Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1115: Longhuangyuan again

"Fighting Saint King, what's the matter?" Hearing the abnormal noise, the first bandit took the initiative to ask. Lewen novel www.しwxs520. com

Ye Chen shook his head and signaled that it was okay. He always felt that this ancient temple of the dark night was weird. It was a feeling in the dark. Only if it is strong enough now, and the spiritual sense is comparable to the ancient power, can he feel it, otherwise. One step into this dark night ancient temple is impossible to notice.

Just letting him scan the Dark Night Ancient Temple as much as possible, he still didn't notice anything.

However, when he passed the statue of the King of Dark Night, he felt a special feeling, but after careful observation, he still didn't see anything unusual.

Is it his illusion?

However, he felt that he needed to come back when he was stronger in the future.

In the end he left Dark Night Ancient City with regret.

Now that he has reached the Heavenly King Realm, Ye Chen's speed is not known how many times faster. The vast Pirate Heaven is extremely magnificent, but it is also close to the horizon.

He moved tens of thousands of miles when he moved, and the magnificent mountains and rivers were reversing at extreme speed under one step, unimaginably fast, and even in Thieving Heaven, there are many powerful gangsters who have never really seen Ye Chen's figure clearly. He can't even detect the trajectory of his figure.

Soon, Ye Chen crossed the vast Pirate Heaven, completely left the place where the bandits gathered, and entered the prosperous area where the Dragon Phoenix Academy was located.

Without stopping along the way, Ye Chen came to the front of Longhuang Courtyard.

Dragon Phoenix Academy, as one of the most prestigious training institutions in the heavens and ten thousand domains, ranks alongside the ten thousand domains, and is the place where countless princes of the heavens and ten thousand domains want to join it.

It is located in the fairy mountains and sacred mountains, filled with fairy fog, strange stones, sacred trees entwined, and there is also an ancient platform of Taoism.

The earth contains real dragons, and the ancestral veins and dragon veins are entwined in the depths of the earth, and countless spiritual veins are entangled, making this place envelop with aura, clouds steaming in the sky, and immortal aura permeating.

It was Ye Chen who had seen it a long time ago. When I saw the Dragon Phoenix Academy again, I still sighed, such a weather, even more extraordinary than Wu Sacred Land.

The real emperor has walked out of the Dragon Phoenix Academy, and after achieving the supreme status, there have been corresponding ancient relics of the emperor in the Dragon Phoenix Academy. It is tempting, and the ancient power must be moved.

Now decades have passed. Because of the special nature of this life, the Dragon Phoenix Academy has also broken through the previous restrictions and recruited more than one group of Tianjiao. After 20 years, it has recruited one group. Now it is the third generation of Tianjiao to join Longhuang. In the yard.

Naturally, the number of recruits in the Dragon Phoenix Academy is still quite strict. Even if the golden age has come, and there are many talents, there are still only a few people in each generation who can successfully enter the Dragon Phoenix Academy.

The Dragon Phoenix Academy is now completely opened, and there are no more restrictions. Young Tianjiao from all major domains can enter and leave freely. From time to time, streams of light can be seen across the world, which makes people feel a kind of vigor and vitality.

This day was very lively, because there were special distinguished guests in the Longhuang Courtyard, which even shocked the entire Longhuang Courtyard.

Not only the many Tianjiao in the Dragon Phoenix Academy, but even the high-ranking elders were also alarmed. Among them, the elders of the Heavenly King Realm, who were rare in a century, appeared and appeared in person, causing a huge shock.

The so-called distinguished guests are five women, and what is shocking is that each of them possesses a truly stunning appearance, resembling an immortal descending from the earth, brilliantly crowning the world, and having a moving temperament.

Either noble and inviolable, or innocent, or pure but not demon, or gentle and moving, it can be described as Meilan Qiuju, each is different, but the same moving and beautiful.

Their arrival directly compared the women in the entire Dragon Phoenix Courtyard.

The women who can be qualified to come to the Dragon Phoenix Academy for further training, who are not truly the proud girl of heaven, and because of cultivation, have outstanding appearance, can move a realm, and be the most beautiful in a realm.

Compared with the five beauties, they looked like Yingying Fire and Haoyue contending for glory, eclipsed.

I believe that even if you look at the five beauties throughout the ages, they are absolutely ranked.

It is rumored that these women were all students from the Dragon Phoenix Academy in the past, and they were the first batch of talents who were sent to the ancient emperor realm decades ago. Almost everyone is comparable to the immortal real king.

Now the successful return, natural shocks, even high-level figures who have always been in seclusion have been born, just to welcome the five people and the two extraordinary little beasts.

It is said that one of them is a pure-blooded dragon, which is indescribably expensive, and the other little beast is very extraordinary although it does not know its true origin.

Many Tianjiao either came out of colleges or rushed back from various places, all concentrated at the main entrance, because now the five most beautiful fairies are at the main entrance of Longhuangyuan, they only come to see the beauty of the five beauties. See how gorgeous they are.

It can be seen that there are a large number of Tianjiao gathered there, even the sky, some flying in the sky, some riding a gods and strange animals, some sitting in extraordinary chariots and so on.

When you really see the faces of the five beauties, no matter how good the men are, they are all stunned and fall in love with them.

Because the five beauties are really too amazing, they are definitely of the level of beauty, and on the spot, many Tianjiao are full of love.

It's just that they didn't dare to move presumptuously, because the elders of the heavenly kings were talking with the five beauties, making them awed and not daring to move forward.

"Several, if you follow the old man into the inner palace of the academy, let me be entertained by the Dragon Phoenix Academy." The elder on the stage of the Heavenly King realm spoke in person, not having a superior attitude, and seemed to treat each other equally.

He is in submersible training on weekdays, hoping to make a breakthrough, watching the great power stage move forward.

But he knew that there was a heavenly king among these people, so he left the customs specially, otherwise the characters under the heavenly king would generally not be able to alarm him to leave the customs.

Hearing that, this caused many Dragon Phoenix Academy Tianjiao to take a sigh of relief, because the Heaven Palace is a first-class palace in the Dragon Phoenix Academy, and only the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly King Realm can set foot in it. It can be said that it is the highest hospitality for distinguished guests. One of the halls of specifications.

Although the five beauties are all brilliant, they shouldn't have such a high-standard reception, right? It's because they all successfully walked out of the ancient emperor world, or because of the pure blood dragon.

This made many Tianjiao secretly guessing, but they didn't know that three of the five beauties were already figures in the Heavenly Kings stage, otherwise, how could they be alarmed by figures from the Heavenly Kings stage to come to meet them.

Among them, the goddess is tall and graceful, and she wins snow in white, looks noble and awe-inspiring, and has an unparalleled temperament, which is awe-inspiring and afraid to face it.

She lightly opened her red lips and said, "We understand the elder's will, but we need to wait for someone. Only when that person comes will we consider it."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately shocked a large group of Tianjiao gathered here. The five beauties were actually waiting for someone, who was it?

But according to some conversations, it was vaguely learned that it was a man who asked the five beauties to wait for his arrival in Longhuangyuan.

After learning about it, immediately let the dragon and phoenix courtyard do not know how many arrogances burned with jealousy, jealous.

What an abominable man is, asking five such beautiful women to wait for him. Isn't it a great fault?

Deserve to be thundered!

Many people are secretly gearing up to see how sacred this man is. It is worth waiting for the five stunning women.

Of course, more people also want to stand in front of the five beauties, and win their anticipation of brilliance and beautiful eyes. This is a great honor.

Some of them even fantasize about majesty and win the hearts of stunning beauties.

The elder of the heavenly king nodded, naturally he did not want to force it, nor could he force it, because he felt that the three fairies among the five beauties were not only as simple as setting foot on the heavenly king, but also unexpectedly powerful, giving people a smooth and flawless road to completion. Sense can be in harmony with heaven and earth.

Even if he stepped into the Heavenly King Realm for thousands of years, he felt a feeling of difficulty to deal with.

He had heard that there was a special supreme law circulating in the world that allowed him to transcend the limits of the nine heavens and set foot in the ten heavens that existed in the age of mythology, but it was very difficult and required both lives to reach the highest level of the holy Tibetan realm. Peak, and the complete unity of Tao and fruit, can succeed.

Only the Immortal King is qualified to try, but he now feels that the three fairies in front of him may have reached this point.

In front of the Dragon Phoenix Academy, Ye Chen saw the five beauties from a distance, and even more so, seeing them surrounded by a large group of Ten Thousand Realms Tianjiao, almost three floors inside and three floors outside.

He couldn't help but smiled bitterly. It was indeed a disaster. The women around him were born so beautifully and beautifully. It is difficult not to be noticed.

Of course, he couldn't have stage fright anymore. He strode over, entered the crowded crowd, and said, "Thank you for trouble."

However, the others refused to give up, and someone snorted: "What do you want to do? Didn't you see anyone squeezing? You have to squeeze over."


As a last resort, Ye Chen had no choice but to see that his body was shaken and his brilliance flowed, and then there were avenues of ripples spreading out layer upon layer, shaking everyone around him directly without hurting him.

Others were immediately furious and wanted to take a lesson, but found that the ripples of the avenue were irreversible, and even if the cultivation base was high, they would be shaken away. In the end, a wide passage appeared in the birthplace, leading to the most center.

In this way, Ye Chen finally saw a few stunning beauties in the center, showing a helpless smile, and said, "Sorry, it's late."

"Apologize, do you really think they are waiting for you?"

"Huh, I am a self-righteous person again. I want to get their attention like this, but I feel a little bit tender."

All the arrogant onlookers are very disdainful, feeling that this man is really shameless, and actually said these things to the five beauties, want to use this to win the favor of the five beauties?

I have to say that they feel that these methods are really despicable.

Only the next moment, everyone froze there, stunned, because they were not angry when they saw the five beauties, but on the contrary showed a smile from the bottom of their hearts at the young man.

Among them, Ya Ya, the petite and lovely one, rushed forward, hugged Ye Chen, bounced to show the girl's liveliness and said: "Dad, you are really late, Ya Ya and mother, aunt and others But I have been waiting for you for a long time."


When the two words fell, the space between the world fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen closely.

Especially those Tianjiao, all of them looked dumbfounded.

Because they clearly remembered that not long ago, this innocent and lively girl called mother to three of the women, which seemed extremely intimate.

Although they all knew later that this Yaya was not the biological daughter of the Three Fairies, but she called the Three Fairies as her mother, but the man who called out suddenly was the father. Isn’t it obvious that all the Taoists of the Three Fairies are possible It's this man, the one the five beauties have been waiting for may also be him.

Immediately, boundless jealousy arose in many people's hearts. How could this man make the five beauties wait for him like this.

However, some people were surprised, because they faintly felt that Ye Chen had a sense of deja vu, as if they had seen it somewhere, but they couldn't remember how.

Ye Chen kneaded Yaya's hair intimately, pulled him forward, and apologized: "Let you wait a long time."

On the way to leave the ancient emperor realm, Ye Chen separated from them and asked them to wait for him in the Dragon Phoenix Court, while he went to Dark Night Ancient City alone.

The women shook their heads one after another, waiting for a while and nothing else.

"Baboo yeah-"

Yi Yi flew directly onto Ye Chen's shoulder and lay down, touching his face affectionately.

At the front entrance of the Dragon Phoenix Academy, the coming Heavenly King Realm Supreme Elder also stared at Ye Chen, feeling that this young man was extraordinary.

It's just that he has been in retreat for a long time, and I don't know who this young man is.

But the instinct of the heavenly king told him that this young man is really extraordinary. Even if he is a heavenly king, he feels unfathomable, unable to guess the true depth of the other party. This shocked him, only facing some real old antiques. Only felt it before, it was unimaginable for him.

How sacred is this young man?

He was about to ask but at this time something happened again.


At this time, a human-shaped light group appeared in the Dragon Phoenix Academy. Accompanied by the boundless coercion, shaking the Eight Wastes, he was also a heavenly king with a high status in the Dragon Phoenix Academy. Now it appeared, and immediately shocked many people. Elders and students.

Because the heavenly king has a very high status in the Dragon Phoenix Academy, even the holy lord of the immortal holy land must salute when he sees it, but it is rare to see it during the day. Now two people appear in a row, causing many people to exclaim. Saluting.

It's just that the elder of the heavenly king didn't care about it. He swept across the sky and came directly to the person who seemed to know him before. It was surprising and shocking that this person didn't even bow when he saw the elder of the heavenly king.

And something even more shocking happened, because the elder of the heavenly king, who was said to be a lofty position in the Dragon Phoenix Academy, saw Ye Chen, and turned to salute slightly, and shouted a message that was enough to make everyone in this world. The name of the lost mind--

Fighting Saint King! (To be continued.)

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