Eternal gate

Chapter 1902 Untitled



Gods are abroad, lightning and thunder are heard.

After taking a closer look, I realized that it was a catastrophe, a demigod-level catastrophe.

Look, the person who overcame the tribulation was actually the Supreme Fairy Queen. Because of her outstanding talent, the thunder tribulation was extremely powerful.

Ordinarily, such a big movement should attract many people to watch.

However, as far as the ocean can be seen, there is not even a single bird, let alone a human figure.

This is all thanks to the God of Water, who has spread the universe in all directions and covered it up.

In addition, the Ape God and several other gods also carry these guys and stroll outside the Heavenly Tribulation. They are the so-called protectors. If there are unscrupulous people who insist on coming up to cause trouble, they have to greet them well.

"Thank you."

This is the inner voice of the Supreme Female Immortal King.

How glorious to have several gods protecting the road.

She never thought that her terrible life could be so glorious.

For the first time in many years, she felt like home.

At least, none of the powerful men in the divine dynasty treated her as an outsider.

The feeling of home is wonderful.

The feeling of home also gave her a magical power.

It was this power that gave her endless fighting spirit. She was not afraid even if she was stained with blood. She held the fairy sword and fought all the way to the nine heavens. Even if billions of thunders raged, it was still difficult to destroy her true body. It was a state of mind. Transformation, the destination of the soul, is her belief.

"Yeah, I can't beat this bitch."

"We are all civilized people, and hitting a woman is an insult to civility."

"My understanding is not low! Why am I stuck on the Immortal King?"

Of course there were onlookers, all of whom were from the divine dynasty. They were all piled up on the edge of the divine sea. When they saw people being struck by lightning, they did not forget to chirp. There were a few restless masters who wanted to enter the catastrophe. range to temper oneself with thunder and lightning.

"It's so lively!"

Outside, a domain door opened, and Zhao Yun and Wudao walked out hand in hand.

Seeing that, the others were fine, but Shi Ming, looking at Zhao Yun's eyes, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, because at the previous moment, he seemed to have seen a second figure on Zhao Yun's body. Although he was shocked, he could not help but He clearly saw the light of reincarnation.

Not everyone has his vision.

Ru Shui Shen and others did not see the second figure on Zhao Yun.

Or perhaps, Shi Ming is also practicing reincarnation and is more sensitive to certain areas.


Zhao Yun picked up the wine bottle and glanced at the Supreme Fairy Queen with great relief.

Look at the momentum of this thunder disaster, there must be special heavenly punishment behind it. Failure to protect it is the law of the gods.

From here, he looked down at the entire sea of ​​gods from the perspective of the controller.

Such as Shi Ming, Ba Dao, Fairy Wuyou, and those who participated in the previous war in Taishang Ancestral Land, have basically been released. Emperor Immortal is still in deep sleep, fearing that he will resurrect in his sleep.

"This is an opportunity."

Many people have come up to express their condolences.

Anyone with a little bit of vision can see that Zhao Yun has transformed again.

However, since they went out together with Wu Dao, the strong men were not too surprised.

This guy was once the master of the immortal world. How could he not make a mark if he had the chance?


Wudao stroked his beard, and he gradually got better and better without paying attention.

Although the crowd was unhappy, they had to admit that this guy had the ability to show off.


Just as he was talking, a ray of light came out of Zhao Yun's sleeves.

It was Xiao Dunjia who circled around and landed on Zhao Yun's shoulder.

"What is this?" The old guys gathered around.

"You only have stuff, but your whole family has stuff." Xiao Dunjia started to curse since he stopped doing it.

"Eh? You're still quite angry."

"Chop it, chop it and stew it, it should be delicious."

The Tao is excellent. "

"Yes, add more cumin and chili pepper."

"Get lost."

"Come on, let's play with him!"

Mr. Zhao waved his hand and sent Xiao Dunjia to one side.

Over there, Little Wuling was squatting on Hu Lai's head, eating melon seeds.


When the two little guys met, they felt like they cherished each other and regretted seeing each other so late.

Ever since, there was another little thing on Hu Lai's shiny forehead.

"Unfortunately, they are all male."

"If it's a male and a female, they can still give birth to a little one."

"How small that is!"

Where there are many people, there are always talented people with great imagination.

What Wu Dao said is true, Xiao Dunjia is indeed of great archaeological value.

No, Shi Ming had already been carried away by someone, and he was lifting one leg up and down, looking left and right.

"Book? Stained with blood and become a spirit?"

Or else he was the junior brother of the Moon God, Shi Ming could see clearly.

This gadget is very extraordinary. Not to mention other things, the power of reincarnation in its body is not ordinary. If it is cultivated, it will definitely be a good seedling for cultivating reincarnation. At least, it has unique conditions. Most people really Just can't compare.

"It's time for us to go out for a walk."

There were still a group of seniors hanging around in front of Mr. Zhao.

The so-called wandering around means going out to make trouble, and there are still many enemies to deal with.

It would be extremely difficult to fight after the Qiankun Suppression was relaxed to the realm of gods.

"Wait until the disaster ends."

Zhao Yun smiled, his eyes shining brightly.

Either don't fight, or hit the opponent and end the inheritance.

"The thunder tribulation is over."

The godly island master took a sip of wine and directed the eyes of all the powerful men to the Heavenly Tribulation.

The annihilation of thunder and lightning does not mean the end of the catastrophe. There is also a more terrible punishment.


Under the gaze of everyone, an ancient figure evolved in nothingness.

It is the law body of the gods, with the breath of thunder lingering and the brilliance of the gods dazzling.

"Looks so familiar!"

Many people are saying this.

As they spoke, the eyes of the powerful men fell on Bu Nian Tian and Immortal Immortal Changsheng. As the Holy Son of Da Luo, Zhao Yun also became the focus of attention at this moment.

No wonder they are like this, it's just because the law body in the calamity is the ancestor of Da Luo.

Compared with Zi Zaitian, the founder of the Immortal Sect, although the reputation of the ancestor of Da Luo is not that interesting, he is still a god who has created glory. His Da Luo Divine Sword has guarded the Immortal Sect for who knows how many years.

But such a god, who couldn't compete with the Supreme Immortal Queen, actually appeared in the catastrophe.

"It's not like Taishangzong has no gods. Why did they kill the ancestors of Da Luo?" the troublemaker muttered.

"Can there be cause and effect between the two of them?" Dapeng touched his chin.

"It may not be a cause and effect calamity." The immortal body smiled.

"This is true. If you touch the mark of the gods, you can also provoke the law body." Zhan Tianxing said.

"No matter what kind of calamity, Daluo Immortal Sect is destined to be embarrassed."

Many old guys put their hands into it, and some took out memory crystals.

What a catastrophe! It is common for the legal body to be beaten, and Da Luo Ancestor Ding is no exception.

Beat him if he says so.

The battle only lasted for more than a hundred rounds, and the Supreme Fairy Queen was as powerful as a god. She actually gained the upper hand in the battle with the Great Luo Ancestor at the same time, and the fight was shattering.

How embarrassing!

Bu Niantian took a deep breath, and the Immortal Immortal was also rubbing his brows.

I knew today was a big event, so why did it happen like this!

Seeing the ancestors and gods being beaten, how can I still be angry?

Can't hold it anymore?

“Out of sight, out of sight.”

Zhao Yun coughed dryly and turned around to enter the sea of ​​gods.

Emperor Xian has woken up, so he first asked her to check on Ji Ningshuang's illness.

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