Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1197: Zerg

The majestic voice was like a **** from the sky speaking, pronouncing Ye Chen's crime.

Jedi fierce territory?

Ye Chen glanced at the name, but he didn't know where it was. He only knew that the name could be a very dangerous place.

And all the previous encounters have confirmed the terribleness of this area.

"Who are you?" Ye Chen said.

"Die!" The existence above the star spoke indifferently and directly shot Ye Chen.


I saw a terrible killing light rushing out, and the shining brilliance shone on this dim starry sky, like an Optimus Prime, splitting the two halves of the starry sky, swept across, and slashed towards Ye Chen.

"The sword of killing!?" Ye Chen was slightly surprised, because this is not an ordinary light of killing, it is a sword of killing condensed from the light of killing and the powerful law of killing. It is unmatched in power and can be cut. The stars can kill the king.


It was just that, not enough to make Ye Chen afraid. He was simple and direct, soaring into the sky, and with a flick of his fingers, the Lingxi sword rushed into the sky, collided with the sword of killing and directly shattered to dissolve this ultimate blow.

And he rushed to the star, he was about to fight.


Suddenly, Ye Chen stopped abruptly, her eyes shone with light.

Suddenly, on that huge star, numerous large and small black holes appeared, all over the entire star.

There are countless tiny black spots appearing from the black hole, flying continuously in the cosmic starry sky, killing Ye Chen.

It can be seen to the naked eye that they are huge worms, with various faces, and they all look hideous and terrifying. They are huge at every turn, and many are as huge as hills.

It is even vaguely visible that a considerable part of the insects are larger than the mountains, flowing with terrible aura, at least at the level of the Holy Tibet, rushing over the sky, wanting to drown everything.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen's expression suddenly changed slightly, because this was not an ordinary star, but a terrifying zerg nest star, which actually occupied the entire huge star as a nest and continued to multiply.

At this moment, countless Zerg warriors rushed out.

Moreover, the Zerg mother king in the stars is definitely not an ordinary mother king, at least it is a heavenly king, because he also discovered that there are several Zerg warriors of the heavenly king level among them, which are too powerful.

"It turns out that the Zerg Mother King occupies the star." Ye Chen murmured to himself. In fact, he also had a Zerg Mother King on his body, but he was still sleeping. Decades have passed, and it hasn't been completely. To awaken.

During this time, he was busy with other things and forgot about the Zerg Mother King. Now he felt that it was necessary to let the Zerg Mother King wake up in advance, because that was definitely an indispensable great help.

It is enough to solve many troubles just to breed countless Zerg warriors.

Of course, these were thoughts that passed by in a flash, and Ye Chen just snorted, "What about the Zerg? Zerhai Tactics? Ridiculous!"

He was circling the immortal Jinhui, surrounded by divine light, protecting the two small beasts on his shoulders, and strode forward. Before one step, he had already rushed into the endless sea of ​​Zerg warriors.

"The humble human race, dare to take the initiative and grant you a death, kill!"

As the indifferent voice of the Zerg Mother King fell in the stars, the endless Zerg warriors all shot and killed them all.

Zerg warriors range from the lowest demigod level to the high-level saint level. The larger the size, the stronger the combat power, and they are divided into many types.

Some are like beetles, extremely fast and have strong defenses.

Some of them were covered with various barbs, making them particularly hideous.

Some have many wings and are very fast...

Generally speaking, good at defense, good at attack, good at speed... There are all types of Zerg warriors, and the number is endless.

It’s hard to imagine that a Zerg mother king can breed so many Zerg warriors. This is definitely a catastrophe. Even if the immortal sacred land on the heavens and ten thousand realms encounters such an attack, I am afraid that even if the sacred land survives, it will More than half destroyed, with heavy casualties.

But Ye Chen faced it indifferently, always expressionless, surrounded by immortal golden light, like an ancient golden **** walking in the world.


He palmed the knife across the void, and suddenly a huge space crack spread out for unknown distances, traversing the starry sky, directly torn the countless Zerg warriors in half.

Many of them were directly crushed in the cracks in the swallowed space, blood and blood flowed across the starry sky, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Between his gestures, huge gaps in the space continued to spread into the star space, rushing into the dense sea of ​​Zerg warriors, each time he killed I don’t know how many Zerg warriors, and only some hot and powerful holy Tibetan-level Zerg warriors. Can barely avoid, but indispensable torn limbs such as lack of arms and legs.

He was attacking like the same God of War, actively killing the Zerg Lair and stars.

The so-called capture the thieves first capture the king, as long as the real Zerg mother king is killed, these Zerg warriors are not afraid.

In fact, it can be said that there is no threat now, but it is a little troublesome to deal with.

Once the mother king is resolved, these Zerg warriors will lose control and be easier to deal with, instead of being as regular and coordinated as they are now, like a terrible army.

Although Ye Chen slayed fast, but also because some special defense Zerg warriors were blocking, the damage was reduced a lot.

Moreover, there are too many Zerg warriors. Even if Ye Chen crushed tens of thousands of Zerg warriors, they were still only a drop in the bucket, making him feel the terrible Zerzu mother king.

It’s no wonder that under the condition of lacking the inheritance of the emperor and emperor, the Zerg can still become a super family in the heavens and ten thousand domains. Such terrible human sea tactics are enough to prove everything. The enemy of the same level will be drowned and consumed alive. .

However, this does not include Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at more and more Zerg warriors in front of him, and more powerful hero-level and holy main-level Zerg warriors began to appear. Standing there, they blasted out the Immortal Sacred Fist suddenly, with glazed golden fire leaping and shining. , And then exploded, accompanied by the mighty Jin Hui, as if a sun star was erupting, shattering the sky, and a large number of Zerg warriors were crushed and killed.

If there are outsiders watching the battle, it will inevitably be shocked, because it is only one person, he will attack and kill the Zerg lair that has made the world scared, and the endless Zerg warriors will not be able to make a move, unable to block his path forward.

"What kind of Zerg mother king, what kind of human tactics, in front of absolute strength, everything is vain." Ye Chen snorted coldly, eyes flashing coldly.

And behind him opened the Five Elements Gold Realm, countless golden dao soldiers condensed from Saint Body's blood rushed out, turned into immortal golden light after another, and countless bright golden flying fire meteors slew towards Liuhe and Bahuang, directly annihilated. I don't know how many Zerg warriors.


Suddenly, behind Ye Chen, a huge Zerg warrior appeared, and he was covered in purple and gold, with twelve wings, and covered with hideous thorns. It looked like a dragon. Is terrible.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely an extremely terrifying Zerg warrior. It has reached the Heavenly King Realm. Even if it is controlled by the Zerg Mother King, there is still a certain amount of wisdom, and it is active to kill it, and it is as fast as a purple golden light. , Thunder extremely.

"Xiao Yueyue, do we need to take action?" On his shoulders, two little guys lying on their stomachs spoke, obviously also fearless.

"No." Ye Chen shook his head, then sneered: "A worm would dare to show speed in front of me? Ridiculous!"


Ye Chen's entire body disappeared, and the next moment he surpassed the common sense and came to the front of the Zerg King, and shot, swinging the immortal holy fist in a horizontal blow, accompanied by the vast golden light, tearing the universe starry sky, began to slaughter.

No, it is a slaughter, because this is a one-sided slaughter!


It didn’t take long at all. The terrifying Zerg King was torn apart, and all the twelve wings were torn off alive. There was a lavender golden liquid splashing, that was the blood of the Zerg King. , Blood splashed in the starry sky.

The Zerzu mother king in the stars also changed color, and there was a terrible killing light rushing out, to help the Zerzu heavenly king to relieve the trouble, but it was of little use, because it could not hurt Ye Chen at all, and all were directly disintegrated.

Ye Chen's Battle Saint Body is immortal and immortal, who can hurt?


Accompanied by a stern roar, the terrifying zerg king was torn in half, and the lavender blood stained the entire starry It was terrible.

Ye Chen stood in the blood-stained starry sky, covered in a faint purple and gold brilliance, and turned back, like a Shura.

In his hand, there appeared a purple-gold kernel the size of a human head. This is the kernel of a Zerg warrior. Although it is impossible to obtain the majestic power of the heavenly pill like the real monster king, it is not acceptable. Look, it can be compared to one-third, this is also the source of powerful power of the Zerg King.

All Zerg warriors have such a core.

He looked at the Zerg star and said indifferently: "What about the Zerg King Warrior? After all, it's just a puppet. The real King killed more than ten people, let alone the puppets, which is really ridiculous."

In the stars, although the true face of the Zerg mother king cannot be seen, most of the color has changed. She is screaming and her voice is very sharp, which can crush the cultivator's soul under the heavenly king, but the fighting spirit in Ye Chen's eyebrows is far better than Qi Tian Wang Divine Soul is much stronger, fearless at all, still swaying the brightest flames.

Ye Chen looked at the past, his eyes were very deep, a terrifying scene of the collapse of the universe appeared, and he said indifferently: "Say, what is the Jedi Fierce Territory? Otherwise, I will kill you!"

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