Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1248: The third eye of the emperor, the dark world

Boom boom boom boom--

Five strong figures, like gods and demons, appeared behind the Human Race Fighting Saint King like lightning, all surrounded by divine light, accompanied by laws, and blooming with powerful auras. They were all young and supreme superpowers.

This scene was enough to shock everyone. No one thought that the human race fighting saint king who had been fighting alone all the time, there were so many young supreme helpers.

And those five people were all the young supreme human beings. Before, they were all isolated by auras, and it was difficult to really detect them, but now they finally feel it clearly.

Unbelievably, in the sealed universe that was defeated and defeated in the last epoch, there have been several young supreme in this life. There are six young supreme, including the human fighting saint king, which is compared to the alien side. There are two more young supreme.

There are only so many young and supreme on the entire ancient road of the ultimate, and so many of the human races suddenly appeared, which is shocking.

Especially Terran Fighting Saint King, it can kill young and supreme terrorist figures.

The expressions of the four young and supreme aliens changed drastically in an instant, and his eyes were filled with shock and even disbelief.

Although I knew that the sealed universe in this life was extraordinary, I didn't expect that so many young supreme would appear all at once.

At this moment, they felt a kind of exceptional dignity, human race, or confederacy, this life really is going to flourish, and maybe even return to the heyday of the previous era.

And beside the five young supreme beings, there are two tiny figures, but no one will ignore them, because the two little beasts are not afraid of the terrible aura of the deities.

And many people's eyes fell on the beeping little dragon beast. After staring briefly, they understood what the little dragon beast was. It was clearly a pure-blooded dragon, a creature with the strongest blood in the world.

Although it seems very young, no one has ever dared to really underestimate the potential of real dragons. The ancestor dragons of the past were extremely powerful in the great ancient universes of the Chaos Sea.

Although the other cute little white beast couldn't see what race it was, it was enough to be able to follow the golden little dragon of pure blood without fear.

"Since the foreign race is still shameless and shameless as always, then today I will return to my own body with my own way, killing you in groups!

Ye Chen drew the strongest voice, took the lead, strode out, and took the initiative to kill the alien young supreme.

"Okay, kill all the prestige of the foreign race!"

"What kind of alien, this life will let you understand the invincibility of the young and supreme in our world!"

"Kill, kill these alien guys without clothes, let them run naked, let them have nothing, let them become eunuchs, soak up all the beauties of the alien race, and polish all the alien emperors!"

The last sentence is exactly what Will said. He has a majestic face and surrounds the Yuanshi Holy Light. He is as eye-catching as a child of light. However, what he says is so embarrassing and unbelievably shameless. How could this guy become a young supreme.

However, the five great human race young supreme all shot and rushed to the alien race, as if the five young great emperors were attacking, passing through the air, and blasting towards each other.

The four great aliens, Young Supreme, are naturally impossible to fear. They are all Young Supreme, and they all believe that they are invincible.

Especially the Dark Prison, he is the outstanding person here, he is the true emperor, far stronger than the ordinary young supreme, holding a black gold battle, and shooting out a black light, in the sky.

And while he shot, he said coldly: "No matter how many people, the sealed universe is always a broken ancient universe, vulnerable. Especially you, the holy king of human race fighting, the last era The saint ancestor of your line was killed by my father the Great, and today he will repeat the same mistakes and kill you as well to continue the glory of my father the Great."


Ye Chen shot, he was facing the chaotic cauldron, gushing the chaotic light, and dissolving all kinds of laws and Dao marks, his expression never fluctuated, but he said coldly: "Your father the Great killed him? It's ridiculous, just because your father dared to speak. Fighting Saint Ancestor? If he goes alone, fighting Saint Ancestor can be killed by raising his hand!"

There is contempt and disdain in his tone. Even if he is the same emperor, the fighting ancestor is the most powerful emperor. He has once killed the real emperor and is unparalleled in fighting strength. Who dares to say can kill him.

Even if it is a foreign race, the four supreme emperors were dispatched in the past, and there were even the supreme immortals from the prehistoric immortal realm. The five emperors, the emperor realm supreme, took action, but the result is unknown and suspected to have fallen.

But the imprint of the emperor's blood said that the holy ancestor was immortal, and the whole world was vast, and no one could kill him. Ye Chen also believed that the holy ancestor was immortal, immortal, and lasting forever.

"you wanna die!"

The dark prison was furious instantly. Others could insult him, but he could not insult his father, because his father himself was supreme in his eyes and could not be slandered.

"You have said this sentence many times, which one has come true." Ye Chen was cold, but his expression was solemn, because the other party is a true young supreme, even an emperor, even more than Yin Ming Much stronger, he didn't dare to underestimate the opponent, serious duel.

The two have launched a real big collision, and both are real emperor-level powerhouses. Generally speaking, they are much stronger than the ordinary young supreme, because they are ten heavens from the beginning of the demigod state. Stronger, and much stronger when colliding.

It can be said that both are the most powerful young generation supreme arrogances in their respective ancient universes, and no one can surpass them, unless they have a higher realm.

Boom boom boom -

The two fought against each other like lightning, and a battle broke out.

At the same time, the five young supreme beings including the King of Light Will, Ye Gucheng, the Sun God, the Wild Ancient Demon God, and the Phoenix Dance all attacked the other three young supreme beings of the alien race and directly blasted them.

Moreover, the little golden dragon and Yiyi are also taking action, sweeping and killing the strong foreign races on the battlefield, with their abilities, not weaker than the young supreme, sweeping in all directions.

This battlefield has completely become a battlefield for both sides.

But there is no doubt that Ye Chen's side completely occupied the upper side, because there are more Young Supreme, and especially Ye Chen, who can kill the Young Supreme, is invincible.


Ye Chen used the Holy Method of Fighting. Since he received a complete inheritance of the Holy Method of Fighting in the hands of the Ancestor of Fighting, he has a deeper understanding of the Holy Method of Fighting. He has become more mellow and wishful. The invincible power slammed away, and there was a series of fierce collisions with the opponent's emperor magical powers.

It can be said that every move between each other to kill, in exchange for an ordinary heavenly king, will definitely be severely injured, or even dying, no exception.

Because this is their terrifying combat power, and also the terrifying aspect of emperor-level heavenly kings.


During the collision, the dark prison spit out a spit of bright blood, which was traumatized.

Not only because Ye Chen’s attacking power was horrible, but also because Ye Chen took the opportunity to hit the ground breaking fist before entering the Island of the Undead, which caused the dark prison body to be severely injured. Now the injury has not healed, and Ye Chen’s Under the terrible offensive, it happened.

This situation is just like the backlash that Ye Chen suffered after he successfully converted his divine power not long ago.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Ye Chen has never had a gentleman's heart for a foreign race, and will wait for the other party to come back and fight a fair fight.


His whole body rushed away, and the chaotic cauldron above his head was gushing with ancient chaos, drowning Liuhe and Eight Wastes, and he wanted to kill him completely.

On the great cauldron, the imprint of the young supreme belonging to Yin Ming is vivid, as if to be detached at any time, turning into a terrifying war spirit to attack the past.


Suddenly, Ye Chen's two little beasts' figures suddenly faded, which made Ye Chen's color change, and he wanted to leave the ultimate ancient road at any time.

Ye Chen quickly shot, grabbing both small beasts, and the Human Emperor Pagoda appeared, hanging down on the ancient chaos, and released a ray of real imperial prestige, isolating the world and delaying the time to leave.

At the same time, Ye Chen smashed over, sublimated to the extreme, and his combat power climbed to the extreme, taking advantage of the attack of the dark prison road to show peerless murderous intent, to tear the world apart.

The dark prison in the middle was hit by Ye Chen's Great Chaos Cauldron, and the whole person's chest was blasted to collapse, and blood was sprinkled out desperately.

In addition, Ye Chen ran the holy method of fighting, smashing the sky-shaking hand from the sky, as if to cut off the nine-layer heaven, cut off an arm of the dark prison, and put it into the Chaos Cauldron.

"Die me!"

The dark prison seems to have received a great humiliation. It is absolutely a great shame to be amputated in front of the public. Especially the defeat of the young supreme of the sealed universe in the past is even more intolerable.

His third vertical eye was jumping suddenly, opening it at any time, which made the opposite Ye Chen even change color, and he knew the terrifying place of the third vertical eye of this clan.

Even the strongest King Gu Xun had forced Ye Chen to be resisted by the Human Emperor Pagoda, not to mention the emperor of the clan, who was bound to be terrified.

He didn't dare to imagine how powerful the power of the third eye would be. What he can imagine now is just avoid it for the first time.


At this moment the third eye of the alien emperor's dark prison opened.

There, there was a black light that was so dark that it completely dissipated the light, and it completely enveloped this vast world, enveloped the entire battlefield, enveloped everyone.


Everything is lost, everything is lost, this is a dark ancient world, full of prehistoric aura, like a great world that has just been opened up, there is nothing, only a vast and wild land.

In the center of the earth, there is a majestic ancient ancestral altar, not much inferior to the ancestral altar in the Realm of Nirvana. It is extremely ancient, circulating endless auras, with mysterious runes constantly emerging, full of ancient aura , It is difficult to interpret its meaning, as if it was born of God’s will.

There, there is a great sound of sacrifice, it is very vast, as if there are endless creatures chanting, praying, and sacrifice.

Reverberating in this dark ancient world, traversing the long river of years, passing through the barrier of time, passing from the unattainable era, resounding in everyone's ears.

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