Eternal gate

Chapter 2216 The Sky-Suppressing Eye

"Hit me."

The roar that shook the stars resounded endlessly outside the sky.

The army in the restricted area went crazy and attacked the Supreme City desperately.

The faces under the firelight were more ferocious than the ghosts.

"Hurry up."

"Don't be lazy."

The fight outside the city was in full swing, while the fight inside the city was extremely lively.

Looking down from the sky, the entire Great Xia Dragon Dynasty was full of people.

There are those who build cities.

There are those from Kaishan Prefecture.

There are also those engraved with formation patterns.

The barren mountains and ridges, the nooks and crannies, were transformed by the divine dynasty into pieces of pure land on earth. Even within half a day, the city was shrouded in clouds and mist. Deep in the clouds, there were many steep mountain peaks and many suspended palaces. , the spouting splendor, like fireworks, fills the sky and the earth.


The people of Daxia looked confused, not knowing what was happening.

I don’t know what to say, but that night there were notices posted all over the streets.

That was the imperial edict of the Emperor of Daxia, and he briefly explained what happened tonight.

It’s okay if you don’t explain it, everyone who sees it will be shocked.

What a god! So many gods came to the Great Xia Dragon Dynasty.

The Emperor of Daxia had an imperial edict, how could the Lord of the Divine Dynasty not have an edict?

It is nothing more than a warning to the people of the divine dynasty not to disturb the people and not to make too much noise.

However, there was such a big man who stayed up most of the night, carrying a mace and walking blindly between the world and the earth with a pace that he didn't recognize his relatives. It must be that his body was too majestic and he crushed many mountains.

Undoubtedly a giant.

In the entire divine dynasty, he was the most senior and the most arrogant.

So, when Zhao Yun passed by, he chanted a few spells to him.

Don't tell me, this thing works.

The awesome giant is no longer awesome, and has shrunk in size.

This is all attributed to the Moon God, who left a mark when he surrendered the Titan.

It's okay to be honest, but whoever dares to cause trouble knows how uncomfortable it will be.

Although the Moon God is gone, Mr. Zhao has perfectly inherited the method of controlling curses.

If you chant it from time to time, a certain god will be more docile than a little sheep.



br\u003eReflecting the starlight, Zhao Yun fell into the sea of ​​fallen immortal clouds like a ray of divine light.

He had not been to one of the three forbidden areas in Daxia for many years.

previous years,

It was here that he obtained some of the origins of the eternal immortal body.

The journey to find parts also begins here.

There is someone in the sea of ​​clouds.

Taking a closer look, it was the Immortal Divine Body and the Ancient God Chuyao.

The two of them were able to find land and build a mountain mansion here.

"Won't you come in for a drink?" The Immortal Divine Body greeted.

"another day."

Zhao Yun said as he casually carved a divine pattern into the void.

There are flaws in the heavenly structure, and there are some small flaws in the universe that fits together.

The problem is not big and does not hinder the normal operation of Dao Tianju.

And he was fixing it, not letting go of any small loopholes.

"See you."

After carving the divine pattern, Zhao Yun ascended to the sky again.

Before leaving, he glanced meaningfully at Ancient God Chuyao.

Luoxia’s true self! The appearance is exactly the same as that of Luoxiasheng.

Speaking of the immortal divine body, it's a shame. He has captured all the gods who practice the Path of Unfeeling.


He appears again in the nameless sea.

Deep in the sea, there is a small island.

He also has a good gay friend on the island.

Nai Zhan Tianxing, with Fairy Qin beside him.

This young couple is quite leisurely and has built a home here.

At this moment, one person is playing the piano and the other is dancing the sword. It's so romantic.

"Are you a ghost?" Seeing Zhao Yun, Zhan Tianxing glanced at him.

"You're busy, don't pay attention to me."

Zhao Yun raised his arms and threw out three divine patterns.

When Zhan Tianxing sheathed his sword, he disappeared like a ghost.

The divine dynasty is full of talents, and you can see monsters that defy the heavens wherever you go.

For example, Kuijiang is one of the more outstanding ones.

He had been blasted by the old man before, but now he finally woke up.

He opened up a small island in the Dead Sea in the southern region.

The Dead Sea, Zhao Yun is familiar with this place.

In the past, Cang Qiong, the sixth demon general under the Demon Lord, was sealed here.

It was also here that he received great fortune, and his true energy transformed into immortal power.

"How come you have no time to come to me?" Kui Jiang sat on the stone, wilting.

"It's cool."

Zhao Yun landed on the top of the mountain and drew a galaxy.

The galaxy becomes an immortal mark, etched into the misty sky.

"It's better to choose a different day and give you a treasure." Kui Jiang said leisurely.

After hearing this, Master Zhao, who was about to turn around and leave, turned around and came back.

Kui Jiang flicked his hand, and an ancient scroll flew out of his sleeve.

On the scroll, four big characters were written: The Eye of Heaven.

These are not special pupils, but a peerless magical power.

Its ability is similar to that of Rashomon's Sky Eye.

"Thank you."

Zhao Yun smiled, turned around and disappeared.

That night, he handed the secret scroll to the Water God.

When the great steward finds it, it is like finding a treasure.

When the gods heard this, they also gathered together.

This magical power was created by the god who controls the sky. After the old man passed away, the eye of suppressing the sky disappeared from the world. However, in his lifetime, he still has the chance to see the true version. Just four characters of the eye of suppressing the sky have a magnificent meaning.

"nice one."

The old turtle laughed and studied with a group of great masters for three to five days.

On the sixth day, the Eye of Heaven was created and the whole sky lit up.

Zhao Yun also realized it and hurriedly refined it into the Great Dao Heavenly Structure.

With such eyes, if anyone sneaks into the Supreme City, there will be no escape.

Even if the other party is the Emperor Ancestor and has suffered a loss once, he cannot be fooled twice.


The mystery of the Sky-Suppressing Eye is far beyond this.

It is also quite useful to use it to find the universe.


For those who take advantage.

After half a month, Zhao Yun returned to the ancient city.

His hometown has changed everything.

However, a large number of talents from the Divine Dynasty came.

Just like the hypocritical Taoist, the thief knows how to pick places.

In the Zhao Family Arms Shop, that guy is hiding in there for seclusion.

And that guy Zhukong actually set up a stall on the street.

According to his old man's words, getting a little more exposure to the worldly atmosphere will help you gain enlightenment.

The Supreme Fairy Queen is also there, she must be transforming into a little girl.

"Still warm and cozy at home."

When Zhao Yun returned home, he locked himself in the small garden without disturbing anyone.

He released the Divine Sea, Liu Ruxin's lotus, as white as jade.

After many days of nourishment, her remaining soul has regained some consciousness.

"The position has been stabilized. When will we listen to the voice of heaven?"

The dragon head jade seal floated out again, circling around Zhao Yun.

It can't wait to see Zhao Yun transform into eternity.

"Heal first."

Zhao Yun sat under the old tree and swallowed another handful of pills.

It's still the old wounds of Tianju and Gaitianju, which are difficult to recover from.

Even if he recovers from his injury, he still won't be able to leave for the time being. There is still an army of restricted areas outside the city.

He needs to return to his peak in the shortest possible time so that he can fight fiercely in the penalty area.

"have to."

The dragon's head jade seal withered a little and shrank back into the eternal world.

It misses home too! I miss Zhao Yun very much and send him back to his hometown.

"I want to go home early, please help us!"

Long Yuan poked it, and Shen Lei and Hun Tianhuo also came forward.

The words are true, the restricted area is blocked by the sky and the door is blocked, and the owner cannot leave.

"That's fine."

The dragon's head jade seal hung in mid-air, absorbing all the light.

It also went into retreat, not to heal, but to look for memories from the past.

Only by retrieving memory can we help Shen Chao.

Only by helping Shen Chao can Zhao Yun be free.

This guy has his hands free so that he can be sent home.

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