Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1131: Into the city

Ruicai of the ancient world is one by one, one by one, the law is permeated, and there are many atmospheres in it.

Three thousand **** islands rise and fall here, each with a different atmosphere and brilliance, the holy light and the trails, the sacred and extraordinary.

The main gate of Zhongdi City opened, and many elders and famous people in Ye's family appeared in person to welcome guests from all walks of life. This was an unprecedented event.

Streams of light flashed across the world. Anyone who is qualified to come, who is not a real guest, is an important person of each major force, and it has a lot of weight and represents the entire force.

Holy Lords in the Holy Land of the Heavens are not uncommon, and some hidden old monsters have appeared, and the lineup is very large, so the Ye Family will open the emperor city to welcome all visitors.

It can even be seen that there are many young generations of talented leaders among them, all of them are like dragons and phoenixes, possessing extraordinary potential, very powerful, and almost all heirs and descendants of a major power.

Many of them have grown up and reached the holy Tibetan realm. Some have begun to serve as deputy holy masters, and even some are already contemporary holy masters, taking over the jurisdiction of the huge and immortal holy land, and truly dominating the ups and downs of a region. Big shot.

They were also greeted to enter, and there had long been a soul boy stepping forward, and some clan elders personally stepping forward, leading all the distinguished guests into the imperial city one after another, to the central treasure of the most central place where the family competition was held.

On the closest center among the Three Thousand Gods Island, the goddess, Chen'er, Yiwu, Yaya, Ruoxi and two little beasts all appeared, but did not look for Ye Chen because he knew that Baoque would appear. in.

"Let's go too, go there and meet Qianyue." The goddess said, and the five women walked away from the sky with two little beasts, and came directly to the gate of the imperial city.

Although Qingsha hides their faces, they are even more female streams, but no one dares to look down upon them, because at this moment, the women are exuding extraordinary energy.

Especially the headed woman, her eyebrows are like autumnal waters, and the country is overwhelming. However, the aura that radiates from her body is full of noble but not awe-inspiring, so that the Holy Lord will be awe-inspiring when facing it. Obviously, she is an extraordinary person and cannot be easily underestimated. .

No one dared to stop them from entering, and a clan elder from the Ye family came out in person to welcome the women into the imperial city.

"I don't know how many invitation letters—" the clan elder said. He is not only a few women, but embarrassed. He hopes to be released through the invitation.

"Not on me." The goddess was very direct and made it clear that there was no invitation letter on her body, making the clan elder startled, but did not act.

Because this is the Ye family of the emperor, no one dares to be presumptuous here. Since the other party can enter the main entrance of Xiongguan, it shows that they are qualified.

"In that case, please follow me to the Tianxin Temple." The clan elder diligently led the women to the Central Baoque Tianxin Temple.

On the other side, in the ancient world of the imperial clan, the many branches of the Ye family that have been prepared for a long time and the younger generation have successively received instructions from the clan celebrities to enter the imperial city through another channel.

"Let's go."

Ye Chen spoke, but instead of coming to the forefront, he followed his father Ye Ao and led the tribe along.

Soon, they crossed a magnificent city gate and entered the Wushuang Emperor City of the Emperor Clan Ye Family.

The imperial city is extremely magnificent, the main city of the great domain far surpassing the heavens and tens of thousands of domains. It is not inferior to the central imperial city in the ancient emperor world. It also has the immortal emperor's laws and looks solemn and solemn. It was built by the Tianxin Sword Emperor in the mythical era. The built Geshidi City-Tianxin City!

According to legend, every emperor in the myth age has an imperial city, and this Tianxin city is his imperial city.

The imperial city is immortal, and its style is extraordinary, and all the people from the Ye family branch who enter it are frequently eye-catching and linger.

Because not everyone can enter the imperial city casually, only the real direct line and important people can stay here, otherwise if other collaterals rush into the imperial city, they will be severely punished.

The severe ones will even be put to death. This is a rare opportunity today.

And they all felt the blood in their bodies boil here, and they received a strange resonance, as if the whole body was going to be full of clouds, an inexplicable force was about to move.

This is the resonance of blood. Tianxin City is the imperial city of Tianxin Sword Emperor. It has his Qi machine and the laws of the Emperor Dao. All the people of the clan will feel the special Qi machine traction here, and the cultivation will be twice the result with half the effort.

Especially the Heavenly Channel that opened the seal in his body, he clearly sensed that the power in his body became much smoother, and there was an inexplicable empty inspiration, as if the whole person was alive.

Ye Chen also felt this kind of touch in his body. I was afraid that this was the thin emperor's blood in his body. It was just that his holy blood was running, and the blood in his body was boiling, and it was immediately suppressed.

At this time, a figure of a clan elder fell on the sky. I looked at the many clansmen of the Ye family branch. Not only did they have the same line of the sky, but there were also other branches that lived outside and lived in the ancient world of Ye family. Flick your sleeves and let them keep up.

These branches all need to go to another place, naturally not the central continuous Tiangong Baoque, etc., which are the most solemn places to entertain VIPs from all over the world.

When they came to a palace, the clan elder opened his mouth and asked them to wait here. Before the big clan started, they all need to wait here. They should not leave easily, and warned that if they leave without authorization, they will be seriously affected. punishment.

The treasure hall is big enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people from many branches, but the family competition is not for everyone to participate. This is impossible. It is just going to the bloodline of the emperor who opened the seal in the the real family competition , Only those young generation leaders who are amazing enough in the clan are qualified to participate.

In the main hall, the people stand apart, each as a camp, and they are all people in their own branches. Naturally, the people of the same line are gathered together.

It's just that many people feel inexplicably surprised, because they have always heard that the branch of the Tiandu line has been suppressed and targeted by the powerful line of the family because of the ancestor Ye Ruoxian, and the strongest people are all responsible. The dark wounds, but now they seem to be full of energy, and very strong, which is surprising.

Some of them found out even more suspiciously that the cultivation base of the people in the Tiandu line seemed to have skyrocketed. What happened?

However, without waiting for others to understand, the returning clan elders reappeared, and arranged for everyone to enter a wide square where a stone monument stands, like an immortal monument, with a kind of mighty power. Pressure.

"Some of your branches are branches that have been living in the outside world for more than a thousand years. The blood of the emperor in your body is also in a sealed state. Now you follow the steps to unlock the blood of the emperor in your body." The clan elder said.

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