Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1106: Target ancient **** city!

The two great kings of the ancient temple were killed in the starry sky, and the impact was too great, causing the morale of the ancient temple powerhouses in the palace to plummet, and they were severely hit.

The strongest were killed, or the king of heaven fell, how could the impact on others be small?

This side has lost the most powerful heavenly king, and the imperial side has a powerful heavenly king return. The war that was originally a stalemate showed a one-sided decline in an instant, and was directly pushed by the imperial powers. The ancient temple The powers failed to form an army, many people were killed on the spot, blood staining the capital.

In the palace, after an unwilling roar, Meng Ao was killed by Lin Tian and died.

Lin Tian was stained with blood, killed the enemy, and had to take revenge, and the whole person appeared stronger.

Meng Ao was killed and blood was splashed in the palace. Because of standing in the wrong team, it can be expected that the Meng family, who was still in the imperial capital not long ago, will be implicated and annihilated in the years.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Tian led the Lin family's strong and his army, quickly occupied the palace, and swept out all the rebellious party, bloodbathed, and stabilized the palace.

And he found out the royal family imprisoned in the depths of the palace. He had always been imprisoned in the deepest place in a tightly sealed space, and his power was sealed and he was not allowed to speak.

In fact, the so-called coup d'etat back then was also secretly led by the ancient temple powerhouses and coerced and lured. Until now, after the ancient temple powerhouses in the palace have been killed, all the truth has been truly revealed.

The space was difficult to break, and finally the Heavenly King Tianxu was invited. After a loud noise, many imprisoned royal families rose to the sky, and then all knelt down in front of the Tianxu Heavenly King, all crying, and their heads were ashamed. Tianxu Heavenly King and others accused them, ashamed of them, and almost became the sinners of the ages. It was the biggest fault for the emperors to change hands.

"Children, get up, don't blame you, it's also my mistake. I didn't expect the ancient temple to be so despicable, taking advantage of that time."

Heavenly King Tianxu made these royals stand up, and he never blamed it. In fact, he also knew that all of this was because he led part of the backbone of the emperor to leave.

Although the remaining royal family is strong, facing the king, even if they have the so-called background, they cannot contend. After all, they are facing the most terrifying ancient temple, and the so-called stubborn resistance will only be a one-sided slaughter.

Waiting for their return is the best way to preserve vitality.

On this day, the imperial capital was baptized with blood, which can be called a river of blood, with heavy casualties and **** atmosphere throughout the city.

Some old forces have been wiped out, and new forces have emerged.

Some are happy and some are worried.

Naturally, it is undoubtedly the Lin family who won the biggest victory this time. The gambling succeeded, and the fate of the entire Lin Mansion was bet the right. Standing up at the critical moment was a gift in the snow. The Emperor Tianxu was very grateful.

There is no doubt that the status of Lin Mansion will be greatly improved in the future, and with the blessing of the Emperor Tianxu, it will rise to the sky in one step.

Just as Lin Keer said, he has completely become a famous family in the Tianxu Emperor Dynasty, standing on the top of the Emperor Dynasty.

The other forces in the imperial capital all regretted seeing this. They never thought that the Lin Mansion would be gambled right, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine to take, and everything has become the established situation.

However, at this time, no matter how regretful in the hearts of the major forces, they have to come forward and send strong men to help the imperial family and sweep out the chaos in the palace, otherwise the imperial court will regard it as a rebellious party and be eliminated.

Some of these forces are even more eager to hunt down the ancient temple powers in the imperial capital and go with the ancient temple forces. They completely stand on the opposite side of the ancient temple, but they are helpless. From then on, they must follow Emperor Tianxu. To the side, tied to the same boat.

Some people hurriedly greeted the royal family and explained that the battle between the two sides was too fierce earlier. Considering that the conflict was weak, the conflict started too quickly and was startled, but now they reacted slightly. Please the royal family. Excuse me.

"We the royal family understand your thoughts, but we hope that we can react faster in the future. After all, there are times when the choice is not waiting for others. It is better to give charcoal in the snow."

Crown Prince Tianxu and the other royal family nodded indifferently, and said these words with a calm expression.

These forces are all on the wall, and when they should take action earlier, they watched from the sidelines, watching who is strong and who is weak on both sides, and neither side wants to offend.

Now that the Libra of Victory fell on the side of the royal family, he did not rush out. It was only the icing on the cake, which the royal family did not like.

But fortunately, it didn't respond to the call of the ancient shrine, otherwise the royal family would be angry and bloodbath.

Regarding the attitude of the royal family, the major forces also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, they did not take action to erase them, but it also showed bitterness.

After this battle, the royal family may no longer be able to believe them, and their status in the imperial dynasty will drop by a thousand feet.

Regarding these bitter fruits, even if they are helpless, they have to swallow it, after all, they chose to choose it.

At the same time, news came from all parts of the ancient gods continent. Nine Great Emperor dynasties and other imperial dynasties also fought fierce battles with the strong men occupying the ancient temples.

The imperial family returned and regained the power of the emperor, but not every imperial dynasty was guarded by the ancient shrine, even if there was only one person, only the Tianxu emperor was the only situation where the two great heavenly kings appeared.

Because of Ye Chen's return, the occupation of the ancient temple in the Nine Emperors' dynasties was completely defeated and could not be contended at all.

After a fierce **** battle, all the royal families have regained control of the nine eternal dynasties.

And what is amazing is that during this period, as far away as the ancient **** city, the base camp of the ancient **** palace did not have any action, even the ancient **** city was blocked.

All this caused the world's people to be Isn't even the ancient shrines afraid of the fighting king?

After the blood and chaos of the Nine Great Emperors were restored, the Nine Emperor Chaotian Kings came from all over and came to Ye Chen's side, standing behind him respectfully.

On this day, Ye Chen stood up from the sky, looked at the center of the ancient **** continent, and whispered softly: "You are smart, unless you are Gu Changsheng, you will only be able to see other people. kill."

If it is spread, it will cause a huge shock in the whole world.

The reason why the Middle Ancient Shrine did not resist or send troops during this period was all because of fear of Ye Chen, who knew his invincibility, and worried that sending a strong man would be intercepted by him midway.

Ye Chen gently brushed his sleeves and said, "Let's go."

On this day, the Saint King of Fighting and the Nine Great Emperors left, and the stars moved. Without the help of the door of space, they quickly came to the center of the Ancient God Continent——

Ancient God City. (To be continued.)

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