Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1246: Kill Young Supreme!

Fighting Saint King is not dead, but still alive, because he is the strongest chaos who killed a foreign race.

However, this is not the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing is that the words of the Fighting Saint King dare to say that one person will destroy the entire alien race.

This is how domineering, how powerful this is.

The alien race is so powerful that even the sealed universe of the mythical era has been destroyed, and even the primordial universe is afraid of it. It is an extremely powerful ancient universe, but the Human Race Fighting Saint King dares to say so.

And the heroes were all trembling, because the fighting saint king force suppressed a young supreme of the alien race to completely suppress, and a terrible situation of massacring the young supreme was about to happen.

"It's you, could it be—"

The alien young supreme dark prison glanced at the so-called immortal spring that he had obtained. Although it is full of vitality, it is more of ordinary spring water, covered by a thin layer of undead spring water on the surface. If you don’t check it carefully It's hard to find out.

All of them were deceived and led to misfortunes, but they were still stupid.

If it is on weekdays, the dark prison is naturally impossible to be deceived, but when so many powerful people are chasing him, how can he have time to investigate.

"You bastard—"

Rao is the young supreme of a foreign race like the Dark Prison, can't help but get mad, and was actually deceived, and this fighting saint king is too hatred, and all the hatred is drawn on him. All the strong men shot at them, which is horrible.

"It seems that you are not stupid, smarter than I thought, but it is still too late!"

Ye Chen sneered, he was about to leave the ultimate ancient road, but at this moment, he exploded in an all-round way, his blood was soaring, and his mighty combat power exploded, suddenly rising to the extreme, directly blasting the alien young supreme in front of him.


The terrible fluctuations were overwhelming and shocked the entire battlefield.

I saw the black blood light surging to the sky, it was the flesh and blood of the young supreme, and it also had a bleak red light. It was an immortal red gold armor. Although it could not be Hengyang red gold, it was extraordinary, but it was also accompanied by this. The blow was completely detonated, and countless fragments were flying, and some of the weaker strong were injured or even killed by the fragments.

A powerful alien young supreme was blown up.

This made everyone in a daze. Looking at the entire ultimate ancient road, this was an extremely significant shock event. After all, these young supreme futures are all invincibles in the final battle.

On the other hand, it also proved that the unparalleled human race fighting sage king was actually unmatched by the young supreme Yin Ming of the foreign race, and was blown up.

It can be proved that the fighting power of the human race fighting saint king is absolutely beyond the ordinary young supreme.

Naturally, even if the strongest person is difficult to kill with a single blow, let alone the young supreme, his vitality is many times stronger, the blood and flesh are flowing backwards, and the body is beginning to reorganize.

And the red gold battle armor that was smashed was the same, with an extraordinary divinity.

"Fighting clan fighting saint king, you are very strong, but you want to kill me, you are still a bit short of it!"

Yin Ming's voice echoed between heaven and earth, and it was about to be completely reorganized soon.

However, at this time, the corner of Ye Chen's mouth was raised with a special arc, and he lifted up slightly: "Really?"

Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted out of thin air, making the heart tremble.

There was a loud bang, and at the moment Yin Ming reorganized his body, Ye Chen's whole body was like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus starting from the gate, lightning flashed across the sky, and once again shot and split in half, and his fist fell, the ancient chaos erupted, Yin Ming's soul was torn apart and uttered a scream.


A mouthful of the Chaos Cauldron came out, directly pressed down, as heavy and boundless as a mountain like a mountain, shaking off the two bodies and souls of the young supreme of the alien race, and causing him to cough up blood continuously while flying backwards, suffering severe trauma. No one knows how many bones are broken.

"You, there is still a big gap, I will kill you today!"

Ye Chen chased after victory and knew the path of taking advantage of his illness to kill him. The Chaos Cauldron opened the lid and directly included the young supreme of the alien race. It also spurred divine power. The endless divine power transpired in it, and the ancient chaos was submerged. Turning into a **** flame, I want to completely refine the alien young supreme.

"You want to kill me, you are still a bit short." The young supreme foreign race Yin Ming roared, reorganized his body in the Chaos Cauldron, and constantly shot, with terrible blows and constantly bombarding Chaos Cauldron. Inside the furnace, the young supreme and the strongest combat power displayed, as strong as the chaos cauldron, was trembling and buzzing.

Even in the later stage, the Chaos Cauldron was about to be deformed, cracks appeared, and it was almost out of trouble.

It's just that the Chaos Cauldron is extraordinary, it was constructed by Ye Chen with the true ancient chaos, and it contains the chaos laws that he created, possessing immortal characteristics, and can heal quickly.

And the ancient chaos is surging. This is the origin of the ten thousand ways. Although the Yin and Ming are strong enough, all the Tao and the law will be invalid in the later stage, and they will be resolved into the most primitive chaotic energy. Instead of breaking the chaos cauldron, it has It has become the power to nourish the chaos, making the chaos cauldron stronger,

Moreover, the laws of chaos and the pictures and texts inscribed on the cauldron of chaos became more and more clearly visible, and a kind of supernatural power of chaos flowed out of the whole body, and many people were shocked to see.

Rumor has it that once Chaos Avenue is successful, it may surpass the emperor's realm and become the master of the boundless Chaos Sea, completely dominating the world and surpassing destiny. It does not seem unreasonable.

Because it is so extraordinary, all avenues must be resolved and must become a nourishing force.

Does the Human Race Fighting Saint King also want to create the Chaos Avenue, walk out this seemingly impossible ultimate path, and achieve the unprecedented Chaos Lord?

In the middle, Ye Chen opened his mouth to spit out a special cluster of flames, which was the real chaotic the only chaotic true blood in his body.

As soon as this fire broke out, the Ten Thousand Dao Avenues would be burned and dispersed, submerged in the chaos cauldron, and the alien young supreme must be thoroughly refined.

How could these young supreme alien races in the dark prison tolerate a young supreme being killed by the opponent like this, all of them had to take action, but the attacks of the heroes were all overwhelmed, making them too busy to meet them, and there was no time to stop them.

"The Immortal Spring of Immortality is fake, and the real one is still on the Human Race Fighting Saint King!" The dark roar roared, making all the heroes startled, but not many people believed it and continued to shoot.

In the chaotic cauldron, the screams of the young supreme alien of the alien race came out. Even if he is strong and extraordinary, he will be refined by the chaotic real fire, and even the extraordinary red gold battle armor has been incinerated.

Gradually, Yin Ming was silent.


Finally, the Chaos Cauldron was overturned, the figure was no longer there, only a few strands of the ashes floated out.

The young supreme alien of the foreign race is dark and dead!

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