Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1028: The rise of the Great Church (2)

As long as you join the sanctuary to meet the three-hundred-year time limit, and you have not defected during the period, and you have made significant contributions, you can get the opportunity to transcend reincarnation.

Even people who have failed in reincarnation have a certain possibility to transcend reincarnation again and become the king of heaven.

There is no doubt that the announcement of this news is even more sensational than the previous establishment of the Martial Arts Pavilion and Pill Hall.

Because reincarnation is too mysterious, if you can't get rid of it, there is basically a dead end. Even if he was lucky enough to survive the catastrophe, he would at best relied on the insights in reincarnation to ascend to the extreme and step into the reincarnation level, and there would be no possibility of progress in this life.

If the waiting on the road is interrupted since then.

But now Sanctuary declares that those who have failed samsara have the opportunity to transcend samsara again, how is this possible?

Nobody in the world believes it, because it's impossible, and no one has ever heard of this.

But it still caused a huge sensation in the ancient emperor continent, and attracted the attention and attention of people all over the world.

On this day, since the day when the three pieces of news proclaimed the world, a large number of powerful men have continued to come.

They came from all parts of the ancient emperor continent. There were human races, beast races, and monster races. They all had the same goal, which was to rush to the central emperor city, willing to join the sanctuary and become a strong under their command.

Even the Thirty-Six Empires and Seventy-Two Ancient Kingdoms, the Demon God Temple, the Orc King City and other ancient powers with long traditions, there are horrifying powerhouses of the older generation constantly coming, and even a strongest person is coming. They all came to the Central Temple to express their hope to join the sanctuary.

The appearance of the Wuxue God Pavilion and the Pill Hall, so that the newly established Sanctuary quickly received a soaring strength supplement, with the Central Heavenly Palace as its mainstay, and all the powers from the four directions have joined it.

The opportunity to transcend reincarnation once again made the world's strongest people unable to help but let go of the arrogance in their hearts, and came far to become the top level power of the sanctuary.

Powerful people gather together, and masters like forests describe the current sanctuary.

It can even be said that more than 80% of the powerhouses standing on the top level of the Pyramid in the Ancient Emperor Continent went to the Emperor City, hoping to join the sanctuary and become one of them.

The sanctuary created by Ye Chen has officially begun to rise, and has achieved such an ascension in a short period of time. Apart from the emperor clan and the three holy sites, it can be regarded as the veritable No. 1 power in the ancient emperor continent.

Even if it seems loose at the moment, it is believed that once these forces are brought together, they will exert far more terrifying forces than imagined.

The rise of the Great Sect, the sanctuary proudly on the earth, became an unparalleled force, and it seemed to have a tendency to become an immortal holy place.

As the master of the sanctuary, Ye Chen never came forward to deal with all the trivial things in the sanctuary, and someone handled it for him.

However, it is not the first time for Ye Chen to establish a great religion. Not only does he have Gulan Shengjiao, a great school with a mature system, but he also created a party by himself when he was still in Qianyue. Immortal Kingdom of God.

It's just that he has left the immortal kingdom of God for many years, and is established in the lower realm, in the heavens and realms under the heavens and domains. After so many years, he doesn't know what the original immortal kingdom of God has become now.

The power of faith could have been sensed, but after the reincarnation in this life, the power of faith in the immortal kingdom of God also disappeared, and he didn't know the reason.

Today, the establishment of the Sanctuary University is actually just a repeat of the old things, and it has already become familiar.

Regarding the sanctuary, he handed it to the goddess. Zhao Jingruo was the female saint of the supreme sanctuary of the Beginning Holy Land, and naturally knew how to operate the huge sanctuary.

And there are also the Nine Great Emperor Chaotian Kings and a group of experienced powerhouses from the Ancient God Continent to assist, but it seems a little troublesome when the Holy Land enlightens and recruits the powers of the world, everything else is normal.

Although Sanctuary recruits the world's strongest people, and with the current amazing appeal, it is not difficult to recruit more than half of the top strongest in the Ancient Emperor Continent, but it is not possible to refill the number, and it needs sufficient weight and many tests to be eligible to join.

This is a necessary rule. Sanctuary should not be too bloated for the sake of enrollment expansion and should be handled simply and precisely.

Some cultivators with bad morals and bad wind were immediately eliminated. Sanctuary does not allow or welcome this type of people to join, even the strongest ones at the reincarnation level.

The second is the assessment of strength.

Naturally, even if you formally joined the Sanctuary, it is impossible to freely refer to the various ancient books of the Martial Arts Pavilion and obtain the various precious pills in the Pill Hall. You must pay a corresponding price and exchange it with a special contribution point.

This is an equivalent exchange system in the Sanctuary. You can cultivate ancient books at the same level, or you can exchange precious treasures for corresponding contribution points to exchange the treasures in the martial arts pavilion and the alchemy hall.

And the higher the level of cultivation ancient books and medicines, the higher the limit, the higher the contribution points required. Some of them even require not only contribution points, but also better tasks before they can be obtained.

Even if the restrictions were so, it was almost harsh, but whether it was the martial arts pavilion or the treasures in the alchemy palace, the powers of the world were almost crazy, and they would exchange a large number of contribution points at all costs.

It can be seen that all powerful people from all over the world have come together, bringing with them ancient books for cultivation, treasures of heaven and earth, isolated handbooks, and magical materials for refining tools, etc., which are all priceless treasures from the outside world.

Although the price paid is very high, it is easily a treasure of heaven and earth with a medicine age of thousands of years, and also has the magical materials of the heavenly kings and soldiers, but as long as they enter the martial arts pavilion and the alchemy ~Everything has gained.

Because these magical power secrets in the Martial Arts Pavilion, there are various magical power secrets obtained from the martial arts magic stone in the ancient shrine, with the power of September, the ancient sacred religion, and the magical powers that Ye Chen two have obtained for people over the years. The various ancient books of supernatural powers are truly rare books, far from being comparable to those of other powers.

After reading it, many people have a new understanding of their own path of cultivation. There are even some people who are already in the bottleneck of cultivation, because after reading the ancient manuscripts in the martial arts pavilion, they unexpectedly broke through. After crossing the realm, they were extremely happy.

And with the improvement of cultivation level, Ye Chen's attainments in pill medicine have become more advanced. Over the years, he has also searched for the secrets of pill medicine in the age of mythology. He has learned a lot and often refines it. The refined medicines are basically rare treasures in the world.

Many people have cured their old wounds because of this, and even some strong people have broken through the realm after taking the precious pill at a high price.

This also attracted more powerhouses to join the sanctuary.

Dajiao, strong rise!

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