Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1258: World Tower, Top 3 Ranking

This place is very lively, with a lot of people gathered, and most of them are the younger generation. Naturally, there are also some strong older generations appearing here.

Among the young powers, there are young leaders who have grown up in the Tenfold Imperial Pass, as well as young leaders from the heavens and ten thousand domains, all gathered here at this moment.

It was an ancient pagoda. It was huge, and it was many times thicker than the mountain. It was hexagonal in shape with flying corners.

The ancient pagoda didn't know how huge it was. It plunged straight out of the field, towering into the depths of the starry sky, with no end in sight.

The mysterious ancient pagoda is even more engraved and painted with countless creatures, including true dragons, immortal phoenixes, kunpeng, white tigers, etc., human races, angel races, holy races, star beasts, world beasts, and worlds. The trees and so on, the heavens and the celestial beings, the creatures of the cosmos, the mythological holy spirit, all portray the tower, and they are all lifelike, and they also have infinite backgrounds. They seem to carry an ancient universe and an era of epochs, which are extraordinary.

Ye Chen quietly landed on the square below the ancient pagoda, and when he looked closer, he felt that the texture of this mysterious ancient pagoda was very peculiar, but he didn't know what was going on, he only knew that it was an immortal with a whole body. Material refining.

There is a peculiar aura on it, as if the tower body can continuously nurture one world after another, and it can also carry the heavens and the world.

For some reason, this gave Ye Chen a feeling of deja vu. This kind of aura is similar to a certain person in the impression, but he can't remember who it is, and there is a qualitative difference in it.

Under the ancient tower, there is a stone monument——

World Tower!

Ye Chen glanced at his eyebrows slightly, because instinct told him that this world tower was very special and extraordinary.

The tower is majestic and magnificent, towering into the clouds, and there is a giant gate on all six sides, connecting the inner and outer towers.

It looks like this, just like the Xutian Pagoda in the Xutian Domain. It needs to constantly try and sprint to the highest level, but Ye Chen felt that the mysterious ancient pagoda in front of him was very different.

When I looked closer, I only saw three special gods hanging in the air on the other side of the tower.

The bottom of the **** list is silver, the name is Tianjiao list, and it is densely packed with countless small names. On display, the closer it is, the more dazzling the attention.

Anyone who can be named on the Tianjiao list is the true heavenly leader of the younger generation.

On top of it, there is a list of gods that is larger than the list of Tianjiao, and the whole body is golden, which is the list of kings.

It is worthy of the name. Anyone who can be named on this list of kings is the true king of the younger generation, and what is more, the proud son of the immortal king.

The number of people who can be named on the list of kings is far less than that on the list of Tianjiao. There is no one-tenth, but if you look closely, there can be 300 people.

As for the list of kings, the highest ranking is a special list of gods. The whole body is surrounded by wisps of ancient chaos, which is very extraordinary. There are three big characters on it——

Supreme list!

The three characters are all majestic, revealing an imperishable aura of arrogance over the past and present, making all spirits rise and fall, and they are the title of a supreme being.

There are not many names on the Supreme List, and only about one-tenth of the list of kings, and there are few less than thirty. However, everyone is shining with a special light, dazzling and eye-catching, making it difficult to face up.

Ye Chen scanned the names on the Supreme List, and then his pupils condensed slightly, because the Supreme List had a familiar name at the end——

Ye Cangqiong!

Heirs of Tianxin Sword Emperor are also on the list!

At this time, Ye Chen re-examined the world tower, that is, even emperors like Ye Cangqiong have named the gold list. Obviously, this world tower is absolutely extraordinary and worth trying.

It's just what the realm tower is like, is it like the Xutian Pagoda in the Xutian domain, it needs to reach the highest level all the way to fight against the brand of the young strongest from the past?

This made Ye Chen quite curious.

There are many people standing in front of the three-faced gods list, but anyone who can be named on any side of the three-faced gods list is enough to prove their talent.

However, more people care about the highest ranking list, because it is the most extraordinary list!

"The title of the Supreme Ranking, glorious ancient and modern!"

"Everlasting ages, tens of thousands of years have passed, so far, there are not only a handful of less than 30 people who are eligible to be named on the Supreme List. If they can be named, they will be famous forever!"

"I just want to be on the list. How easy is it?"

"If one day, I can be the title of the top list, and I will die without regret!"

Whenever I saw the names on this supreme list, a person's eyes revealed a brilliant brilliance, with a kind of awe, admiration and admiration, for those strong on the title supreme list.

Because anyone who can be named on the Supreme List, as long as they can grow up, are basically peerless figures who respect the past and present, at the very least, looking at the entire sealed universe, they are truly supreme figures, and they will keep their promise.

It can be said that it is the greatest honor for all the cultivators in the Tenfold Emperor Pass to be able to be named on the Supreme Ranking. It can be remembered forever by celebrities and names.

Naturally, the titles on the supreme list are all talents who have made brilliant achievements in the world towers are eligible to be titled. There are peerless powerhouses with late bloomers, and there are also peerless talents of the younger generation.

Basically speaking, the names on the list are basically young peerless Tianjiao from all ages throughout the ages. Only a handful of people are named after the late bloomers. After all, there are not many late bloomers, generally true supreme figures. It has risen strongly early in the youth era.

But being eligible to be named on the Supreme Ranking is enough to prove everything.

Many young talents from Jieta are working hard to hit the Supreme Ranking, hoping that one day they can be named on the Supreme Ranking.

It's just that how many people have broken through the towers throughout the ages, but how many people can really keep their names?

There are few names, and the few less than thirty names on the Supreme List are the best proof.

On the square under the tower, there are many young generations, including those from all the heavens and the ten-fold emperor gate. It can be said that they are all the young generation leaders of the sealed universe. There are not a few people who have the qualifications to be kings. Both men and women appear to be extraordinary and attract attention.

Basically, all the younger generations present have reached the level of saints, and even have some transcendence above them. They have reached the realm of heavenly kings, and they are true heavenly pride.

"The young leader of Wanyu, dare to compare."

Suddenly, one of the young leaders from the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass looked at the young leaders of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Domains on the other side, spoke coldly, and launched a challenge.

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