Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1016: Do you want to be beaten?

The feast begins.

A beautiful and moving maid came forward and delivered a variety of delicacies and delicacies. She was graceful, dressed in a light gauze, and looked extraordinarily enchanting.

And there is a fox girl who is famous for her beauty.

On the jade tables, there are delicacies of fairy fruit, fairy wine with aura, fairy fruit with divine essence, broth made from dragon meat, and wings of a bird of Dapeng blood. Meat, etc., are all delicacies that are difficult for the outside world to taste, and they are of great benefit to cultivation, and they more and more show the background of the emperor.

"Baboo yeah-"

On the jade table, Yiyi and the Golden Dragon, who were held by Chen'er and Yiwu, were very relaxed, without any scruples, picking up the food on the table and constantly stuffing them into their mouths.

The same is true for the little golden dragon on the other side. It is simply Hesai. It is the second thing to eat before it is finished. It is typically eaten in the mouth, grasped in the hand, and looked at the bowl.

It's hard to imagine how these two little guys, who are about the size of a kitten and a puppy, can stuff so much food, their stomachs are like bottomless pits, and they are also dissatisfied.

The golden dragon is nothing more. Once the pure-blooded real dragon transforms into a real body and has such a powerful force, it must be a huge real dragon, and it is reasonable to swallow the sky and the earth.

And the other little white beast was born very pink and tender, with big pure black eyes, blinking and blinking, but no one could see what it was.

But being able to play with a real dragon and withstand the invisible coercion of a real dragon is enough to prove everything.

I'm afraid it is another creature against the sky.

This was astonishing at Ye Chen's background, and he felt more and more extraordinary about this person.

Sure enough, people are extraordinary, and those who follow him do not commit crimes, even the two seemingly cute little beasts are so extraordinary.

At the banquet, the top powers of the ancient emperor continent were gathered, and even the imperial emperors who were not cultivated to the holy master level, seemed incomparable with others, but represented the empire’s ancestors, even if they came. Even the strongest dare not be condescending.

Pushing each other's cups and changing cups, the banquet can be regarded as a comparison and harmony.

Even the Sun King did not continue to be unforgiving and presumptuous.

During the period, Ye Chen and others also knew where the three young men and women from Taisheng Shanggong, Sun God Dynasty, and Dark Ye Ancient Temple were sacred. They were Xuantian Saintess, Sun King, and Yongye Dark King.

The age is similar to Ye Chen, but he is also the leader of the three supreme forces at present. He has almost taken over all the power of the three holy places. He is the contemporary master and is naturally very powerful.

Although the collision between the Sun King and Ye Chen just now was a bit inferior, not all of his strength was manifested, and there was a more terrifying combat power hidden, which was never revealed.

Ye Chen has always been jealous of the three mysterious sacred powers, and he knows very little, because it is rarely presented in the world, and even Ye Chen once thought that the emperor was the Supreme Supreme Palace, but now he understands that it is not. It has another origin.

After tasting the wine and eating the delicacies, Emperor Wushuang signaled the servants in Baoque to leave quietly, and the feast stepped towards the real rhythm.

On the central throne, Emperor Wushuang looked majestic, with the charm of the imperial posture and purple hair shawl, and said: "Everyone, this time I invite you to participate in the feast, not just to invite you to taste the delicacies of my imperial family, but also There is a particularly important matter to discuss with you."

Everyone stopped the jade chopsticks in their hands, and only two little beasts were still eating, but it didn't affect the atmosphere at this time and suddenly became serious.

The emperor paused slightly, and immediately said: "All of you present here are important figures on the ancient emperor continent, and they also represent the top forces to come, and even have the fighting king and the Xuantian Saint of the Supreme Supreme Palace. The female, the Sun King of the Sun God Dynasty, and the Moon God of the Dark Night Temple came."

"Naturally, you also represent the entire ancient emperor continent. They are the figures who dominate the ups and downs of the world, and have a decisive weight in the future changes in the world."

"And I believe that you all understand the real main purpose of this feast, aiming at the changes in the future structure, discussing with each other and coping with the changes together."

He was very frank, without any concealment, and put the world chess game on the table.

This is also the true focus of everything.

There was silence in the audience, and no one had ever spoken. Ye Chen also didn't say a word, but more people looked at Emperor Wushuang.

Finally, someone broke the silence. It was the emperor of the Yuntian Kingdom of the 36 empires. He said he was the emperor, but he had the pressure no weaker than the strongest person of the reincarnation class, and there were a few ray of heavenly majesty emerging. It was the ancestor of the heavenly king of the country who came through the body of the emperor and said: "Wu Shuang Taoist friends, the change of heaven and earth is very relevant. Although the old man is an ancient person, he is not afraid to say frankly. In fact, he only knows the game of heaven and earth. The emperor is immortal, and the years of the gods also dominate the ups and downs of the world. You should know more, so I hope you can answer it."

His tone was of his peers, very polite.

Not only him, but other people also looked at Emperor Wushuang.

In the Chess Game of Heaven and Earth, all the people present are among the top figures in the Ancient Emperor Continent. Naturally, they have learned a little bit more or less, but in the final analysis, there are still many things that are not clear, hidden by history and given to some terrifying big figures. It will be wiped out without leaving the world to know.

Even if it is a big figure with high authority, in fact, only one or two of them are known about the game of heaven and earth, which can only be regarded as a superficial, and more have not been understood.

As for the emperor family, the well-deserved ruler of the ancient emperor world, no one dared to offend such glorious and prosperous times as the Age of the Gods.

There are even rumors in the world that in the early days, the supreme existence of alien emperors and emperors who conquered with the human emperor, the ancient gods, and the masters of the demon **** ruins came from the emperor.

Because the world thinks that anyone knows the most clearly, it is probably the emperor.

It’s just that Emperor Wushuang never spoke, so the Sun King spoke, with a disdainful tone, saying: "Brother Wushuang, these don’t need to be explained at all. Then the game of heaven and earth will begin. The forces are enough to deal with it. As for other people and other forces, you don't need to pay attention. At that point, they can't help at all."

His tone was very disdainful, with contempt, and he had never put anyone present in his eyes.

This made many people present angered. Some of the strongest were cold and majestic. The heavenly kings who were possessed by the emperor leaked out a few wisps of heavenly authority, which made the atmosphere of the scene tense to freezing point for a while. .

As if the war was about to start.

The Sun King was very arrogant, and glanced at all the powers present with a sneer. That kind of attitude represents everything, even if they go to war, they can suppress them without fear.

But at this time, a sound of heaven sounded. It was not the other person, but the goddess who spoke, softly opening her red lips, and the voice was pleasant, but also cold: "Do you want to be beaten?"

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