Eternal food paradise

Chapter 61 Experience Card

"The rice you want."

Xia Yan served Yan Xian a large bowl of rice, returned to the bar, and checked the cooking information that had just been displayed when the dishes were put on the plate.

99 points.

The system gave his specialty dish a very high completion rating, and Xia Yan was not surprised.

You must know that his original intention of choosing the Shoji trip was to use the God's Tongue to hone the unique recipe of 'roasted tofu with bean paste' to the level of proficiency to get full marks, so as to verify whether the completion of the dish directly affects 【Glow】.

At the end of the trip, the luminous puzzle was answered.

At the same time, his cooking skills have quietly improved a lot. Even without the tasting assistance of the 'God's Tongue', this specialty dish is getting closer and closer to a perfect score.

"Staff, another bowl of rice -"

Xia Yan stood at the bar and did not move. He glanced at the 'Reach Star' at the door: "Don't be stunned, help take care of the guests."

So Chen Zhiyuan trotted between the bar and dining tables.

"Your rice."

Chen Zhiyuan served the steaming rice bowl and carefully observed Yan Xian's expression at this time.

Not satisfied.

On the contrary, the more he ate, the more confused and confused he became.

"This kind of heat..."

The few pieces of tofu and some sauce left on the dinner plate were mixed with rice and eaten. Soon the second bowl of rice was eaten cleanly. Yan Xian put down his chopsticks. His facial expression, in Chen Zhiyuan's opinion, was extremely... Complex: "It's strange, it doesn't look like explosive flames. It's a thread-like, extremely delicate feeling, more like super-tactile sensation."

"I'm afraid only super-touch can give a chef the same affinity for flames, or elves or fire goblins."

"Are you able to control whether the temperature of the stove fire or the pot rises or falls?" Yan Xian squinted slightly.


Xia Yan is still thinking about the 99-point dish, the missing points, and which link is faulty.

Could it be that the system was afraid that he would be too proud and deduct a point for no reason?

A prompt suddenly popped up on the field of view:

[Mission - ‘Collision with Ultrasonic Cooking Skills’ has been completed. 】

[The character level is increased to LV12. 】

[Obtain "Rule Talent Experience Card"*1. 】

That's it? Uh, done?

Hold the grass!

Xia Yan had a strange expression.

He originally thought it was a hellish hospitality task, but he seemed to have overestimated the guest's tongue defense.

It can make the 'God's Tongue' disappear in confusion.

With such a special dish, it seems very ordinary for Yan to take off his chopsticks first and eat it cleanly?

"I'm really done eating."

Xia Yan glanced at the empty plates and rice bowls in front of Yan Xian.

Not a drop of sauce or a grain of rice was left!

It took me two seconds to digest the fact that my "special dish" was very good and powerful.

Xia Yan took it out with a silent thought, and there was a shiny gold card in his hand out of thin air.

The strange thing is that the front and back sides of the card are bare without any patterns.

Just as he was flipping the card over in confusion, a pair of deep golden eyes suddenly appeared on this side of his field of vision.

[Congratulations, you have randomly received the rule talent of this world - "Super Vision" (Eye of Myra). 】

[The remaining number of uses is 3/3. 】

【Each time used, the effect lasts for 2 hours. 】

Xia Yan was in a trance.

Surprises come too quickly, such a beautiful thing as pie falling in the world.

Wow, did the African chief successfully smuggle into China? !

"The kitchen utensils, knives and pots you use are all quite ordinary..." A voice beside him brought Xia Yan's dazed mood back to reality.

Yan Xian quietly moved from the store to the bar, staring at the facilities inside the kitchen, observing and sizing them for a long time, and finally fixed his eyes on the chef Xia Yan with suspicion: "The heat you used , it seems that it is not given by some magical kitchen utensils.”

Xia Yan was speechless.

Why is it a magic kitchen tool and not a fire technique?

But he would not be honest with Yan Xian and explain in detail the secret of "one pot".

"Forget it, the world is so big and there are so many strange people. Without immortality, no one dares to say that he has reached the end of this desolate road of cooking."

Yan Xian had an open-minded personality and suddenly showed a smile.

"Ah, my stomach is still warm..." He touched his lower abdomen, his eyes clearly filled with unsatisfied desire, "By the way, what is the name of that dish just now?"

"Burned tofu with bean paste."

"Can I have the exact same one again? No, two more!"


As he said that, he waved his sleeves over the bar and placed two gold leaves. Chen Zhiyuan's eyes flashed outside the bar, and he kept exclaiming in his heart: "The boss is the boss, the atmosphere is so strong, even when eating" Gold paid for it, and each of these gold leaves was about one tael. If converted to the modern gold price, it would be at least tens of thousands of soft girl coins.

For a meal worth tens of thousands of yuan, Chen Zhiyuan shed tears called poverty.

In fact, Xia Yan does need money, but what he needs is [system funds].

"How much money does that translate into, system?"

"It is expected that the additional funds will be 540,000+, but you have received good reviews from guests..."

Hearing the word "good reviews", Xia Yan now has a headache.

Especially when he discovered that Yan Xian had eaten all the dishes without leaving a drop of sweat on his body, Xia Yan felt that his dark cooking skills were still weak.

Not enough!

Since the increase in funds was not as much as expected, Xia Yan calmed down instantly, spread his hands and replied: "Sorry, there are not enough ingredients."

"I can only make this dish of 'roasted tofu with bean paste' tonight."

Yan Xian didn't listen to the explanation at all and waved his hand: "It's okay not to make 'roasted tofu with bean paste'. Then make the special dish that you are really good at."

Xia Yan said helplessly: "Hey, I really can't make special dishes..."

These words fell into the ears of Yan Xian and Chen Zhiyuan, but they had other implications.

Can't do it?

You are a special chef, how could you not be able to cook it? Oh, are you limited by the ingredients?

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. No matter how good a chef is, without the right ingredients, he can't make dragon liver and phoenix marrow." Yan Xian sighed with regret.


Hearing Yan Xian speak such words as Gao Ming, I felt inexplicably inconsistent.

Xia Yan looked up at the sky and had no explanation.

By coincidence, a panting voice suddenly came from the store door: "The ingredients are found!"

The short female player rushed over, took out a few ripe persimmons from her pocket and placed them on the table. She opened her mouth and was about to submit the task. Jerry and another male player also came back, each with a happy face. There is obviously nothing gained by being dejected.

"Pumpkin powder!"

The atmosphere in the store suddenly became weird again.

Yan Xian was silent for a moment, pointed to the jar of pumpkin powder and a few ripe persimmons on the table, and suddenly said: "Are these ingredients used in other dishes?"


Xia Yan turned to the water tank, scooped up water, and planned to wash his hands and call it a day.

"Originally, I planned to cook three dishes for you, but I saw that you were full after the first dish, so that's it for tonight. I just happened to wash my hands and close the door—"

Yan Xian stared and said, "I'm not full!"

"My appetite has completely awakened, and I feel like I can swallow a cow!"

That slightly urgent and pleading tone made Chen Zhiyuan dumbfounded. Pay attention to your moral integrity and aura, boss, you are one of the "Five Tigers", the most mysterious watchman in the dark cooking world!

Xia Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The task was easily completed after he cooked the first dish. There was no need to cook the next two dishes. Don't waste your efforts. Besides, under the nose of Yan Xian, who has "supersonic cooking skills" , the more actions and the longer the process, the easier it is to expose things.

He really wanted to stop and close the shop, but Yan Xian didn't allow it.

A rabbit will bite when it is anxious, and a hungry wolf will chase him for days and nights, not to mention a ruthless character whose appetite has not been satisfied and whose interest has only just been ignited.

If Yan Xian used force to lock him in a dark room and coerce him.AVI.

Thinking of that scene, Xia Yan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and decided to change his attitude.

Let him continue cooking the next two dishes, no problem.

But the way of "transaction" must be changed. Originally, the customer paid for the food, but after knowing Yan Xian's system fund rules that do not apply to bad reviews and bad reviews, the meaning of money is very small.


Xia Yan put down the water ladle, turned to Yan Xian and said, "You know how to cook, right? I will make another dish that I am best at if the ingredients allow, and you..."

Yan Xian was stunned for a moment, then laughed and continued:

"Haha! Then I will make a dish too, using the ingredients available in the store!"

Hear the words.

The smile on Xia Yan's face was so subtle.

Yan Xian took off his blouse with wide sleeves: "I have to say, your suggestion is to my liking. This kind of exchange of cooking skills is the pure cooking spirit that our group should have." …”

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