Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1012: Imperial invitation


</script> In the Central Temple.

Ye Chen sat on the seat of the gods without saying a word, condescendingly looking down at the primordial villain who was black and white to the strong, but invisibly released a monstrous and invincible power, annihilating time and space.

If it wasn't for the letter paper to flow out a strand of colorful Xiahui, protecting the black and white strongest person, otherwise his only remaining soul would explode.

But today Ye Chen's power is much more powerful than before, and the terrifying sight of the sun and the moon sinking and the collapse of time and space emerge as his eyes flow.

The Saint Soul of Fighting Battle became stronger and stronger, and the gaze that met him would be torn apart.

The black-and-white hair is horrified to the strong. He overestimated the power of the emperor and underestimated the power of Ye Chen.

The thousand in front of him was so strong that he was fearless.

"Thousand, I'm sorry, it was my fault, please spare me."

At this point, he could only choose to bow his head and admit his mistake, because he was afraid of death, but the soul of the villain had resentment emerging in the eyes, and murderous intent appeared in the eyes of other people.

If he returned to the imperial clan, he would definitely allow the terrifying figures in the clan to appear, and he must repay the shame today.

It's just that the void sank suddenly, his grievance could not escape Ye Chen's keen awareness, and he still didn't say a word, but he raised his hand to suppress it, and everything would be destroyed.

The black and white hair to the strong discovered all this in horror, and hurriedly said: "Thousand, you don't want to kill me. It's my fault. You shouldn't say that."

And he worked hard to urge the letterhead to release a few strands of Guwei with a large energy level to resist.

However, the ancient Chaos Qi appeared in Ye Chen's hands, and there was also a mysterious Qi machine emerging, covering the wisps of great energy-level ancient prestige, annihilated, suppressed, and the void shattered every inch.

"Qian, you can't kill me, otherwise my emperor will inevitably attack you." The black-and-white hair to the strongest felt Ye Chen's killing intent and hurriedly yelled. At this moment, he moved out of the emperor as a threat.

"If the emperor personally attacked me, I would take it myself."

Ye Chen is calm and authentic, very peaceful, but contains a shocking domineering attitude.

In today's big world, who dares to face the conquest of the godless race.

Ye Chen dared to be the master of the ups and downs in the world, without fear of everything.


Ye Chen pressed it down with his big hands, and after the black and white primordial spirit villain who was the strongest screamed, he exploded. The primordial spirit was annihilated, and his body and spirit were completely annihilated from this world.

The strongest person who sent the letter disappeared, but the letter paper still remained in the void, glowing, brilliant and dazzling, and Rui Cai was dormant like the ancient power, and almost no one dared to approach it.

The nine great emperors and the heavenly kings are all jealous. At this point, they all understand that the writing of this letter is likely to be a mighty power. Looking at the age of the gods, they are all domineering overlords, but they don’t know whether they are the mysterious Wushuang Emperor. Written by the child.

This makes people jealous, killing the messenger who came by the other party, and if it breaks, it offends the whole godless race.

But the messenger dared to touch the third fairy and provoke Ye Chen's bottom line, but it was something that could not be allowed.

Just as Ye Chen said, even if the emperor came to conquer, he was not afraid, and the next thing was.

On the **** seat, Ye Chen took the letter paper, pinched it in his hand, and glowed with golden clouds in his palms. When he opened it, there was a more powerful and majestic light and majesty, which made others almost breathless.

There was an ancient chaos in Ye Chen's hand, showing a peerless cultivation base, suppressed it, and looked seriously.

The content in the letter paper is not too strong, nor is it to suppress or threaten others. It is regarded as respect, invite Ye Chen to a rare feast, treat each other with courtesy, and talk about some future topics, involving the world chess game. .

The owner is very polite and respects Ye Chen. He has never overpowered others. It's just that the messenger who sends the letter can't understand the world and thinks that the emperor is superior and all spirits respect.

Moreover, Ye Chen's power has been too strong recently, with the world's first power, overwhelming the emperor. The messenger wants to overwhelm Ye Chen and let him bow his head, thus showing the superiority of the emperor.

It's just that the messenger didn't expect Ye Chen to be so powerful and domineering, fearless of everything, and directly killed himself.

Ye Chen stated the contents of the letterhead, but whether it was the Three Fairies, the Peacock King or the Nine Heavenly Kings, they thought it was too dangerous to go there, because just now, the emperor's messenger was beheaded, and a great cause and effect was formed.

And what is the imperial clan? The supreme family left behind by the true mythical emperor has shocking background. When you think of those emperors and royal families in the universe, you know that even the supreme emperor of the universe respects and fears these emperors and royal families.

Moreover, these emperors and royal families must have people who are enough to shock the world. They do not agree to go to the feast. They feel that this is a feast for the feast, and they are worried that there will be a crisis.

Even if Ye Chen had reached the point where he could reversibly cut down the immortals and killed the heavenly king.

The so-called Suppression of Heavenly Kings refers to ordinary Heavenly Kings, and Heavenly Kings also have Nine Heavens. Ye Chen cannot be completely invincible in the realm of Heavenly Kings no matter how powerful it is, not to mention that there may be ancient powers in the Emperor Clan.

"No problem, I have the means to protect myself."

Ye Chen said that it is related to the world chess game this time, and all of this has become particularly important. He must go there and learn some great secrets.

And, as he said, everything is fearless, he has enough means to protect himself, whether it is the halberd that can be activated twice, or the divine feather sword bestowed by Venerable Holy Feather, and the Flame God bestowed by Venerable Flame God Ling, or the treasures of the Heavenly Gate Sect Master that he had obtained when he entered the Purple Mansion are still there.

There is even a mysterious sarcophagus of gods inside him, and the burial has a supreme existence.

If it annoys him, open it up and ruin everything.

It's just his real confidence.

When everyone saw this, UU reading was not easy to refuse, knowing that Ye Chen would not do anything unsure.

And in the end, the Peacock King, the Three Fairies, Yiyi, and the Little Dragon followed him, and the Nine Emperor Chaotian Kings guarded the Central Heavenly Palace.

And the great power-level divine ships that have been repaired have been taken out.

Over the years, as Ye Chen’s cultivation base has continued to improve, he has given up his inability to lay down the true great energy level divine mark. Everything has been completely repaired, and some rules of the Nine Great Emperors have been supplemented. Become stronger.

He repaired all the large energy level formations that year.

Although he has never reached the ancient power realm, he is not all proficient in the formation, but he arranged it according to his own insight. Ye Chen's knowledge of the formation is far from ordinary people can compare. , To add.

Therefore, the great power-level divine ship is stronger, not worse than it was in the past.

Half a month later, Ye Chen stepped off the **** seat, took the Three Fairies, the Peacock King, and the two little beasts into the great power-level **** ship, set off, and headed for the imperial clan. </p>

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