Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1085: Powerless

The horror of the original generation is beyond imagination, and it will be the biggest enemy he needs to face in the future.

Is it difficult for even the four strongest emperors to compete?

As if he knew the doubts in Ye Chen's heart, the mysterious voice continued to come, saying: "The emperor is the world, invincible in fighting, the sage opens the sky, and the time and space are immortal. They are the most powerful existence in the world, and can be killed. The emperor and the emperor. It’s just the power of the original generation, not only in combat power, but also in more terrifying methods."

"In the mythical era, although the four emperors once entered the alien universe, they never directly confronted the first generation in the ancient temple of the alien universe and other supreme existences. There are more important things that need to be done by them, and they cannot truly die or die. There is no time for him to take care of the myth in the universe of Fengjie, which has shattered."

Ye Chen was shocked. What kind of thing was that the four great emperors had no time for him to see that the myth was shattered, and he did not even confront the first generation head-on.

However, when the Taishenghuang Yin-Yang Taiji Seal was opened, the imprint left by the Taishenghuang appeared.

All kinds of proof, as the mysterious voice said, the Emperor Taisheng returned later, leaving a brand, and taking the corpse of the twin kings into the land of good fortune, in order to seize good fortune and resurrect them, and also to do a great thing. It is very likely to have entered the prehistoric world.

That matter has a bearing on the entire universe, as well as through the ages, and is suspected to be related to the fairy king.

But the imprint left by the Supreme Sage Emperor was never known, because it was just the imprint, missing important memories.

"In fact, in the world, the emperor and the emperor have never been extinct, and there are still people. But the strongest people have entered another realm, because there is the destiny of all life in the world, and they need to go there."

The emperor is immortal?

Ye Chen was silent. He had long understood that the mysterious person who was surrounded by chaos on the river in the past should be the real supreme emperor.

But according to the other party, although the emperor never perished in the battle of the myth, but those people disappeared in this universe and entered another world.

"What is the other world?" Ye Chen asked.

"Fast and Wild Immortal World." The mysterious voice came, very simple and direct.

Although Ye Chen was a little surprised, he was also expecting it. After all, it was said in the world that the emperor and the emperor did not exist in the world, and it was suspected that they had entered the prehistoric immortal realm, which has now been confirmed.

"Did the emperor and the others also go to the desolate immortal realm? What is the purpose of the emperor to the desolate immortal realm?" He asked again, "because of the immortal king?"

"The fairy king--" The mysterious existence suddenly laughed, but the laughter seemed to be full of inexplicable ridicule, with indescribable meaning, as if he heard the biggest joke in the world, making Ye Chen surprised .

Why did the other party laugh at the fairy king like this.

The mysterious existence stopped the laughter, but answered the wrong question: "Some things are hard to tell. You need to see, do, and realize by yourself, otherwise everything is false."

Ye Chen Yilin, what does this mean?

"who are you?"

After being silent for a long time, Ye Chen spoke. He felt that it was not the four great emperors who passed the sound transmission, but someone else.

"who am I?"

The mysterious existence seems to be talking to itself, and there is also a little confusion. It took a long time to answer: "Who I am, I have long forgotten, but a passer-by over the years, at the right time and the right place, waiting for the right one. People. And this right person is you, the key person."

Ye Chen's heart trembled, is he the key person who will distort everything in the future?

He thought of the blood-stained future, invincible in the world, and silent in the world, with silence.

"Your arrival is not a coincidence, but the mythical emperor and emperor of the past made you come across the endless darkness, to witness the greatest enemy of blood and chaos, and to do everything possible to give you a good luck."

"good fortune?"

"Yes, if the catastrophe comes in the future, if there is a shortage of time, come to the land of good fortune, and we will give you a precious time. I just hope that it will not be used, and the blood and chaos will no longer exist."

Mysterious voices kept coming, and the last sentence contained a helpless sigh.

Ye Chen said: "Senior, is it possible that the biggest enemy in the future is the first generation of the alien race?"

A long sigh came from the mysterious voice, and said: "I also hope that it is only the original generation, otherwise the four emperors will not be powerless."

"The future of blood and chaos is unprecedented. Not only will the enclave be shattered, but the immortal world will be affected. Shidai is one of the creators of blood chaos, and there are others, such as those who seem to be the incarnation of justice."

"But now it's useless even if you know it, it's not strong enough, some taboos are known, and they will be found by the most terrible enemy, which is not good for you. And now is not the right time, you should go back, and see you in the future!"

When the last word fell, there was a thud, and this time suddenly exploded, blasting Ye Chen's whole body into the endless darkness.

But a splendid rain of light wafted past, colorful and brilliant, wrapped Ye Chen, led him, led him away, and quickly shuttled in the endless darkness.

And all the darkness is unstoppable, nor can it swallow the brilliance of the rain of light, even a little rain of light submerged into Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen quickly became immersed in his mind, trying to find where Guangyu went, but finally found nothing. Although Guangyu was submerged in his body, it could not be traced and disappeared.

He felt that these rain of light, deposited in the deepest part of his body, might only appear in the day of good fortune someday in the future.

The endless darkness was quickly shuttled through, but in the endless darkness, he suddenly saw a special piece of time and space, which could be seen in the endless darkness, with the power of time and space, flashing.

On the fragments of time and space, there appeared a woman with her back facing Ye Chen. Although she had only one back, her back was graceful and graceful. Three thousand green silks were hanging down. Needless to say, she was also a stunning woman, and It looks familiar and familiar.

Right in front of this stunning woman, there was a young man, with a mysterious haze covering everything, impenetrable.

It's just that this man is tall and straight, and his whole body is full of strong golden blood, and it is so majestic and vast.

Fighting saints! ?

Ye Chen was shocked. He knew that this true fighting sage, who was also a fighting sage, was so familiar with Qi.

After the young man of the fighting saint silently said something to the beautiful woman, his whole body burst into immeasurable golden light, penetrated the void, entered a passage full of the laws of time, and moved away from that place.

The moment Ye Chen just turned and left, Ye Chen clearly saw the mist on the young man's face dissipate a little, and a facial outline appeared vaguely, and he was shocked.

Because that person is him!

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