Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1046: 1 person singled out

? The big collision smashed the vacuum for thousands of miles.

Among them, the figure of the ancient temple lord is not retreating, and the figure is as majestic as a mountain.

However, what is shocking is that the same is true of the Fighting Saint King, standing in the sky, motionless like a mountain, only black hair is dancing and fluttering, and the temperament has changed. It is terrible and shocking.

"What a strong person!"

All the heavenly kings were shocked, and the Immortal True King's pupils shrank, and they obviously felt that Ye Chen's strength was beyond imagination.

Did he really not become the king of heaven?

Many people doubt it.

"The power of faith? The power of luck? The power of willingness?"

The Lord of the Ancient God Palace had very compelling eyes. He scanned Ye Chen, but he didn't feel the aura of those three special powers. It is very possible that the Saint King of Fighting Battle really achieved this by relying on his invincible combat power. .

This is the most daunting place.

Ye Chen strode forward and continued to rush towards the Heavenly King Xuan Lao, but the ancient **** palace master intercepted it as always, and it was impossible for Ye Chen to make a complete move.

Ye Chen was very peaceful, but also stern, and said indifferently, "You can't stop the person I want to kill."


He rushed over, and in an instant, wisps of ancient chaos emerged, piercing through the sky, even if the ancient **** palace master wanted to block it, because Ye Chen was too fast, and his speed in an instant broke through the limit, surpassing the constant. Rationale.

"Palace Master, please save me—"

The Heavenly King Xuan Lao was yelling, calling the ancient **** palace master to help him, but his voice stopped abruptly the next moment.


The blood burst into the sky, disturbing hundreds of thousands of miles in a radius, and there were a series of blood thunders in the sky.

The king has fallen!

The elder Xuan, the heavenly king, was blown to pieces by Ye Chen in the sky, his body was broken and nothing was there anymore.

Ye Chen is too powerful. He is king over the world, invincible, pushing everything horizontally, he has no rivals at all.

This level of horror-level combat power made everyone horrified, and even the True King of Immortality changed their expressions one by one, very surprised.

That is the king of heaven, a character who will never appear again after the age of the gods. He should have been invincible and surrendered to all souls. However, now he is so easily beheaded by a young Tianjiao who can't even talk about a heavenly king. Not even a round.

How strong is Fighting Saint King?

"Fighting Saint King, you are looking for death." The ancient **** palace master yelled, killing intent soaring, traversing three thousand big worlds, killing the past, there are thousands of divine lights ups and downs, accompanied by ray of killing light, hit Ye morning.

Killing an old Xuan Wang in front of him, and waiting for a slap on his face, silent but loud, makes him insulted and unforgivable.


Ye Chen drank lightly, his eyes bright, and he also rushed past, volleying with a cross fist, smashing through the avenues.


That piece of heaven and earth is in a state of annihilation, everything is shattered into nothingness, everything is gone, only two terrifying figures are constantly appearing in the fight, overlapping and killing everything. .

In the end, both were staggered, so neither of them could really hurt each other.

The look of the ancient **** palace lord was full of solemnity and shock. He really didn't expect that this would only be a few dozen short sightings. The Fighting Saint King had really grown to this point and could compete with him head-on.

Back then, he relied on the original power of another world to make him dignified.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, and there was a sigh in his heart. The ancient **** palace lord was really powerful. The other party was a terrifying powerhouse who stepped into the Heavenly King Realm and didn’t know how many years he had lived. The years he lived were much longer than it seemed. Dao Fa is unpredictable and a terrifying enemy.

But he couldn't let him go. When he first came to the ancient emperor continent, the elder Emperor Xuan in the ancient temple coerced the emperor to make a shot at him, so that he almost died. This is nothing to share. hatred.

He has always had grudges and retributions, and never thought that he was a gentleman who could defuse grudges generously.

Moreover, the world is changing. He also has a certain fascination for the ancient Tongxuan Sect, and even he will participate in it to see what the so-called Heaven-defying Nature is.

But before that, he must solve all the troubles and take action without hesitation.

He looked at the brighter and brighter light gate in the starry sky, and also looked at the God Realm. After turning his eyes around, he looked at the ancient palace master and said: "In order to end the battle as soon as possible, I don’t want to waste too much. the power of."

"What do you mean?"

If other people would definitely think that the Fighting Saint King was arrogant, would they treat the ancient palace master as a chicken? But the ancient **** palace master changed his expression and couldn't help saying: "What do you want?"

"What I don't want, I just killed you."

Ye Chen is very indifferent and authentic, and he believes in a trick, from the vast power of faith in the imperial city, it turns into a vast ocean, directly drowning the ancient **** palace lord, and isolating him, and traversing in another world It is difficult to break free.


Ye Chen looked at the other six heavenly kings in the ancient temple, as well as the other seven hostile heavenly kings. His eyes were deep and compelling. He strode over and said softly: "It's also time to solve you people. It's time."


Ye Chen attacked, with the mighty pressure on his body, shaking the whole world, causing everyone to tremble and become icy.

Ye Chen's supernatural power overwhelmed the world, turned into a vast ocean to resist the ancient palace master with the power of faith, and then smashed into a group of extremely high hands alone, as if entering the land of no one, no one could resist him.

He is sacred and extraordinary, walking on the shattered sky. If he walks in a leisurely courtyard, calmly and indifferently, he will appear in front of the remaining seven heavenly kings in the ancient temple, and he will shoot straight, with the path of the Tao everywhere and intertwined. , Rushed over.


Just one face to face, a heavenly king Xuan elder was beaten into the air, coughing up blood, dyed his clothes red, and was far from a rival.

Dou Zhuan Sheng Wang is too powerful, no one can hold up the peak.

This is his invincible posture.


In the distance The seven heavenly kings from the ancient emperor continent have all come together to kill them. They all know the power of the fighting holy kings. The ordinary heavenly kings can only be tortured and killed in front of him. They are far from opponents, the best The way to do this is to join hands.

Among them, the three big kings took the lead in killing them, entwined with the rules and scars, intertwined with the sky, and turned into a terrible ocean, containing the most terrifying murderous impact, and among them are hidden a few Yuanshen Taoists. Under the momentum of the thunder, he attacked Ye Chen and killed his soul.

It's just that Ye Chen was fearless, covering the sky with only his hand, and suddenly collapsed the vast ocean, and also smashed the few Yuan Shendao soldiers, exploding in the void.

This is Ye Chen's invincible fighting sacrament, unparalleled in the world, containing the power of great destruction, annihilating everything.

Moreover, he shot instantly and killed a king of heaven. He raised his hand and beat the opponent sideways, spurting blood, and his injuries were extremely serious.

"Destroying the fighting and fighting holy kings, our thirteen heavenly kings are enough to kill all the enemies." The thirteen heavenly kings shouted, a terrifying lineup, enough to sweep everything.

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