Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1222: Raise your hand to kill!

Ye Chen came to his body, raised the golden holy fist and fell straight down, killing the blue-eyed Golden Toad King.


The sky and the earth are cracked, and the mountains and rivers are broken.

The blue-eyed golden toad king immediately felt a terrible sense of crisis that he had never seen before, as if he was about to kill.

He wanted to escape because of a fatal and terrifying sense of crisis, but the Liuhe and Bahuang were all blocked, and it was impossible for him to escape.

At present, there is only a positive confrontation.

"Human Fighting Saint King, this king doesn't believe you are really strong to this point!"

The blue-eyed golden toad king roared without any hesitation. In an instant, the body appeared. It was a blue-eyed golden toad entwined with divine light, which was much larger than the mountains, squeezed into the sky, and the demon was overwhelming.

A pair of huge aquamarine eyes opened, and endless green light gushing out. There are scary laws and road marks in them, and the sky and the earth are about to drown everything.

This is the innate supernatural power of King Blue Eyed Golden Toad. At this moment, he will attack thoroughly, conquer the Saint King, and both collide.

However, under Ye Chen's Immortal Sacred Fist, all of this was as fragile as paper, vulnerable to a blow, and the surging golden light was directly dissipated, only the unparalleled Sacred Fist blasted out and shattered everything.


With a terrible loud noise, the strongest person who is as strong as King Jade Toad is the true king, Tianjiao, and only one step away is the tenth heaven young supreme, but it is just one step away, like a world of difference. .

He was swept away, the whole person was swept away, blood was splashing, and he was traumatized.

Then there was a loud bang, half of his body exploded, his flesh and blood shattered and his body was severely injured.

With just one punch, one of the strongest men actually ended up like this?

All the strongest heroes were shocked, and their hearts were shocked, as if a storm was set off!

The blue-eyed Golden Toad King was terrified, and the remaining half of his body rose to the sky, and he never dared to stay here anymore. At this time, the Immortal Spring was nothing, and survival was the greatest capital.

It's just that Ye Chen couldn't allow him to run away. With a scream, he was almost at the extreme, and suddenly came before the blue-eyed golden toad king, making the latter horrified: "Battle Saint King, what do you want to do? Everyone please You can't be hit by him one by one--"

It's a pity that the sentence hadn't been completely finished, and Ye Chen's attack crashed down, and the sky-shaking hand fell, his palms were as sparkling as jade, beautifully beautiful, but it was so terrifying that the world was completely shattered.

At the same time, there was also the body of the blue-eyed golden toad king, which was also broken to pieces.

One of the strongest heroes was killed in this way. It was not that they were not strong. On the contrary, those who could set foot on the ultimate ancient road were the strongest heroes of all races in the ancient universe. They were very powerful. Many of them were close to the top ten. In the realm of heaven, after all, the tenth heaven is not so easy to break through, otherwise the emperors in each ancient universe would not be so rare.

However, it was this kind of the strongest person who was so vulnerable in front of the fighting sage king, his body was broken, and he ended in such a miserable end.

It is conceivable to know where the human race fighting saint king has become so powerful that all the strongest heroes will be extremely jealous!

"I come!"

On the other side, the mysterious turtle king rushed up, and he directly showed the deity, it was a hideous mysterious tortoise, covered with a barbed tortoise shell and rushed over.

He is the strongest defender, and he firmly believes that he is immortal, even if the opponent is the invincible Human Fighting Saint King, he firmly believes that he cannot be hurt.

This is his invincible capital.

However, Ye Chen's expression remained the same as before.

The two had a terrible collision, in which the mysterious turtle king was blown away, but blocked.

This punch was indeed very strong, but it only caused him to cough up blood and did not suffer much damage. Many of the strongest men were relieved. Finally, the Saint King of Fighting had not been abnormal to that point.

Otherwise, even the strongest defenders like Xuan Turtle King would be easily broken through the defense, and their strongest masters would really appear vulnerable.

"Battle Saint King, this king thought you were so good, it turned out to be nothing more than that."

Although the corner of the black turtle was bleeding, he laughed, firmly believing that his black tortoise armor is immortal, even such a powerful fighting saint could not break the defense, letting his mouth let him cough up a bit of blood, but still Can't really hurt his Dao origin.

"Really?" Ye Chen rushed forward again, but this time, in his fist, there was a swell of ancient chaos surging, and the laws of chaos were intertwined.

The Xuan Turtle King was not afraid, and laughed more and more: "Even if I give you a few more shots, does it hurt me?"


The terrifying chaotic light exploded, the mysterious turtle king was blown away, and the barbs on the hard and immortal tortoise shell were broken into large pieces, and there appeared a series of hideous cracks, which almost collapsed. This is simply sensational.

We must know that this is the mysterious turtle king, who is known as the strongest defense, or ended up like this. To what extent is the fighting saint king from the sealed universe terrifying?

All the strongest people are exclaiming, and they think that if the black turtle shell is not strong and immortal, I am afraid that under this blow, the black turtle king will be killed in all likelihood.


Ye Chen's third fist blasted out, and the Chaos Light completely exploded and shattered everything. No matter how hard the Black Turtle King struggled, it didn't help. He was crushed by the direct holy fist in the duel, and his death disappeared.

"The strongest person?" Ye Chen's mouth raised a scornful arc, condescendingly, watching all the strong: "Actually, it's nothing more than that. Do you really think that the same generation is invincible? Today, I killed no one of you to dare to dominate!"

He dances with black hair and has a stalwart appearance. It seems that he is a young **** who is in the dust, invincible in the world, and the strongest person of all clans!

With such a contemptuous and conceited tone, the strongest people on all sides are all I don’t believe you are so invincible! "

The strongest person of the alien race, Jie Zi Nine Kings, shouted, he couldn't believe it, because it was too strong, too strong, beyond imagination, even the young supreme should not be so strong.

He believes that the Fighting Saint King must have used other means, and it will not last long, and called on the other strongest men to take action together to deal with him, and he cannot let him live.

Because the threat is too great.

"Whether it's invincible, you can feel it yourself." Ye Chen said, taking a step, just for an instant, that is, when he came to the front of the Purple Nine Kings, all the heroes could not react, with a look of astonishment. , The speed is too fast, beyond their imagination.

The immeasurable young supreme prestige spread, causing the Purple Nine Kings to suffer from the tremendous pressure of the fallen Primordial Mountain on his shoulders, and his body trembled and shattered at any time.

"The mere aliens dare to scream in front of me, and you will exterminate all your aliens today!" Ye Chen slowly said, full of boundless killing intent!

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