Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1147: Steal the teacher

?Boom boom boom——

In the starry sky, the two great heavenly kings are engaged in a large-scale battle. Stars are shattered in their battle. The majestic and destructive power of the sky sweeps through the heavens, and the world is changed.

Among them, Ye Ao, Xia Wei, Ye Zimei, Ye Zhengyang, and Ye Qing all had their eyes widened. Although they all knew that Ye Chen was very powerful, very powerful, and could be on par with Ye Family Patriarch, they never expected to be so powerful. .

Those are big stars that can have a diameter of thousands of miles, and any one falling is enough to make the whole sky disappear in Ye Family's ashes thousands of times.

However, Ye Chen was so strong that he would be destroyed with every gesture, without any effort. The mighty powers like that are simply true gods, beyond understanding.

On the main seat of the Tianxin Temple, Ye Ao and Xia Wei looked at each other and were shocked. Xia Wei said in a daze, "Husband, we seem to have given birth to a great son."

Ye Ao was a character after all, and smiled bitterly after returning to his senses: "Yes, ma'am, Xiaochen seems to be stronger than we can imagine."

They would never have imagined that the son who was smashed down the ancient road of the king and abolished his cultivation base, and was stunned by Yang Yi’s blow, would now grow into such an indescribable existence. I'm afraid that the entire emperor clan is absolutely Few people can reach this step.

Only soon, they were worried, because Ye Chen was very powerful, but the other party was also very powerful, and they were afraid that Ye Chen would have an accident.

"Xiaochen, he won't have an accident." They looked at the third fairy worriedly.

At the beginning, the female saint said at the right time next to them: "Father, mother, don't worry, Ye Chen is invincible. Even more powerful opponents have fought before. Although the Black Palace Heavenly King is powerful, it can't threaten him."

The two couples were only shocked. What happened to their sons who had been separated for decades and met a stronger enemy than the King of Darkness?

On the side, Ye Zimei was delighted that Ye Chen had become so powerful, but it also ended with a kind of curtain, because the distance between each other is getting farther and farther, and it has been so far that it will be impossible to follow in a lifetime.

Perhaps only such a beautiful, powerful, and distinguished woman is worthy of Ye Chen's brother, Ye Chen's eyes swept across the Third Fairy, thinking so bitterly.


The starry sky is collapsing because of the battle between the two peerless kings.

Undoubtedly, the Hei Gong Tian Wang is extremely powerful. He has achieved the Heavenly King Realm for thousands of years. He is a veteran Heavenly King, and his cultivation is unfathomable. The Heavenly King Realm is a rare opponent.

Even if you look at the heavens and domains, he is definitely called a famous generation of heavenly kings, and has a brilliant record.

It’s just that his heart is shocked, because this fighting saint king is also beyond imagination. He has cultivated for thousands of years to reach this point, but the opponent is so young and full of majestic vigor, it can’t be. The old monster is reincarnated, but why is it so powerful, so powerful as he is so difficult to suppress the opponent.

This is something that can't be imagined in ordinary days. He is unparalleled, and he is absolutely a super power in the Heavenly King Realm. How could this be so.

It's just that this situation does appear right in front of us.

With a bang, the stars exploded, and Tianyu collapsed. The two quickly collided with each other and created such a terrifying scene. It was like a world-destroying scene, which made people scared.

But this is just a blow from both sides, and there are even more powerful methods that have not really been displayed.


The endless golden blood is erupting, overwhelming the sky, sweeping the mighty starry sky, the heavens and stars are trembling, and the entire starry sky is shrouded in bright golden glory.

Hei Gong Tian Wang finally understood, and said: "No wonder that he is known as the Fighting Saint King, he is the heir of that line, and reached the Heavenly King Realm, no wonder he is so powerful."

His expression is dignified, no matter who he is, he must maintain enough dignity for the strong in the line of fighting saints, because the world knows that although there is basically only one person in that line, everyone is true. The invincible peerless powerhouses of the same rank have invincible fighting sacraments, and at least have the true king's posture. The combination of both makes them unmatched and powerful.

In the same realm, the heirs of such a line are definitely the nightmare of other powerhouses of the same level, almost invincible.

Even in the same big realm, the Dark Palace Heavenly King has a certain advantage in the realm, but the opponent is the fighting saint, and has the terrifying power of the first battle, which can greatly narrow the gap between them. It is the most daunting place.


Ye Chen is like a golden **** of war, and the entire starry sky trembles between the steps. The invincibility of the fighting sacrament is shown in full, breaking all attacks without invading.

Cut the sky!

A thick golden finger appeared, and immediately covered the entire starry sky. Stars in the sky exploded directly, no longer existed, and pointed towards the black palace.

Everyone was discolored, and when this finger fell, the ordinary heavenly king would probably be crushed to pieces, and the fighting saint king was so terrified.

"A good fighting king, I am afraid that he is not weaker than the emperor, but if you want to defeat this seat by this means, there is still a long way to go!"

Hei Gong Tian Wang's expression also changed slightly, but he never avoided it. He also pointed out: "Heaven Sword Finger!"

This is the peerless supernatural power recorded in the Emperor Scripture left by the Tianxin Sword Emperor. When he pointed it out, a boundless avenue of sword energy exploded, sweeping across the sky, trying to cut off the sky, and slammed into the sky.


When the **** collided, the starry sky collapsed, and the stars were affected and exploded, which was terrifying.

In the face of such a collision, ordinary heavenly kings will be crushed.

This is also the land of the starry sky opened up by the Emperor Tianxin Temple's pattern, otherwise it will inevitably explode the whole world.

Both Hei Gong Tian Wang and Ye Chen are the top heavenly kings, and the scars of the strongest laws are hanging around them, submerging themselves, and protecting them from harm.

And at the same time, the Dark Palace Heavenly King performed the second move at this time, which is also the emperor's magical power, related to the sword move. When the five fingers are released, they turned into the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and each evolved Different Jian Qi conforms to the Five Elements.

The sword finger of gold is full of sharpness, the sword finger of wood is full of vitality, and the sword finger of water is fluent and gentle, which can be resolved.

The sword finger of fire burns everything, and the sword finger of earth carries a heavy weight.

The Five Elements Sword Finger contains the technique of the Five Elements. Originally, the Sword Finger is scary enough. Once other properties are added, its power can be said to be overturned and terrifying.

The vast starry sky collapsed directly and couldn't bear all this at all.


Strong as Ye Chen's expression is dignified, deeply aware of the terrifying place of the Five Elements Sword Finger, showing the shocking speed, avoiding its sharp edge, and unwilling to force it.

However, the Five Elements Sword Mansions are too dense, overwhelming the sky, flooding the starry sky, up and down, left and right, which can be called Liuhe and Bahuang, each road is thousands of meters long, and even more than ten thousand meters, clamoring, shining with the five elements.

In addition, the Five Elements Sword Finger has extraordinary changes, and they can be mutually restrained, turning into a kind of cycle, transforming different properties, beyond everyone's imagination.

In the middle, Ye Chen was still chopped, and it was as strong as the Saint Physique to be able to completely resist it. Blood holes appeared, with golden holy blood floating.

In the Heavenly Heart Palace, many powerful powerful men are shocked, that is, the three fairies have changed their expressions, sensing the extraordinary aspects of the five elements sword light, making them all feel a special crisis.

"How about it, mother, do you want Ya Ya to enter and help Dad." Ya Ya is a world tree, has a special feeling for the world, and also feels the terrible place of the five elements sword light, and Yi Yi on the side stares. With **** eyes and deep worries, he babbled and screamed, trying to rush into Ye Chen.

It's just that Chen'er stopped. She, who has always been innocent and innocent, has a special positive look at this moment, and whispered: "No, trust him, nothing will happen."

"As expected to be the Sword Emperor Tianxin, he can create such magical powers of swordsmanship with the five elements." Ye Chenxin sighed, the Eucharist operated the Eucharist regeneration technique on its own, repairing all wounds, and was shocked, the golden brilliance flowed, although the sword light was enough It was terrifying, but the number was too much, the power was scattered, and the slash on his body was not able to cause damage as originally.

In addition, a ten-fold divine halo appeared on his body, as if shrouded the immortal world of immortality, invaded by all laws, invaded by all evils, and resisted all sword energy.


Ye Chen formed the Great Avenue Aquarius, the law and the scars collapsed and turned into an abyssal black hole, swallowing all the five elements of sword energy in the sky.

"Want to swallow the Five Elements Sword Qi, dream!"

Hei Gong Tian Wang was killed, his eyes were cold, and the five elements of sword aura he shot became even more violent, sweeping in all directions, and the stars were constantly annihilated.


Suddenly, the light of the five elements collapsed, and accompanied by the monstrous sword aura, the five elements of the sword aura rushed to the Hei Gong Tianwang, both exploded and destroyed the void.

"What, how do you know the Five Elements Sword Finger?"

Don’t say it’s the Black Palace Heavenly King, even the other Ye family’s powerful men are shocked, because this is the magical power recorded in the Emperor Jing. Historically, only the Ye family’s direct descendants have been passed down, and restrictions have been added to the sea of ​​consciousness. If you want to steal, the restraint will be launched, automatically destroying all magical powers.

"No, this is not a purely five-element sword finger. There are some differences. You actually learned it secretly."

The Dark Palace Heavenly King clearly felt the slight difference, but it was also shocked, because this son was so enchanting that he had secretly learned most of it like this, and restored most of it in his own way, which is incredible.

Ye Chen smiled indifferently. The Five Elements Sword Qi that had been swallowed earlier was not blindly swallowed, but was disintegrated, swallowed, and re-turned into chaos by his ancient chaos. The Five Elements Sword Finger.

Chaos is the origin of all paths, no matter how powerful the avenue is, it must be born out of chaos.

He is nothing more than the return of ten thousand ways to the sect, relying on chaotic deduction.

Although it is impossible to be exactly the same, there are differences, but based on his understanding, and contains the sacramental blood, the power is similar in general and can be completely contended.

Hei Gong Tianwang looked gloomy, he shouted, and immediately changed the five-element sword finger, showing another kind of strong swordsmanship, manipulating the stars of the sky, causing the stars of the sky to shake, shooting out a series of stars, It turned into a thick sword light, thousands of them slashed towards Ye Chen and collapsed the starry sky.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the supreme kendo supernatural powers recorded in the emperor scripture.

Ye Chen opened the tenth heaven divine aperture, and shocked, the incomparably bright aperture immediately transformed into a deep black hole, swallowing everything more thoroughly than the transformation of the Dao’s treasure bottle seal, all the heavens, the stars, and the sword light. Was swallowed.

Chaos emerged one by one, he constantly swallowed, and constantly deduced and figured out the meaning.

Hei Gong Tian Wang's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly had a bad premonition about to appear in his heart.

Sure enough, Ye Chen also displayed magical powers soon, causing the heavens and stars to tremble, shooting out the sword light of the heavens and stars, and the sword light against the sword light, colliding in the starry sky, constantly exploding.

Everyone was shocked, the fighting sage king's cultivation talent was really terrifying, and he had mastered the other side's supernatural powers so quickly.

In the Tianxin Temple, the expressions of the Ye Family’s all the powers are pale. These are all top supernatural powers recorded in the Ye Family’s emperor scriptures. They cannot be passed on. They were stole the teacher by the fighting king in this way. It is definitely a huge loss. .

Hei Gong Tian Wang had a black face, and he roared abruptly, appearing with other supernatural powers, and one after another, each of which was different, so that the Fighting Saint King had no time to learn.

It’s just that Ye Chen’s body evolves in chaos, constantly devouring the opponent’s supernatural powers, and then the power of faith is continuously blessed on the soul villain, speeding up the deduction, and quickly grasping more than half of the profound meaning, and playing with his own understanding, basically power Not much worse.

This surprised many people. All the magical powers were learned by the Fighting Saint King. How ugly is the look of the Black Palace Heavenly King. Not only did he not defeat the opponent, he was also in such a dilemma~ How embarrassing.

Ye Chen smiled at the Hei Gong Tian Wang from a distance: "Thank you, if you didn't display it yourself, I am afraid I would not be able to control these peerless magical powers of the Ye Family."

Hei Gong Tian Wang's face was extremely embarrassed, and finally couldn't help being furious, and rushed over and shouted: "Junior, I must kill you today."

It’s just that the battle between the heavenly kings continues, but heat does not allow the Hei Gong heavenly king to make any moves. The fighting saint king is always difficult to kill, and even he cannot overwhelm the opponent. It has always been out of an incomparable situation. It embarrassed him very much.


Another shocking collision, separated from each other.

Only this time, Ye Chen took the initiative to release all laws and restrained the Saint Body's vitality.

However, his body was full of ancient chaos surging up, flooding his body, the stars of the sky were all emerging, the aura suddenly frightened a lot, making the stars shudder.

He stands in the depths of the starry sky, his eyes are as deep as a sea of ​​chaos, he gazes over, and speaks indifferently: "Everything that should be learned has been learned, it's time to solve you."

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