Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1068: chaos

During the duel, Ye Chen remained unrelenting. At this moment, he was too strong, constantly swallowing the terrifying tribulation of the heavenly king, turning it into his own use, and there were wis of ancient chaos bursting out, transforming into a special and powerful The law of chaos, long hit the past. Music + Literature + Novel www.し

He took the initiative to confront the great power of the alien race, his golden body was immortal, accompanied by the ancient chaos, he was terrifying to the extreme, amazingly powerful, and could destroy the world.

"Too fierce!"

Everyone was surprised that Ye Chen was really able to fight against the mighty power. You must know that no matter how strong he was before, he could only do it with the power of world power and faith, and he was a little reluctant, but now he is not.

Although with the help of the vast force of Heavenly Tribulation, you can feel how terrifying Ye Chen's Heavenly Punishment is, but if his body is not strong enough, how can he withstand that powerful force to force the power.

Ye Chen's breath is long, and the Great Tribulation of Heaven's Punishment has become more and more terrifying with the passage of time, such as the Great Tribulation of the Five Elements and the Great Tribulation of Dao Soldiers, and other kinds of disasters that are rare in ancient and modern times continue to appear.

But he has always been a bottomless pit, swallowing all the catastrophes directly, a steady stream, the Xeon Immortal Battle Saint Body is more brilliant, making him appear more and more terrifying.

Moreover, from the tribulation to the sun, there is a kind of suppression to the alien race, and Ye Chen, as the fighting sacrament, is even more so.

Both coexist, Ye Chen can be said to occupy a certain innate advantage.

During the battle, although the power of the alien race is strong enough, the more you get to the back, the more the color changes, not only because the enchanting evildoer of the young Tianjiao of the sealed universe is terrifying, and the calamity is becoming more and more terrifying, and they will all be affected when they reach the back. , Was targeted by the catastrophe.

Even if it is not a person in this universe, the tribulation of heaven is common and ignores everything coming.

"Chaos, break the world!"

Ye Chen yelled, waved the Immortal Sacred Fist, and the ancient chaos exploded, pushing the ground-breaking fist to a whole new level. There is really a world that is born, the world is opened, and all souls are present, sweeping to the power of the alien race.


That ancient power was blown away, blood and blood splashed and suffered trauma.

Ye Chen was about to be invincible, and both sides were dumbfounded. He actually attacked the mighty with a weak strike, attacked the mighty power with the Heavenly King Realm, and was injured because of his strength.

This is simply a retrograde killing of immortals. With the help of the vast calamity, Ye Chen has already reached this point, shocking all the powers of the heavens. It is also a terrifying heavenly arrogant present, possessing the posture of the unparalleled emperor, peerless unparalleled. .

In a daze, you can see that a generation of Supreme Emperor is rising on the road to success, that kind of power is simply unstoppable.

Di Wuming and Di Wushuang outside the ancient gate of Tongxuan were shocked, and it must be said that Ye Chen's strength was beyond their imagination.

The other true immortal kings became more and more silent, even if they reached the Heavenly King Realm, they felt that the perception of the fighting holy king was not the slightest closer, but it was even greater.

Will they really become the stepping stones along the way for the fighting saint kings to move towards the supreme throne?

Power is power after all, and it is impossible to be killed by Ye Chen in a single blow, even if Ye Chen uses the most powerful moves.

The power of the alien race stood up again, the magic mist on his body became even more black, and even more evil, with the immortal magic soldier in his hand, standing and looking down above the river of years.

Its eyes were cold and ruthless, and said: "I didn't expect such an emperor Tianjiao to appear in this world. It is beyond imagination, it is still ten heaven, which seal emperor belongs to? Heir?"

Ye Chen stayed indifferent, strode forward, letting the great catastrophe of the heavens come, he himself incarnates into the chaos Taoist bottle, soars up into the sky, swallowing patches of light and thunder, even if it is the Five Elements Great Tribulation, Yin and Yang Double Tribulation, Nine Heavens Tribulation, etc. are nothing more than the same.

After all, he accumulated too deep, and once broke out, it impacted the higher levels of the Heavenly King Realm, and also pushed the Chaos Method to a new level.

Naturally, he could not fully comprehend the Chaos Dao of the Emperor Taisheng. It was too high and deep. It was an invincible emperor and the emperor who spent most of his life researching it. Even the emperor and the emperor would take a lot of time to fully comprehend it, let alone. Ye Chen, so far, has only realized some fur, but his understanding of the way of chaos has improved a lot.


In the Heavenly Tribulation, an even more terrifying disaster appeared, with Godless soldiers appearing in Heaven's Punishment.

There are burial monuments, human emperor towers, and mysterious yellow tripods. Each piece is the supreme emperor soldier of the mythical emperor and the emperor, manifested in the catastrophe, and also has the holy spirit of the mythical age, such as Kunpeng and Qiongqi. , Such as chaos and so on, extremely terrifying.

All kinds of powerful calamities came down in an all-round way, with waves that destroy the big world, overwhelming the sky, flooding an area of ​​the long river.

Ye Chen's breath is strong, still appearing calmly and calmly. While fighting, the other side continues to kill the alien army, causing unimaginable terrible casualties. He is also actively fighting against the alien power and constantly swallowing the heavens. The catastrophe, turned into a steady stream of vast divine power, long hit the past, destroying all obstacles.

During the war, Ye Chen was always majestic, and he was constantly advancing to the top of the long river of years, trying to kill to the forefront, triggering a direct infinite calamity, and inflicting serious casualties on the most powerful foreign race in the upper reaches.

He soared into the sky, slaughtered all the way, and fought against the mighty foreign race, exploding the vast divine light, and his breath lasted long, making the foreign powerhouses feel terrified.

In the war, Ye Chen was wounded after all. He was wounded by a powerful alien, and he was wounded by a special tribulation. The golden blood was scattered in the sky, and it contained a trace of ancient chaos, which was shocking.

Everyone in the world knows that Ye Chen is walking on a difficult path. Like the Taishenghuang in the myth age, he wants to create a complete and flawless chaotic road.

It seems impossible, but after getting the Supreme Sage Emperor’s supreme insights about he created the chapter of the beginning of chaos. Now it seems that he really wants to succeed. At least there is a part of chaos in his body. The blood and other fighting holy blood are transforming into the chaotic blood, and there are strands of ancient chaos.

Obviously, this is terrifying, and it is also daunting. The Alien Power also noticed this and was shocked.

Because this kind of avenue is too terrifying, there are rumors in the world that once you succeed, you may have the opportunity to surpass everything and achieve the supreme Chaos Heaven Emperor.

It is impossible for alien races to allow such horrible characters to appear in this world, although they feel that they cannot succeed. After all, neither the ancestor of their universe nor the supreme Supreme Emperor in the sealed universe have ever succeeded, but they Still cannot allow such seeds to appear in this world, even if hope is infinitely close to zero.

In an instant, the powerful breath of the alien race became stronger, and the demon soldier crossed the world, smashing down in anger, and wanted to stand up and kill the enchanting Tianjiao in this world.

Ye Chen didn’t have Tianhuang in his hand and no one’s imperial pagoda to protect him, but he was unparalleled, his eyes were as bright as the sky, and his big hand directly grabbed the burial monument and the human emperor’s pagoda revealed in the tribulation. After I realized the law of chaos, I pushed it out suddenly, causing a big explosion there, drowning the power of the alien race. (To be continued.)

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