Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1009: nameless

"Down, how is the old lady doing?"

"Old lady?" The demon Jiao was surprised.

The old man smiled and said, "Your palace master is the old lady Jia Luo."

Hearing this, the demon Jiao immediately widened his eyes and looked at the old man in shock, a little surprised and scrupulous.

You must know that Jialuo among the old population is an extraordinary existence in the primitive lake, high above, all the primitive lake creatures must be in awe, and he was jokingly called the old woman.

Such a name caused it to shook three times, almost frightened, and if it returned to the pristine lake, it would cause unprecedented shocks.

But when he saw the golden dragon raise the chubby dragon fist, the demon Jiao immediately became awe-inspiring, saying: "The hall master is in retreat all day long. Basically, he will only leave once in a hundred years, but I heard from other people that the hall master seems to have suffered. Seriously injured, it is not easy to be born often."

The old man let out a stunned voice and nodded: "I didn't expect that after so long, her injury has not recovered. It is really difficult for her, but the battle that year..."

His words were a bit complicated, and he changed his words immediately: "Does she say anything when she is not in retreat?"

"Hall master rarely speaks, more often he is taciturn, or he is declaring decrees." The demon Jiao thought for a while, and said: "Occasionally, I heard the hall master talking to himself, as if curse."

"What are you scolding?" the old man asked.

The demon Jiao shook his head: "I dare not listen to the Lord's words too much. I only heard some words. It seems to be cursing a ruthless old guy who did something to her that she was sorry for. She recovered from her injuries. , I'm going to kill the old guy who deserves a thousand swords."

When it came to this, it suddenly felt something. It looked at the old man fishing in front of him, and his eyes widened. Could it be that the old guy mentioned by the Lord is...

"There are things you shouldn't think about, so don't think too much. Go back, go back and don't talk nonsense, otherwise you will be very unlucky, you know?" the old man said.

The demon Jiao knew how powerful it was and nodded hurriedly.

The old man grabbed the demon Jiao and threw it down the primitive lake to let it leave.

The demon dragon hovered twice on the original lake, and then with a long roar, it turned into a thousand-foot-long giant dragon, sank into the original lake, and disappeared since then.

The little golden dragon stared with big golden eyes, and said crisply: "Old man, why don't you go down and find that old lady? Don't you think about her all day?"

The old man squeezed the head of a small golden dragon, stroked Yi Yi's head, and said: "There are some things that you don't understand now."

"Why don't you understand, isn't it the old man, did you always abandon others?" The two little beasts murmured.

The old man laughed, neither denying it nor admitting it, but suddenly said, "She will come out soon, even if I don't go to her, she will come to me."

The others were a little at a loss, and the two little beasts opened their eyes wide in a daze.

But whether it was Ye Chen, the goddess, or Yi Wu, they immediately noticed, and they looked at each other and understood.

Was it the moment when the world chess game completely started?

Whether it is the old man or the mysterious palace lord Galo in the primitive lake, is one of the controllers of the chess game?

The old man asked the old servant to step forward and brought eight divine fruits, each of which was an absolute genuine product that never came out of the world. It circulates with the enchanting gods and contains strong vitality. Compared with the ten thousand year medicine treasure, it is not much better than the ten thousand year medicine treasure. Two little beasts.

There is also a baggage, which envelops many high-quality heavenly materials and earth treasures and spiritual fruits, which are given to the two little beasts.

Then he touched the heads of the two little beasts, and said softly: "Okay, you should also go back and follow the person you should follow."

And his palm was blooming, a small and exquisite quaint jade plate appeared, with a special Taoist rhyme, very precious, but it was split in half by him and hung on the necks of Yiyi and the golden dragon. Said: "With this jade card, if you encounter any trouble in the future, you will be stunned. I believe that other old guys in the ancient emperor world will give me a three-point face when they see it. Even if it is an emperor, No one dares to hurt you."

No matter how stupid Yiyi and the Golden Dragon would understand, the old man was about to send them away, and water mist suddenly appeared with his big eyes, and he wanted to cry: "Old man..."

After all, they have been together for more than ten years. During this time, they have received various cares from the old man. Now they are about to be separated suddenly, so they are naturally reluctant.

To the two little beasts, the old man is just like the grandfather.

The old man said: "Don't cry, we will meet soon."

"Really?" The two little beasts were surprised and happy.

"It's true." The old man smiled, and then personally saw the guests off, leading Ye Chen and others to the exit of Harmony World. On the other side is the terrible killing field, the vast battlefield of gods, with countless heavenly king-level avenues. The marks are flying.

I saw the old man light up a divine light, and then rushed into the sky, turning into a divine light channel, all murderous opportunities were avoided, and said: "A few friends, as long as you follow this divine light channel, You can safely leave this battlefield of gods and return to the outside world."

"Thank you, senior." Ye Chen clasped his fist and thanked him. After a pause, he suddenly said, "Senior, dare you ask your name?"

Such an expert is definitely not an unknown person.

The old man smiled and said, "I don't remember the name of the past. You can call me an unnamed old man."

Unknown old man?

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of something, he glanced at the unknown old man thoughtfully, and clasped his fists: "If this is the case, you won't disturb the unknown senior's fishing. The junior will bring his wife, Yiyi, and Xiao Shenlong is leaving. Thank you for taking care of Yiyi and Xiao Shenlong."

Several people walked into the divine light channel, and went away quickly in an instant, the heaven and the earth were gone, everything disappeared.

Ye Chen glanced back at this battlefield of gods, and even saw the thousands of ancient underworld soldiers, neatly still standing on the battlefield of gods, murderous, as if preparing to attack.

His eyes were deep and thoughtful.

In the world of harmony, the unknown old man looked at the silhouettes of a few people who had gone away in an instant, especially on Ye Chen's body. , But not many people can get to that point in the age of myth."

"He is the first person in this era. He has reached this step in his own body, and he is also the Holy Physique of Fighting. The heir of the great existence line is very powerful and against the sky. Maybe he really hopes to become The Great."

"Well, the perception is also very keen, maybe he may have noticed some of the old man's secrets."

"I will give you those traces of the law."

Then he looked to the outside world, pierced through the heavy lead clouds, saw the infinite starry sky, and suddenly said: "Heaven, is about to change. The eternal layout, the annihilation of the age of the gods, everything will finally appear."

"Will they, those people, also appear?"

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