Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1175: Legacy of the Unphased King

The stalwart figure stands upright, although it can't see its true face, it can be seen how majestic and boundless, accompanied by the mighty and endless golden light. w.lws520.c

He is so stalwart that Emperor Wei is releasing.

At this moment, there is a supreme emperor's breath blooming in the starry sky, permeating, reaching up to nine days, reaching down to Jiuyou, all heavens and all spirits will surrender.

In his body, there is a supreme will to resuscitate, dominating the boundless world, accompanied by endless golden glory, but also surrounded by innate holy spirits such as blue dragons, white tigers, vermilion birds, and basalts. When added to his body, there is also chaos surging, opening up the world. The scene of is presenting, which makes it more and more stalwart.

The ten directions are all silent, and all the creatures of the heavens will bow their heads and worship here!

"The Great!"

In this starry sky, everyone has to change color. This is the invincible posture of the Great Emperor Geshi, so that all the heavens must be completely surrendered, lowering the proud head, and praying!

The birth of a supreme emperor is a shocking event in the world, because there is no emperor after the age of myth, and this universe has fallen into the era of no emperor.

For many years of vicissitudes, the emperor has not survived. Compared with the era of mythology, which was extremely prosperous and brilliant, it is simply the era of dying to the extreme.

Now, has a supreme emperor finally appeared?

It's just that the power of the Qin family and the powerful Qin family below were shocked one by one, with awe and hope from the bottom of the heart, as well as unparalleled excitement, which originated from the depths of the soul.

"It's the ancestor!"

They recognized that this was the figure of the true founder of the Qin family, such a stalwart, unparalleled king in the mythical age, known as the king of kings, and the strongest under the emperor.

Unexpectedly, it actually appeared, making everyone surrender.

Far in the sky, at the edge of the big crack in the space where a sword dictated the starry sky, the master of Tianmen was full of radiance, releasing an unpredictable aura, without surrender, without bowing his head, he is extraordinary, looking at the infinite king. A daze flashed across his eyes with his stalwart figure.


Behind him, looming an incomparably tall ancient door, releasing the unpredictable Qi machine, which is consistent with the main Qi machine of the Tianmen Gate, but it is much more terrifying.

On the other side of the big crack in the starry sky, the old antique who used to be the strongest at the same time with the contemporary emperor, and only reluctant to lose, also quietly stood upright with a curved back, his deep eyes looked many times terrifying, but he did not bow his head. , Looking at the prestigious and famous unphased king.

"The mythical invincible king has recovered?"

Whether it is in the starry sky or in the center of the ten thousand domains below, you can feel the boundless and majestic power of the mighty figure released from that stalwart figure, transcending above the heavens and ten thousand realms, it is the true emperor of heaven.

The mighty, boundless coercion is released, not to mention that it is the center of the ten thousand spheres, even if it is outside the center of the ten thousand spheres, this majestic emperor does not know how many thousands of miles the mighty power has spread, and it has spread to many large regions. The emperor's prestige is released in mighty, so that the heavens and all spirits will surrender.

Anyone who feels the mighty power of God must be surrendered in awe from the bottom of their hearts. I don't know how many creatures are worshipping.

Among the heavens and ten thousand domains, there are still some hidden giants, and they feel that they all look at the center of the ten thousand domains in the distance, with shock and disbelief.

Countless people are shocked, is it possible that the unphased king who is known as the king of kings in the age of myths will recover?

It is rumored that he was perished in the great disillusionment of the myth, and now he is about to recover. This is such a great event that shocks the past and affects the eternal years.


Especially the powerful Qin family, headed by Da Neng Qin Ye, a group of people appeared in the starry sky, kneeling down and worshiping respectfully. They were the first ancestors who created the supreme family of Qin family and the most glorious existence in the world. The most powerful emperor is also a Gedai who claims to dare to fight the emperor.

He was revived, majestic and majestic, and all the spirits looked up. They were all blood boiled, full of surging excitement and endless joy.

If the first ancestor returns, the Qin family can truly claim to respect the heavens and ten thousand domains, dare to challenge the supreme human emperor, compete for the supreme power of the ten thousand domains, and even replace the human palace to become the first power of the heavens and ten thousand domains and make the emperors The clan must bow their heads.

It's exciting to think about it.

It's just that the unphased king is aloft, stalwart and unparalleled, allowing the endless golden light of his body to shine on nine days and ten places, echoing the starry sky.

He didn't look at the Qin family, and swept straight over. The wind was light and the clouds were light, causing all the people in the Qin family to change color. What happened?

However, King Wuxiang’s gaze fell on Ye Chen, who was holding the Tianhuang Euphorbia, and his gaze made the fighting blood in Ye Chen's body boil involuntarily, surging, and the golden blood was blooming and submerged. Cang Yu was shocked by the majestic and unparalleled blood of the fighting sage king, who was more powerful than ever.

"I'm very delighted, there is such an amazing junior in the line of Fighting Saints. It is the luck of this line." The Wuxiang King said, full of admiration for Ye Chen, with surprise.

This caused the Qin family's strong people to change their colors and couldn't help but say: "Ancestor, this--"

"I am not your ancestor." The Wuxiang King said, shook his head slightly, and denied it.

Not only is the Qin family strong, but even the other heavenly powers are discolored, it is shocking that the King of No Phase is not the ancestor of the Qin family.

The Qin family is full of disbelief, but they have always been proud of the unphased king being the ancestor, how could it not be.

Knowing that even those descendants of the Qin family have a trace of gold in their blood, which is the influence of the blood of the Eucharist, this is enough to prove it.

"Because he is not a true unphased king, but a **** in the wilderness, imitating the shape and spirit of his lord. Because he is the warrior of the unphased king, he has the same aura and mighty heavenly might, you all misunderstand Up."

On the other side of the big crack in the starry sky, the peerless old antique from the human palace opened his eyes, his eyes were deep and his voice was indifferent, telling his true roots and feet.

The world finally understands that after all, the unphased king has fallen, how can he be resurrected? It turned out that the gods of his soldiers are resurrecting, resurrecting, showing all this.

Because its master is the unphased king, the gods all imitate the unphased king, with the same energy and mechanism, and under the release of the emperor's prestige, it is difficult to judge whether the real unphased king.


The Qin family was very lost. The true ancestor of the unphased king was lost after all. It is impossible to be resurrected. What appeared was only the gods of the world warriors who had fought side by side in the past, which made them feel very sorry.

Many powerhouses also have regrets, because today's Wanyu Universe lacks a true emperor, and after the tenth emperor pass, foreign races are staring at each other, making this universe full of worries.

If the unphased king is really resurrected, it will have extraordinary significance for the Wanyu Universe.

It’s just that Qin Ye can speak, begging: "Although you are not the true ancestor, but you are the **** of the world warrior who followed the ancestor, waiting for the other ancestor of the Qin family. Please return to the Qin family, I Qin The family will be enshrined on the altar of the ancestors, and worship for generations."

"Please come back!"

The Qin Family Patriarch, Qin Ziyang and many other big figures in the Qin Family spoke, very respectful and sincere, hoping that this ancestor's warrior could return.

Ye Chen's face changed. If Tianhuang Euphorbia returned to the Qin family, he would have lost a lot.

However, he couldn't stop it either, it all depends on Tianhuang Euphorbia's will.

It's just that Zhanbing Shendi shook his head, his voice shook the starry sky, and said: "My existence is reserved by the Lord for the fighting saints, and the non-phase battle clothes are reserved for the Qin family."

The words of Zhanbing Shendi made the Qin family's powers look different. Ye Chen was delighted, and firmly grasped the Tianhuang Euphorbia, but after all, he did not leave.


The powers of the Qin family were very unwilling. Although the Wuxiang warsuit was also very extraordinary, it was an emperor's warsuit, which could cover the whole body, attack and defend in all directions. It was a rare ancient soldier.

However, the real strongest is Tianhuang Euphorbia.

Because Tianhuang Euphorbia is an invincible soldier that follows the invincible king to fight, it is hard and immortal, and can even be a real imperial soldier to some extent.

It is necessary to know that the supreme existence of the invincible Eucharist, which is as powerful as the invincible emperor, is as powerful as the emperor's body, but he still needs to carry the Tianhuang Euphorbia as a soldier, which can be seen.

"The existence of Tianhuang is made of gold from the Nine Tribulations. Only the fighting saints can maximize their power. They are also the heirs left by the Lord to the fighting saints and can defend the fighting saints. The invincible majesty."

The words of Zhanbing Shendi made the Qin family disappointed and unwilling. This is clearly the ancestor of the Qin family’s warrior. It should have been acquired by them and enshrined on the ancestral altar. It is also the supreme warrior who shocked the heavens. has to fall into the hands of the fighting saints, which is the greatest helplessness.

But this is the words of the war soldier Shendi and the words left by the unphased king. The Qin family dare not violate it, otherwise it is the greatest blasphemy against the ancestor.

Zhanbing Shendi glanced at the Qin family’s powers and continued: "I have been asleep before and could not be awakened, but now I have been nourished by the saint body essence and blood of the lineage of the fighting saints, and I can wake up. Go to your descendants of the Qin family, and some of the master’s legacy needs to be passed on to you descendants."

"What are you talking about?" The Qin family dared not care about the legacy of the Wuxiang emperor, and the great powers of the heavens also listened carefully, very curious.

"The Lord said that he has to accept the grace of the patriarch of the fighting and warfare, and he can practice the holy method of the fighting and warfare. He rises from the line of the fighting sage and is proud of him. Although he has fallen, he is the descendant of his innocent king. If you encounter the successor of the fighting saints, unless you treacherous and evil people, you must be a good successor and treat him as a guest of the Qin family. You need to help you whenever necessary, and you must not refuse."

"This is the legacy left by the Lord to the Qin family, and it must not be violated from generation to generation."

As soon as this remark came out, all the members of the Qin family in the starry sky immediately looked ugly!

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