Eternal gate

Chapter 256 Elopement?

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the dim mountain forest, Zhao Yun and Mengdie walked like black shadows.

Zhao Yun glanced sideways from time to time, wondering how far away he was from the Wangchuan River. He only knew that Mengdie's longevity was passing faster. The further away from Zuimeng Tower, the faster it passed, and it was difficult to stop it. Speaking of Zuimeng, Lou’s boss is indeed cruel enough to restrain Mengdie in this way.

It's a pity that they underestimated this woman's obsession.

In order to return home, she has seen through life and death;

In order to return to my hometown, I don't have to give up my life.

"They're coming."

Mengdie whispered with pain in her tone.

She has a curse mark on her body, and those who are chasing her also have curse marks. They are connected to her curse mark, and there is a mutual induction between them. Those people can sense her, and she can also sense those people.

The difference is that her curse mark is devouring her lifespan, but those people are not.

The speed at which her lifespan elapses has accelerated yet again.

What makes Zhao Yun frown is that not only is Mengdie's lifespan passing away, but his cultivation level is also declining. He was originally at the peak of his true spirit. Since leaving Mingyue City, he has now fallen to the first level of his true spirit, and it is still declining. It's all that damned. From the beginning to the end, it was devouring the cursed seal, poisoning Mengdie again and again, until this poor girl was tortured to death.

There was a moment when her breath suddenly decreased, and she fell from the true spiritual realm to the level of Ning Yuan.

"What a domineering curse seal."

Zhao Yun murmured, suddenly stopped, and flew away with Mengdie on his back.

She was so weak, her lifespan was passing by, her cultivation was degrading, and even her true energy was being devoured. With such an eradicated aura, even the most basic speed talisman could no longer be sustained.

"In the wilderness, even if you kill me, no one will know."

Mengdie whispered, not sure if she was talking to herself or to Zhao Yun.

If he kills her, the curse seal will dissipate, and the strong men who are chasing him will have no direction. In this way, Zhao Yun's next journey will no longer be an escape, it is better than carrying her as a burden.

"My mother said that if you promise others, you will have to do it even if you die."

Zhao Yun smiled and said he did not make promises easily. Once he made a promise, he would go through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

"Young Master has been so kind to me, but I'm afraid I won't be able to repay it in this life." Mengdie smiled tiredly, and her words were already weak, "I still have a perfect body. If Young Master wants it, you can take it at any time."

"You are a dream butterfly, a free bird. Don't say such stupid things again."

Zhao Yun replied, his whole body was overflowing with true energy, essence energy, spiritual energy... were poured into Mengdie's body one by one. Although it could not stop the loss of Mengdie's lifespan, it could replenish and consume it.

Mengdie's beautiful eyes were hazy, and her pale cheeks were gently pressed against Zhao Yun's back. His back was very warm, making her cold and delicate body seem to be illuminated by the sun. She said that she would do it even if she died, just like a ray of light. The light was the most dazzling touch in her dark world.

"Don't kill her, capture her alive."

In the depths of darkness, a large number of figures huffed and puffed.

He is a strong man from Zuimeng Tower, and he has a cursed seal to guide him. He is chasing closely, and his team is not small. The ground is pure Xuanyang Realm, and the sky is pure water Jizo Realm. It is majestic and majestic.

"Ji Hen, let me go!"

Only Zhao Yun could hear Mengdie's whisper.

She has a curse mark on her body and can clearly sense her pursuer. The distance is getting closer and closer. Her cultivation level is absolutely crushing Zhao Yun, and her speed is naturally higher than Zhao Yun. It is only a matter of time before she is caught up. She thinks too much. To put it simply, he underestimated the background of Zuimenglou and was afraid of harming Zhao Yun.



Before Zhao Yun finished speaking, he heard a scream.

Zhao Yun, who was provoked to run away, looked back subconsciously. The kick just now felt soft, as if he had stepped on a person. Looking at it again, he really was a person. He was sleeping on the ground. Xu Shitai Hei, maybe he was so fast that he didn't even realize there was someone on the ground.

"You dare to step on me if you rebel against me."

There was a sudden roar, and the man got up and ran straight after him.

When Zhao Yun saw this, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly. It turned out to be an acquaintance, an old man with a mustache. He came out of Mingyue City who knows when, and he traveled so far away. He was really destined to be with him!

He didn't stop, there was no time to delay.


The mustache was so angry that he also posted a quick-moving charm.

Moreover, it was a high-level speed talisman, chasing after him like a startling light, and soon he caught up with Zhao Yun. Then he slowed down and walked side by side with Zhao Yun, with a strange look on his face.

"I said, this is the number one thing in Zuimenglou!"

The mustache pinched his mustache and scanned Mengdie up and down.

After looking at Mengdie, he looked at Zhao Yun again and was stunned, "Eh? Are you still alive?"

"We meet again." Zhao Yun said with a smile, "Why are you sleeping here so late at night?"

"I'm sleeping in your sister's bed, while I'm digging for treasures?" said a dark-faced man with a mustache, "I just dug a hole, and you stepped on it with your damn foot. What an old man! You have to pay for my medical expenses. "

Zhao Yun did not answer, but crossed a long river on a stone bridge.

"What's going on with you two, eloping?" The mustached figure followed him closely, with a curious look on his face.

"send her home.

"This is...the seal of life and death?"

The mustache touched his chin and saw the curse mark between Mengdie's eyebrows.

"Do you recognize it?" Zhao Yun hurriedly tilted his head, maybe the old man had a method.

"I recognize it, of course I do." The Eight-Character Hu said, "This is an extremely evil curse. It is a seal of life and death. It separates the seal of life and the seal of death. The seal of life is planted in the body of the caster, and the seal of death is planted in this girl. The reason why seals are said to be evil is because the seal of life can swallow the seal of death. The caster can draw nutrients from the bearer of the seal of death, either life span or true energy. One seal of life can connect many seals of death at the same time. If the number is large enough, The caster's true energy will not be exhausted, and every point consumed can deprive one point from the death mark, but this kind of spell has been lost long ago!"

"Is there a way to crack it?" Zhao Yun asked immediately.

"Yes, just find the person who cast the spell and it will be lifted." The eight-character Hu said leisurely.

"You...this is nonsense." Zhao Yun glanced sideways, "There is another way."

"No." The mustache replied affirmatively, "The Tianwu realm is also helpless."

Zhao Yun was silent again. This was obviously a dead end. Looking for the curse caster was tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap. Besides, there was no time. The man was in the imperial capital. Before he could get there, Mengdie would have been buried. Such an evil curse This was the first time he had heard of this method. Just hearing the introduction, it was ruthless enough. He didn’t know how many people had been imprinted with the death mark. The caster probably controlled many martial arts cultivators.

"My life is running out, so I can lend it to you for one night!"

The mustache rubbed his hands and smiled, mainly because Mengdie was so beautiful.

What responded to him was the roar of a dragon and the roar of a tiger. Zhao Yun was shocked and dizzy on the spot. When he was done, he fell headfirst. Zhao Yun was like stepping on a cigarette butt, and the bones of the person he stepped on were crackling. You old man, you are still alive. Do you have any sympathy or the mood to put aside this nonsense?

The screams at night are still very pleasant.


There are still chapters to come, so it’ll be a little later.

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