Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1124: Ye Zhengyang

Ye Zhengyang?

When he heard the name, Ye Chen stopped, and a familiar and somewhat arrogant figure appeared in his mind subconsciously, which seemed a little surprised. Lewen novel www.しwxs520. com

Is this Ye Zhengyang the one who quarreled with him when he was young in this life?

His eyes followed the crowd and saw a handsome young man in the crowd. Although he was more mature, there was a faintly familiar taste between that face, and it was Ye Zhengyang.

It was just that he was a little embarrassed now, because he was surrounded by a large group of young children of the Ye family, his clothes were messy and dirty, and even had a few footprints clearly branded on it, as if he had been kicked and beaten just now.

At this moment, Ye Zhengyang's face was slightly cold, staring at a man in luxurious yellow clothes headed by everyone, and said: "Ye Tianyang, I advise you not to bother, I won't tell you about Zimei Everything about my cousin."

The yellow-clothed man Ye Tianyang said: "Ye Zhengyang, you really are toasting and not drinking fine wine, but don't forget that you are only a third-rate branch in the lower realm, dare to fight against this young master, are you really afraid of death? It's better to tell me about cousin Zimei, otherwise I won't guarantee what I will do, but I remember that your father is a guard in the Yueyang Palace. If I take a shot, your father will probably—"

He didn't finish this sentence, but the smile on his face looked so cold and full of threats, and it was self-evident.

This caused Ye Zhengyang's look to change instantly, and he shouted angrily: "Ye Tianyang, if my father has any shortcomings, I will never spare you."

Ye Tianyang stretched out his hand and patted Ye Zhengyang's face, looking gloomy: "Won't you forgive me? The young master wants to see how you won't forgive--"


When the words were not finished, Ye Zhengyang slammed into Ye Tianyang, just hitting the latter's forehead, making a sound, splashing out with bloodstains.

At the same time, Ye Zhengyang rushed over, revealing his supernatural powers. Obviously, he was not in vain over the years. He was already a powerful cultivator at the level of God Transformation.

All this is fast, but Ye Tianyang is not an ordinary dude. He releases a more powerful energy from his body. He is a powerful arrogant who transforms into the seventh heaven. Looking at the whole new generation of the Ye family, he can be regarded as a leader. "Ye Zhengyang, you are so courageous, you have caused this young master to bleed, and today I will give you an unforgettable lesson!"

He raised his hand and slapped Ye Zhengyang forcibly, accompanied by dazzling divine brilliance and law and Dao marks flashing, shattering the void, and he did not retreat, but Ye Zhengyang flew upside down, opening his mouth and squirting Blood.

Obviously, in a head-on collision, Ye Zhengyang was far behind Ye Tianyang.

At the same time, Ye Tianyang was calling out to other young children: "Come here, beat him to death and abolish his cultivation. All the responsibilities will be borne by the young master!"

Obviously, Ye Tianyang has some power among the younger generation of Ye family. The many Tianjiao who were onlookers listened to his orders and directly swarmed up. They hit Ye Zhengyang to death. There was the power of Dao Mark Law between his fists and feet, which was terrible and shocking. .

And this piece of void has long been sealed off, and there is no room for flying into the sky.

In the martial arts arena, the other Ye family children watched indifferently. Obviously this was not the first time this happened.

In this world, the concept of respecting the strong has always been pursued, and in the Ye family of the Geshi emperor, it is practiced to the fullest in the younger generation, and no one cares about it.

Even the young king of the Ye family sitting in the middle of the martial arts field remained motionless, only breathing in the surging aura of heaven and earth.

"damn it!"

Ye Zhengyang naturally knew that he was not an opponent of these people, so he hurriedly protected his body with his hands and feet to protect him to the utmost extent.

But he understood that even so, most of the final fate was severely injured. As for the immortality, it was because the Ye family had strict regulations, and the same clan did not allow each other to kill, otherwise there would be severe punishment.

Ye Zhengyang was at the time when his hands and feet were interlaced to protect his body, and a figure straddled the crowd like lightning, so fast that no one else had ever reacted, he saw a person appear there.

But they kept their hands and feet, and the mark of the law was completely dropped. At this time, they came forward purely to find death.


Suddenly, all the disciples who took the shot did not know why, and flew away at a faster speed. They fell down on the Yanwu Square, very embarrassed.

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone was in a daze, very shocked. What happened?

In particular, Ye Zhengyang stared at the slender figure in front of him in a daze. For some reason, he always felt a bit inexplicable familiarity, as if he had known each other before, and he also had a blood-line intimacy, like a relative.

It's just that he shook his head with a wry smile. In the Ye family of the emperor clan, besides the people who separated from himself, who else would help them.

Only when you go outside will you find that the family you grew up really close to is the family you grew up with. Looking back on the battles of the past, you will feel inexplicable intimacy.

He suddenly remembered that Shenwu young man. When the outside world invaded the Tiandu Continent, Luofeng City brought them into the ancient road of Wangzhe. He has since disappeared. He doesn't know what he is doing now. He doesn't want that person to be a cousin in name. Something happened to him.

Recalling the old Ye Zhengyang couldn't help sighing slightly, and immediately put away his thoughts, clasped his fists towards the person who stood in front of him, and said with a little worry in his gratitude: "This friend, thank you very much for being able to do it. Just ask my friends to leave quickly, and I can deal with it alone. And these people are very arrogant and cannot offend at will. There are people behind.

He was very grateful for the comer's action, but he didn't want the other party to have trouble because of himself.

"Cousin Zhengyang, you haven't seen you for so many years, but you have changed a lot." A hearty laughter sounded, and the sentence "Cousin Zhengyang" surprised him.

When I saw that person turned to face him, the whole person should be there immediately, because although the face was mature and handsome, it was only unfamiliar with an unforgettable familiarity.

He vaguely remembered that the boy who soared into the sky after committing suicide because of affection, wasn't it exactly like this?

"You, are you—Ye Chen?"

Ye Zhengyang spoke with a trembling voice, a little unsure. After decades of years, the young Ye Family Tianjiao, who was so aggressive and felt extraordinarily cordial when he went outside, just appeared before his eyes? (To be continued.)

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