Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1237: The most terrible imperial battle in history

It was an emperor's shadow, the strongest figure belonging to the emperor of the world, sitting on the high ancestral altar in the center of the ancient world of dying, surrounded by boundless ancient chaos, so stalwart, so unparalleled, and unimaginable.

Both the Human Emperor Pagoda and the Tianhuang revived spontaneously, being drawn by the Qi machine, with strong ancient chaos and immeasurable golden light surging and mighty.

Among them, the most special is the sarcophagus of the gods of the unphased king, which also appeared spontaneously, standing upright in the sky, looking at the shadow of the ancestral emperor from a distance, as if silently mourning.

It can be said that this is an extremely rare scene on weekdays, and it is rare to see the sarcophagus of the gods acting so autonomously.

Moreover, the fighting sage blood in Ye Chen's body boiled, involuntarily, and was also drawn by a certain kind of Qi, perhaps a kind of resonance.

Fighting Saint Ancestor! ?

There is no need for Ye Chen to think about it, there is such an idea in his heart.

Because everything has proved that the emperor of the ancestral altar is exactly the most invincible fighting ancestor, otherwise the sarcophagus of the gods of the innocent king will not fly out of their own accord, nor will the sacred body blood in his body boil involuntarily. .

Even in Ye Chen Tian Ling's cover, the nine-color mythical crown appeared.

This mysterious laurel crown circulated the brilliant nine-color divine light, shining on the heavens, and the nine-color surging. At this moment, a special energy is also emerging.

Is it possible that the most invincible fighting ancestor is still alive and has always been here?

When this thought appeared, there was no doubt that Ye Chen was a huge shock from the bottom of his heart, with excitement and surprise, because this is definitely a great event. After all, the fighting ancestor is the strongest in ancient and modern times. One of the great emperors, the town has killed the real emperor and emperor, and has killed a foreign race in fear.

"Holy Ancestor——"

It's just that on the huge ancestral altar, the stalwart figure of the fighting ancestor remained motionless, invisibly releasing the eternal and immortal power of the world, making all spirits surrender, but no matter how Ye Chen went to worship and speak, he had no choice. To the slightest response.

This disappointed him and couldn't help but clenched his fists. Isn't this the true fighting ancestor?

At this time, he really looked into the four fields and looked at the oldest ancestral altar from a distance. You could see terrible battle marks everywhere, stretching across the entire ancient world, including the oldest ancestral altar.

It can even be said that all the battle marks spread from the most ancient ancestral altar, extending across the entire ancient world, and extinguishing all living beings.

He recalled the special stone stele in the world under the tenth layer of the lake, with the words "Everything was buried", did it mean this?

Or really speaking, are all powerful beings attacking from all directions, and the goal is to fight against the holy ancestor?


The Tianhuang Euphorbia shook suddenly, the golden light of the Nine Tribulations was vast, and the stone coffin of the gods was trembling autonomously, resonating with the oldest ancestral altar.

Suddenly, a terrifying scene emerged in an instant, covering nine heavens and ten places, and Ye Chen heard the deafening sound of fighting in the sky.

Looking up, the ancient world that was dead before me suddenly changed. The countless powerful creatures on the corpse land recovered, and the ancient world was restored to its peak, magnificent and huge, incredible, not inferior to the ancient emperor of the Supreme Emperor Realm, with the same aura, at least the emperor realm.

In the distance, there are sacred trees towering in the sky, the heavenly palaces rise and fall continuously, and the number of sacred islands is unknown.

This is a huge battlefield, which directly stretches the entire ancient emperor realm, the golden horse, the iron horse, the shadow of the sword, the shadow of the sword, and the flying Taoism, all of which are too terrifying.

It can be seen that there are too many powerful existences in the ancient emperor world, coming from all directions, and there are huge spatial wormholes, and there are a large number of powerful people constantly rushing into the space wormholes to appear, killing to the center. The most ancient ancestral altar.

With the most ancient ancestral altar as the center, the shadow of the Geshidi, who is fighting against the ancestors, sits on the throne above it, high above, looking down at the world, everything must be surrendered.

It can be seen that under the most ancient ancestral altar, there are countless strong men appearing on the ancient battlefield. The strong are like clouds and masters are like forests. All of them are real masters, with the power of burning the sky and boiling the sea. Supernatural powers can even break the earth.

And there appeared the existence of the real strongest person, there was no lack of ancient powers, and even terrible existences such as star beasts and chaotic world beasts were killed, killing the sun and the moon, and the heavens collapsed.

There are strong men who belong to this piece of the emperor realm, as well as strong men from the outside world.

Seeing the sky full of stars exploding in pieces, the wild land is falling apart, and the mountain and the ground are breaking apart.

An ancient beast that was bigger than the stars exploded in the sky, and the blood rained.

The strong ancient power was killed by people, exploding the boundless light of destruction.

There are even the Primordial Kings fighting, driving an invincible chariot, commanding an endless army, and killing each other. Every gesture of action is the endless power of destroying the great world. I don't know how many miles and shocking the world.

No matter how powerful the emperor world is, there are signs of disintegration.

It’s just that from beginning to end, the fighting ancestor on the ancestral altar is still sitting on the throne, motionless, as if eternity, no one can see this fighting ancestor who is known as one of the strongest emperors What kind of expression was it, only the eyes opened, staring into the distance, as if looking at the enemy in the distance.

With a light sigh, he fell slowly: "Sidai, you are even more terrifying than I thought..."

Hearing this, Ye Chen was shocked. Did this battle involve the most powerful and supreme ancestor in the alien universe?


The most terrifying fluctuation appeared. Ye Chen was shocked to find another godless shadow, riding a chaotic holy beast. It was the supreme mount of the monarch realm. The terrifying emperor was riding, accompanied by immeasurable black light. Overwhelming, as if to make everything in the world extinguish.

It was a foreign race emperor who grabbed a terrifying battle battle. It was made of abyssal black gold. It was exactly the same as the black gold battle battle in the hands of the young supreme dark prison of the foreign race, but it was even more profound and annihilated. To kill the Boundless Star, the target is naturally the fighting ancestor on the ancestral altar.

On the other side, nine huge black dragons ran across the sky, pulling an ancient chariot, and there was also an alien emperor appearing there, standing there, the huge emperor's shadow was immense, and the stars seemed incomparably small, rushing past.


In the third position, a third Pangran emperor appeared, followed by an infinite army, and the emperor smashed through the air, with the prestige of destroying the emperor world.

The mighty prestige is beyond imagination, it is the unparalleled emperor prestige.

And the great world collapsed, and two Supreme Emperors appeared, the same towering and unclimbable, powerful beyond imagination, and overwhelming all beings.

Ye Chen's eyes widened, it was hard to imagine that there were five great emperors who appeared back then, bringing an boundless army, all of which obviously refers to the fighting ancestors on the ancestral altar.

And what shocked his heart was that one of the five emperors was particularly special, accompanied by endless immortal machines, not a foreign race, but probably a supreme immortal, from the mysterious prehistoric immortal world.

Did even the ancient and mysterious prehistoric world participate in this imperial battle?


In the football arena, the fighting ancestor stood up, stalwart and unparalleled. Although he looks only the size of a normal person, he has a feeling that makes the heavens and the world seem small and dusty. He is so majestic. The chaotic mist dissipated, accompanied by immeasurable golden light.

At the same time, facing the five emperors, the supreme of the emperor has no fear, and can feel the boundless war intent blooming on him: "What about the five emperors of the emperor, what about the immortals, do you think you can kill me? Battle Saint Emperor, be all enemies in the world!"

That voice seemed to be transmitted from the long river of years, causing Ye Chen's body and blood to boil, boundlessly powerful, beyond imagination.

He could feel the invincible and fearless fighting spirit of the fighting ancestor.


The most terrifying emperor war in history is breaking out, and the fighting saint ancestor alone is against the five emperors, the supreme emperor, and among them are the supreme immortals from the prehistoric immortal world!


However, it is impossible to see the real imperial war. Everything is dissipated and interrupted. Perhaps it is because the imperial war is too powerful. It is the most powerful emperor realm in ancient and modern times. It has the power to reverse time and space and destroy everything. , Can not record battle traces.

Since then, the dying world has been restored, and the vast and broken emperor world has also been restored.

Among them, only the shadow of the ancestral emperor is as unparalleled in the world as ever, standing on the ancient earth, even after endless years, it has always stood firm.

Has the supreme fighting saint ancestor fallen?

Ye Chen couldn't help his heart tremble, because that battle was too hard, and there appeared one after another, and brought an endless army, all of which was to assassinate the ancestor of fighting, it is hard to imagine the ancestor of fighting. What a difficult battle after all.

Although Fighting Saint Ancestor is known as the strongest emperor and has killed the real emperor, he is the same emperor, how much stronger he can be.

What's more, the five emperors of the emperor realm appear at the same time, I am afraid that the most powerful emperor will be destroyed.

Alien, too cruel.

In the prehistoric world, the supreme immortal comparable to the emperor came.

Ye Chen clenched his fists but he was helpless, because this should have been an emperor battle that occurred in the last era. He could not reverse time and space to go back to save, and it was impossible to reverse it.

He suddenly felt that the people in the line of fighting sages were very sad. The fighting ancestor was besieged by the five emperors, the Wuxiang king was besieged and killed by the nine super kings of foreign races, and his master was also besieged before his death. , Even he often encounters enemy siege.

Because this vein is too powerful, too enchanting, beyond imagination, the enemy cannot carry out a solitary killing, in order to eradicate it, it must unite others to carry out a siege.

"Holy Ancestor, Ye Chen, the last descendant of the fighting saint line, come to see you!"

Ye Chen respectfully bowed to the Emperor Yingxing on the football stadium for three big salutes, sincerely!


Suddenly, the emperor's shadow on the oldest ancestral altar fluctuated, and a voice containing the vicissitudes of the ancients slowly came out, resounding in this dying emperor realm——

"After waiting for so many years, you are finally here!"

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