Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1019: Cause and effect

To bury an era and open a door.

It is at the expense of the most vast aura of the entire age of the gods to open the ancient gate of Tongxuan at the end of the God Realm, in order to rebel against the gods.

Emperor Wushuang said: "Naturally, some great power level overlords agree, and some people are also different. They think that hitting the seal with the luck of the entire age will pay a huge price that has never been seen before, and it is likely to make the entire age of the gods. Going to decline ahead of time, and even more serious, will cause drastic changes in the heavens and the earth. Entering the Age of Domination, the future generations of heaven and earth will be defeated and it is difficult to cultivate.

In addition, the creatures born in this era will suffer terrible backlash from heaven and earth. Not only will their cultivation base fall sharply, but it will even cause hundreds of millions of creatures to be smeared and blood stained in the emperor world. "

"Such a result is undoubtedly terrible, and the price paid will be extremely heavy. Some ancient powers have a righteous heart and are related to the common people. It is impossible to agree to such a plan."

"For this reason, the strongest overlords of the power level who have dominated the ups and downs of the entire age of the gods have therefore divided their opinions and stand on their own."

"Finally, in order to hit the seal of the ancient gate, the overlord of the great energy level who rebelled against the eternal good fortune summoned all the gods and the vast army under his command to implement the plan and open the ancient gate of Tongxuan. The other party wanted to prevent their plan from succeeding, and the Call an army to fight."

"So, in the end, under the leadership of the most powerful overlords, the most tragic battle of the gods was fought. The battlefield was in the ancient emperor continent, and there were also in the starry sky, all over every corner of this world, which eventually led to the age of the gods. This is the root cause."

Everyone sighed, there was a shock in their hearts, the real reason was this.

In order to open the door of good fortune, it would be better to be as powerful as the ancient power.

It is different from the world's imagination, and only the eternal and immortal dominating forces such as the emperor can penetrate the past and the present and know the causes and consequences.

How can future generations know because the historical truth is overwhelmed by others.

"It is precisely because of that battle that has caused a huge impact. Hundreds of millions of lives have suddenly become charcoal, blood-stained the world, and the people weeping.

I felt this before I was dying with the ancient power. I didn’t want this scene to happen again, mobilizing all the power, and the vast aspirations of sentient beings who were unwilling to continue to suffocate charcoal, so that the ancient emperor continent would undergo a great change, communicate the origin of the ancient emperor world, and be born The power of rules. As long as it reaches the level of the Heavenly King Realm, it must be sent into the God Realm. "

"And the heavenly king-level gods in the God Realm are not allowed to set foot in the world, so they created the ancient emperor continent, which is now godless."

This is where the real cause and effect of no king in the world lies.

It is those ancient powers who have great righteousness and are unwilling to reappear another great era that is shattered. With the last power and the vast aspirations of the creatures of that era, they penetrate the origin of the emperor realm and derive the power of special rules.

"Since the age of the gods has ended, the emperor has derived the power of the rules of the world without a king, but why is there still a game of heaven and earth?" Some people wondered.

Di Wushuang said: "Because some people haven't died yet!"

This news seemed to be taboo, causing all the powers in Baoque to have three shocks.

Is there anyone who has never sat down and died?

What an amazing news.

Ye Chen was silent. As he knew, the Primordial Demon God had never sat down, and the Primordial Barbarian God was about to be born.

And maybe they are not only the two masters of the age of the gods, but also the masters of the world.

"Indeed, some overlords have not yet completely sat down, they have also deduced, after all that has been calculated, everything will eventually come to an end."

"Although the entire age of the gods has been shattered, the blood of the gods has stained the vast world. The vast fortunes gathered in that era never dissipated, but also settled in a certain place between the heavens and the earth, and will be revived and used at some point in the future. , Continue to hit Tongxuan Ancient Gate."

"Those overlords have learned about the opponent’s backhands, knowing that one day the world will change drastically, and the luck will return, and the power of the rules derived from the powerful remnant mind and the aspiration of sentient beings will eventually dissipate. Therefore, on that day, they will summon the past. The vast luck of the God Age opened the door of the God Realm, and slammed the seal of the ancient door of Tongxuan, seizing the heaven-defying nature."

"The so-called Tiandi Chess Game is set by them, and once the Tiandi Chess Game is opened, it will inevitably affect the entire Ancient Emperor Continent."

"The overlord of the age of the gods will return against the sky in the future, and even this time there will be some great horror characters coming one after another."

"The Ancient Emperor Continent will fall into an unprecedented situation in the future, and the entire world will also be affected."

There was a moment of silence in Baoque. Once the overlords of the age of the gods returned against the sky, it would be a terrible disaster for the entire ancient emperor continent, even more severe than the age of the gods.

Because how can you contend with the overlords of the world, but they are all the ancient powers that surpass the heavenly kings, and have the stalwart means.

A strong man who represented the monster race spoke up, saying: "As the emperor said, the overlords of the age of the gods will eventually return. How can we contend and deal with it?"

This is a serious problem. That stalwart existence, high above, beyond imagination, the age of the gods is a worldly hegemon, let alone the godless ancient emperor continent, how can it compete?

Even if it is the strength of a clan, there is little hope.

It's not that I don't want to fight, but I can't do anything.

"There is no need to confront directly, just wait for you to cooperate with our clan, you can protect the safety of your forces and even the race." Emperor Wushuangdao What does it mean? "

Not only the others, but Ye Chen looked at Di Wushuang, his eyes flickering, and he wanted to understand what his thoughts were.

"The eternal chess game has long been set up, and the overlord of the age of the gods will eventually return. All this is irreversible." Di Wushuang said, "At that time, the common people will be as weak as an ant before the overlord of the world, even the king of heaven. There are ants underneath."

"At that time, my clan will eventually take action to fight for the heaven-defying nature in the ancient gate of Tongxuan. I hope you can help, gather the vast aspirations of the world, and bless the strong of my clan for the fight. Likewise, my clan Will also take action to protect sentient beings from the impact of the eternal chess game."

It turned out that, even the emperor clan all had a glimpse of the god-defying nature behind the ancient gate of Tongxuan, and they all wanted to fight for it.

It’s just that it’s not the Sun King, even the Profound Sky Saint, the Dark King of Eternal Night, and the Sun King, who have been silent all the time, spoke one after another, representing the three supreme sacred places behind them, and they also showed their presence Your commitment can give their respective forces and even a blessing. The natural prerequisites are the same as the imperial clan, which requires a lifetime of vast aspirations.

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