Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1183: See you

The cultivators from all quarters were shocked and rushed to Luofeng City for the first time.

In midair, Ye Chen was slightly surprised, and blurted out, "Who is he?"

Next to him, the young cultivator whom Ye Chen knew was stunned for a while, and looked at him in astonishment: "I said, this brother, is your mind caught by the door? Even our Gulan Holy Sect is the first. Young leaders don’t know, are you sure you are still from our Gulan World?"

Ye Chen shrugged. He really didn't have the slightest impression of who this so-called first young leader of Gulan Shengjia was.

After all, he has been practicing in the heavens and domains all year round, and he has already thrown all the affairs of the Holy Religion and even the entire Gulan Great World to the Holy Religion God to deal with it alone. If he knew it was a ghost.

"I really convinced you, brother, where did you come from." The young cultivator was speechless, but he took Ye Chen's hand and rushed over and explained.

The first young leader of Gulan Shengjiao is named Liu Ruosheng. Although he is young, he is already the saint son of Gulan Shengjiao and the **** of the next Gulan Shengjiao.

Naturally, the true saint master is the legendary fighting saint king, the lord of the world, and also holds the power of the saint.

Moreover, this Liu Ruosheng is not only the first young leader of Gulan Shengjiao, but also the first young generation of the entire Gulan world. It is reported that his cultivation has reached an extraordinary level long ago, and he has been catching up with many older ones The generation is an extraordinary talented leader, and is regarded as respected by many people.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Ruosheng has always had his eyes above the top, and ordinary women have never put it in his eyes. However, there have been several amazing fairies in the small town of the hometown of Xia Fengguo, the world's master of the Tiandu continent. Later, Liu Ruosheng learned the news for the first time, and he had seen it a few days ago. He was shocked to be a heavenly man, hoping to marry one of them and become a Taoist couple.

Today is the day Liu Ruosheng asks for marriage.

Ye Chen finally understood something. At this moment, the young cultivator suddenly said, "Brother, why do I feel that you are a little familiar? There is always a feeling of deja vu."

"You have admitted the wrong person, probably because my face is relatively ordinary, the appearance of all beings." Ye Chen smiled. When he came, he had modified his appearance and breath with secret methods. It is impossible for outsiders to know who he is.

The young cultivator was a little suspicious, but couldn't figure out who he was like for a while, so he had to give up.

While talking, both of them arrived in Luofeng City.

Luofeng City is not very big, Gulan Shengjiao has not made many changes in order to preserve the appearance of the former residence of the Lord of the World, Douzhan Shengwang, and everything retains its original appearance.

It's just that a magnificent outer city has been rebuilt outside Luofeng City, which is more than dozens of times larger than the original Luofeng City, and many times more prosperous and lively. It is also called Luofeng City. , But the outer city.

At this moment, many cultivators appeared in the sky of Luofeng City, densely packed, all hanging in the air. Among them, there were not lack of great figures such as the elders of the great forces of Gulan. Yes, it is very lively.

However, it can be seen that the most eye-catching thing is that there is a luxurious car parked in the center, the whole body is magnificent, refined from precious materials, and there are sacred beads suspended, flowing with brilliant brilliance.

There are also seven semi-holy monsters as a cart beast, each of which can be hundreds of pieces long, which is exceptionally extraordinary, everything is so high.

On both sides of the chariot, followed by a group of strong men of Gulan Shengjiao, one by one, all dressed in attire, with extraordinary cultivation skills, stood respectfully on both sides.

"This is the saint son of Gulan Shengjiao. It's really enviable because of his great style. I'm afraid that the saint master-level figures of Gulan Continent can only travel like this." The young cultivator who followed Ye Chen was named Li Santong. I was envious of seeing that car at the moment.

Ye Chen said coldly: "As the saint son of Gulan Shengjiao, do you have to be so laborious to travel? Or is it to show your superiority?"

"Brother, you are looking for death."

By his side, Li Santong was startled, and hurriedly pulled Ye Chen past Ye Chen. He took a careful look around and found that no one had heard him. Then he was relieved.

"I just said a few words, why are you so nervous?" Ye Chen glanced at him.

Li Santong patted his chest, and said helplessly: "Brother, you really want to die, Gulan Shengjiao, such a great master of the world, I can criticize it casually. If I hear it, it will be a big trouble."

Ye Chen frowned and said, "Could it be that Gu Lan Shengjiao would go to trouble the world for these so-called criticisms?"

"Don't tell me, Gulan Sacred Sect is really possible." Li Santong said, "After all, as the world's No. 1 Arch Sect, it also has the support of the unparalleled dominating Fighting Sage King. What is ancient in the world? What Lan Shengjiao dare not do."

Ye Chen's expression changed slightly, and he said, "What bad things have Gulan Shengjiao done over the years, tell me?"

Li Santong shook his head, "Brother, you are worrying too much. I just give a simple example, and I didn't say that there must be. After all, the current Gulan Sacred Sect does not look like it was back then. It is under the control of the fighting king. They are all wise and sects, and the world is home to one's heart."

This made Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, before proceeding with that important event, he said that he must clean up the Gulan Sage.

At this time, the whole city exclaimed, because the door of the chariot opened, and a figure with a crown of jade face appeared in it, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, a face like a crown jade, black hair tied with a crown, and a beautiful graceful beauty man.

He is wearing a golden dress with a hazy holy light and a divine crown. He looks like a child of light, attracting attention.

Son of Gulan!

His appearance attracted the attention of all parties and made the Gulan Saint Sect powerhouses on both sides bow their heads respectfully.

The son of Gu Lan nodded his head, and his handsome face had a gentle smile. He smiled three points before saying a word, which gave people a special favor, and also made many female nuns on the scene startled and embarrassed.

Under the attention of all parties, Gulan Shengjiao came to a fairly open mansion in the inner city. It was the former residence where the fighting sage king lived in the past. It was his Gulan Shengzi who did not dare to rush. Lightly said: "In Xia Ruosheng, I came here to see some fairies, hoping to see him."

Although he spoke softly, it just echoed in the sky above Luofeng City, and anyone could hear this clearly.

Everyone focused on the past, very concerned, to see how the fairies answered?



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