Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1179: Alien kings come across the border!

The most terrifying fluctuation has appeared!

In the deepest part of the alien army, the ancient light gate stands between heaven and earth.

That Qi machine is so powerful and shocking that it is far beyond imagination. On the vast battlefield of the two realms, this moment has been greatly impacted, shaking, turbulent, chaos surging, and terrible. describe!

The most terrifying existence is about to appear.

"Prince King!"

There is no need to guess, that strong wave surpasses any strong on both sides of the battlefield.

Especially on the side of the Emperor Pass, let alone other people, even the powers of the heavens are directly discolored, because this energy is too strong, too terrible, directly covering the sun, moon and stars, Everything has to be restrained and the energy is removed, not to compete for glory.

That vast wave of invincibility was constantly emerging from that light gate, sweeping across the entire battlefield of the two realms, and the ancient king of the alien race actually recovered and awakened.

It just made all the heroes on the side of Emperor Guan feel a little strange.

Because it is rumored that the alien king is in the alien army, but depending on the situation, it is necessary to cross the light gate to come, it is very likely to come from a long distance in the alien universe.

But in any case, all of this is extremely critical for the ten-fold imperial gate, because the imperial gate is now opened by the inner ghost and cannot be completely closed. Once the ancient king of the alien race completely descends and leads the alien army Breaking into the Tenth Emperor Pass, the consequences are really unimaginable.

"Everyone quickly come back, and close the emperor pass, before the alien king comes back. The other side is coming from the ancient universe, it will take some time, we quickly withdraw!"

This is the words of a city lord of the Imperial Pass, spreading open the entire Imperial Pass and the battlefield, and there are ancient powers rushing over to close the Imperial Pass and find the inner ghost.

And entering the battlefield of the two realms from the ancient universe is so far away, even farther than dozens or hundreds of big domains. Even the Primordial King could not come immediately, even if the distance is greatly shortened by the domain gate, it still needs some time.

The majestic imperial aura was transmitted from afar, and it suppressed the heroes on the side of the sealed universe too much.

"Take action, attack the Imperial Pass, prevent them from closing the Imperial Pass and send troops!"

An army of foreign races came in mighty force. There were more than tens of millions of fierce soldiers. They were led by more than forty foreign powers. Each of them was full of blood and energy.

They stepped forward to sacrifice the immortal ancient soldiers, played the light of extinction, and also had the most terrifying magical laws appearing, bombarding the emperor gate in an all-round way. They must cooperate with the inner ghost to prevent the emperor gate from being completely closed. The time allowed the king of the foreign land to completely come, leading the army to drive straight in, destroy the imperial gate, and reproduce the great cause.

"Guard the Emperor Pass well, and don't let the foreign army invade!"

At this time, all the ancient powers of the emperor pass came, because they had to contend against the alien terror army, and had to contend against the multitude of alien powers for a short time, and fight for the right time to return to the imperial pass and shut down.

All the ancient powers came out, blood and energy like the sea, guarding the emperor pass.

At this time, even the rescue of Honglan was not enough, because there was simply not enough time to carry out the rescue, and the current situation was quite critical.

"Foreign race, you are so daring, do you want to invade Emperor Guan? Don't even think about it!"

An ancient ancient power speaks, he is an ancestor from the ancient heavenly court, extremely powerful, born in the ancient heavenly court created by the emperor, and his cultivation is naturally unfathomable.

There are five heavenly swords in front of him to form a terrifying sword picture, the sword aura is vague, the law is embedded, and it is accompanied by the chaotic ancient aura, the sword aura rushes into the sky, actively kills, and fights with the foreign power.


At this time, another ancient power appeared, majestic and terrifying, and was recognized. It was the ancient power of the sacred place of the beginning of the century. He was so powerful and shocking that he had a great background and participated in it several times. The ancient power of attacking the Immortal Pass, everything has proved his immortal power.

Shot at this moment, showing the magical powers of the beginning, to reverse everything back to the original state, and to reverse and annihilate the magical powers of an alien power of the opponent.

On the other side, the ancestor with similar Tao and Dharma is the ancestor of the early beginning, showing the gods of the early beginning, and at the same time shaking the sky, and the cultivation of this ancestor is beyond the imagination of many people, and even one person dragged the two foreign races. Mighty.

The first emperor Guan City Lord, Nine Void God King, Xia Zhi, Holy Feather Venerable, Flame God Venerable... One after another the ancient powers of the sealed universe came to fight, the power of fighting foreign races, and some people showed the secret world , To stop the alien army.

Moreover, there is a horn sound in the Imperial Pass, which is made of dragon horns. I don’t know how many years it has not been used. Only the most terrible battles will be moved out. At this moment, it has to be used, with a huge dragon chant Through the Tenfold Imperial Pass, some ancient existences in the hidden world were alarmed.

The situation was urgent, and the war between the two universes broke out directly, not knowing how mighty it was.

In the Imperial Pass, the great clans and forces of the heavens and domains are stationed here. Naturally, there is no shortage of large troops. They will gather quickly to go to the Imperial Pass without leaving the Imperial Pass, just to attack the foreign army that invaded the Imperial Pass.

In addition, the palace lord of the Ten Thousand Regions led five ancient powers to the Diguan Tianmen, saw the injured ancient powers, reorganized the body with difficulty, and the spirits were dimmed a lot.

If it weren't for the ancient power, the vitality was amazing enough, it would have been destroyed by the body and spirit but also suffered terrible injuries.

I also saw the inner ghost, who was actually just a heavenly king. Although he was also very strong, he was not enough to look at compared to the ancient power.

But the Palace Master of Ten Thousand Regions has deepened his skills, his eyes can penetrate everything, and he clearly saw that the **** soul of the heavenly king is extremely dark, corroded by the power of darkness, and invaded by a strong person of the foreign race, and Obtained a certain secret weapon of great horror, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack, the ancient power did not put the heavenly king in his eyes on weekdays, and it was caught off guard by various factors.


At this time, the lord of the Ten Thousand Regions Palace could not bear the blame. He directly slapped the heavenly king and destroyed both form and spirit. However, when the form and spirit were destroyed, the heavenly king laughed and said: "The sealed universe will be destroyed again. Our universe has invaded again, hahaha..."

Several ancient powers looked gloomy, and I don't know how many people in the Imperial Pass were corroded by foreign races. This is the most terrible thing.

But now I can’t care too much, because at this moment, other ancient powers are still fighting and resisting outside the imperial gate. They have to fight for millions of miles. They need to close the imperial gate quickly and let them retreat through a special channel. Emperor Guan closed.

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