Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1049: Ye Chen vs. Powerful

? Soon after, the Primordial God King walked out of the God Realm. He experienced the immersion of the fountain of life and absorbed a lot. The injury was suppressed and he recovered a lot, so that he would not die after the First World War.


   Parallel to him, the four great **** kings of the God Realm also appeared, all of whom were majestic and powerful, but one of them was newly promoted after the age of the gods, and the others were the overlord of the age of the gods.


  Naturally, they have all been self-proclaimed in the long years, and they have enough means, otherwise they will not be able to live this life.


   "Senior." Ye Chen bowed to the Barbarian God King, and also bowed his fist slightly to other God Realm Kings, with corresponding politeness.


"Sure enough, he is a talented genius, and the next generation is terrible." Among the four great gods, the Jin Shenwang was so surprised that he was the **** king who broke through the power realm in the later era. He is not too young. He has always ruled the gods before the eternal changes. Jie is also the supreme powerhouse who shattered and annihilated Ye Chen's Dao body 40 years ago.


   Now he, although he feels that Ye Chen is not the king of heaven, he clearly feels that there are several indescribable powers in his body that are vast and terrifying, and he must be jealous.


   This is a terrifying young man, who deserves to be afraid of ancient powers.


   Taikoo Barbarian God said: "Little friend, I know you are also interested in the ancient door of Tongxuan, but I hope that when you attack, you can worry about sentient beings, and don't let the common people be harmed, and we will also protect the common people."


   "Senior don't worry, the sanctuary established by the younger generation has the power of faith from all living beings. When that moment happens, it will naturally be returned to all living beings and protect them." Ye Chen said seriously.


   "In this case, nature is the best. Now that we have brought out all the creatures in the God Realm, the God Realm has become an empty world, and we can safely fight."


Nine Void God King said: "In addition, the five people waiting for me will not stop them, nor can I stop them, let alone attack the ancient door of Tongxuan. It will only protect the safety of the ancient emperor continent. My friend, remind you to be careful. Behind the ancient gate of Tongxuan may be against the heavens, or it may hide the most terrifying existence."


"Back then, I received some very ancient historical materials, probably from the age of mythology, and it was left by a certain powerful man. In the past, the Supreme Holy Emperor Zengzhen sealed a great murderer, right at the very end of the God Realm. ."


   Ye Chen's expression moved slightly, but the five great kings had already left, and five corners at the end of the Ancient Emperor Continent appeared, showing a five-pointed tendency, sitting cross-legged in the sky.


   Faintly, Ye Chen felt that the five great kings seemed to be sitting on a special magic circle, outlined in the void, and could unfold a vast array at any time.


Soon after, the starry sky quaked, the heavens and stars were shaking, the door of light was completely exploded, and billions of lights appeared at once, annihilating everything, and there were stars in the sky in the mighty power of God. The dust was gone.




   One after another stalwart figures appeared one after another. The ancient power from the heavens and tens of thousands of domains finally successfully crossed the boundary, breaking the original chain of the ancient emperor realm, and coming in the dust.


One by one, accompanied by the earth-shattering heaven and earth, walked into the ancient emperor realm from the endless void, and the terrifying aura of the great power level suddenly pushed the entire ancient emperor realm, and hundreds of millions of living creatures felt the vast coercion. , All are trembling.


   "The ancient emperor world can finally be entered. I have waited for many years. I have been waiting."


   An ancient power is speaking. Behind him are eight pairs of sixteen wings, and they are surrounded by soft golden light. It is the power of the angel family, and it is the power of the royal family. It is very powerful. It is the Holy Feather Venerable.


   "I have waited for eternity, just for this life, I will be successful and take all the good fortune." Another powerful spoke, it was the Venerable Flame God.


   One after another ancient mighty power stood in the vast starry sky, condescending, looking down on the vast ancient emperor continent, awed by all spirits and surrendered.


   "Well, that should be the emperor city, the most ancient emperor city built by the mythical Supreme Emperor." The great powers did not immediately set off for the God Realm, but instead looked forward to the entire ancient emperor continent, looking and scanning.


They saw a magnificent **** city in the center of the entire continent, suspended in the nine heavens, high above the sky. Compared with almost all **** cities in the heavens and ten thousand domains, they were magnificent and huge, and they felt the majesty of the emperor. The emperor left.


"The emperor city is extraordinary, and an ancient great religion has been established in it. It has the power of faith in the ancient emperor continent. It also has the power of aspiration and strong fortune. It is extraordinary. I am afraid it is not weaker than the supreme sacred land established by us. Up."


All the great abilities were amazed. Three special powers appeared in the imperial city. Someone actually established the Great Sect of the Great Emperor, bringing together the faith, luck, and aspirations of the entire ancient emperor continent. They are all guessing. , I don’t know which might be.


   Only when they saw the sky above the imperial city, there was a young figure sitting cross-legged, black hair scattered, heroic and full of spirit, with immortal energy radiating, making their eyes condensed in an instant.


   "What a strong young man, he feels that he is not exactly the king of heaven, but the aura in his body is much more terrifying than the king of heaven. Could it be that the emperor of this ancient emperor world has finally been born?"


   "No, it's him, Qian, a descendant of the young fighting saint."


   When they discovered that the true identity of the young man was actually Qian, everyone was surprised.


Especially when there were a few people among them, the moment they looked at Ye Chen, there was a horrible killing intent in their eyes, and there was also a terrible sight of the sun and the moon sinking. They actually transformed into two substantive avenues of heavenly swords, which were cut straight out and tore. Splitting the sky, with stars being opened in half, it is terrifying.




   Two avenue heaven knives slashed straight down and slashed towards Ye Chen.


   "Don't die, you passed!"


   Among the great powers, the Sect Master of Tianmen was in it, his expression was slightly cold, and he flicked his hand, shattering the starry sky, and smashed two Dadao Heavenly Swords.


   Immortal Power snorted coldly, and then gave up.


Above the emperor city, Ye Chen stood up and looked at the great powers of the ten thousand domains in the starry sky. He took a step, and instantly came to the depths of the starry sky, making the hearts of the great powers jump slightly. Surprised, it's not that ordinary heavenly kings can show it.


"I have seen the Sect Master, the Holy Feather Venerable, and the Flame God Venerable." Ye Chen went to the Tianmen Sect Master and other three familiar powerful clasped fists to make a compilation. When looking at other powerful abilities, he also clasped his fists slightly, but fell on When the other people were, his eyes suddenly cooled down.


  Because there is the ancient power of the immortal line, there are also several other people who have shot him before the immortal pass, and are also the feud of the line of fighting saints.


   Ye Chen’s master, the reason why the previous generation of fighting power died was due to the undead power and the joint action of other powers.


   This is not a common enemy, and Ye Chen's perception is so keen, he naturally felt that the Undead Venerable had shot him before and was stopped by the Tianmen Sect Master.


  The powerful voice of the immortal line is extremely cold and cold: "What a heir to the line of fighting saints, I didn't expect to have not seen you for decades, and you have grown to this point, which surprised this seat."


   "Undead old ghost, are these words useful now? Do you want to make a move?" Ye Chen was cold and powerful, even if he was facing the ancient power.




   A majestic mighty power is sweeping across, that is the release of the immortal power, the turbulent starry sky, the stars are trembling, he rushed forward and shouted: "Junior, don't anyone teach you to respect the power of the voice?"


   When the divine power swept through, there were several killing intents, which directly condensed into killing intent heavenly swords, even more terrifying than the previous Dadao heavenly swords, and rushed towards Ye Chen.


The three great abilities of Tianmen Sect Master, Venerable Holy Feather, and Venerable Flame God all looked cold and wanted to take action, but several other powerful abilities blocked them, and their figures were hazy, saying: "Three, you know everything. Can you shame? Even if this kid is familiar with you, he still has to teach a lesson."


   These people were all people who had been hostile to Ye Chen in the first place.




The starry sky exploded, but Ye Chen waved the holy fist, smashed the sky with stalwart power, and also broke the killing intent heavenly sword, coldly said: "Immortality old ghost, you only have these methods? I was disappointed. "


   All the great powers were shocked. The young fighting saints have grown to this point. Can they compete with the ancient powers?


   However, when they got serious, they all discovered that Ye Chen's body contained four powers: world power, faith power, fortune power, and sentient beings' aspiration power, which was mysterious but also very powerful.


Immortal Power said coldly: "The power of the world, the power of faith, the power of fortune, and the power of aspiration, which combine four powers into one. It is this seat that has looked down upon you. The advent of the change of heaven and earth has also made the **** of the ancient emperor smaller. Easily penetrate the ten thousand realms, so that you can penetrate the great world of Gulan, and summon the mighty power of the world. It really surprised me that this step was reached."


   "You are still surprised by many things."


   Ye Chen spoke indifferently, killing intent boiled, and at the same time, he also shot, and actively shot at the undead, pinching out the mark of God, accompanied by the vast and mighty force on the attack, wanting to annihilate everything.




  All the great powers were all surprised. I didn't expect Ye Chen to shoot directly if they didn't agree with him. Moreover, he was not a great power. Even the king of heaven was not even talking about him. He actually dared to take a shot at the ancient power.


   Even if it has four powers, it won’t work.


   But when he felt the terrifying aura of Ye Chen's body, this kind of aura was really comparable to the power.


   The Immortal Power collided with him, annihilating the power of the Divine Seal on Ye Chen.


"Huh, junior, you are still too young. It's nothing more than your master's shot at me. You're trying to kill me." The undead snorted coldly, and the killing intent was exploding, and the entire starry sky was cold and cold. , And even a trident appeared in his hand, swept down with the power to kill everything.


Ye Chen's expression changed slightly, because he looked at the trident, with golden blood stains remaining on it, shining with a bright glow, making the blood of fighting in his body boil, resonating, and a scene was projected in a trance. Terrible sight.


   That is a vast starry sky and ancient land, all heavens and stars are dotted.


   An indomitable mighty statue stands in the starry sky. He is stalwart and majestic, with black hair like a waterfall, his shoulders can prop up the whole world, and his energy is so powerful that he is unimaginable.


   But his whole body was wounded, and he had terrible wounds, with deep bones visible. There were even several paths running through the front and back of the stalwart body, with golden holy blood flowing.


   Blood stains appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and the frontal bone Niwanwan was almost pierced.


   It can be seen that he is in a duel with a few of the most terrifying enemies, bursting into the starry sky, I don't know how many stars have shattered, pushing the three thousand worlds across.


   This is the mighty power of the fighting saints. It is extremely powerful. It is competing with other powers, but the situation is obviously very serious.


   Someone shot, it was the undead Venerable in front of him, his eyes flashed with cold electricity, and he held a trident in his hand, flashing the light of death.


   The mighty power in the line of the fighting saint was injured. The trident pierced his chest from behind, with a large amount of golden blood splashing, annihilating the sky.


The scene was annihilated at this moment, the death trident came, and accompanied by the icy voice of the undead: "You should have seen it all. That's right, this is your master Gu Yuntong, I used to use this trident in the past. The halberd pierced his chest and gave him a fatal blow. It will do the same to you today, piercing your chest and give you a fatal blow."


   The death trident struck across and annihilated everything.


   "Ah, undead old ghost, you are looking for death!"


   Ye Chen roared, this is the pain in his heart, which cannot be forgotten, because Gu Yuntong is the mentor who led him to grow up, and even the deep feelings of his father.


However, he was attacked and killed by several ancient powers early. Ye Chen always wanted to know the real experience of Master Gu Yuntong that day, and wanted to avenge although I knew Immortal Power had long ago It was one of the culprits, but now I saw one of the scenes. Seeing Master was pierced through his chest by blood and splashed into the starry sky, it made him extremely angry. He was also furious and shot. The Tianhuang Euphorbia appeared and struck past.




   The sky broke and the earth shattered, and there were stars in this area that were blown up one after another, and it was devastated.


   This is a battle of the great power level, which has shocked the ancient emperor continent, and the world is shocked. The fighting saint king is so powerful.


Ye Chen's figure went backwards, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding. After all, he was invincible. After all, the opponent had achieved great power for many years, and he was one of the strongest figures who gave the fighting power Gu Yuntong, compared to Ye Chen's worse. some.


   But he didn't suffer much damage, because his Sky Spirit cover was rushing out of a beam of light, and the Human Sovereign Tower appeared. The 33rd floor was full of ancient chaos, flooding Ye Chen, making him appear more powerful.


   It was Human Emperor Tower rushing out, protecting him, and resisting the death trident.


   "It's the Human Sovereign Tower. I didn't expect it was still on you, making this seat miscalculate."


   The eyes of the Immortal Venerable condensed slightly, and the other ancient powers were slightly surprised. That was the supreme imperial soldier of the Primordial Emperor, but the mythical imperial soldier of the emperor and the imperial family appeared. Otherwise, who would fight for the front?


   There are a few powerful people who are very excited, but the Sect Master, Sacred Feather Venerable, and Flame God Venerable have all come to Ye Chen's side, and another person also appears


  The Emperor of Summer!

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