Eternal gate

Chapter 2618 The Era of Merger

"Good journey."

The person in the coffin disappeared, and the coffin turned into historical dust.

Kuang Yingjie is still there, standing quietly in the darkness, silent for a long time.

The center of his eyebrows, like the Moon Goddess and the Empress before, had a faint divine pattern, dyed with the color of time and space. Yes, it was time and space, a gift across time and space.

After a long time, he left and caught up with Zhao Yun.

"Are time and space confused?" He looked full of curiosity.

"All time and space have ended, only us are left." Zhao Yun spoke slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the two desolate gods Zizaitian, Longtou Yuxi and Mofo were all confused.

The person who is thoughtful is Kuang Yingjie.

It must have been a gift across time and space, and he could vaguely glimpse a secret.

All time and space have been defeated and ended in the sky. The so-called bronze coffin and the so-called man in the coffin are nothing more than the ashes of the doomsday, abandoned in this boundless darkness in a form that does not exist in the world. , living in illusion.

"Can humanity win this time?" Kuang Yingjie asked again.

"Yes." Zhao Yun gave a definite answer without even thinking about it.

It's still the same sentence, whatever he can do, Ye Chen can do it as well.

As long as he can hold that door, he will have time to clean up the illusion. The unprecedented power of humanity will be reunited in this darkness, and it will transcend all time and space.

"I believe."

Kuang Yingjie smiled, turned and left.

The Dragon Head Jade Seal watched him drift away, and also saw his body fade into pieces.

That's the Overlord bloodline.

He returned to his original nature, extinguished the Heavenly Fire, and erased the mark of Feng Universe.


Jumping out of the universe, Kuang Yingjie completed it in an instant.

Instead of going home, he headed into the depths of darkness.

He also regards this as his mission to search for the universe and the path to humanity.

"Don't move, let me do it."

Feng Universe lost a God, and the universe suddenly became lively.

They are all top gods and want to take advantage of the good times to attack the way of heaven.

However, hope came and went quickly. Before the gods could unleash the catastrophe, someone filled the gap in the way of heaven and captured the group of great gods who were ready to give it a try together.

on the beach.

"Xiao Tiantian."

Shangcang Hunyu touched his chin and glanced at Yuwai.

That's right, the one who fills the gap in the way of heaven is none other than the ancestor of the Immortal Sect and the former God of Feng Universe: Zi Zi Tian.

"Have you ever cut yourself off with a knife, but you can still kill me?" Dragon Head Jade Seal lamented.

Zi Zaitian just smiled and said nothing.

She had beheaded herself once, but she also died once, in Yan Universe.

It was an era of universal sacrifice. She, the Dream Demon, the Empress of Heaven, Emperor Zun, and even all the creatures in the universe were ignited to help Ye Chen fight against heaven.

Death is Nirvana starting from scratch.

The wound she had cut herself in had already been left in her previous reincarnation.

Immediately sealing the sky, this is her road, but it is not the end of the road.

One day, she will escape from the universe and do her little bit for humanity.


"The world is big, let me go and see it."

In the twentieth year of Yuwai, Yan Universe also lost a god.

It is the Heavenly God who has also lost his mark and escaped from the universe.

The person who filled the gap in his heavenly power was Emperor Xuanyuan of Yan Universe, who was once known as the most powerful emperor in history.

Whether he is the strongest or not, he will shock the past and the present.

In other words, the emperors of that era were mythical existences.


In the twenty-first year of Yuwai, Zhao Yun, who was walking in the darkness, met an old friend again.

That was a man holding a halberd. His eyes were empty and his expression was dull, like a puppet.

"It's him?"

Dragon Head Jade Seal raised his eyebrows slightly, recognizing the desolate god.

Many years ago, he and Zhao Yun had chased Sangtian to the outside of the universe. They had seen this man, a genuine desolate god, but he had bowed to Zhao Yun. Thinking about it now, he was quite shocked.

At that time, Zhao Yun was ignorant and did not recognize this person.

Now, after awakening, he can probably recognize it.

"Xiao Liu." Zhao Yun had tears in his eyes.

A call made Ti Ji Huang God's body tremble greatly.

His eyes finally had a hint of clarity, but it was just a hint.

Zhao Yun immediately raised his hand and pointed a finger between his eyebrows, which revived his consciousness and dispelled his confusion.

The God of Desolate Tiji burst into tears instantly, with tears streaming down his face.

Endless years and endless wastage, he was still alive to see the commander-in-chief of humanity.

Among the nine great generals in the palace, he should be the only one who still has flesh and blood.


"Feng Universe, here are some who can fight."

In the twenty-fifth year of Yuwai, a call came from the depths of darkness.

After hearing this, Hun Yu subconsciously stood up and looked outside the universe with all his eyes.

You don't need to look to know that the caller is primitive and has probably encountered a catastrophe.

How about saying good gay friends? The guess was correct. The original guy was indeed fucked. He was blocked by the three supreme gods in a broken world, and Zhan's divine body collapsed.

“Our family doesn’t have a lot of anything, it just has a lot of people.”

The Taotie Desolate God was still very loyal, and he attacked Yuwai with his sword.

Along with them, there are all the gods, as many as twenty.

"Fellow Taoist, if you have something to say, please tell me."

"Are we joking around?"

"Don't slap me in the face, don't slap me in the face."

For the next scene, there is no need to go out to watch the battle, just listen to the sound.

Twenty Tiandao's movements were as fierce as a tiger's, and the three desolate gods howled as they were being tortured.

Since then, there have been three more guardian beasts in the universe, doubting life all day long.

I often walk by the river and my shoes don't get wet. This time they hit the steel plate, which was even thorny.

Compared to the melancholy of the three desolate gods, Yuan was filled with emotion.

After being out for many years, he was either being beaten or on his way to be beaten.

This time, if he hadn't been desperate, he wouldn't have shamelessly called for help.

"Are you still going out for a walk?" Hunyu poked Yuan.

"It's cooler at home." Yuan Yu said earnestly.

When it came to his family, he was really shocked that so many universes were merging.

What does it mean to have a strong army and a strong horse? The current universe has demonstrated it vividly.


The 30th year of Yuwai.

Kuang Yingjie returned first, leading a group of younger brothers.

It's a small universe with only one god, Tendo, and he's a girl.

Girls are good! Among all the gods, there are also many old bachelors without wives.

As the saying goes, the one who strikes first is the one who is not a human being. He was invited away to admire the moon that night.


The thirty-fifth year of Yuwai.

The Heavenly God Lord returns domineeringly and brings with him a universe with Yin attributes.

The so-called Yin attribute refers to the prosperity of Yin and the decline of Yang. Nine out of ten creatures are female.

Monogamy does not exist in this universe.

Pick out a random man and he will have at least nine wives.

"The God of Heaven is such a good person!"

On this day, the old bachelors of the universe are grateful.

On this day, the female bachelors in Yin Universe were also in tears.

Spring is a season full of spring. Countless pairs of lovers meet to be buried together after death.


"Keep an eye on the family, I'm going to Yuwai to visit prostitutes."

Emperor Xianwu's declaration when he escaped from the universe was domineering and revealing.

The night he left, the dream demon found a piece of magical iron and forged it into a magical sword. He sharpened it twice whenever he had something to do.

It is unknown whether Emperor Zun drank flower wine.

However, his work efficiency is indeed very high.

Within three years, a universe was found to merge.

This universe is quite strange. At a glance, none of it is human.

The Demon Universe is its name, and none of them, including Heaven, are human beings.

"How embarrassing." That night, Dapeng ran for a walk.

There were also the Spirit of Time and Space Golden Carp, Taixu Ancient Dragon, and the Ape God who all went together.

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