Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1161: Robbery

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Robbery, yes, Ye Chen will do this.

Although the five heavenly kings could not be killed because of the warlord’s wife, who is Ye Chen, strong to the end, and the powerful men who dare to fight against the emperor, how can these heavenly kings who dare to chase the warlord be relaxed? He wants to make these people regret it.

Robbery, this is the most direct way.

If Hao Shi Tian Wang was like this, he finally reorganized his body, but Ye Chen blasted his body with a fist, shaking his body very skillfully, and directly opened the door of an individual internal space of Hao Shi Tian Wang, immediately exposed. Brilliant brilliance shined through the endless dark space turbulence.

That is the light of treasures, which originated from the inner space of the Haoshi Heavenly King. The naked eye can see that there are a large number of treasures that are constantly displayed. The precious and extraordinary treasures among them are all that Ye Chen would marvel at.

Worthy of being a heavenly king, the treasures on his body are really not ordinary. The spirit stones are piles of hills, and they are the condensed spirit veins after refining. Each of them is no more than an arm size, at least comparable to 30,000 catties of spirit stones. It is the purest and most superior spirit stone.

Roughly speaking, just the spirit stone on the Haoshi Heavenly King's body is probably no less than 100 million catties.

This is just a spiritual stone. There is a more precious and rare divine spiritual source that is many times more precious. It is the product of the ultimate sublimation of the spiritual stone. The giant spiritual veins of the billions of kilograms of spiritual stone do not necessarily appear the size of a human head. The spiritual source of the divine nature can be one meter in radius, and the sacred light can be seen, which can wait for at least 30 million catties of spiritual stones.

Naturally, the true value is many times more precious.

This is one of them. Among them are the secrets of ancient magical powers that have been lost for many years. There are some special magic formations, alchemy, etc., special souls and weapons, extraordinary refining materials, elixir, etc., all of which are true The value of this is priceless, and any kind of release is a treasure that the saint master must fight for.

"There are so many treasures. This is really a good robbery, I like it!"

Ye Chen completely robbed him of the robbery, and did not leave even a little bit for the heavenly kings. He emptied the treasure house of the inner space of the heavenly kings. The value was unknown, and the other heavenly kings were a little jealous. This is all the dignified heavenly king. Net worth.

Hao Shi Tian Wang's face is extremely ugly, but he dares to be angry but dare not speak, making people lament the helplessness and sorrow of a generation of heavenly kings.

However, other heavenly kings were not immune, because Ye Chen was also robbing, even Qin Ziyang did not escape from the palm of his hand, one by one treasure house appeared, all of which were priceless treasures.

Especially Qin Ziyang, there are countless treasures on his body, and Ye Chen showed a light of surprise.

There was even a rough blank of an extraordinary Taoist soldier with an immortal ancient soldier that had evolved to a great power level, branded with a special innate Taoist mark, and a lot of divine spirit sources, which were naturally deprived by Ye Chen.

Even the Heavenly Kings and Taoists have been deprived of them, and their soul imprints have been wiped out.

In the end, even the armors of the gods on their bodies were taken away from them, and every heavenly king was left with only a pair of square shorts, exposing large areas of skin, and he was about to run naked.

It's just that the five heavenly kings dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. Some of them protested, but they were directly crushed by Ye Chen with their fists, and his body was cracked. There was no protest or discussion.

Finally, Haoshi Tianwang said, that face is as ugly as it is now, and he said in a deep voice, "Fighting Saint King, you have robbed all the treasures, let us leave now."

"No!" Ye Chen refused.

"Why!?" The great heavenly kings were very angry. The fighting sage not only suppressed them, but also shamelessly robbed them. Now they are all going to run naked, and he is not willing to let them leave.

"You are all just my prisoners, are you qualified to protest?" Ye Chen was still so strong, coldly looking down at the great heavenly kings, making them unable to swallow a word.

The wealth of the five heavenly kings is really indescribable. Only the first-class spirit stones can have 630 million catties. The divine spiritual source is equivalent to 160 million catties. Other treasures are not counted. In fact, the value is really comparable to an immortal sacred place, or even more.

"Uncle Qian, you are amazing!"

On one side, Qin Wushuang's eyes were shining, and Ye Chen's eyes were full of admiration. He could actually suppress the great kings who were chasing him and his father by himself. This uncle Qian is really a generation of fierce men. .

Ye Chen smiled, unscrupulously, spread out a large number of treasures, and said casually: "Wu Shuang, you want anything, whatever you want, whatever you want."

"Really?" Qin Wushuang's **** eyes filled with excitement and some expectation.

"Of course."

The King of War let go of Qin Wushuang, leaving this little boy of only three or four years old in the void, protected by the light of the King of War, walking on the ground in the endless turbulence of space, watching the treasures like hills at will Stacked in front of my eyes, my eyes flashed with excitement.

But in the end, Qin Wushuang came to the treasure, grabbed a piece of **** armor with both hands and dragged it forcefully, and even dragged it, making Ye Chen slightly surprised.

It is not an ordinary **** armor, it also belongs to the battle armor of the heavenly king. It can even be said to be a **** armor, a special defense type Taoist soldier. It looks only a **** armor, but it is very heavy, and ordinary cultivators can't get it. Up.

"Wu Shuang, do you want this armor?" Ye Chen was taken aback, and said, "Although this armor belongs to the rank of heavenly kings, it is not suitable for you."

"No, I just want this one."

Qin Wushuang shook his head, identified the **** armor, and dragged the **** armor to his father. He was unable to lift it completely, but raised his cute head, and looked at King Zhan and said, "Father, this is what Uncle Qian promised to Shuang'er. The treasure of Shuang'er is given to you. If you put it on in the future, no one can hurt you anymore."

Although the little boy was only three or four years old, he was very early and wise, and he was very clever and sensible. He looked at his father Zhan Wang tightly with his **** eyes, and what he said made people feel distressed.

Rao is such a determined and unyielding man like the King of War. His expression became gentle. He picked up his son's battle armor and hugged him and said, "Father will, this will be the best gift."

Qin Wushuang smiled openly and happily.

Ye Chen sighed slightly, Qin Wushuang was indeed a very well-behaved and early-witted child, very sensible.

He rubbed Xiao Wushuang's head and chuckled softly: "You don't have to worry, your father will naturally have it, and you can't do without."


Ye Chen personally took out some of the precious materials of the gods from the treasures of the heavenly kings. He refined a **** garment on the spot. It was as simple as ordinary clothes, but it was engraved with the mark of the heavenly king and The law, Guanghua introverted, gifted to the little boy, can protect his safety.

He also refined a pagoda of the gods and tapped it into Qin Wushuang’s eyebrows, which can protect his true spirit, and there is a drop of saint’s blood in it, which can be recovered at critical moments and protect Xiao Wushuang’s life. It's a gift he gave Xiao Wushuang.

Naturally, he also gave a large number of heavenly treasures to the king of war, and the king of war received, but it was mainly the elixir, the spiritual source of the gods, and some special refining materials.

Among them, several pieces of azure green gold the size of fingernails were obtained, which were immortal products of the world. The mythological emperors used chaotic immortal gold to refine the imperial soldiers.

It was sent by Ye Chen. It was generous and shocking. It was really unusual for the Chaos Immortal Gold to be given away.

The King of War was naturally not hypocritical, so he accepted it, and actively refined it into the broken black gold gun, giving it a few green and golden lines, making it even more extraordinary.

"Qianyue, what are you going to do with them?"

The King of War asked about the fate of the five heavenly kings. Although he could not be killed, he was a little unwilling to let him go.

"It's very simple, just become a prisoner." Ye Chen said so calmly that all the great heavenly kings instantly turned pale.

Who are they? They are contemporary heavenly kings. The heavens and domains are all on the top. They need the saint master’s salute to compile. They belong to the legendary powerhouse. Naturally they don’t want to end up like this. Among them, the heavenly king roars: Wang, you are too much."

But immediately, Ye Chen was beaten for a while, was strongly suppressed, and even his cultivation was suppressed, far from Ye Chen's opponent.

Ye Chen directly threatened: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will let you go naked to the Wanyu Center."

A word suddenly made the great heavenly kings shut up, and I was really afraid that Ye Chen would do this. They would rather die than be streaked.

"Qianyue, let Qin Ziyang go." This was an active request from the King of War. Even though the opponent was pursuing him, it was only polite and respectful to him, and he never used his wife to coerce, just because of the Qin family. So chase after the request.

And the more important reason is that this Qin Ziyang had defended his wife in Qin's house.

"Okay!" Ye Chen lifted Qin Ziyang's prohibition without saying a word, and gave him a divine garment to leave.

Although Qin Ziyang has been a heavenly king for many years, he is considered to be a generation leader among the heavenly kings. He has only cultivated Taoism for three thousand years. He is also young and promising in the heavenly king realm. He has the potential to impact a large power level. Now he has maintained such a situation. With enough demeanor, he was never too furious, and he never asked Ye Chen to recover the robbed treasures.

After a moment of silence, he held his fist towards the King of War and said: "King of War, today’s grace, Qin has thanked him here, and he will pay it back if he has the opportunity in the future. It’s just that they—"

He looked at the other four heavenly kings and hesitated.

The King of War shook his head: "Don't worry, the four of them are all captives. They are bargaining chips. They won't be killed easily, but they won't be let go. I just trouble you to go back and tell the Qin family that there are people from that clan. If you want the four kings to be fine, let my wife leave safely. This is a deal."

Hearing this, Qin Ziyang sighed lightly: "King of War, you are going to completely offend the Qin family and that clan, and you will be chased down and killed. Even if the heavens and tens of thousands of domains are so big, there is no room for them. There is a chance, go back to the family with me, and I will ask for forgiveness for you."

The King of War was silent, but Ye Chen spoke and responded strongly: "You don't need to say more, just go back and tell those who are immortal. If you don't want these four heavenly kings to be killed, let the wife of King of War be released. Otherwise, don't blame me for going there in person. 。. I can just give a word of advice here. The Qin family may be very strong, but I am not waiting for the saint king to fight. Even the imperial family dare to stand up to challenge and go to war. The same is true for other strong families. Don’t think I will compromise. ."

This was his strong response. What about the Qin Family, who dared to insult his friends, and brought a group of ancient powers to the door to denounce him. He was really not afraid that the Qin Family would really start a war.

Qin Ziyang looked at the incomparable fighting saint king, this is a generation of peerless fierce men, no matter in terms of combat power or attitude, there is no need to compromise, so that he, the strong king of heaven, must be in awe.

In the end, he had to say: "Okay, I understand, I will tell the old guys in the clan to know that, as for the result, I can't guarantee that, after all, you know the importance of your wife to them."

"Understood." Zhan Wang said.


When the words fell, Qin Ziyang decisively turned and left, turning into a blazing purple light, leaving the endless space turbulence.

Watching Qin Ziyang leaving, Ye Chen said, "King of War, is this really good? Why not go directly to Qin's house."

The King of War sighed slightly and shook his head: "Qianyue, maybe you really have reached the high rank of the Heavenly King, but the Qin family is really too strong. Even if it is the ancient power, you may not be able to change anything. I don't want you to I'm taking a risk, I'm very grateful for today's affairs."


A punch hit King Zhan’s chest, causing him to retreat for several steps. The corners of his mouth were bleeding, and Ye Chen’s face was faintly angry: "King Zhan, don’t you consider me your brother?"

The King of War did not wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes gleaming: "Qianyue, you should understand that it is because you are my life and death brother of Qin Zhan that you don't want you to take this risk for me. This time not only Qin is involved. There is a real emperor at home, and among the people who chase me here, except for Qin Ziyang and this vast emperor, the other three heavenly kings all came from that emperor."

Ye Chen understands. Although he has spoken several times and said that he has no fear of the emperor, few people in the heavens and thousands of domains know about the various in the ancient emperor world. Even the warlord never knew that he had really challenged the Taisheng emperor. .

Moreover, things about the Ye family have not spread so quickly.

I am afraid that Zhanwang believes that although he is a generation of super kings, he still has no chance of winning against the Qin family and the emperor.

This is out of worry for Ye Chen smiled and patted Zhanwang on the shoulder: "I know what you are worried about, but there is no need to worry. Since I said that there is no fear of the emperor, it is not because of me. Born not to be afraid of everything, but with such confidence, and once truly called the emperor clan. Maybe you still don't know the various things in the ancient emperor world, and you don't know what happened in the emperor's Ye family the other day."

He briefed the King of War on some of these situations by voice transmission, which shocked the latter. He did not expect that Ye Chen actually created a sacred domain of the Great Church in the realm of ancient emperors, and had the support of the ancient power. Unexpectedly, it is no wonder that he has such confidence.

The King of War was pleasantly surprised and said: "Okay, since that's the case, let's go. But it is not the Qin family, but in the Human Emperor State, which is still the number one capital in the Ten Thousand Regions-Human Emperor City!"

"In that case, it's better. This time even the Qin family and the emperor have to compromise." Ye Chen showed a mysterious smile.

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