Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1200: Big hands!

Ye Chen stood for a long time, was shocked, and was shocked for not being able to recover.

Because all this is too extraordinary and shocking beyond imagination.

Where on earth is this place? In that mysterious crater, there is actually a huge and ancient world rushing out, accompanied by the eruption of fairy light, shining, shining the sky, it is shocking and moving.

It was an ancient world, quite vast and magnificent. Although some were broken, some were intact.

Even Ye Chen saw that there was a big world that was not inferior to the Gulan Great World gushing out, rushing into the depths of the starry sky, shattering the void, and the fairy lights blooming, colorful, incomparably brilliant, and eye-catching.

There are also brilliant colors boiling, constantly rippling, vast and mighty throughout the entire magnificent star field, which is shocking and trembling.

Ye Chen stared into the distance. The two little beasts on his shoulders were surprised, and his big eyes were a little surprised. Yi Yi said, "Where is this, the world can burst out, is this true?"

"It's terrible, it's almost on the same level as Tu Xianchuan." The little golden dragon also said.

Ye Chen stood at the very distant place, staring at that mysterious continent, and found that many stars in this area were turning slowly around the mysterious continent.

Suddenly, a huge sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart, making Ye Chen full of jealousy, thinking that this is an extremely terrifying place and must leave as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very dangerous.


Almost for the first time, he took the two little beasts from the sky, condensed into a golden light and appeared in the sky, leaving at the fastest speed.

But suddenly, Ye Chen felt that the world was imprisoned, blocked, unable to move, and there was an unprecedented stalwart power emerging, overwhelming the sky, and drowning this vast star field. Zhu Yechen's body made him seem to be pressed by a million huge mountains, and he couldn't move at all.

Ye Chen's expression changed drastically, and there was a violent roar. The blood and energy all over his body were boiling, and the Eucharist blood and energy erupted in an all-round way. The golden and brilliant, flooded there, and there were terrible roads that rose to the sky. Imprisoned.


He walked away from the sky, and at the same time, the Void God Platform emerged and was activated, and the whole body was circulated with a hazy glow, the space avenue runes were intertwined, and the void was torn apart suddenly, Ye Chen took two The little beast rushed into it, trying to escape.


A cold hum sounded like a forbidden thunder exploding, resounding through this area, and the spatial channel constructed by the virtual **** platform collapsed directly, causing Ye Chen's scalp to numb, and his whole body was stunned to boil. Almost vomiting blood.

It was terrible, you must know that even the ancient powers could hardly make Ye Chen almost vomit blood like this, but the mysterious existence in the mysterious continent did this step. It was too powerful, what kind of existence it was.

This also made Ye Chen feel more and more deadly crisis, a long and stern roar sounded across the vast starry sky and ancient land, and the golden blood and energy all over his body boiled, and the rumbling sound was endless.

Ye Chen wanted to open the world's portal, and the world was powerful, but at this moment, he found that he could not sense the existence of the Gulan Great World, which surprised him.

You should know that you can feel it in a closed emperor world like the ancient emperor world, but you can't feel it here, and you have completely lost the induction. It can be said that it is almost impossible to happen.

Originally, the power of belief and the power of aspiration could not be sensed.

However, he didn't care about anything at this moment. There was a part of the power of faith, aspiration, and luck that he had stored in his forehead. It was originally for research at all times, but now it is compelling. The three-flower gathering began to appear, and it was about to impact.

"Sanhua Juding? Someone can actually study the power of belief, the power of aspiration, the power of luck and other human powers to this point. It's a young man, it's really extraordinary."

In the Mysterious Continent, there was a sound of shock, and there seemed to be a terrifying light looking into the distance, to thoroughly penetrate Ye Chen's inside and outside.

However, it did not stop. On the contrary, in that mysterious continent, with a loud bang, an extremely terrifying big hand stretched out, and it covered the entire starry sky, even the stars. It seems small, it seems a little insufficient to cover the sky, because it is really vast and huge.

And the moment the big hand came out, it was even more sealed, confining this magnificent starry sky, and slammed against Ye Chen.

Ye Chen tried his best to contend, the three flowers gathered at the top with a special glow, and the attack power was still very limited, but it was very special, the divine brilliance appeared, and it could barely resist the imprisonment of the vast hand.

And the tenth heaven divine aperture appeared, radiant and flaming, covering Ye Chen's body, making him as extraordinary as a god.

At this moment, all the most powerful magical powers are emerging, such as the Heaven-Splitting Finger, the Heaven-shaking Hand, the Heaven-Shenzhen Seal, and other powerful magical powers appearing in an instant, all blasting towards the terrible one. big hand.

And Yiyi and the Golden Dragon on his shoulders all shot. For example, the Golden Dragon roared, and a terrible dragon appeared behind him. It could be thousands of miles long, soaring and prolonging, opening his mouth and roaring. , Accompanied by the power of the true dragon, is extremely terrifying.

On the other side, Yi Yi is even more extraordinary. There is endless white light on it, and it floods the starry sky. Among them is an extremely burly and huge figure appearing, covering the sky, and its shape is vague. It is not clear what it really is, but it is very special , With a special coercion, as if no longer this space and time, distorting everything.


The horror in the mysterious continent deepened. I don't know if it was because of the little golden dragon or Yiyi, the big hand that covered the sky and sun stopped for a moment.

"Take advantage of this time!" Ye Chen A terrible chaotic light burst out from his Sky Spirit cover. It was the Human Sovereign Tower appearing, and the ancient Chaos Qi exploded and flooded. In this area, all barriers have been broken.


The Void Shentai was reborn again, and accompanied by the terrifying ancient chaos, it was surging, surging, tearing open the void, once again wrapping Ye Chen and other people and two beasts, rushing into it along the space channel.

However, the big hand didn't fall anymore. Instead, it slowly retracted. There was a voice in it slowly sounding: "They are all extraordinary creatures, there are fighting saints, there are real dragons, even that The Taoist Tower of the immortal in the reincarnation of wars is also there."

"Huh? Is that little white beast a member of that mythical and invincible race against the sky? Or is it a survivor of a mythical race..."

"How can the creatures of the sealed universe break into here?"

The sound of existence in the mysterious continent slowly dissipated, and this mysterious and extraordinary continent continued as usual. The ancient world was submerged in the crater again, and the stars in the sky continued to flow into the crater as well as water. .

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