Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1255: aroma

"Sure enough, it is a brave bandit, and can only shrink in the imperial gate. Alas, it is really disappointing. Why didn't the last era directly destroy these weak races."

The foreign powerhouses outside the Tenth Emperor Pass deliberately shook their heads and sighed, demonstrating all kinds of disdain and contempt for the heavens and ten thousand domains.

But when the emperor is closed, the heavens are very calm, they are all old antiques that have lived for tens of thousands of years, and they have long been in a calm state of mind. How can they let these radical generals open the city gate?

When they got to the back, some people retreat directly, went back, and sent others to go back. The Emperor Guan was not allowed to stay.

"Commander!" Someone was very unwilling. It was a supreme Lord, very powerful, full of unwillingness, and wanted to make a move.

"Go back!" The Ancient Great Neng said, his expression was cold, beyond doubt, he directly wrapped the Holy Master and left, and returned to the Ten Thousand Domain Palace.

However, Ye Chen keenly noticed that a different kind of brilliance flashed through the eyes of this holy lord, and it appeared in a flash. If he hadn't been sensitive enough, he really couldn't detect it.

Later, Ye Chen and the others also left and went back to the Ten Thousand Domain Palace, where they had met with the Tianmen Sect Master and others who were familiar with the ancient Da Neng.

"Little friend Qianyue, why are you here? You should go to the ultimate ancient road."

Several ancient powers frowned, and now the young supreme and emperor in the heavens and lands have embarked on the ultimate ancient road, fighting, and transforming, marching to the great avenue, fighting against the heavenly young man like the saint king Supreme, should also embark on the ultimate ancient road.

"I have been there and I am back."

Ye Chen's words surprised everyone. When did he go and why they didn't know.

Ye Chen briefly talked about the journey before and after going to the ultimate ancient road. All present were the familiar ancient powers such as Tianmen Sect Master, Flame God Venerable, Nine Void God King, and Xia Zhidi. When I heard his After the experience, all were taken aback.

None of them thought that Ye Chen accidentally broke into the ultimate ancient road outside the sealed universe when he went to the Emperor Pass, and had encountered the youngest and most powerful people in various ancient universes, and even the young supreme, even shot. Killed a young supreme of a foreign race, and even defeated the emperor's dark prison of Emperor Moro.

Naturally, Ye Chen concealed something about Yuqing and the Immortal Spring of the Immortal, because the temptation of Immortal Spring of the Immortal Realm was too great. The overlord of the primordial immortal realm, Changsheng the Great, suspected that he became the emperor by relying on the Immortal Immortal Spring, and it is related to Yuqing’s safety. These are all familiar powers and can only be concealed.

Of course, afterwards, he felt that it was necessary to talk to the Tianmen Sect Master.

Even so, all of this was a dreamlike experience, leaving several ancient powers present stunned, and only the Tianmen Sect Master was as calm as ever.

No one would have thought that Ye Chen created a series of pioneering actions on the Ultimate Ancient Road so quickly, killing the strongest figures in the ancient universe, killing the young supreme Yin Ming of the alien race, and defeating the dark prison of the alien emperor. To drive, it is definitely a huge blow to the foreign army.

Moreover, no one could see that Ye Chen's eye-catching brilliance was definitely a rising future emperor.

When mentioning the fierce territories of the Jedi, the ancient powers present said that they had never heard of it, even the flame gods and holy feathers from the emperor clan.

Only the master of Tianmen frowned slightly, seeming to remember.

"Little friend Qianyue, we suspect that you may have stepped into an unknown time and space channel, so you left the sealed universe and entered the ultimate ancient road." This is the explanation of the holy feather, he is born in the imperial clan and understands There are many, and it is not without precedent in history. It also happened in the era of mythology.

However, Venerable Holy Feather did not say that the precedent at most was only to leave the sealed universe, and did not enter the most mysterious ultimate ancient road.

You know, non-specific people, even the emperor, can hardly enter the ultimate ancient road, and there is a strong law to protect them.

"Dear fellow daoists, please go to the Ten Thousand Domain Palace immediately to attend the meeting!"

At this time, a huge voice spread throughout the ten emperor gates.

A group of ancient powers bid farewell to Ye Chen one after another, rose into the sky and sank into the vast Ten Thousand Domain Palace.

At this time, Ye Chen remembered that he had forgotten to ask the city lord of the first Emperor Guan about the location of the ruins of Yi Yi's origin.

However, the City Lord of the First Emperor Pass also entered the Wanyu Palace, and depending on the situation, he would not appear in a moment. Ye Chen only took two little guys to wander around in the Tenth Emperor Pass.

The tenth emperor pass is the smelt of the true origin emperor realm, which is too big, vast and boundless, with boundless ancient land, and the heaven and the earth are full and amazing, and the earth contains real dragons, which are thick dragon veins. There is a terrible magic circle that swallows chaotic energy and transforms it into the essence of the sky, which continuously nourishes this original emperor realm, so it is also a cultivating holy realm.

And because it is in the border wasteland of the sealed universe, it is a strong place to guard the border wasteland, and the wind of cultivation is extremely strong. There is no peace of heaven and domain, and there is a state of tension everywhere.

Although it is impossible for all the real powerhouses to be encountered along the way, and there are many young seeds of the new generation, but the whole body is full of fierce blood. Obviously, it is far from being comparable to those of the heavens. .

A huge power stands in this vast emperor realm. The real Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, is even more terrifying than the human imperial city, far better than the first emperor gate, and can be called the strongest ancient in the sealed universe. World.

Naturally, Ye Chen didn't rush into the realm of those colossal forces. Here, it didn't seem to have gained the heavens and domains, and it was much more nervous. Don't rush into it, otherwise unnecessary conflicts would easily occur.

At this time Yiyi rose up into the sky with a scream, and the same was true for the little golden dragon on the other side. The sudden move made Ye Chen a little puzzled and followed him.

"Yiyi, little dragon, what are you going to do?" Ye Chen chased after him and asked.

"I just smelled a special fragrance." Yiyidao.

"Me too!" The little golden dragon also said, "I still feel familiar."

"Scent? What kind of scent?" Ye Chen frowned. He didn't smell the scent. He was a fighting sage. His five senses and six senses were extremely keen, so he shouldn't be unable to smell it.

"Xiao Yueyue, just follow us, and you will be blessed." Yi Yi Dao turned into a white light and rushed into the distance with a sigh of speed.

The little golden dragon nodded honestly and rushed over.

Blessing? What blessing?

Although Ye Chen didn't quite understand it, she rose into the sky and followed the two little beasts to the distance.

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