Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1078: It's him


The most terrifying loud noise appeared, shaking the earth, causing the world to scream, causing the years and the river to collapse and cut off, causing a huge impact that has never been seen before.

The foreign emperor was blown to pieces, his bones were broken, the blood splashed in the river of years, swept everything, let the stars of the mysterious starry sky fall, let the river be cut off, and drowned the horror that has never existed in the past.

That kind of fluctuation is so terrifying, the dark light is not deep, on the contrary it is very dazzling.

It was blood light, which originated from a foreign emperor, illuminating the whole river of years in an instant, reflecting the sky, like the sky collapsed, and the end is horrible.

Even at the ancient gate of Tongxuan, the most terrifying fluctuation was felt, and the three kings hurriedly resisted, using the gossip universe mirror to recover and resist.

Otherwise, the wave of the emperor's explosion will rush out of the ancient gate of Tongxuan. Not only will the people present but the three kings be bombarded into ashes, and it will have a huge impact on the entire ancient emperor world, and will not collapse. , But at least it will collapse halfway. The God Realm and the Ancient Emperor Continent will probably collapse, and hundreds of millions of lives will be destroyed.

It is conceivable that the strongest emperor-level existence exploded, the blood was splashed in the river, and the power was terrifying, it was simply unparalleled.

All of this is the action of the future supreme, devouring the forbidden thunder of the heavens, and attacking with the Chaos Cauldron.

No one can deny that he was extremely powerful, beyond imagination, and he could not stop going against the long river of years, and even shot a supreme alien emperor to alive and exploded, and that kind of combat power made the heavens and all realms alive. It will shake, and it will be shocked throughout the ages.

do you died?

Was an emperor who was unparalleled in ancient and modern times just beheaded and killed by Future Supreme?

This is the doubt in everyone's hearts, they raised their hearts and watched all this closely.

But the three kings all shook their heads, and it was impossible to be killed so easily. Even a foreign king had never been killed so easily, let alone the strongest emperor and emperor.


Sure enough, a loud noise sounded again.

The endless black light flooded the nine heavens, and the emperor-level fluctuations shook the world. The blood and the emperor's laws were all flowing backwards. In an instant, they reversed and returned, reshaping the Wushuang emperor's body at the top of the long river.

The foreign emperor is immortal and has fully recovered. The devil body does not know how tall it is, towering into the mysterious starry sky, so that the galaxies are surrounded by the stars, and the emperor's fluctuations become more terrifying and powerful, making the heavens. The stars are constantly shattered and annihilated.

He overlooked the long river of years and looked at the future supreme coldly.

"The emperor of the foreign race is not dead yet, he is resurrected, and the emperor war will continue."

The world is sighing that the emperor's vitality is beyond imagination, so that it will not perish in a single blow, and the reorganization of the body will be resurrected, and it is unique in the world.

"The emperor is immortal, otherwise it is not worthy to be called the supreme existence that can go hand in hand with the heavens." The emperor whispered in the early days, it is too difficult for this kind of existence to really kill, the vitality is unparalleled and powerful, beyond imagination.

If they are not taken by other emperors, they will be immortal, immortal, and years can cut everything in the world, but they can't really decay them.

This is the emperor, who truly transcends the years.

However, I can also feel the power of the future supreme, as powerful as the emperor, it can be exploded alive, how powerful it is to do it.

The future supreme is still silent, but stepping forward, the chaotic mist is surging, contending with the taboo immortal thunder, and he is proud of the past and the present, and at this time, he has used forbidden magical powers.


In the next moment, the brightest rays of light burst out on the long river of years, shining everything, shaking the eternal years, and reflecting the heavens.

This kind of light is astonishingly flaming, dazzling unparalleled, and the sun is less than one billionth of a billion, but at the same time it is accompanied by unparalleled unparalleled power.

Among them is the light of chaos, the light of flying immortals, tearing the long river, shattering the starry sky, and making the heavens and all paths recede, and the avenue cannot be approached.

Shocked to the world, this is like a myth.


In a trance, I saw the future supreme being around the chaos and ancient energy, tearing everything apart, with a big universe emerging, and one big world after another appeared behind him. The heavens and the world are opening up. That is the great power that opened up the world, surpassing the world. All power.

The battlefield was shifting, and everyone was shocked to discover that the alien emperor was being beaten back and forth.

It is not fear of death. As an emperor, he is fearless of everything, has invincible belief, and can fight to the end.

But it was precisely in this so-called **** battle that the alien emperor was slain by the future supreme, and he kept retreating, just as the future supreme said, if you want to kill him, you can return to the mythical era.

This is a manifestation of strength and domineering, from the future, the Geshizhizun is extremely powerful and possesses the invincible belief of ancient and modern.

The foreign emperor was roaring. Although he was immortal and immortal, he was reorganized and recovered after being broken into pieces, but he did not pay the price. Such reorganization had lost a lot of energy and spirit before he recovered, and he appeared in aura. Declining, at a disadvantage.

And the other side's momentum is not diminishing, and it is rising steadily, moving forward courageously, and the other race emperor will really be defeated.

The Chaos Cauldron fell again, and the Human Emperor Tower and Tianhuang both recovered perfectly, terrifying to the extreme, and recovered more thoroughly than in the hands of the three kings.

Because both of them are close to the real Supreme Emperor's soldiers, only the real Supreme Emperor can recover perfectly, and the emperor can only recover part of it.

In this way, the future supreme blasted the past, unparalleled and terrifying, chasing the past bravely.

The alien emperor was roaring, full of anger and helplessness, because the opponent was too powerful, beyond his imagination.

He was trying his best to resist, and thousands of magic lights appeared on his body, which were all kinds of magical powers, which were displayed in an instant, and that power was naturally shocking, who could contend.

However, the future supreme is stronger, playing the eternal emptiness, destroying all Taoism and Dharma, and he shows the Chaos Taoism, swallows everything, returns to the source, transforms into divine power, and replenishes himself.

Undoubtedly, Chaos Dao Fa is even more terrifying than eternal emptiness, because Chaos is the origin of everything, which can assimilate everything and return everything to the most fundamental source.

During the emperor war, the foreign emperors kept going backwards, being imposed by the law of chaos, and almost all the supernatural powers displayed were smelted into chaos, which was amazing and even more terrifying.

And later, he was blown to the emperor's body again, and the blood stained the river, shaking the past and present.


At the same time, there were countless forbidden immortal thunders, all of which fell on the foreign emperor who had just been reorganized, adding to the situation, making him more injured and bleeding constantly.

Because he once stood in the land of Tongxuan, he has crossed the years to a certain extent, and now he returns to the era of mythology, he will inevitably be punished by the heavens.

The foreign emperor is roaring, roaring, and has ruled the world for countless years. In the mythical era, he has slaughtered this sealed universe and swallowed hundreds of millions of creatures. Unexpectedly, he was killed by a future man and he was killed twice. It is a great shame.

Although he also used the destructive power caused by the broken bones to attack the future supreme, and wanted to use this to redeem his disadvantages, the effect was really not great.

Because the future supreme is too strong, he even swallowed a lot of blood with the chaos cauldron, refining it for life, and swallowing it, and he recovered his injuries to a certain extent.

Under the circumstances of one and the other, his disadvantage becomes more and more obvious.

After this battle, the two emperors even detached themselves from the long river of time for a while, and entered a fierce battle in the mysterious starry sky, causing the universe there to collapse, and the heavens and stars were annihilated by countless, and they were even about to detach themselves. A piece of heaven and earth.

The disadvantage of the alien emperor was obvious, because it was blown up for the third time soon and was completely at a disadvantage, but it also flooded the mysterious starry sky with blood, swallowing the origin of countless stars, and replenishing his body to a certain extent.

It’s just that the future supreme will be like a rainbow, consistent, vigorous and courageous, with a truly invincible demeanor, to attack and kill.

In the end, the alien emperor was beaten down from the starry sky, retreated hundreds of millions of miles, and was about to completely return to the mythical era. The battle was shocking and weeping.

During the emperor war, countless visions appeared along the way, such as the vast palace of heaven, and the mythical creatures, and there was also a scene of mythological destruction. The eternal years are reflecting, but everything is quickly annihilated and defeated by the emperor’s battle. Off.

Finally, it was seen that the alien emperor was shattered once again, and rushed back to the mythical era, the blood-stained era.

However, there were a few giant hands protruding from there, the palms of other foreign emperors. Over the years, the Supreme Emperor's soldiers sent troops and smashed away.

They all sensed the horror of the future supreme, even if they paid a huge price, they would suffer damage to the future supreme and it would be difficult to return to the future.

It's just that the future supreme is even more powerful, displaying the eternal emptiness and the eternal immortal, two taboo magic powers directly pushed away and annihilated everything.

The chaotic cauldron swallowed the mighty power of the heavens, and accompanied by the taboo immortal thunder, went straight down, shattering everything, and exploded in the uppermost reaches of the long river of years, and boundless chaos emerged, drowning everything.

Moreover, he used the burial monument, and the laws of the Emperor of Heaven imprinted in the monument appeared, covering the past and present.

The emperor's blood stained on the stele shone with brilliance, and strands of emperor appeared, and the inscribed emperor's word soared into the sky, and the emperor's blood bombarded the hand of the foreign emperor, causing the big hand to break open, and there were scary bloodstains.

In the end, the burial monument fell, once again cutting off the long river of years, letting the mythical era cut off this life.

At the end of the mythical era, a huge roar suddenly sounded, shaking the sky and the ground, full of anger.


In the alien universe, there was a sudden burst of blood and light soon after, flooding the vast universe and alarming the attention of countless alien creatures in the universe.

No one knows what happened, only that an emperor and an emperor exploded for some reason, their bodies shattered, **** light flooded half of the universe, and black light shattered stars and shocked the world and was known to the world.

Some people suspect that the supreme of the sealed universe came to the alien universe dormant, and suddenly attacked the emperor of this world when a certain emperor was in retreat, leaving him to pieces.

Undoubtedly, this made the alien race angry and dared to sneak into the alien universe, even if the opponent was the emperor and emperor, it was clearly seeking death.

But no Qi machine was found, the emperor in this universe had never taken any action, and it seemed very calm.

The emperor, who only knew that he had broken bones, had reorganized his body, as if he had opened up the world, terrifying, and suffered serious injuries, and finally entered a supreme mystery.

From this day on, until the next era, no one has appeared, and no one knows what happened.

When everything calmed down, there was no battle, no waves, and the long river of years gradually resumed its flow.

Eternity flows, immutable, and also reflects the eternal heavens.

At the top of the long river of years, a stalwart figure appeared like an emperor, making the river no longer turbulent and flowing smoothly. He walked back from the top of the river to the lower reaches, and even crossed the land of Tongxuan without entering.

This is surprising. The foreign emperor of the past can enter it, why he can't enter.

Only Ye Chen truly understood that it is not that the future supreme will not enter, but not enter, otherwise this life will coexist with the future, the impact will be too great, it will disrupt time and space, change everything, and cause unimaginable terrifying effects.

It will cause the most serious damage to the deity of the future supreme, and even affect this moment, obliterating the current Ye Chen.

It's just that the future supreme came here and never left, even if there was a taboo immortal thunder that kept falling and never left, the Chaos Cauldron was resisting, and the Human Emperor Tower and Tianhuang all returned to Ye Chen's hands and calmed down.

Under the attention of countless people, he came step by step to the black hole of reincarnation full of mysterious aura. Looking at himself in this life, the distance between each other is very close, less than ten feet, but the real distance is unimaginable. Years.

The most recent is also the furthest and cannot be crossed.


Forbidden Immortal Thunder is even more terrifying, because the present and the future are too close, causing chaos in time and space, and heaven's punishment comes even more terrifying.

Each road can annihilate the power, but now I don't know how many roads have come down, falling heavily, and it will even affect the present and future of Ye Chen and Yi Wu in the black hole of reincarnation.

"Get up!"

With a soft A vast and boundless force blooms in the long river of years, shocking the past and shining the present.

That is the future supreme, the emperor is unparalleled, unmatched in the past and the present, overlooking time and space, and even hit the boundless supreme emperor, taking all the taboo immortal thunders, and taking it all alone.


The taboo immortal thunder is too terrifying, and it is much more terrifying than before. The future supreme can blow up foreign emperors, so powerful, but now the whole body is about to crack, the emperor's armor is cracked, and it seems to be about to be broken.

What a horrible taboo fairy thunder, it was many times stronger than before.

The three kings and the powers of the heavens all changed in amazement.

During this period, in a trance, Yi Wu saw the true face of the future supreme being blasted away by the forbidden thunder.

It was a young and heroic face, so delicate and familiar.

It's him, Ye Chen!

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