Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1054: The emperor


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? The ancient chaos appeared spontaneously, interweaving, transforming into a chaotic cauldron, enveloping Ye Chen.


   He accepted the sentiment of the Emperor Taisheng on the Chaos Avenue, and immediately entered into concentration, and he wanted to absorb, transform, and turn it into his own use to make up for this shortcoming.


   Everyone was shocked, and Zhu Da Neng was even jealous.


   This is a gift from heaven. It is the supreme avenue of the Supreme Emperor. It is enough to make everyone jealous. The emperor and the emperor must be moved.


   Because the way of chaos has not been created in ancient and modern times, the emperor and the emperor are also the same, but once the achievements are made, it is rumored that it may surpass the emperor and emperor.


  Of course, these are all rumors, but they are the chaotic avenues where the emperor and emperor have never succeeded in the past. The value is huge. With the sentiment of the Supreme Emperor, every single thread is enough to make the ancient power feel and benefit a lot.


Among them, the power of immortality is even more killing intent. Although it is very restrained, who is the Supreme Emperor, even if it is just a brand, it is enough to be an invincible existence above the ancient power. I learned about him. Killing intent, glanced at him.


   The immortal power expression changed drastically, and the primordial spirit almost collapsed. He was warned by the Supreme Emperor, and the others were the same. They did not dare to show the slightest killing intent, at least in front of the Supreme Emperor, everything must surrender.


Taishenghuang looked at Emperor Wushuang and Emperor Wuming, feeling that they had some jealousy, and said: "Child, don't be jealous, and don't think that Chaos Avenue is the most invincible. In fact, I don't want you to be imprisoned in my way. , I hope you can all walk your own path. Only in this way can you truly climb the road to the extreme and surpass everything."


   Di Wushuang and Di Wushuang were shocked, then lowered their heads and said seriously: "Thank you for the father's teaching, the child has been taught."


   In the end, the Supreme Sage Emperor lit a ray of light, which enveloped Ye Chen, so that he could not be affected by other people when he entered the Tao of Comprehension.


"This life, this era, the most glorious and terrifying world is about to come. I don’t know how many people will truly become emperors, maybe none, but I hope so much, and hope that more people will achieve this. A realm, otherwise my efforts will be wasted.



   The tall and straight figure was talking to himself, and the Emperor Sigh lightly sighed, making the heavens and all realms shake together.


   "I appeared in this life not only for the chaotic avenue that the deity had never achieved, but also for other purposes. I need to go there."


   Tai Sage Emperor no longer looked at anyone, turned his head and glanced at Tongxuan Ancient Gate, then stepped away, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, left the God Realm and appeared in the starry sky.




   "Ancient ancestor!"


The emperor and the emperor clan powerhouse shouted from behind, and they were desperately chasing after him, but the Taisheng Emperor had no nostalgia and never turned around. In the second step, he came to the edge of the ancient Emperor continent. The original lake, with terrifying light beams soaring into the sky, he stayed here for a moment.




   Someone was calling excitedly in the primitive lake, but the Supreme Emperor had already turned around and left, retreating instantly, and entered the sea of ​​chaos.


   He is a mythical emperor and emperor, proud of the invincible hand of the ancient and modern, and overlooking the long river of time, is the real master of the ancient emperor world, what can stop him.


   He entered the sea of ​​chaos. Because of his appearance, the chaos sea, which was full of endless chaotic storms, calmed down instantly and restored its true appearance.


   This is an ocean of blood and chaos, with countless large and small islands, and there are also terrifying creatures entrenched, but at this moment, it must be conquered under the threat of the Emperor Taisheng.


   In a dark area in the sea of ​​chaos, there were terrifying alien creatures, but at this moment they calmed down and did not dare to move.


  The people of the world pay attention to the past, and there is a horrible existence of a foreign race, which shocked them inexplicably, but the Supreme Sage Emperor ignored it and did not pay attention to it.


A terrifying ship of Tuxian appeared from a distance while driving a broken universe. It was stained with immortal blood and an entire universe was annihilated. It represented the endless blood and chaos, and also had a mysterious figure. Li Li, looking at the figure of Taishenghuang in the distance.



   "The Tuxian Boat, which has wandered the world for countless years, is still there, is it because of the grievances that year, I don’t want to dissipate..."


The Emperor Taisheng glanced at this most mysterious Tuxian ship, vaguely sighed, but never stopped, then moved away, across the sea of ​​chaos, and even passed straight across the broken ancient immortal continent. , Never stayed.


   In the next moment, he came to the ancient gods continent and came to the outside of the Demon God Ruins, where the most terrifying light beam erupted, sweeping across the heavens and the world, extremely shocking.


   also has a pair of extremely terrifying eyes that opened in the Demon God Ruins, one eye opened the world, and one eye destroyed the world, perhaps describing the existence in the Demon God Ruins.


   The Lord of the Demon God Ruins has awakened, swallowing the heavens, extremely powerful.


   But Taishenghuang just glanced at it, not surprised, but said: "Very good, and very strong."


   has only two sentences, but from the mouth of the Emperor Taisheng, it is sufficient to prove the power of the Lord of the Demon Ruins.


But that's only the case, Taishenghuang Wushuang, and then his eyes pierced the entire ancient gods continent, and saw a hidden mysterious world, where the ancient temple was located, and the mysterious ancient bronze coffin was trembling, and the black was also transparent. A mysterious air machine.


   The huge ancient emperor realm hides too many secrets, and each one is so shocking.


   He glanced deeply and said to himself: "Unfortunately, I was given too little time, and it is not the deity, otherwise it would not be the case, I can only use the residual heat in the last time."




  Finally, after the Taishenghuang walked through the entire ancient emperor realm, he finally left, walked into the deepest part of the starry sky, and thus disappeared from the ancient emperor realm and entered the endless void.



   The sea of ​​chaos slowly recovered from the endless chaotic storm.


   Too Sage Emperor is too This speed is enough to make everyone look up, surpassing the barrier of time and space, and left this vast ancient emperor world in the blink of an eye, incredibly fast.


   Although he is just a stigma, he also possesses the true emperor and the emperor's mighty powers. The embracing he can display is beyond commonality and reason, and even the ancient power is far inferior.




   On this day, the heavens and domains are shaking, and the eternal starry sky is shaking. I don't know how many hidden existences have been awakened, and they are all shocked when they feel the surrender of the heavens echoing in the sky.


   That is because the Supreme Sage Emperor appeared in the heavens.




   He turned his whole person into immortal light, and in a few steps he traversed the entire heavens and tens of thousands of domains, and arrived at the center of the tens of thousands of domains. He was so fast that time and space could not block his existence.


   Finally, he came to the center of Wanyu, where is the Human Palace.

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