Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 993: Palace in the sun

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After the war ended, Ye Chen sat in the infinite starry sky and began to heal his injuries.

Although he has also withdrawn from his peak state, all his essence will be exhausted, and sincerity is weaker than just after the tribulation, whether it is the fighting physique or fighting sacred soul, it is full of cracks like porcelain. It's bleak.

But no one dared to make a move anymore, because everyone knew that Qian was not easy to provoke, he was a big killer, and he should not be underestimated.

The nine most powerful ones are the best fate. The three kings have all been slashed horizontally. Everything has achieved a thousand invincible prestige. Who dares to fight?

Moreover, the Nine Changhong Guanri, the Nine Great Emperor Chaotian King, spontaneously appeared by Ye Chen's side and guarded him seriously, not only because of the old agreement, but also because of guilt, because of Ye Chen's grace of not killing just now.

The powerhouses of the other ancient gods are all guarding the big power-level divine ships that were broken after World War I.

The remnants of the purple unicorn who had been subdued by Ye Chen appeared. They turned their hoofs and turned into a purple light and came to Ye Chen's side, standing there, full of purple energy, fierce and evil, as if whoever dared to do it again, he must do it same.

It didn't make a move before, because it had secretly obtained Ye Chen's voice transmission, and also knew that he was weak, and all of it had fallen prematurely.


A series of gorgeous stars were attracted, endless stars were swallowed, and the fairy fire of ten rounds of the sky was continuously received by the tenth heaven divine aperture, submerging Ye Chen's whole person, bathing Endless sun, moon and stars, set off extremely sacred.

He remained motionless, as if turned into a stone statue, swallowing the sun, moon and stars, and began to repair his serious injuries.

Although it seems that the injuries have been recovered and the cracks have been restored, they are all on the surface, and the real injuries are very serious, and the origin has also been severely damaged. It is the strongest battle with the nine strong in the weakest state. , Seems to have gathered the spirits of several strongest men who fell behind to show their peak combat power and achieve a horizontal push, but it also aggravated his injury.

Especially dealing with the three resurgent kings is extremely dangerous, causing him to have terrible injuries, even endangering the origin, which is quite serious.

He is truly weak now, and I am afraid that even if the saint comes, he can easily hurt him.

If you want to fully recover from your injury, you can do it only in a moment.


In the starry sky, a space channel emerged, and the five goddesses, Chen'er, Yiwu, Peacock King, and Xia Miao'er finally arrived.

It’s not that they are too slow, but the distance from the imperial city to the land of Ye Chen’s battle is too far, and Ye Chen’s time for fighting against the nine great powerhouses seems to be very long, but in fact it does not take more than an hour. everything is over.

Indirectly also proved Ye Chen's invincible posture.

The scene just now was seen by a few people, watching Ye Chen, who repaired himself with the sun, moon and stars in the starry sky. Whether it is a goddess or Yi Wu, or the simplest Chen'er, there is also a fall. The impulse of tears made my heart tighten.

In the most critical situation of my sweetheart, I can only watch, but cannot help. What a sad and helpless thing.

But now everything is over, they are here, and they will never allow others to hurt Ye Chen with a single shot.

And the three fairies came to Ye Chen's side, sat down in a positive triangle, began to use magical powers, and attracted the majestic spiritual energy in the starry sky to bless Ye Chen.

The goddess is sacred and inviolable. She is not only the goddess of the peerless Allure, but also the goddess of the primordial age. She has mastered the primordial secret technique and performed the primordial divine secret technique, not for attack, but personally attracted farther into the starry sky. Xinghui broke through the barriers of the sky and turned into a majestic star dragon, submerged into Ye Chen's body.

Chen'er is empty and out of the dust, her heart is pure, not stained by the mundane world, and she is known as a person close to the immortal, and besides, there are plant after plant of green lotus blooming in the void, releasing the fresh air of Kaiqingling, which is even more one. The huge twelfth-rank lotus stand bloomed. It was a sacred congenital object. It was very special. It flew under Ye Chen and held him up.

The petals of the twelfth-grade lotus platform are shining, branded with the runes of the innate Dao mark, and they can also release the scriptures that can make the Lingtai clean the avenue, so that Ye Chen maintains the best condition, and there is also a stream of innate essence that constantly sinks into Ye Chen in vivo.

Yi Wu, white clothing wins Xuexue, is unparalleled in the world. She is gentle and quiet during the day, but her shots are extraordinary. With a light slam, the space above is torn apart, and five huge stars appear, each with the attributes of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth , Was found by her in the stars.

The five planets Chen, continuously released the five elements of essence, gathered together, and turned into a kind of hazy and gray beam of light. The unity derives the ancient chaos entwined with threads, which also drowns Ye Chen and helps him further Ground healing.

This is amazing. Not only is the beauty of the three fairies beautiful from ancient to modern and future, but ancient and modern can not find a few to compete with them, and the same methods are also amazing.

In this way, Ye Chen was able to heal his injuries faster and further recover.

In the emperor city, the martial arts contest held by the three fairies ended at some unknown time, and no one really reached the end, but everyone knew that the ultimate winner was Ye Chen, and there was no one left.

This star field has always been in a state of surging divine glory, endless sun, moon and stars continue to draw in, mighty, drowning a star field, more dazzling attention than ten rounds of the sky.

Even if night falls, the Ancient Emperor Continent is always bright, because this area is shining on the vast Ancient Emperor Continent.

All parties are paying attention to everything here and it has become the focus of the world.

After a full ten days and nights, the stars in the nearby star field were dimmed for a long time, and the sky divine glory finally disappeared.

Ye Chen woke up from Tunna, still looking weak, but at least it was many times better than ten days ago.

At least the cracks in the Holy Soul of Fighting and the Holy Body of Fighting have been restored to a certain extent.

He saw the goddess, Chen'er, Yi Wu, and the Peacock King, Xia Miao'er and other people who were worried about him. He nodded at them, smiled slightly, and signaled that they were all right.

"Wait for me again."

After saying this, Ye Chen suddenly burst into golden light all over his body, and then pierced the void with a thud, creating a flaming passage, and disappeared.

Everyone was stunned, and then almost coincidentally, they all suddenly raised their heads and looked at the sky above the stars, and looked at the ten huge sky above the ancient emperor world.

Because Ye Chen rushed into one of the rounds of the sky just now, such behavior is simply crazy.

It should be understood that the ten-wheeled sky and sun are not the projections of the suns of the heavens and ten thousand domains in the ordinary plane world, but the real celestial bodies condensed by the ancient emperor with supreme means, and contain the emperor’s fire road in it, burning They are all true sun fire spirits, even the heavenly kings will be burned to death, and the ancient powers may not dare to rush into them.

However, Ye Chen clearly plunged into the sky just now.

"The fighting saint king is..." The Nine Great Emperor Chaotian Kings were all dumbfounded, staring at everything blankly, and the countless people in the Emperor City who continued to follow Ye Chen hadn't been able to return for a long time after learning the true situation. God comes.

Before Ye Chen plunged into the sky, there was an infinite avenue of immortal fire rushing towards his face, burning all the void around him so that it no longer existed, which belonged to a vacuum.

But Ye Chen plunged into it without even thinking about it, and it was the ten-fold divine aperture on his body, resonating with it, and engulfing the majestic and endless fire road far and wide into his body.

Originally, these sun spirits could even be burned to death by the heavenly kings, but Ye Chen was not only extraordinary in the Eucharist, but the tenth heaven could resonate with the ten-wheeled heavens, so that he was not only okay, but also able to continuously obtain endless fire power. , Constantly replenish oneself.

He rushed into the depths all the way, after going deep for thousands of miles, he couldn't go deep anymore, otherwise his fighting Communion would be unbearable, and it might even be ashes.

Ye Chen didn't be too arrogant and arrogant, just swallowing endless spirits here, and just hungered.

The mere sun, moon and stars are not enough, his fighting sacrament is even the most powerful physique, full of domineering, swallowing in the sun and stars, the effect will be even greater.


On the third day when Ye Chen was recovering from his injury, there was a loud and long hum. It was an immortal bird crying, shaking Ye Chen's mind, making him wake up and looking at the core of the sun.

In a daze, he saw a huge golden crow spreading its wings in the depths of the sun, dashing across, driving the endless fairy fire, and then disappeared and sank into the deepest place.

There is the core of the sun, and the temperature is high enough to burn everything. Ye Chen's fighting Saint Body is no exception, nor can it be tolerated.

He opened the eyes of God and looked at it with his best eyes. Vaguely, he saw a vast palace and the gods. It was a terrifying sight. There was an immortal temple built in the deepest part of the sun, which made him see The figures are unbelievable.

But it quickly disappeared, and everything seemed to have never appeared before.

Ye Chen remembered that the Ancient Emperor Continent had three supreme powers, the Sun God Dynasty, the Dark Night Ancient Temple, and the Supreme Supreme Palace.

Rumor has it that the Sun God Dynasty was established in the sun and stars. It seems that this rumor has a certain degree of authenticity. If it really is like this, it proves that the Sun God Dynasty is terrible.

But now everything is isolated.

This retreat is longer than the previous one in the sky.

Ye Chen has been sitting cross-legged, and his injuries have been repaired as well as before.

In addition, he took three Ten Thousand Years Medicine Treasures, and refined the head-sized divine spirit source, as well as a lot of other medicines.

One month later, Ye Chen finally woke up, with a loud bang, the sun was about to explode, the immortal fire of the Infinite Avenue was pouring, and the dragons of the sky were roaring, rushing out of the sun's surface, how spectacular.

A golden avenue stretched from Ye Chen's feet, breaking through a sea of ​​flames, and a passage appeared. He strode out and completely left the sky. The strongest power on his body was erupting, sweeping the starry sky.

Ye Chen recovered perfectly, and the stars in the sky trembled and trembled.

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