking conditions of 50% deviation value do not seem to be difficult.

The first stage of deviation value harvest is 10% progress, which is 10 points of growth value.

all in all.

We can't let these guys continue to be Buddhists.

You have to throw out feed that is attractive enough and drive these horses to run fast.

"This time I went out and got a good harvest."

Chen Zhiyuan was feeling uneasy in his heart. When he heard what Manager Xia said, he was relieved and his curiosity was piqued.

"Kitchen utensils? Recipes? Ingredients?"

"It's considered food."

Hold the grass!

Chen Zhiyuan and other players have been complaining about the lack of detection function in the paradise game. They cannot just throw out the detection technique as soon as they meet and get the general information of a character.

Therefore, how to detect a paradise native is a matter of social knowledge. Chen Zhiyuan asked himself that he has good tasting experience, plus the character level has been cultivated to LV10, and then all the talent points are allocated to the 'tongue' to develop the taste, so these days he has I went out to eat in restaurants and restaurants to test it, and the system detection feedback I got, regarding cooking skills and recipes, the accuracy rate was as high as 90%.

But the more he grows up, the more questions he has about this "Grandpa from Novice Village", the Xia store manager.

I recall the "Bitter Melon Stuffed with Doubanjiang" that I ate on the first day I landed in the park.

The recipe can be said to be very simple.

However, to this day, there is still a question mark in Chen Zhiyuan's mind about the 'Doubanjiang'. If he were to eat the same dish at LV10, he felt that the system would still give back question marks.

In Chen Zhiyuan's mind, store manager Xia's profile is roughly as follows:

[Xia Yan] (background unknown, does not appear in the original work)

[Cooking skills-? 】

[Specialization/Excellence-? 】

[Teachable recipes/skills-? 】

[PS: Suspected boss in the dark cooking industry]

"You seem to be very interested in my new ingredients?"

Manager Xia pulled Chen Zhiyuan back with a word. He was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he discovered that the mysterious young native at the bar wanted to share the harvest of this trip with him. He was so excited that he could not control himself: "can I see?"

The words trailed off.


A sweet system prompt fell on Chen Zhiyuan's ears, and it was like the sounds of nature.

[This character opens a personal store to you. 】

The interface pops up.

It can almost be said that the entire page is blank, except for the two slots on the top row, where items are hung.

Chen Zhiyuan glanced over, "Pickled mustard, bean paste...fuck!"

At this time, his eyes were attracted by magnets and he couldn't move away at all. Chen Zhiyuan saw the conspicuous [Special Grade] mark on the back of the item clearly, and his eyes became bloodshot in an instant: "This damn thing, it's special grade!"

If the items being sold are all special-grade, wouldn't that mean that this mysterious store manager Xia is a tyrannical special-grade chef...


You have to hug this thigh!

Chen Zhiyuan carefully looked at the purchase conditions displayed on the item, and was immediately stunned.

【Super Grade Doubanjiang】


"The conditions are unknown?" Chen Zhiyuan's heart felt like it was crawling with ants, and it was very itchy. Ah, why is the mark a question mark? Are there any hidden conditions, such as favorability, level restrictions, etc.

Just as his heated and congested brain gradually cooled down, he heard store manager Xia continue to say: "Thank you for taking care of the house for me for a month. It was well maintained."

"Out of gratitude, you can choose any one and get half a catty."

Chen Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and within a few seconds he was moved to tears.

Worth it! I have been guarding this store for a month and cleaning it diligently every day.

If he was doing a favorability task, Chen Zhiyuan seriously felt that he had unknowingly improved the favorability of store manager Xia from cold to friendly, so he opened his personal store to him.

Think about it, the more you think about it, the more it makes sense.

Xia Yan saw that ‘Zhiyuan Star’ quickly fell into difficulty in making a choice, and he laughed funnyly in his heart:

"Very good, the test results are good. These guys are not that Buddhist. They will still eat the bait they should eat."

Half a catty of special ingredients is nothing more than one or two thousand system funds to him.

But for players like ‘Zhiyuan Star’ Chen Zhiyuan.

It was a high-end product that was out of reach for a long time when I was growing up.

As for why he randomly found a name and gave Chen Zhiyuan half a catty of food, Xia Yan's idea was to capture the thief first. He had just secretly observed the 'round table meeting' and captured the information that Chen Zhiyuan was the leader of the dog pack.

Therefore, even the leader of the group bit the bait. When he pulled the rod, he caught a series of small fry.

Chen Zhiyuan thought about it for a long time, considering that there happened to be a 'strange person' cooking test:

"I choose 'Doubanjiang'!"

It’s time for the Chinese lanterns to come on in the world.

The city is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations.

Several players are gathering at the night market near Yunlai Inn. You look at me and I look at you.

Each looked at the food boxes held by each other.

'Foreign Chef Jerry', who had been keeping watch here, looked around: "Is everyone here? Hey, where is Reach, the leader of the dog pack?"


Chen Zhiyuan rushed over panting.

Wisps of hot mist came out of the ventilation holes of the food box in his hand.

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