Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1202: little girl


Ye Chen looked suspiciously at an ancient stone tablet outside the mainland and came up with such an answer.

I don’t know how many years this stone stele has existed, and it looks quite old. The words on it are not ancient words from the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, nor are they from the age of mythology, but he can understand it because it contains a special god. Thought fluctuations can be relieved by others.

It's just that the meaning of "fifth" makes him wonder.

On her shoulders, Yi Yi blinked her **** eyes, staring at the ancient text on the stone tablet, and muttered: "How come these two characters have a similar feeling, as if they have been seen before."

Ye Chen shook his head and asked, but Yi Yi fluttered with big eyes and looked very confused. He tilted his head, just can't remember.

He did not leave immediately, consulted the two little beasts, and then rushed over.

There is an inner world in the ancient continent. In the world before the Tiandu continent, there are special barriers and it is very stable, but Ye Chen can't stop Ye Chen. He is too strong, and it takes some means to enter it. .

The moment Ye Chen fell into it, Ye Chen was suddenly enveloped in the different world where this ancient continent was located, and he felt all kinds of special auras in it.

And more importantly, here, Ye Chen actually felt a scene of full avenue, the ten heavens in his body were resonating, and he felt a kind of boiling sensation all over his body.

This kind of feeling can only be felt in the Xutian realm and the ancient world of the Taisheng imperial clan, but what is this place?

Moreover, the environment of heaven and earth here is inconsistent with the heavens and domains. Ye Chen always feels that he is in another universe. Although it can make the ten heavens in his body resonate, there is a special sense of strangeness.

Ye Chen traverses it on foot. Although it is full of various terrible crises, Ye Chengui is the king of heaven, but he is not afraid, and walks in strides, and the aura and the heaven and the earth are perfectly integrated, allowing other ancient beasts It is difficult for a different bird to notice his existence, and special considerations are being carried out on this continent.

He wanted to know where this mysterious world is, adjacent to the mysterious Jedi fierce realm, and there are so many wild and ancient strange beasts and birds, many of which are suspected to be extinct, but there is no existence. The Jedi fierce territory is full of fierceness and murder.

In the barren woods, there was a tyrannosaurus with scarlet scales, running around the earth, and also roaring.

There are also terrible alien birds soaring into the sky, and everything seems that this ancient continent is so wild and powerful.


During this period, the little golden dragon screamed specifically. Accompanied by the dragon's chant, the barren forest fell into silence for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the beasts shook and slumped, unable to bear the power of the real dragon.

Although Yiyi on the other side wanted to yell too, but only babbled, with no influence at all, the little golden dragon on the other side wanted to laugh like a dragon.

Soon, the two little beasts left Ye Chen and rushed into the barren woods.


Ye Chen is not worried about this, because the two little beasts are very extraordinary, even the king of heaven can hardly hurt them, and he deliberately left the imprint of divine consciousness on them. Once something happens, he will immediately Feeling inside.

After fighting for too long in the fierce territory of the Jedi, it is time for these two optimistic little beasts to play.

And he walked alone.

During this period, Ye Chen discovered that although this ancient continent was very large and contained various powerful animals and birds, there were also civilizations. There were ancient cities all over this ancient continent, and many of them could The ancient city suspended in the sky.

Among them, there are many ancient cultivators, although most of them are transformed into human forms, but it is not difficult to see their races, such as Tyrannosaurus, Dwarf, Angel, Dapeng, Raksha, Giant, and there are human races. Ye Chen was even surprised to see the Jinwu, alien and other tribes.

Foreign races, naturally, are not only one race, but a prosperous and powerful race formed by many big races. Among them are strong races that look like demons, strong races covered with red hair, and other strong races.

Alien race is just a collective term for the powerful men of different universes who caused the destruction of the mythical age in the past.

Through understanding, he also knew that foreign races were even among the strongest races on the ancient continent. Few people could dare to provoke them, which was extraordinary.

Ye Chen suddenly felt something abnormal, because in the Ten Thousand Territory Universe, alien races are definitely not allowed to exist. Once discovered, they will inevitably destroy them with all their strength without leaving a trace. However, they actually exist here and dominate the rise and fall of the ancient continent. Among the big clans, he was a little surprised and couldn't believe it.

What is this?

However, he did not act rashly, but completely integrated into it, observing, because this ancient continent was absolutely extraordinary.

It can be found that although the various races of the ancient continent coexist, the aliens are among the most powerful ethnic groups. They have a great right to speak and dominate the ups and downs, but the humans have very little and weak voice, especially when they are targeted by the aliens. , Has a very poor status on the ancient continent, and is often oppressed and targeted by foreign races.

In addition, there have been cases of murder on the mainland from time to time, involving secret attacks by foreign races, and attacks by ancient animals, and all kinds of threats.

Many human races have been driven out of the major ancient cities, living in barren woods, like wild people, unreceived, and always suffering from life and death crisis.

If it weren’t for hearing that there were super powerful masters on the ancient continent to restrain alien races, not to harm other races, and to protect the human race a little bit, otherwise, I am afraid the entire ancient continent human race will be expelled and slaughtered by the alien race.

Is Human Race's status so bad?

Ye Chen's expression was cold, and he was very disgusted with foreign races, but he never acted rashly, because this ancient continent was so unfamiliar that he already had some guesses in his heart.

He was doubting the true origin of the ancient continent.

On this day, he was walking on the streets of the ancient city, and among them he found a poor little girl who was only four or five years old, dressed in tatters and did not fit well.

Even though the clothes have many patches, they still look tattered. There are small cuts in many places, and their immature faces are dirty. You can only see a pair of helpless, poor black eyes standing on the street. , Looking at the steaming steamed buns in a bun shop, flashing big eyes, full of longing.

In the end, the little girl staggered forward with her little feet, raised her dirty little face, and said pitifully: "Boss, can you give me two buns? I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten anything for several days. ."

The boss stared directly, waved the little girl out for several meters, covered in dust, and shouted: "Go away, it's you again, humble human race, don't hinder my uncle from doing business."

Although she did not use her force, the little girl was still injured.

On the street, cultivators of all ethnic groups passed by, but everyone was silently facing each other, and no one took the initiative to help the little girl.

When the little girl saw this, she didn't cry or make a fuss. She just covered her bruised arm and left silently. Ye Chen's heart was sour from the back of the limp young girl.


Ye Chen looked angry, and came to the front of the steamed bun shop in an instant, staring coldly at the boss.

Although the shop owner can also be a powerful cultivator in the ancient city, in Ye Chen's cold eyes, he felt a kind of icy cold, like an ant stared by a giant dragon, his expression pale. I was sweating all over.

It wasn't until a long time later that Ye Chen left, that the bun shop owner was relieved, took a few breaths, and was shocked that such a strong person actually appeared in the human race.

Although he found that he was missing a few cages of steamed buns, they were all made with precious ingredients, and there were no shortage of the flesh and blood of wild forest animals and the treasures of heaven and earth. They were of extraordinary value, but he did not dare to hold them accountable. of.

In an old alleyway, Ye Chen appeared in it, and saw the little girl first, who was walking limping, and the small and pitiful figure came into view.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, thinking it was the shop owner chasing it out, the little girl squatted up in a hurry, her body trembling, and said pitifully, "Boss, you can spare me. I won't dare again next time. "

Ye Chen felt sour in his heart, what a pitiful little girl, why should she bear all this at a young age.

He came to the little girl, regardless of her dirtiness, picked her up, and handed over some freshly baked buns, and whispered, "Hungry, eat them all."

The little girl looked up at Ye Chen with her dirty face, then looked at the steaming buns in his hand, swallowed abruptly, wanted to eat, but was a little timid, she said in a low voice. : "Brother, is this really for Qingqing?"

Qingqing, is that the little girl's name?

Ye Chen looked more sad, and nodded fiercely, "It's true, I'll give you all."

"Thank you, big brother!" The little girl glanced at Ye Chen gratefully. Although the latter had repeatedly warned to be careful about the heat, the little girl was hungry for many days, and she had taken too much care of her. Two dirty little hands caught it. The meat buns are just gorging themselves, the small mouth is full and I want to keep it stuffed.

The look of gorging made Ye Chen feel distressed by the determined people like Ye Chen, and patted her back with one hand.

Because these meat buns are all cooked with precious exotic animal meat, they also have natural treasures, and they contain powerful energy. It seems that the little girl is not allowed to eat more, it will burst her alive.

This is for Ye Chen to relieve the release of the divine power in her body, store it deep in the body, and gradually release it in future practice, which is very helpful for the little girl's practice.

While eating, the little girl gave a sudden, Ye Chen whispered: "Qingqing, what's the matter?"

Qingqing grabbed a meat bun that was much larger than her little hand, and handed it over: "Big brother, you eat too."

"Okay!" Ye Chen's eyes were a little astringent, and he grabbed the meat buns, ignoring that there were slightly black handprints on them, and he just bite them in his mouth and finished eating in two or two bites.

Ye Chen was very patient, let her eat slowly, and took out a jade bottle, but inside it was loaded with real Qiongjiang jade liquid, and extraordinary spiritual energy emerged, which turned into spiritual mist and rose.

Pour out a small cup, let the little girl drink, take a sip, and immediately exclaimed that it was delicious, and her body was glowing, her wounds were beginning to heal, and the dust on her body was scattered, revealing the beauty of a porcelain doll appearance.

Although she is still dressed in tattered clothes, she looks cute like a little princess, which makes people feel pity: "It's delicious, brother, I don't want too much, just one bite, you keep it for yourself."

"Don't worry, Big Brother has a lot on him, so you can drink whatever you want."

"Yeah, thank you, big brother." The little girl nodded like a chick, eating and drinking, her body was constantly growing, and her aura was once again sealed by Ye Chen.

"Then can I leave some buns and good drinking water for grandpa and grandma?" the little girl suddenly said, and whispered: "Grandpa and the others have been hungry for a long time, and grandpa is still injured. Qingqing wants to bring some food to grandpa and them. "

Seeing that Ye Chen did not answer, she thought he was angry. She lowered her head and fell silent. Her little hand grabbed the corner of her clothes, and stepped back a little timidly: "Big brother, I'm sorry, you can give Qingqing a bun and drink it well. Qingqing is already satisfied with the things she drinks, so she shouldn't ask you for other things, sorry."

Ye Chen felt a bit astringent in her eyes. She was really a little girl who knew how to be considerate. He handed it directly to Qingqing, and took out a lot of buns, stuffed them in her arms, and squatted down and whispered, "No need to apologize. , You can go."

"Really?" Qingqing raised her small face, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Ye Chen nodded heavily: "It's true."

Finally, he said goodbye to Qingqing. The little girl looked at Ye Chen very reluctantly, and Beifang lightly shook her lower lip, and whispered, "Big brother, can we see each other again in the future?"

" Ye Chen nodded earnestly. He turned and left after seeing Xiao Qingqing's figure drifting away.

It is impossible for him to stay in this area all the time, he still needs to go to the Imperial Pass, and he will leave soon. He can't help too much, and he has already helped.

Moreover, he needs to take action against the alien race, solve hidden dangers for the human race, and need to understand the detailed information of this ancient continent to confirm the answer in his mind.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise that turbulence the entire ancient continent, shocking the world, allowing everyone to truly hear it.

"Is it finally coming?" In the city, the cultivators of all races were trembling, and they were talking, looking at the sky, with excitement appearing.

An astonishing beam of light burst out of Ye Chen's eyes, looking at Cangyu in the distance.

Because he saw there were terrible beams of light that appeared there, descending from the sky, standing between the heavens and the earth, among them there was a terrifying powerhouse coming, as if the heavens and gods were in Linchen!

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