Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1096: got engaged


A real fierce battle took place in the sky of the ancient world of the emperor. It was a terrible battle at the level of the emperor. It was extremely fierce and ripped through layers of stars. It almost shook the entire ancient world of the emperor and attracted everyone's attention.

On one side is the emperor Wushuang, the tenth heaven of mythology, inherited the strongest bloodline of the Supreme Emperor, achieved the Heavenly King Realm early, and received the help of the Supreme Emperor’s brand not long ago, which completely activated the emperor’s bloodline and combat power in the body. Has been greatly improved.

This is the emperor level, in the Heavenly King Realm, it is much stronger than the ordinary Heavenly King, and now it has been rejuvenated by the bloodline, it is naturally much stronger and terrible, and the Heavenly King Realm is definitely a rare enemy.

On the other side is the Sage King of Fighting, the first supreme Tianjiao who broke through to reach the realm of tenth heaven after a mythical era. It took decades of enlightenment to break through the realm of the heavenly kings. Accompanied by the ancient chaos, he also gained the insight of the Supreme Emperor. It is the existence that has unfathomable cultivation base, and the king of heaven will tremble in the face of it. He is a supreme arrogant who is terrifying to the extreme.

Today, the strongest of the two young generations are fighting, and they are both rare rivals in the kingdom of heaven. It is unknown who is strong and who is weak. This battle has attracted the attention of everyone in the world.

Many people have difficulty predicting the outcome of this battle, after all, no matter which one looks at the world, it is a first-class Xeon Tianjiao.

However, the powers in the emperor clan are undoubtedly full of confidence in the emperor Wushuang, just because he is the emperor, he is bound to be invincible in the world, and invincible who can walk the way of God in the future.

What is the first supreme Tianjiao who achieved the tenth heaven in this epoch, when encountering a true emperor, he will be pushed horizontally.

Naturally, the sect master of Tianmen and others are also full of confidence in Ye Chen, even if he does not use the power of the world, the power of faith, the power of aspiration, etc., he is an extremely powerful existence. There are several people in the world who dare to say that it is OK. Wen Sheng Ye Chen.

Boom boom boom -

Stars in the starry sky quickly died down, and the dim sky of the ancient emperor world was dimmed by a large area, which is shocking, and it can be seen how fierce battles took place there, changing to other heavenly kings Before, I am afraid that he is far from an opponent, and he will be bombarded as soon as he steps forward.

The speed of the two emperor's children was too fast. While fighting, they were rapidly shifting the battlefield, reaching the deepest part of the starry sky, and even the kings of heaven could not keep up with their shifting speed.

Both parties can follow to avoid accidents.

"Battle Saint King, you are mean!"

Not long after the war began, an angry roar suddenly came from the sky. It originated from Emperor Wushuang. He was furious, and seemed to have encountered something nasty.

This surprised the world. What happened in the starry sky caused an emperor to curse like this.

Immediately, the endless rays of light exploded in the sky, and with the devastating power, the stars exploded, making everyone discolored.

Then there was a figure falling from the sky, it was Di Wushuang.

It's just that at this moment, he was covered in blood, a blood hole was pierced in his chest, and his waist was almost cut in half, a lot of blood flowed out, and his injuries were serious.

He fell from the sky and fell to the earth.

In the sky, Ye Chen's figure strode out, as if stepping on an invisible ladder, as he always had power as hell, with an extremely indifferent expression, and coldly said: "The woman who dares to touch me also wants me to be fair to you with my own strength. Fight, you have this qualification?"

When the words fell, everyone in the world was shaken, and many people felt their horror. Obviously Ye Chen broke through the limit before and used a mighty force comparable to the power level. The fluctuation is vast and powerful, and they can fully feel it.

Holy King, domineering!

"Emperor Zi Xiaozu!"

Di Yan immediately rushed over and took over Di Wushuang. After seeing the serious injuries on his body, his breath was languid, almost dying, his expression was furious, and the roar sounded through the starry sky: "Battle Saint King, you Looking for death, dare to hurt our emperor, this seat will make you pay an unbearable price!"


He shot at Ye Chen, and at all costs, he showed great power.

But a figure lay in front of him, he was the master of the heavenly gate, like a mountain like a mountain, with the strongest energy flowing in his body, completely intercepting his offensive.

Emperor Yan was angry: "Tianmen Sect Master, quickly get out of the way, do you want to be an enemy of my emperor?"

Behind him, all the powerhouses of the imperial clan looked gloomy, and there were many heavenly kings, arrogant and threatening.

Even in the deepest part of the ancient world of the imperial clan, there are several vague figures emerging, which are terrifying, and they are all unimaginable powerful existences.

The Tianmen sect master looked calm and said: "Qianyue is also my disciple. If you want to hurt him, you have to ask me first. And I don't mind to obliterate Da Neng again and give Qianyue a gift."

He spoke plainly, but the words that he said made everyone's heart beat and shocked.

Who doesn't know that this Tianmen sect master seems calm and gentle, but his cultivation is enough to be called a giant in the great power level. Before that, one person had pushed and exploded three ancient powers, who would compete.

His opening like this is definitely a manifestation of strength, and he can take a fight.

Even if Emperor Yan was furious, he had to weigh the consequences of the duel with the Tianmen Sect Master.

It's just that Emperor Yan was already annoyed, and he was beaten strongly in front of the people of the world. How could it be acceptable? If he slapped the entire Taisheng royal family with a fierce slap, it would be silent and loud.

This hatred must have revenge, otherwise the entire emperor family will lose the supreme majesty it deserves, and you can't neglect it.


The Gossip Universe Mirror revived and rushed out of the ancient realm of the emperor clan to be held in charge and obliterate Ye Chen.


At the same time, the sect master of Tianmen got faster, took over the Tower of Human Emperor and Tianhuang, and recovered, not weaker than the gossip universe mirror, turning into two immortal rays of light, breaking through the barriers of the ancient world of the emperor and rushing into it. , Intercept the gossip universe mirror.

At this moment, the master of Tianmen's voice fell slightly and said: "Emperor Yan, if you dare to make a move, you will be the first to suffer, and countless people will be killed. You have to think about the consequences."

Hearing this, Di Yan immediately recovered, and he was afraid after a while, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

Because if there were really Supreme Imperial Soldiers colliding just now, the wave of destruction would be many times more horrible than imagined. Even the ancient realm of the Emperor Clan would definitely suffer for the first time, and countless of them would be wiped out. All may fall into destruction.

This kind of consequence is terrifying just thinking about it, and the emperor Yan is extremely afraid.

The same thing that made him jealous was the Sect Master of Tianmen, who was really powerful.

And he understands that he is about to fight, and it is not a blessing to the Taisheng royal family. The greatest possibility is that the background is almost in and out, and the hidden old antiques will be forced out of the world, and Ye Chen will be forced to go to the last step and release the gods in the sarcophagus. Xeon exists.

It is very likely that the final result will be the collapse of the ancient world of the emperor, and the Taisheng royal family is almost annihilated, and the ancient emperor will be in ruins.

Even if the Fighting Saint King could be obliterated in the end, these consequences would also be unbearable.

Emperor Yan was silent, as did other powerful emperors. Emperor Wuming said nothing. After taking the precious pill, Emperor Wushuang recovered most of his injuries, but he couldn't help being silent after learning about all kinds of inside stories, and stopped clamoring.

In the event of a decisive battle, even if it is the emperor's clan, it will definitely lose immensely, and will have to pay an unbearable terrible price.

This is something that the Taisheng royal family is unwilling to bear, so this slap, no matter how angry the Taisheng royal family is, can only be swallowed abruptly.

Ye Chen fell from the sky, looking at Emperor Yan indifferently, and even at the Emperor Clan, without fear at all.

This caused a headache for all the powers of the imperial clan, and it was the biggest mistake to get into such an enemy.

In the end everything came to an end.

Shocked the world!

The power of Qian, the lord of the sanctuary, became stronger and stronger, shocking the entire ancient emperor continent, and it was known to the world that even the emperor had to avoid its edge.

His prestige shook the entire ancient emperor realm, and more and more creatures believed in Ye Chen and the sanctuary. Suddenly, the sanctuary's power actually reached its unprecedented peak.

Even Ye Chen had never imagined this, and the Primordial Demon God, Beast God, etc. did not come forward to prevent the creatures of various races from believing in the sanctuary, and because Ye Chen faced the strength of the emperor, they were very jealous.

There is no doubt that after this war, Sanctuary has completely restored to its former peak of respecting the world, and even stronger.

After Ruoxi, Yaya, and Weir arrived in the central imperial city, they were all shocked by the fact that Ye Chen had established such a splendid and prosperous teaching.

Ruoxi trusts Ye Chen the most. She has always worshipped her elder brother. She recovered her calm after a little shock, because in her eyes, Ye Chen, as her older brother, is omnipotent, even if it is Cheng Di in her future. It is only natural to want to come.

Ya Ya is a child's heart. After learning about the glorious master of Sanctuary, she immediately hugged Ye Chen's arm and spoiled her, asking her father to rule the sanctuary and have the addiction of dominating the mainland.

How could Ye Chen refuse, let Yaya go to play, and announced to the power of the sanctuary to temporarily hand over the power of the sanctuary to Ya Ya to rule.

As Ye Chen’s daughter, Ya Ya was originally a veritable little princess. She was pampered by Ye Chen and several ancient powers. Naturally, she had a lot of power. All at once, the entire sanctuary learned of the existence of the little princess. , Many people are naturally willing to accept the rule of Ya Ya.

Naturally, Ya Ya is more with a playful mentality. For Ye Chen, who has always been doting on this daughter, even if she tears down the entire sanctuary, Ye Chen will not blame it, let alone Ya Ya rules the sanctuary. It's pretty good.

In the next few months, Yaya left a short but glorious history of dominating.

On the contrary, Will also bluntly asked Ye Chen to be a sanctuary for him. Now, because of the return of the five great **** kings, Sanctuary abolished the position of the **** king and changed it to the doctrine. It requires the king of heaven to be qualified.

There is no doubt that Will has also achieved the Heavenly King Realm in the years since he came to the ancient emperor realm. He already has this qualification, but Ye Chen is more suspicious of him as a sanctuary.

He doesn’t think that with Will’s temperament he would have any sense of responsibility to assume the sanctuary capital and help rule the world. Even if the entire sanctuary is given to Will, I’m afraid this guy will run away immediately, and this time he actively assumes the sanctuary capital. It is estimated that the system has a different mentality.

Sure enough, soon after Ye Chen agreed, Will announced to the people of the world in the name of Sanctuary Dutong that the lord of Sanctuary Qian would choose the three thousand beauties in the harem and asked the women of the world to participate actively, and the final winner might become the saint. The wife of the lord of the domain, Qian, will also be the mistress of the sanctuary.

Of course, if he fails, he may become the wife of Sanctuary Metropolitan Government.

Once this news came out, it was not only a shock in the sanctuary, but also caused a turmoil in the world, so many forces were shaking, and countless women rushed to participate, which was very lively and intense.

In today's world, the lord of the sanctuary is reigned all over the world, and the power is unparalleled in ancient and modern times, and the emperors must retreat.

Moreover, he is young and promising, he is respected by Gedai, and he is handsome and virtuous, and he is optimistic about his future by many people, and he will inevitably become a generation of powerful men.

Since ancient times, heroes love beautiful people, and beautiful people love heroes. Naturally, Ye Chen is the dream lover in countless women's minds, and they all hope to become Ye Chen's wife.

Even if he has three beautiful fiancés from ancient and modern times, who would say that such a arrogant man can only marry two or three, and the ordinary emperor can have three thousand beauties in the harem, not to mention the lord of the sanctuary. It is a matter of course that wives are in groups .

Therefore, there are countless participants from all over the ancient emperor continent, not only the human race, but also the monster race and the beast race have women requesting to participate in the selection.

When the news reached Ye Chen, who was the protagonist of all, he was stunned and couldn't recover from the scene for a long time.

Ruoxi came, always watching him gently.

Ya Ya also came, but she showed her pure white tiger teeth towards Ye Chen, giggling: "Dad, you are so brave. With the three most beautiful mothers, you dare to find other women. The daughter admires her. , I wish you success and a beautiful home, provided that several mothers are willing."

Ye Chen really wanted to say that none of this has anything to do with him.


The next moment, three streamers descended in the central heavenly palace, the three fairies, seemingly gentle, but murderous in reality.

Chen'er is actually similar to Ya Ya, both childish, lively and innocent. Even if he heard that Ye Chen wanted to invite her to the world, she always looked lively and looked at it with a smile, with a heartless and lungless face.

Yi Wu was bitter, but did not speak.

As for the goddess, she was even more charming and charming, as she was as charming as she was, but no matter how she looked, the charming smile was full of endless murderous, making Ye Chen's heart tremble.

"Hey, little brother, I heard that you want to choose three thousand beauties as the harem, or the three sisters to help you choose." The goddess smiled charmingly, like a fox and charming, charming and unparalleled.

Either she is like a goddess who does not eat the fireworks in the world, she is beautiful and noble, or she is like a fox Meizi, but she is beautiful, and can make countless people in the world crazy. It is Ye Chen's firm will, sometimes It is difficult to resist her temptation.

Of course, part of the reason was because of his love for the goddess. When the goddess appeared, Ye Chen just smiled bitterly, touched his head, and didn't know how to face it.

It can be said that if there is a choice, instead of facing such a situation, he would rather fight against the powers more easily than before.

Ye Chen hurriedly gestured to Ya Ya and Ruoxi on the side, hoping that they could come forward and explain.

It is best for women to talk to women.

"Dad, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you sick? Why are you looking at us non-stop."

Ruoxi couldn't see it and explained it deliberately, but Yaya pulled Ruoxi over with a smirk and looked at Ye Chen with a gloating expression on his face.

"This stinky girl..."

Ye Chen was so angry that he wanted to catch her and spank her violently, but he didn't want to help out when he looked at his father making a fool of himself.

The goddess stepped forward, still smiling so charmingly, and said: "Little brother, you are telling your sister what your thoughts are, do you really want to marry three thousand beautiful ladies?"

"Brother Yue, look for it, we won't blame you, as long as I can be by your side is the greatest satisfaction." Although Yi Wu was a bit sad, she didn't blame Ye Chen, after all, in her mind Ye Chen is so outstanding and outstanding, such a man is naturally worthy of the love of women all over the world.

Ye Chen looked at Yi Wu in amazement, unexpectedly she missed herself so much.

"Chuck..." The goddess smiled, her plump body pierced through the flowers and branches, crossing a group of graceful and moving curves, and said: "Little brother, Yi Wu said it well, you can find it, anyway, how many sisters are The biggest, they are concubines, and even if you accept concubines, they can only give you the share of inheritance."

"..." Ye Chen's face was speechless, and he sighed up to the sky, why are all fiances so abnormal? Is he so anxious?

There was silence for a long time in the Central Heavenly Palace. Suddenly, Ye Chen stood up and walked to the three fairies on his own initiative. He stretched out his hand and hugged the three women directly, making them all slightly surprised and even more pretty. Shame emerges.

Humei's bold goddess looked shy and charming at the moment, and couldn't help but yelled: "Little brother, what are you doing? Xi'er and Yaya are still there."

"Mom, I'm not here with Aunt Xi'er, and I'm flashing, you'll take care of me. It's best to give Yasheng a younger brother or sister." Yayah flashed out Ruoxi very understandingly.

In the Central Heavenly Palace, only Ye Chen and the Three Fairies were left, and the atmosphere was a bit silent for a while.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Chen suddenly violently hugged the three women tightly, got close to them, and blew hot air against their crystal earlobes, making their faces even more blushing.

He could only hear him say: "Jingruo, Chen'er, Wu'er, in fact, you all misunderstood. All of this is Will's ghost. I didn't mean it. For me, some of you are already me. The greatest blessing in life, how dare you expect anything else."

Women can't listen to sweet words, especially the words of their sweethearts, even goddesses.

Because Ye Chen is a wooden bump, he has never understood how to express his emotions, and it is difficult to hear what love words he said. Therefore, when these words suddenly came out, the three women immediately made the three girls beautiful and beautiful.

Their hearts are pounding and pounding, like a deer living in their hearts.

After a long time, Ye Chen hugged the three daughters, looked at them seriously, and suddenly said, "Jingruo, Wu'er, Chen'er, after I take my parents back, why don't we get married."


Rao Hu Meiru, the goddess, exclaimed, and there were two touches of red on her stunningly pretty face, which looked extraordinarily glamorous, not to mention the other two women. Needless to say, Yi Wu, that is the charming Chenerdu Surprisingly a bit shy.

Because it was too sudden, it was extremely rare to know that Ye Chen had never spoken to them like this before, perhaps only once in a lifetime.

From the bottom of their hearts, they are naturally extremely willing and have always been expecting in their hearts, but they will not speak out of reservedness.

But today Ye Chen took the initiative to speak, they were naturally extremely willing, but the goddess opened her mouth and spoke slightly dimly: "Little brother, where's Yuqing."

The atmosphere sank suddenly and there was silence.

Ye Chen's eyes looked a little dim, Yuqing, it was a kind of distressed, and the woman who had fallen in love with each other in the previous life died for him.

In order to save Yuqing, he had tried reincarnation, but in the end he could only save a remnant god, and he could not be fully resurrected. He is still conceived in the deepest part of his soul, accompanied by his reincarnation and reincarnated, and has been sleeping all the time.

In the past and present, the person he owes the most is her.

He nodded his eyebrows and said softly: "Don't worry, there will be one day, I will save her, but I believe she hopes so, let me marry you, and you can't keep you waiting."

At this time, Fairy San could still be like this, he couldn't refuse, and he was extremely willing.

On this day, the Sanctuary suddenly announced a shocking news, which overwhelmed the momentum of the invitation conference, because the lord of Sanctuary Qian announced that he would be engaged to the three fairies in the near future, and invited the world’s strongest powers to come to the engagement banquet.

Moreover, there was accurate news that the so-called invitation for marriage was nothing but a fiction, and it was fabricated. The Lord of Sanctuary, except for the three fairies, was reluctant to recruit.

This naturally made countless women in the world sad, but helpless.

The engagement banquet was held in the Sanctuary It was very grand, and it recruited people from all over the world. Almost all the important figures of the big forces in the ancient emperor world came and gave precious gifts to bless them.

Even the hostile emperors did not come forward to make trouble at this time, the atmosphere was joyous, the heavens celebrated together, the world also envied the three fairies for finding a good match.

Seeing three stunning fairies standing together with the Lord of Sanctuary Qian, even many men who admired for their hearts gave their inner blessings, because they all understood that only a character like him can truly match Worthy of three fairies.

Tianmen sect master and other ancient powers presided over the engagement banquet, cherished delicacies, fine wines for good times, and they should have them.

Visitors from all directions were overjoyed, many people were drunk during the banquet.

The engagement banquet came to a grand finale, with endless resplendent colors shining in the world.

Ye Chen used the power of faith to feed back sentient beings. In this day, countless people were either healed, or resuscitated, or wished to be fulfilled. The colorful rain showered the world, which is an unforgettable day for the world. (To be continued.)

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