Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1168: More people bully fewer people?

"Mighty? We have it too!"

With the sound of the falling, a stalwart figure descended on the sky, thick black hair like a waterfall, full of heroism, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and the body was crystal clear. Lewen Novel

He stands here, like a great ancient mountain, so majestic and immovable.

The body surface was shining with azure divine light, and the vast divine might shocked the world, shaking the whole world, and making Zhu Qiang's heart tremble.

And his left eye was shining with holy light, containing majestic vitality, while his right eye was pitch black like ink, lifeless, with billions of miles of pitch black earth emerging in the depths of his eyes.

Heavenly Gate Master!

He has arrived, this prestigious newly promoted powerful person, although it has not been many years to set foot in the realm of power, but no power has the courage to look down on him, on the contrary, it is very solemn.

The strong of all major forces must have awe of him.

His appearance made a subtle change in the situation again and rebalanced it.

"Sect Master!" Ye Chen saluted with a respectful attitude. He was one of the few people worthy of respect.

Behind him, the King of War was equally excited, and he naturally knew the sect master of Tianmen. After all, they were all from the same lower realm, and he brought his wife and children to the salute.

"The King of War." The Tianmen Sect Master laughed and asked them to get up, with a peaceful attitude, without other powerful arrogance.

"Tianmen Sect Master!" The expressions of the two ancient powers of the Qin Family and the Winner changed slightly. They were obviously a little jealous, but they coldly snorted: "Are you going to intervene in this matter?"

The life and death spirit in the eyes of the Tianmen Sect Master was restrained, but he appeared to be more profound, saying: "The King of War is the brother of the Sage King of Fighting. Naturally, if I am a friend of the Tianmen, why can't I intervene?"

The expressions of the Qin family and the winners all changed, especially the two ancient powers. Among them, the gray-haired power of the Qin family did not back down, saying: "If this is the case, I have to look at it, Tianmen Sect Master. What means do you have."

His aura suddenly became terrifying many times, and his anger rushed into the heavens and penetrated Xiaohan, alarming the entire imperial city. There was an unparalleled coercion emerging, sweeping in all directions, shouted, and played a terrifying magical law.

The master of the Tianmen gate was not afraid, and slapped it with a slap.


The boundless destructive power was expanding, but did not rush to the four directions, but was deliberately guided to the sky by two ancient powers. After being submerged in the starry sky, several stars were exploded, and the most brilliant fireworks bloomed. , It is very eye-catching.

This scene naturally shocked the other ancient powers that left the human palace. There are one after another across the sky. Each body is surrounded by immeasurable light, and the law of the road mark is in the bunker. It is like the death of the gods of the heavens, terrifying. The coercion of the great energy level fell all of a sudden, causing this piece of void to collapse.

Suddenly, a dozen ancient powers appeared, and the aura really swallowed the heavens and crowned the world, so that all the strong on the scene must tremble, fear, and surrender!

The ancient mighty powers are always on the top of the sky. The dragon sees the head but does not see the end. It is the giant of the heavens and the universe. Even the king of the heavens is hard to see. Now so many appear all at once. There is nothing before, what happened. thing.

Many powerful people in the imperial city should be surprised. They looked at the past, but did not dare to rush over, worrying that these characters would be affected if they fight.

Any aftermath is enough to annihilate the world.

Only a few people know that not long ago, the Supreme Emperor had declared a decree, summoning the heavenly powers to enter the palace to discuss major issues, so that these ancient powers could be gathered in one city.

Now, these ancient powers are all coming to watch the excitement. Seeing this scene, I was curious. Some familiar powers said: "Yinggu, Qin Ye, Tianmen Sect Master, what happened?"

The Qin family’s great power Qin Ye said coldly: "My Qin family wants to capture family traitors and people who dare to blaspheme my Qin family princess, as well as the evil sons they gave birth. The Fighting Saint King stepped forward to stop it, and now even the Tianmen Sect Master is also I want to intervene in the affairs of my Qin family, and now I want to ask, what qualifications do they have outsiders to interfere in the affairs of my Qin family."

At this point, the Qin Family Da Neng did not intend to continue to conceal it, let the truth be told, so that the other ancient powers were shocked.

It turned out to be a scandal about the Qin family and a winner.

It's just...the fighting king! ?

Many ancient powers looked at Ye Chen suspiciously. It turned out that this young man was the legendary Supreme Tianjiao Fighting Saint King, but he didn't expect him to come to the Imperial City.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "The King of War is my brother, why is he not qualified to intervene. If you want to start a war, speak up, it's a fight!"

These words made anyone want to be awe-inspiring, and the people in the line of fighting saints were really strong enough to dare to call the ancient power.

However, he also knew that he had such a capital, and the other ancient powers who were later could feel the energy in him, and they all understood after being shocked.

Among them, the Holy Feather Venerable with the Angel Race and the power of the Ye Family couldn't help being a little dizzy. This Fighting Saint King is really a troublemaker, and he can cause great trouble no matter where he goes.

Although the master of Tianmen had never spoken, he explained everything with practical actions. He came to Ye Chen, who belonged to the same vein of Tianmen, and he was equally peerless.

"Fighting Saint King? People in this line are really arrogant. There is also Tianmen Sect Master, a new power who dares to come forward, haha, I really don't know how high the sky is." Looking at the excitement, there are ancient powers coldly exposed. He opened his mouth and came to the Qin family, the winner's Da Neng, very powerful, looking down at Ye Chen and Tianmen Sect Master.

Especially when I looked at Ye Chen, he had a bitter killing intent: "I didn't expect that the successor of this line has grown to this point. It is really a misstep, but today I can take advantage of it to kill."

This ancient great power was wearing a dark iron suit, covering the whole body, with surging ice cold, and had endless killing intent for Ye Chen.

This made Ye Chen stunned, and immediately full of murderous intent, which could not be concealed.

He understood that this ancient power must have participated in the attack and killing of his master Gu Yuntong back then.

"Yes, this is the center of the Ten Thousand Regions. How can the power of the outside world clamor. Moreover, the majesty of the two oldest families is not to be offended." Another ancient power also came, also on the side of the Qin family and the winner. The ancient power.


A dazzling golden light exploded, and it looked majestic and majestic, with a golden figure appearing, looking burly and tall, majestic and terrifying, with long golden hair scattered, and his voice thunderous: "Qin family, the majesty of the winner, what At that time, it can be offensive to allow a mere newcomer to be a powerful person. Besides, there is also a junior who is not even a powerful person. Is he looking for death?"

Fully three ancient powers appeared. Standing on the side of the Qin family and the winner, the originally balanced situation changed dramatically in an instant, completely lopsided.

This made the Qin family and the winners of the two strongest families laughed. There are five ancient powers, how can a fighting holy king and a heavenly gate master be able to compete.

"Although His Majesty Human Emperor said that every ancient power is an important combat power and a covenant, but he dares to offend the imperial clan's majesty, I think even if I teach a lesson, your Majesty should not be angry." Indifferent and authentic.

The five ancient powers all moved hostile, and all moved forward.


The endless light broke out, and the power of the angel race appeared, and he sighed: "The Qin family, the winner of the Taoist friends, can you listen to the old man's words, and you have to be forgiving and forgiving, and you will expose it. "

"What's unpredictable, don't worry, we will not kill the Tianmen Sect Master. After all, he is also an ancient power, but he will be punished to make you understand some truth." The winner is cold and the winner is forced. Go ahead, and start to shoot.

At this time, Ye Family Da Neng couldn't help but say: "Several fellow Taoists, Venerable Holy Feather said it right, and the old man also wants to advise you to think twice and think more."

This made others wonder, and even the ancient powers of two different emperors spoke like this. Is this pleading for the Heavenly Gate Sect Master and the Fighting Saint King, or what?

"Without consideration, the imperial clan's majesty is inviolable, so be punishable!"

The five ancient powers all shot, tore the void at once, and forcibly opened a channel to forcibly teleport both the Tianmen sect master and Ye Chen out of the domain, and did not dare to fight in the imperial city to avoid getting into the imperial palace. The supreme Emperor was furious, and the consequences were really disastrous.


The group of people directly entered the vast starry sky, Ye Chen and Tianmen Sect Master all entered, and the five ancient powers on the opposite side appeared, and other ancient powers in the far sky followed over to watch the battle.

"Go ahead!"

The five ancient powers all attacked, very violent, the turbulent heavens, and the stars all trembling, unable to withstand the coercion of the vastness, and there appeared a chasm in the dark space, which was like an abyss. Appalling.

"You are despicable, there are too many people to bully, and you are still an ancient power in vain, really shameless!" In the rear, the King of War chased out his wife and children, shouting, full of anger.

"What if there are too many people and few people, this world is originally who has the big fists and who is in power." The winner was cold, dismissive, and killed the two, making the king of war anxious.

It’s just that Yi Yi is very calm, not in a hurry. She was hugged by Xiao Wushuang, and found a comfortable position, babbling, "Don't worry too much, it will be fine."

"Why?" All three of King Zhan's family were surprised.

Yi Yi tilted his head and said: "Because Xiaoyueyue is too dark and too pitted, these guys are destined to be very unlucky."


The words Suddenly there were a few strong waves in the starry sky, each of which was of a large energy level. The star field was exploded, terrifying, and it was directly torn and shattered. A star turned into a sky full of bright fireworks embellishing.

Several great horrible ancient power figures appeared beside Ye Chen and the Tianmen Sect Master, like gods and demons, resisting the attack of the other five ancient powers.


The powers on the Qin family and the winner's side have changed, and the situation has changed dramatically.

And the other party has more ancient powers, and five people came all at once!

"Are there too many people bullying?" Ye Chen smiled coldly, "I like this sentence, but I will return it to you today!"


Including Ye Chen, the seven great power levels existed to attack the five ancient great powers.

In his own way, his own body!

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