Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 983: Block

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The great power-level divine ship was unbearable, the light curtain was punctured, and thousands of thunder and lightning completely impacted in, everything would be shattered and ceased to exist.

A dozen holy realm powerhouses appeared on the ship, but unfortunately they fell into the most powerful calamity aimed at the ancient power, and they turned into ashes without a hum.

This made everyone feel numb, and the light curtain of the mighty-class divine ship completely disintegrated, and a series of thunders fell, smashing the divine ship, and even more impacted the ancient gods on the ship.

The kings of heaven have changed color, and this will undoubtedly die.

The Nine Emperor Chaotianwang looked at the violent and vast calamity in the sky, and finally sighed.

It's just a pity that even the seeds of the future empire will be buried in this thunder tribulation this time.

At this time, a sound transmission sounded in the minds of the Nine Great Emperor Chaotian Kings: "Predecessors, take your empire prince into the divine ship asylum. Now that there is no light curtain of the power level, the catastrophe will soon be weakened. You continue to suppress the realm and cross the thunder sea, and you will be safe."

The Nine Great Emperor Chaotianwang was startled, and they could hear that it was Ye Chen's voice. He didn't expect that not only did he ignore the predecessors, he also informed them how to do it.

The gratitude was beyond words, and the nine heavenly kings did not talk nonsense, and quickly wrapped up the princes of the emperors and rushed into the **** ship.

There are also some holy masters and male masters who try to wrap them around, because these people are basically innocent, but they were used by the three great kings of the ancient temple.

It is a pity that there are still more than twenty holy masters and heroes who have been bombarded to ashes.

Sure enough, after the large-energy level light curtain dissipated, all the large-energy level Dao marks contained in it disappeared, and the Thunder Tribulation on the head suddenly weakened many times.

Although still very strong, it is much better than before.

Ye Chen descended on the great power-level divine ship, looking at the great hall on the ship, where the four great heavenly kings were imprisoned to kill him that day, and now it has become the imprisoned place of the three great heavenly kings.

He had a cold expression and used his supernatural powers, turning a large piece of robbery light thunder sea into his body with amazing means, and transformed it into vast supernatural powers, and attacked violently.


The divine light exploded and shattered the heavens and the earth. The waves of robbery light and thunder sea all came straight down, and the Great Hall of Great Heroes exploded more than half of it, revealing the three ancient kings of the ancient temple, the first day Wang Xuan Lao, Tian Mei Xuan Lao and the fourth king Xuan Lao.

At this moment, the three kings were all scorched by the thunder robbery, not very serious, but quite embarrassed.

Ye Chen descended and smiled slightly: "Three heavenly kings, Xuan Lao, do you like the gifts I gave?"

Facing his banter, the three ancient gods and heavenly kings looked ugly, and they never thought that a fighting sage would eventually force them to end like this.

Especially Tianmei Xuan said with hatred: "Little beast, the old man only hates the kindness at the beginning, and he didn't hurt the killer."

Ye Chen smiled, very cold, and said: "So I really need to thank you for your so-called benevolence at the beginning. That being the case, now I will be kind to you too."

He slammed his fist sharply, his fist burst into the world-extinguishing light beam, and suddenly penetrated the nine layers of the sea of ​​calamity light and thunder, completely penetrated, and the more terrifying and endless thunder light and thunder poured down in an instant, destroying everything.


The three heavenly kings all yelled at them, and the fighting sage king really pierced the sky, and the thunder sea of ​​tribulation was so terrible, not to mention the nine layers were penetrated, completely connected, and submerged.

Even if they dared to stay, they would soar into the sky for the first time, and even the great power-level divine ship could not take care of it. Their lives were critical.

It's just that Ye Chen rushed forward, almost to the extreme, and stepped forward with a large swath of light and thunder and drowned it.


The three heavenly kings were all caught off guard, and the figures kept throwing away and flying away, even spilling blood, quite embarrassed.

Suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder, endless thunder fell in the void, completely submerging the three kings.


Old Tianmeixuan roared, he was the most hated Ye Chen at the beginning, and now he was naturally "taken care of" by Ye Chen. He was blocked there and couldn't leave, letting the endless sky thunder continue to bombard him.

Although Tian Meixuan had suppressed his realm a long time ago, he was not able to withstand such a catastrophe, and his body was not enough to bear it.

He is a heavenly king who has accomplished this field for many years, but he can't hold it in Ye Chen's unfinished tribulation of the holy Tibet, because his heavenly tribulation is nothing more than this, but not so violent.


Almost immediately, his left shoulder was penetrated, and after the blood mist drifted away, his entire left shoulder and his left arm were smashed to pieces.

"Qian, Fighting Saint King, don't kill me, I will admit my mistake to you!"

Old Tianmeixuan yelled sadly, feeling the despair of death, he had never thought that he would be tortured like this.

He should have been aloof, using a high realm to crush the Saint King, how could he have fallen to this point.

"Did you really admit it wrong?" Ye Chen stood high, looking down at him.

Such a posture made Elder Tianmeixuan very awkward, but helplessly, he nodded hurriedly, but there was a flash of resentment in his eyes. If he survives, he will avenge himself in the future.

It's a pity that Ye Chen raised his hand to suppress it, and a large piece of Jieguang Leihai was condensed in his palm, containing the power of destroying the world, and bombarding the old Xuan Tianmei.


With blood spattering, Old Tianmeixuan exploded more than half of his body, and most of his bones were broken. The blood and bone fragments splashed and suffered severe trauma. There he shouted sternly: "Battle Saint King, why!?"

"Why?" Ye Chen said coldly: "Do you really think I don't know the vicious thoughts in your eyes? Since you want to survive, don't show that look."


The most terrifying thunder slash was struck down, completely submerging the old Tianmei Xuan, exploding his whole body, and his spirits could not break away, turning into fly ash in the thunder.

Since then Tianmeixuan has fallen.

Then Ye Chenhuo turned and looked at the first and fourth heavenly King Xuan Lao, and attacked forcefully.

The two great heavenly kings, Xuan Lao, are both generations of heavenly kings, and have never been so suffocated, especially the first heavenly king Xuan Lao, and even the best heavenly kings in the ancient gods continent.

It's a pity to face Ye Chen, the big killer star.

The two heavenly kings had not dared to truly release the Heavenly King Realm aura to avoid the most terrible bombardment, but now they found that it wouldn't work if they didn't break out, and they were directly enhanced.


However, the Tribulation hadn't completely raged, another powerful force suddenly descended, with a radiant light, like Ruoxianhui, just like this, wrapped the two heavenly kings and rushed out of the sea of ​​Tribulation Light.

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