Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1082: The road is broken?

Ye Chen directly pleaded with the sect master of Tianmen, hoping to obtain three ancient powerful spirits.

This is startling, could it be that Ye Chen couldn't bear it and didn't want to kill them.

But everyone shook their heads, which was not in line with the strong and domineering style of the fighting saints.

It is necessary to know that with this vein of style, it is beyond strength, especially Ye Chen, which is even more vivid, how can he not kill three ancient and powerful spirits.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

"Okay, here you are."

The Tianmen Sect master nodded, completely unconditionally believed in Ye Chen, and displayed supreme magical powers, sealed the three powerful spirits, and could not break free, and then safely handed them to Ye Chen, not afraid that the spirits of the three would struggle against Ye Chen cause some damages.

Ye Chen thanked him for the big gift, took the three souls, and threw them directly in the imperial tower. In the imperial tower, a chaotic cauldron was derived. The law of chaos is evolving, and there is also a special emperor. Words emerge.

When the three ancient powers saw this scene, the shock in their hearts was even stronger than death.

Because the Chaos Cauldron in front of me is so familiar, it is more mature and refined than the one that Ye Chen has evolved in the past. It is imprinted with the mark of the Great Dao, and it has changed, but it is distinct from the one who is stepping on the river against the current in the future. The chaotic cauldron of metaplasia is so similar.

At this moment, they finally understood, stepping on the long river of years, who came from the future.

They were full of horror, and never expected that he would prove to become emperor and become the strongest in the future.

They regretted why they wanted to provoke such a person, and also want to pass such important information to the outside world, so that like-minded people should pay attention, and they must stop Ye Chen from destroying it as soon as possible, and kill him before he can become the emperor.

But none of this will work, because the human emperor tower is closed to heaven and earth, and their spirits are sealed by the town and cannot be passed on.

In addition, Ye Chen’s icy voice spread into the Human Emperor’s Tower, and he tested it coldly: “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you for the time being, you are still very useful, and I will become an important sacrifice to the ancient power in the future. ."

Such a voice made the three of them frightened, but unable to struggle, they were completely imprisoned in the Chaos Cauldron.

That's right, Ye Chen's main purpose is to use the origins of the three ancient powers to achieve Chaos Power.

In addition, Ye Chen still has the origin of a group of alien powers. It has not been refined, but it is reserved for future use. With the powers of the two universes, it helps him achieve the power of chaos.

Naturally, at this point, Ye Chen knew that it would be very difficult for him to become a chaotic power. At least one power source of each of the two races is not enough, because his power is invincible at the same level, and it surpasses the same level by a lot. It will be much more difficult to achieve Chaos Power, because he needs to collect enough power sources to help him grow.

The death of the three ancient powers was a shock and an aftershock, which was soon forgotten by everyone.

If it was definitely not the case in the past, but now the more important thing is the land of the profound communication, all the targets are in the land of the profound communication, even if it is the end of the emperor battle, they can forget about it for the time being, it can be seen.

The ancient powers all soared into the sky, rushing to the land of Tongxuan one after another, to fight for real good fortune.

Ye Chen continued to sit cross-legged and completely refined the king's flesh and blood. After sitting still for half an hour, everything returned to its peak state.

He looked at Yi Wu who was guarding him, and looked at the nervous goddess outside the Tongxuan Gate, Chen'er, and other related powerhouses in the sanctuary, very nervous about Ye Chen's situation.

Ye Chen nodded, indicating that they don't need to worry, and he opened the way with vast willpower, metamorphosing a divine light channel for relatives, friends and important figures in the sanctuary to enter.

Years and Rivers are very evil, even if the ancient power stays for a long time, they will be deprived of their longevity, let alone other people, Yi Wu and Ye Chen are special cases, but Ye Chen opened the way with the force of willingness, and can temporarily resist the erosion of the years.

This is also one of the magical effects of Yuanli.

Ye Chen is ambitious, even if he enters the land of good fortune, he is not alone, he wants to benefit everyone around him.

Ye Chen walked tiger step, strode forward on the long river of years, and finally rushed into the land of good fortune, and a group of people behind him sank into it.

The land of good fortune is very mysterious, close to immortals, and is known as the sky, the psychic, the immortal, the ancient and the modern, etc., with incomparable mystery, which has made people crazy throughout the ages.

The Emperor Taisheng entered in the age of mythology and brought the two fallen disciples of the Sun King and the Dark Night King, suspected to be resurrected.

Not long ago, the alien kings who came from the mythical era also entered it, confirming that they can pass through the past and the present, and truly come into this life from the mythical era.

Ye Chen took a group of people into it, but they disappeared immediately. After returning to his senses, he found that he was the only one left.

Reappearing is a mysterious road, surrounded by nothingness, and there is only one road that lies in front of you.

Either forward or backward, there is no third option.

Ye Chen knew that everyone else was fine, and they should all be facing the same choices as himself.

What kind of path is this?

Ye Chen didn't know, and didn't know how to leave, and stood silently until after a long time, he finally made a choice——


That's right, it's going forward, because he knows what his path forward is, to be invincible, and to change the future.

This is the invincible belief and the goal of life. It has long been established. Why do you need to go and confirm it? Only in the future, you want to know everything in the past.

He strode towards the back of the road, and took one step forward, as if traveling through the But the years belonged to only one person, he saw all the past.

In this life, all the awakenings after jumping into the river suicide, and seeing the parents in this life, have a different kind of warmth.

I also saw the appearance of the old Yan, the appearance of the former world friend and the warlord in the cross-border passage of the trial world, Wang Ming, the elegant encounter, the sacred place of the purple mansion and the goddess, and the world of Gulan The Lord waits for everything.

There was also a time when the previous life was Qianyue, from a weak childhood, rising step by step, becoming the tenth heaven supreme arrogant Tianjiao, from the lower realm into the heavens and ten thousand realms, boundless.

He was looking back at the past, past and present, all the people and things that he had encountered were flowing, and they were constantly emerging with Ye Chen's steps.

Finally, the review of Ye Chen's past and present is over, the road is broken, and the front is dark.

It's just that Ye Chen has a weird feeling in his heart that the road has never been broken, and there is still a way ahead.

Without hesitation, Ye Chen stepped forward directly into the darkness.

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