Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1158: King of War!

"Why?" Those few sentiments were anxious.

"Because you just wanted to trespass without paying the price." Ye Chen's expression was cold, with no expression, Yi Yi on his shoulders widened his eyes and hummed: "Deserve it!"

Several people wanted to speak, but when they saw the space storm approaching mightily, and the several space channels not far away were rapidly spreading and collapsing, they all immediately changed their color.

At this time, there was nothing to worry about, one by one quickly moved out the spirit stones in the body, and seven people placed nearly 30 million catties of spirit stones in front of them.

Ye Chen opened the space channel, collected it in one hand, and allowed several people to enter it for the first time.

Feeling the endless violent space storm outside, everyone couldn't help feeling lingering in their hearts, feeling like they were left behind.

If they were really swept by this space storm, everyone in their presence would undoubtedly die, because under this space storm, even the saint master-level figures would perish.

Just looking at Ye Chen's eyes were full of gloom and killing intent.

"Boy, spit out all the spirit stones right away." Among them, the seven powerful men who came in later spoke gloomily, and coldly forced Ye Chen towards Ye Chen, with killing intent.

The seven powerhouses all pressed forward. Among them, three of them were ancient sage powerhouses of the fourth layer of the holy Tibetan, and one of them was a hero of the fifth layer, very powerful.

I have to say that this is a strong lineup.

Although the other hero and the two great saints didn't make a move, they didn't intend to make a move to help and stand up.

Ye Chen turned around and looked at the seven powerhouses, his eyes were very cold: "Are you trying to do something against me?"

The seven powerhouses were all icy cold by Ye Chen's eyes, feeling as if a terrifying dragon was looking down at the ants from a high altitude, and as long as they were shot, they could be immediately vulnerable and wiped out.

What kind of feeling it was, it was actually given to them by such a young junior, and it shocked them.

It's just that the male lord among them immediately recovered, and forcibly calmed his mind and said: "Don't panic, everyone, he is just bluffing, it's just that a young junior can't kill us."

Ye Chen smiled coldly and was about to make a move, but at this moment, from outside the space channel, a huge roar came, shaking the endless space turbulence, that was a man roaring and roaring.

In the endless space storm, right in the depths of the endless space turbulence, there are five strong figures in the turbulent space shuttle, releasing infinite light all over, chasing and killing a powerful king of heaven.

They were fighting fiercely in the depths of the turbulence of space, and they had a fierce collision, tearing the world apart, destroying the world, and extremely fierce.

"Oh my God, this is a great battle between the Heavenly Kings, and it happened. No wonder it will cause a terrible space storm." The powers in the space channel were shocked and ignored the hostility to Ye Chen.

Because to them, the king of heaven is a powerful existence above the top, even if it is in the center of the ten thousand domains, it is not that such characters can be seen when they see it.

It's just that Ye Chen's eyes were very flaming, with terrifying avenue runes intertwined, as if it could evolve into heaven and earth, he looked at the king who was hunted down.

He was a tall and tall man with black hair like a waterfall. He was not very old. It could even be said to be very young. He was about the same age as Ye Chen, but very powerful. His whole body released surging fighting spirit, surging into the sky. The strongest fighter.

Holding a black gold gun, he was brave and invincible. He was bloodied with the great kings who were chasing after him, blood-stained armor, red-colored space turbulence, but his momentum continued unabated, with an immortal heroic posture. .

And in his arms, there was a young child who was about three or four years old. He was born very pink and cute, like a porcelain doll, with **** and bright eyes, and it can be seen that the child’s brows are faint. It is somewhat similar to this warrior king, obviously a father and son.


It was another fierce collision, and the two sides flew away. The five heavenly kings looked cold, with killing intent, but they also frowned, because this heavenly king is really powerful, and can actually persist under the chase of their five heavenly kings. It has not been lost for so long, I have to say it is really amazing.

To some extent, they admire them, but they have to hunt down.

"Warlord, hand over your children and return with us, everything is easy to say." One of the very powerful kings was opening his mouth, and his whole body was blooming with immeasurable light, like a purple sun, permeating and powerful. Fluctuations.

He is particularly powerful, extremely powerful, and one of the best. Half of the injuries on the warrior's king are caused by him.

It's just that the king who was hunted down was bloody, but he was incomparably fighting spirit, with a strong fighting spirit. While confronting, he coldly responded: "Qin Ziyang, you want to take my son away, first of all Just walked over my body."

Qin Ziyang sighed lightly: "The King of War, you are indeed very strong, but no matter how strong you are, you cannot be the opponent of my Qin family. Why do you have to struggle? If you don’t follow us back, you may still have a chance to survive. Her children are likely to survive."

However, the King of War smiled sadly: "Qin Ziyang, as a member of the Qin family, don't you know the house rules of your family? Do you think the Qin family will let me and her children survive?"

Hearing that, Qin Ziyang was silent for a while, but the four heavenly kings around him coldly snorted: "Hmph, toast and not drink fine wine. If that is the case, I will kill you first, and then take this evildoer back."

"War King, I'm sorry." Qin Ziyang sighed, surrounded by purple light, extremely powerful and unparalleled, swinging his heavenly sword to press the past, tearing the sky and destroying everything.

The five heavenly kings joined forces. Although the king of war was very powerful, he was also greatly oppressed, and he had to protect the child on his arm with one hand. There were many wounds on his body, and blood was constantly splashing.

It can be seen that the King of War has fallen in the wind.


A brilliant purple light flashed, slashing towards the young boy, but the warlord moved sideways, allowing the young boy to successfully avoid the purple light, but it landed on his shoulder and directly penetrated a bright blood hole. , There is blood splashing wantonly.


The young boy exclaimed, and the hazy water vapor appeared in the clear and bright black eyes, and he was crying. It can be said that this is a very early-witted child who has understood a lot early.

"Twin, I'm fine."

The Zhan Dynasty grinned in an immature way, his teeth were white and brilliant, but his expression was a little unnaturally pale.

"But father, you shed a lot of blood." Zhitong was crying, his eyes were red, and he kept crying.

"Don't worry, you can't kill Daddy at this point."

The King of War comforted him and performed the healing secret technique. The profound meaning of the great Dao burst into the body, all the Dao patterns were intertwined, the body was glowing, and the injury was beginning to recover.

This is the resurrection technique of the God King, taught to him by Ye Chen in the previous life.

It's just that it was so, and it was at a disadvantage, and although the God King's Resurrection Technique was extraordinary, each operation was depleting a certain amount of origin. In the long run, even the King of War could not bear it no matter how strong it was.


Suddenly, the King of War raised his eyes and became many times more fierce. The battle spirit collapsed. He vigorously waved the black gold gun in his hand and directly smashed it out, and had a big collision with a sneak attacking king. It was extremely powerful, breaking the sky and breaking the earth, stirring up a space storm, which was shocking.

During the collision, the King of War figure staggered backwards two steps, but the opponent flew a farther distance, coughing up blood, and was not the opponent of War King in the first fight.

It's just that another heavenly king is coming, and there are three great heavenly kings.

In the later stage of the war, it became more intense, and the sky broke and the endless space turbulence was rippling with endless space storms, swept over everything.

And Qin Ziyang joined the battlefield, letting the situation fall down completely, the figure of the war king kept flying upside down, coughing up blood, and there were several more blood holes in his body, even the child in his arms was The blood was directly dyed red, crying: "Daddy, don't have any trouble."

The King of War stroked the child in his arms twice, swallowed the blood he was about to cough up, grinned, but his mouth was full of blood: "Don't worry, Dad can't die."

Then he raised his head with black hair and looked at the five heavenly kings coldly. He raised the black gold gun and said coldly, "You forced me!"

"The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun is setting in the river!"

The warlord roared, turbulent endless space!

In the endless space turbulence, an illusory world has emerged, expanding * eight wilderness, and there is a vast and boundless desert in it, each of which is shining brightly.

In the center of the desert, there appeared a long river, mighty, traversing the desert, and there was a round of red sun slowly falling, reflecting the river, like the dusk of the gods.

Above the long river, in the setting sun, the figure of the King of War stepped out slowly. Although he was covered in blood, his aura was majestic and majestic, sweeping across the sky, and everything must tremble.

He was holding a black gold sharp spear in his hand, and under the red sunset on the horizon, he merged into the sharp spear, releasing an unprecedented supernatural power, wanting to destroy everything.

The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun sets over the river.

This is the king's battle path that the king of war has cultivated hard for his entire life. It was created when he was a king when he was young, and now he has reached the realm of the king of heaven, which is also more terrifying.

The King of War played the strongest supernatural powers, destroying the world and destroying everything, making the space turbulence completely violent, and making the five heavenly kings feel a huge crisis.

Worthy of being the legendary King of War, it is really terrifying, and he has such a strong and unmatched supernatural power, beyond their imagination.

This is the last move of the King of War, he must fight hard and make himself a bright universe.


The earth-shaking destructive power swept everything, sweeping away the * eight wastes.

Qin Ziyang looked solemn, but did not avoid it. Instead, he rushed to the forefront. The purple light entwined all over his body became stronger and hotter, shining the endless space turbulence.

He was also displaying terrifying supernatural powers, only to see his eyes opened, but it was strangely bloody, like two rounds of blood, with magical power rippling.

"Open the sky with one glance, open the sky with one glance, open the sky with one eye, open it!"

Qin Ziyang yelled, and also played a great magical power that he had created. His eyes were like a sun of blood, shining with a chillingly bright color, which penetrated the world and opened the world, and hit the King of War. terrible.

The top powerhouses of the two heavenly kings collided in a big way, shaking the earth and shattering everything. In the endless space turbulence, it caused an unknowingly serious space storm, enough to annihilate everything.

That is, the space channel where Ye Chen was located almost collapsed, shaking a little, one can imagine how terrible the impact was caused by the collision just now, which made several of the strongest people change color and startled.

In the end, everything was over, both were thrown away, covered in blood, and Qin Ziyang was almost split in half by Li Li, and a lot of blood flowed out, very miserable.

But the King of War couldn't get better, because in order to protect the child on his body, he received a terrible attack. There were a few more bright blood holes on his body, and the blood flowed in a tragic manner.

Moreover, the other four heavenly kings are still intact, and they are looking at the warlord, making it difficult for him to recover without the **** king resurrection technique.

"Is everything going to end?" The King of War smiled miserably, full of helplessness, and looked at the child who was also covered in blood, and said: "Child, I'm sorry, father is useless, I can't save your mother, nor can I send it. To leave you."

"No." The young boy hugged King Zhan’s neck and cried: "Father, you are the best. Shuang'er always thinks so, so please don’t be sad, Shuang'er is very sad. Happy to be your child, this is true."

"A father and son are deeply affectionate, but everything is about to end. Don't worry, we will bring you father and son back to the clan together." Pan Ziyang took the precious pill to repair his injured body, and said like this .

"Really, maybe this is also a good choice." The King of War smiled miserably, with despair.

"No, you have a better choice."

At this time, a huge voice suddenly appeared in the endless space turbulence. It was in the colorful space passage in the distance, and a great man was speaking in it.

He directly broke through the colorful space channel and appeared in stride. The violent space storm slammed on his body, but it was difficult to hurt him at all. He was like an invincible God of War, bathed in infinite gold.

His appearance made the great heavenly kings startled, and then his expression was cold, and he rushed past with a bitter aura. The blood in Qin Ziyang's eyes was shocking: "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The man smiled slightly: "A friend of the King of War!"

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