Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1164: Princess Qin, Qin Yi!

The gate was wide open, and it was also huge and very high. Lewen Mobile

Streams of light flashed in the middle, and they were all chariots, strange animals, etc. sitting in the Pentium, carrying those big people into the city from all directions.

There are guards on both sides of the city gate guarding the imperial city. They are all very powerful repairmen. They look solemn and heavily armored. No one dares to offend, and they must enter the city well.

Ye Chen and the others also entered this Ten Thousand Region First City. Once they entered, they immediately realized that although the prosperous area was already sufficiently prosperous, it was far from the human imperial city.

There are many palaces and palaces here, and there are more sacred islands, heavenly palaces, and treasures floating in the sky. There are also various tall buildings standing tall and towering into the clouds.

Along with restaurants, gambling houses, temples, etc., there are many famous top powers stationed in them, showing the prosperity of the world.

The sky is huge, incomparable.

The people coming and going in the city can be said to be rubbing shoulders and shoulders, busy, and there are many repairers, and there are many strong ones.

And in this city, not many people dare to be too arrogant, because if you are not careful, you might run into a child from the Holy Land, or an elder from the Holy Land, or even a member of the God Race. will happen.


After entering the imperial city, Ye Chen immediately felt the imperial tower in his body tremble slightly and fluctuate.

This made him slightly discolored, and he was a little worried that the Human Emperor Tower would leave and rise to the sky. After all, the real owner of the Human Emperor Tower was the Human Emperor, not him.

But fortunately, Renhuang Tower only trembled slightly, and immediately recovered its calm, floating in the Niwan Palace, as always under his control.

Ye Chen didn't dare to be careless. He sealed it off with the Chaos Cauldron, and also sealed it with the word Emperor.

After all, since this lifetime, he has long regarded the Human Emperor Tower as his own possession, and even the Human Emperor is unwilling to return it.

Looking up, the Human Palace is located in the very center of Human Palace.

A celestial palace sinks and floats above the sky, covering the sky and the sun. It is magnificent and extremely majestic. It is many times more magnificent than the outside world, like a city in the sky.

The enchanting fairy mist is filled with clouds and mists, and the rays of light are everywhere, like a fairyland, like a dream and illusion.

It is clear that one after another magnificent and tall palaces are standing here, and the statues of alien beasts are engraved on the palace. The fairy light overflows, the radiance rises, and the style is extraordinary. It's extremely atmospheric.

Among them, there are extraordinary sights such as auspicious beasts undulating, dragons and phoenixes humming, Kunpeng spreading their wings, and white tigers leaping.

I have to say that this human palace is too extraordinary and majestic, full of miracles, magnificent and huge, Qiongtai Yuyu, and full of spiritual energy, it is also a dragon lake and tiger's lair.

It is so majestic and majestic, incomparable.

Even Ye Chen is far inferior in the central palace of the ancient emperor realm imperial city.

The supreme emperor, sitting in it, Ye Chen was looking in the distance, there was a majestic figure who wanted to see the existence of the first supreme of the heavens and the universe.

However, the human palace cannot be penetrated. There is a supreme qi machine emerging in it. Together with the influence, the world cannot penetrate, and there are patches of chaotic ancient qi emerging from the deepest part, intertwining, surging, and there is no heaven.

"Human Palace, the number one power in the heavens and ten thousand domains, cannot be questioned." The warlord capital sighed like this, and the emperor never denied the number one position of the Human Palace.

All this is due to the emperor, and each generation is enough to claim the supreme existence closest to the emperor and the emperor's realm in the ages. It is even rumored that the emperor can fight the emperor and let the great powers of the sky surrender, and the emperor dare not offend Its supreme majesty.

It's just that Ye Chen cared more about another thing.

Not long ago, the Emperor of Humanity issued a decree to call the powers of the heavens to the Human Palace. The master of Tianmen, the Venerable Flame God, the Emperor of Xia, the King of Nine Voids, and other familiar ancient powers were among them. I don’t know how it is now. Up.

After the tenth emperor pass, what happened in the Chaos Sea made him care.

However, he did not forget the real purpose of this trip, saying: "King of War, where is the Qin family?"

The King of War shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Actually, it was the first time I came to Human Imperial City. I just knew that she was in Human Imperial City and was imprisoned by the Qin Family. As for where the Qin Family Palace is located, I don’t know. clear."

Ye Chen looked at Haoshi Heavenly King: "Say it!"

However, Haoshi Tianwang looked a lot more agitated, and suddenly sneered: "Fighting Saint King, I don't know whether you should say that you are confident or arrogant. This is the imperial city of humans, and it is not allowed to fight casually. It has strict rules. When you get here, don’t you dare to attack us? Not to mention the human palace, here is also the ancient power of my Qin family, as well as the power of the emperor. Now the situation has been completely reversed."

"Oh? Are you saying that now I am afraid that you will fail?" Ye Chen suddenly laughed.

"You are still smart, in the imperial city, even if you are strong, how can you fight against my Qin family and the emperor." Haha Haha, the heavenly king laughed, full of joy, and full of murderous intent, and vice versa. Di Sui Ye Chen, with cold eyes: "Now give you a chance, the point of understanding will obediently return all the treasures to us, hand over the king of war, hand over this evildoer, and tie your hands, otherwise--"

His words are not exhausted, but the meaning is obvious and full of danger.

The other three emperor heavenly kings all swept away the previous decadence, with a murderous intent in their eyes, and they wished to smash the body of Ye Chen, a person who brought them great shame.

If it weren't for worrying that this is the imperial city of humans, or the kings of the heavens are not allowed to act casually and break the rules of the imperial city, otherwise they would have done it long ago.

Facing the Supreme Human Emperor, no matter how arrogant the emperor clan is, he must constrain a bit.

"Otherwise?" Ye Chen moved with a shriek, and the Four Heavenly Kings, including Haoshi Tianwang, changed their colors, yelling in his heart that it was bad, and he wanted to evade quickly.

But a terrifying coercion flashed, and with a few bangs, the divine light that had been blasted off by the four heavenly kings one after another almost dissipated, revealing a faintly shiny figure.

"Battle Saint King, you dare to do it, this is Human Imperial City." The great heavenly kings roared, wanting to call the law enforcers in Human Imperial City to come forward.

But suddenly, they all changed color because their bodies were changed by the void, they were distorted, and they became another world, isolating everything.

This is the method of the Heavenly Kings realm. In this level of cultivation, you can already open up an inner world, and Ye Chen is a superb figure among the heavenly kings. Naturally, he has the ability to open up the inner world in a short period of time and imprison the four heavenly kings. Make them helpless.

No wonder the people around are indifferent.

Ye Chen was condescending, looking down at Haoshi Tianwang and snorted coldly: "You don't seem to understand what your current position is? It's just my captive."

"You--" The expressions of the great heavenly kings changed drastically, and they wanted to rise to the sky, break through the inner world, and escape from here.

Once you leave, the sky will be high and the birds will fly, and the ocean will leap with you.

It's just that Ye Chen pressed his palm into the void, and terrifying pressure emerged from all directions. This was the ultimate sublimation of the Heaven Conferment Technique. He immediately shot the four heavenly kings into the air, and most of his divine light collapsed, revealing that he was wearing only one. The figure of the four-corner shorts flashed away, and was quickly shrouded by divine light, his expression ugly.

"Dare to say one more thing, smash your pants, imprison your cultivation base, and let you run completely naked in the imperial city." Ye Chen's words made the great heavenly kings quiet. If they really want to be streaked like this, he will really become the whole world. The joke of the world.

They would rather die than die.

"Go, take us to the King of War's wife." Ye Chen snorted, strongly oppressing, beyond doubt.

The Qin family is one of the oldest aristocratic families in the universe, originating from the age of mythology.

The power is so powerful that it even claims to be no weaker than the emperor.

Because there was an invincible emperor on the Qin family's ancestors, it was only a short ray to completely set foot in the supreme existence of the emperor's realm, and it was among the most supreme beings in the age of myth.

In the imperial city of the first city in the ten thousand domains, the Qin family also has important treasures in it. It is a magnificent heavenly treasure. Although it is far less than the imperial palace, it is also extraordinary. A series of palaces rise and fall on the sky. Ambilight, celestial fog is filled, celestial sounds curl, very extraordinary.

Qin Jiabaoque, occupies the prosperous area in the central area of ​​the imperial city. It is basically the place where the strongest forces of the heavens and tens of thousands of domains are concentrated. It is surrounded by the most powerful treasures such as the emperor and the Supreme Sacred Land, and the imperial palace. They are all not far apart, no one dared to make trouble here.

The Palace of Longevity is the famous auction treasure of the heavens and Wanyu, and in fact it is also the power of the Qin family.

This day was also the day when the treasures of the Qin Jiabao Que Changsheng Palace were auctioned off. Among them, there were a large number of major figures gathered in it, including the heroes, the holy masters and other big figures Bibi, and even the legendary figures such as the Heavenly Kings. , The atmosphere was very lively, because the auctions were all priceless treasures in the world, otherwise it would not be worthy of the masters of the major forces to come for auction.

Especially the final treasure is the blood of the Primordial King’s original Dao blood. It is the blood of the heart, like the blood of the Heavenly King, but it is more rare and not known how many times, because it contains information about a Primordial King. The insights and origins of the great road are extremely precious.

Although it is only the size of a baby's fist, even the ancient power must be heart-warming.

It is precisely because of this that the many powerful masters and important figures gathered in the Wanyu Center are competing here.

In one of the VIP boxes, it is said to be a box, but in fact it is engraved with the space pattern. The inner space is called a palace, magnificent and luxurious.

There can be more than a dozen people among them, who are important figures in the Qin family and the winners of the emperor clan.

Among them, there is a beautiful and dignified woman with a golden jade dress, her hair curled up, and a phoenix hair bun. She looks luxurious, but that beautiful face has a touch of sadness and bright eyes. It is too thick to melt.

She is the princess of the Qin family, a generation of goddess, and the wife of the king of war, Xiao Wushuang's mother.

Qin Yi!

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