Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1061: Crown cover the world (2 in 1)

The Immortal Power was beaten up again.

The sect master of Tianmen is too strong, showing the most powerful and invincible great power, and shooting is the most terrifying means.

The sky shattered 100,000 miles away, and was torn apart at the height of the sky, and the boundless mighty might swept across the nine heavens and the earth.

It was too fast, so fast that the other powers hadn't reacted yet, and the Immortal Power was directly bombarded, flying backwards tens of thousands of miles away, sprinkling blood.

The great powers of the heavens are unbelievable, and never expected the other party to be so direct and ruthless.

Immortal power is even more disgusting, the strength of the Heavenly Gate Sect Master is beyond his expectations.

It's just that great power is great power after all, and who can achieve great power is a simple generation, the immortal power immediately reacted, and stabilized his body, standing in the void.

He didn't suffer any serious injuries, he was just caught off guard by the attack of the Heavenly Gate Sect Master and suffered a loss, and suffered certain injuries.

At this moment, he suppressed the injury, and the infinite mighty power was erupting, direct confrontation.

In addition, he used a huge world of law, and a stalwart statue of God appeared in the world, coming with a vast underworld, in order to stop the heavenly gate master.

Similarly, the power of Emperor Yan, the power of the Sun God Dynasty, the power of ancient longevity, the ancient demon gods, and the several ancient powers of the heavens and ten thousand domains who used to fight side by side with the power of fighting and fighting, it is impossible to watch immortality. Da Neng was pursued and killed by the Tianmen Sect Master, and all rushed past.


Venerable Flame God and Emperor Xia passed by, blocking the two great abilities, Venerable Holy Feather also blocked one great power, and the Primordial Barbarian King stopped the Primordial Demon God.

The four ancient mighty powers were stopped, but two mighty powers rushed past, and they couldn't really stop them and rushed past.

Undead Power received the help of two ancient powers, and soon stabilized, and even shouted, saying: "Fear fellow, I will fight together and kill him. He has a mysterious origin and a mysterious body inside. The ancient gates of the past may resonate with the ancient gates of Tongxuan, without the need for years."

This makes all the heavens shine, and this may really be a way.

"it is good!"

The other two powers are the powers of the Sun God Dynasty and the Dark Night Temple. One is in charge of the sun, and the other is the lunar.

Immortal Power took this opportunity to consume the most precious essence, which is the absolute treasure pill in the Immortal Sacred Land, and his body was immediately restored, and most of his injuries recovered.

It’s just that the sect master of Tianmen is still not afraid of everything, the four great holy spirits rush out, and the avenue of life and death is erupting, endless vitality and death rushing out, transforming into a life and death Tai Chi picture, enveloping oneself, with life and death two qi flowing, life and death reversal , Rush to the past.


There was a fierce explosion in this star field, which shocked the world. The sect master of Tianmen was fighting against the three ancient powers, how brave it was.

"Tianmen Junior, Hugh is so arrogant, I will take your head today!"

The three powers stood side by side and killed the past.

Everyone felt a kind of uneasiness. No matter how strong the Tianmen Sect Master was, could it be possible to fight against three ancient powers alone?

The powers of the heavens feel that it is impossible. Perhaps the master of the heavenly gate can suppress the immortal powers, but facing the three ancient powers at the same time, no one in the power realm can do this. No way.

However, because of this, they still looked at the great power level confrontation in the starry sky. The fierceness that has never been before, the four ancient powers confrontation, everyone is like a bright sun, can shine on nine heavens and ten places, and be seen by the world. .

It can be seen to the naked eye that there are stars in the starry sky that have been exploded one after another, making them extremely vulnerable in front of the ancient power.

The celestial light is brilliant, penetrating the ancient and modern, the master of the Tianmen gate is magnificent, his attacking power is beyond imagination, so powerful that the world can't imagine, more like an invincible **** of war, killing the enemy in the dust, invincible, invincible .

In the Great Energy level battle, the Tianmen Sect Master was extremely brave, and his hair was flying, and the four great holy spirits were blasted out by him and destroyed everything.

And he strode forward, and a sword appeared in his hand. More precisely, it was a great sword transformed into a waterfall, and billions of sword lights appeared. It swept across the starry sky, annihilated everything, and fought forcefully against the three ancient greats. can.


There are stars in the sky that have been annihilated and exploded into ashes, which is terrible.

The Lord of the Tianmen Gate has the courage to crown the world, the dragon walks in the world, his left hand is bright and billions of feet, with the source of life appearing, and the right hand is dark and deadly. The two completely different powers are combined and turned into a Tai Chi picture of life and death. Add it to yourself, and blow away.

"court death!"

In the starry sky, the mighty power of the sun **** roared, and the sacred flames all over his body burned the star field, igniting the stars in the star field of millions of miles, and flashed past.

The great power of the Dark Night Ancient Temple is that the yin is permeated, the yin is revealed, and the starry sky is broken.

The lunar yin and the sun are united, and the power of the two holy places is working together.

Behind the scenes, the Undead Power had absorbed the origin Xinghui of a dozen stars, repaired most of his injuries, and a terrible death sickle appeared in his hand, and he was also shooting.

Above the emperor city, the heavenly powers were confronting each other, and neither side acted rashly, but anyone could see that no matter how strong the current Heavenly Gate Sect Master was, he would fall under the wind, and he could not be the three ancient powerful opponents.

It was just that soon, everyone changed color.

Because after the war, the three ancient powers were all blasted off, the gods' clothes were torn apart, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding. This was a terrifying manifestation of fighting power against the sky.

"how is this possible!?"

The powers of the heavens were all shocked, and I couldn't believe all this in front of me.

Especially the three ancient powers, their figures flying upside down, are full of shock.

How could the Tianmen Sect Master be so powerful, this kind of attacking power surpasses imagination, surpasses understanding, and a single person swept their three ancient powers, which is simply unprecedented.

But this fact is happening right now.

In the life and death Tai Chi picture of the main body of the Tianmen Gate, the two qi of life and death are circulating, turning into a circle of Tai Chi, which is inviolable, immortal and immortal, resisting the attack of three ancient powers, and he is holding a waterfall, strong Strike out.

This heavenly avenue ancestor tool exerted a terrible attacking power that surpassed all in his hands. It was so sharp that one after another star was cut by the sword light, unstoppable.

The three ancient powers were all scratched, and there were patches of blood splashing in the starry sky, giving birth to a bleak blood, shining through the sky.

The three great powers are flying back, and in the same realm battle, they were suppressed by a manpower to retreat. This is an unimaginable thing. It has never been before, and it is still a new power. This is a great shame.

But in any case, I have to admit that the master of Tianmen is beyond imagination.

Undoubtedly, this is an extremely fierce battle at the Great Power Level, turbulent the entire vast starry sky, and the infinite light shines through the entire ancient emperor world, and the world on the ancient emperor continent is trembling.

That is simply the real God's divine divine warfare, even if the saint master-class figures rushed into it, one of the fluctuations was enough to make them disappear thousands of times.


The horrible blood burst suddenly, and the ancient power from the sun **** dynasty was almost robbed. It was swept across by the waterfall sword light, and the right arm was cut and exploded. The blood burst into the sky, and Cang Yu was also burned. , Blasted a few stars to burn.

It's terrible, the battle of this kind of great energy level is far beyond the world's imagination.

Now all the heavens have not done anything to Yi Wu in the Central Heavenly Palace. Everything is focused on the starry sky. Even now, there are still some peerless beings who have not yet been born, but are paying close attention.

The sun's power was horrified, and the moment he went back tens of thousands of miles away, all this was just to avoid the attack of the Tianmen Sect Master.

The three ancient powers are all attacking with all their abilities, and the endless laws of the avenue are overwhelmingly impacting the past, blocking the advance of the Tianmen Sect Master.

It's just that the sect master of the Tianmen is faint, walking in the starry sky, disillusioning step by step, if walking in the eternal world, like a dream, illusion, and unpredictable, all attacks can destroy the star, but can not really get close to the master of the heavens.

He is like walking in another piece of time and space, mysterious and strange.

This scene caused the three great powers to tremble, so how could they attack the other side with such a shocking body technique.

I don't know when, the sect master of Tianmen has come to the front of the power of the sun, operating the magical powers, the sacred seal blasts out, and the immeasurable light is shining.

Even if the sun's great energy is full of brilliance and billions of meters, it is useless to have its own great-energy level immortal ancient soldiers, and it is attacked by the Tianmen Sect Master powerfully and flies.

And there was a fist that pierced his shoulder, tore open his right arm, and blood splashed into the starry sky.

And at the next moment, the Tianmen Sect Master raised his hand to suppress it, and the Tai Chi diagram of life and death appeared, covering a radius of 100,000 miles.

The look of the sun's power changed drastically, and he hurriedly blocked it with the immortal ancient soldiers that he had sacrificed.


The starry sky collapsed, the palms of the fingers fell, and the Tai Chi picture of life and death was pressed down like an ancient emperor with one hand, and the sun was powerfully blown away. Even the immortal ancient soldiers guarding the body clanged, the light dimmed and cracks appeared.

Natural Sun Power is even more coughing up blood. It is as powerful as a power-level body, with a sacred body, but the body is about to split, almost to the bone.

One can imagine how terrifying the Heavenly Gate Master's attack was.

The other two powers came to help, otherwise the Sun Power would be beheaded sooner or later. They have this reason to believe that there is probably no great power here that can face the Heavenly Gate Sect Master alone without fear. The best way is to cooperate, otherwise they will be destroyed one by one.

The battle for the great energy level continues, and it is clear that the heavenly gate master is unparalleled and has achieved an overwhelming victory.

He became more and more courageous as he fought. He was too powerful, too powerful, and shocking. Is this really the fighting power that a newcomer should have?

Three veteran Da Nengs were suppressed.

"Ah, Tianmen Sect Master, you forced me to do this!" A shrill roar sounded in the starry sky.


In the starry sky, a world-destroying monstrous might suddenly exploded, even surpassing the ancient might.

That is the power of the sun and the ancient temple of the dark night. Both used the ancestral soldiers of their holy land. They were the king-level immortal soldiers left by the king of the sun and the king of the dark night in the age of myth. They were revived, originally to enter the Tongxuan ancient The door is used, but now it has to be used in advance.

"Tianmen Sect Master, no matter how strong you are this time, you will be killed!"

The three ancient powers spoke coldly. The king-level immortal soldiers are the invincible soldiers of the king. Once they recover and wait for the king to fight, the ancient powers will not be enough to see in front of the king and will be destroyed.


The two Emperor-class immortal soldiers attacked, unleashing two of the most stunning celestial lights, rushing into the starry sky, and immediately one after another star was exploded, turning into the most brilliant fireworks, and even more shocking. Tianmen Sect Master.

Above the imperial city, after seeing the two majestic powers using the Emperor-level immortal soldiers, the great powers all took a deep breath, but they also sighed with regret at the same time.

Because the sect master of the Tianmen cannot be astonishing, it is always just power, and the king-level immortal soldier has the peerless power of destruction, even if it does not fully recover.


In the imperial city, the Three Fairies, Peacock King, Yiyi, and Golden Dragon are all worried.

The sect master of Tianmen moved horizontally for the first time, avoiding the terrorist attacks of the two Emperor-class immortal soldiers.


A big bell emerged, and it was actually made of gold of the Nine Tribulations. It was the sun **** clock of the Sun King. The golden haze rushed into the sky, and there were circles of gold ripples spreading out. It was Zhongbo, which contained the king's might. , Rushed to the sect master of Tianmen, terrifying.

Boom boom boom -

In the far sky, stars exploded, like a splendid firework blooming, shocking.

The powers of the heavens are changing color, this power is too terrifying, the power will be robbed, and it will be annihilated under the Emperor-level immortal soldiers.

The sect master of Tianmen retreats silently for more than tens of thousands of miles, without resisting, still standing in the starry sky.

On the other side, a celestial yin light rushed over and turned into a black dragon, but it was a black dragon sword. The head of the dragon was the sword, and the color of black gold was flowing. It was made by the black gold master of the abyss. The air of lunar yin flows, eroding everything.

The Tianmen Sect Master moved horizontally again, and there was a burst of stars exploding in the direction where he was originally standing.


The great power of the sun held the sun **** clock and shot out a flaming golden glow. Accompanied by the endless fairy fire, the **** clock turbulent ancient emperor realm, and the sect master of the heaven was established.

This is the eternal celestial light which contains the majesty of the king. It can be described as destroying and standing, destroying everything and reopening the world.

This time, the sect master of Tianmen did not dodge, and was overwhelmed by the eternal fairy light. The star field was also beaten to silence, and a huge black hole appeared, shattering everything.

"Has the Tianmen Sect Master been killed?"

Everyone is paying attention, especially the expressions of the three fairies and others changed, and there was a violent worry, lest the Tianmen Sect Master should have an accident.


But the next moment, the fairy light exploded, and the master of Tianmen strode out, as heroic as ever.

At this moment, there was a thirty-three-story Human Emperor Pagoda on his head ups and downs, endless chaos and ancient aura. And in his hand, a bronze spear appeared——


"This time, I will let you blood sacrifice to the ancient gate and summon the long river of years!" The Tianmen gate master said, his eyes shining forever! (To be continued.)

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