Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1295: Ancient coffin

The burial coffin of the heavens was supposed to represent unknown.

However, more people think that this should not be the so-called burial coffin of the big murderer, but more likely to be the burial coffin of a certain peerless strongman in the past, which should contain the secrets of the ancient soldiers and even all kinds of secrets during his lifetime, which is attractive.

It is precisely because of this that the major forces are coming one after another.

In the Guyang Mountain Range, the mountains were wiped out by ashes, and there was only a huge pit with a radius of thousands of miles. The deepest part of the huge pit was in the middle of a three-foot-long simple sarcophagus, lying there quietly.

On the edge of the huge pit, many soldiers from Mingyang were stationed.

On this day, a stream of light flashed in the sky, surging with energy, and quickly approached the giant pit of the Guyang Mountain Range.

It can be seen that they are all truly powerful, coming from all directions one after another, and some of them are riding chariots and chariots, others are riding ancient beasts, etc., and there are also huge divine boats. Coming from the sky, the flag swayed with the wind, there is no shortage of ancient immortal holy places.

These are all powerful people who heard the wind, and now they are coming from all directions, and clouds are gathered in the Guyang Mountain Range of Mingyang Kingdom.

In this regard, Mingyang Kingdom did not stop in the slightest, because these forces that came are almost all first-class forces in the big domain, and among them are the immortal sacred places that respect a big domain, etc., even if the individual who comes for casual training is bound to be a famous super power. Don't underestimate it.

Even the Lord of Mingyang had to appear in person to exchange greetings with these big figures.

"Lord Mingyang, please tell me the information of the ancient coffin." A holy lord of the Immortal Holy Land spoke, and the others looked over.

The Lord Mingyang was very direct, very honest, and did not conceal the slightest bit of information. He told all the information he had learned one by one to let Zhu Qiang know.

The message is simple, frowning.

It’s fine if it’s someone else, but these are important figures of the first-class forces, and naturally they also know a lot of information. Those special visions are very similar to the one hundred years ago in the imperial gate battle. A sarcophagus was sacrificed, and the invincible king of the mythical era was buried in it. Is this sarcophagus that fell from the sky the sarcophagus in which the king of no phase was buried?

This speculation caused many people's hearts to jump a few times, and if so, it would really cause the heavens to shake.

However, it was quickly rejected by people, and it felt impossible, because it was confirmed that the sarcophagus with the impeccable king was submerged in the Chaos Sea and isolated by the Imperial Pass. How could it be in the sealed universe?

The mysterious sarcophagus is very ordinary and simple, lying motionless in the depths of the huge pit, and no one dared to come in contact with it without authorization, lest there be an unknown event.

Finally, after the major forces and Zhu Qiang observed this for a full three days, they discovered that the mysterious sarcophagus was not in danger of fluctuations and began to make real contact.

Several holy land masters are bold and bold, and they have brought heavenly soldiers. Among them, the holy masters are wearing the heavenly suit and are studying the mysterious sarcophagus.

Surprisingly, although the mysterious sarcophagus is simple and ordinary, and at first glance there is nothing surprising, but it is extremely hard.

Among them, even if the saint actively used mana to bombard it, he could not leave any traces of a star on the sarcophagus, and it was still immortal.

Moreover, the sarcophagus was unexpectedly heavy, much heavier than a mountain range. At least the Holy Lord came and wanted to lift it, but the final result was unshakable and shocking.

All this is the most discolored, what is buried in the sarcophagus, it is as powerful as the holy lord, it can't shake it, and it can't be moved.

Among them, there was even the Holy Lord, with the help of the Heavenly King's Taoist soldiers, to play a Heavenly King's Taoist rule, passing by, but it was still immortal.

Naturally, they didn't dare to open this mysterious sarcophagus rashly, lest there was a terrible murder in it, maybe everyone here would be buried.

Soon after, a powerful heavenly king expert in Fei Xian domain was alarmed. He was in its heyday, full of vitality, extremely powerful, and was at the top of the entire Fei Xian great domain pyramid.

When he heard the news, he came personally and wanted to observe the mysterious ancient coffin up close.

His appearance immediately made many powerful people awed, and they stepped aside.

"Return to the Heavenly King!"

In the arena, several holy masters of the Immortal Holy Land paid tribute to the Guili Heavenly King in his heyday.

The king of Guili nodded and came to the mysterious sarcophagus. At first glance, it seemed ordinary, but his instinct as a king told him that this mysterious sarcophagus must be extraordinary.

"Retreat a little bit." The King of Guili said, and the other powers hurriedly avoided, all knowing that King of Guili might want to make a move and personally open this mysterious sarcophagus.

But there is also the Holy Master said: "Going back to the Litian King, this is not so good, maybe there is something terrible in the ancient coffin, once born, it will inevitably destroy all living beings."

"It's okay, I dare to open the museum, and naturally I have made enough preparations, and nothing will happen."

Returning to the Heavenly King Dao, he is a tall and burly man with a bronzed body, looks very majestic, with majesty, and runs the power of the heavenly king, as if the clouds gathered the power of the heavens, and fell on the mysterious sarcophagus.


Indeed, he was strong enough to open the mysterious sarcophagus, but inside the sarcophagus, there was actually a smaller sarcophagus.

This shocked everyone, and also made Guili Tianwang stunned. Then he touched his chin and said in shock: "Could it be..."

After that, he used the power of the heavenly king to make successive shots, and the two coffin lids flew out. There was still a sarcophagus one size smaller, which looked very special and extraordinary, which shocked many people.

But the King of Guili became more and more convinced that a certain guess in his heart said softly: "Maybe it is really like that."

"Master Guili Heavenly King, this is..." Zhu Qiang was very confused and asked Guili Heavenly King for advice.

The king of Guili did not neglect, saying: "This is not an ordinary sarcophagus, or a sarcophagus with a violent burial. It may be a nine-layered coffin of gods that was buried in the legend. If not, it is at least a pair. Six coffins of reincarnation!"

"Nine coffins of gods? Six coffins of reincarnation?" Zhu Qiang was startled.

"The so-called nine-layered coffin of gods refers to the ancient coffin that buried the gods. Of course, the so-called gods are not the gods in your understanding, or to be more accurate, they are the gods, that is, the emperor!" Gui Litian Wang Dao, as soon as this statement came out, De Zhu Qiang's heart trembled, full of horror.

If this is the case, isn't it that their previous actions were full of disrespect and blasphemed the emperor?

At this point, everyone was full of horror, which was countless times more terrifying than the ancient coffin of evil spirits buried with great murder.

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