Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1337: Enter the undead holy land

Jiuyou Domain, located in a large domain not far from the center of Ten Thousand Domains, is a special and powerful domain.

And this big domain is exceptionally different, other big domains are suitable for cultivating all kinds of great ways, but Jiuyou domain is only suitable for cultivating the way of death.

Because this large area is extremely gloomy, it claims to have buried most of the heavens and ten thousand domains, and there are countless burial coffins in it. It is unknown how many strong people have been buried throughout the ages. There are terrible ghosts and demons and generals in it. This is a paradise for those who practice the way of death.

Practicing here is far more effective and faster than other areas.

The undead holy land of the Supreme Great Sect is in the Jiuyou Region, and it is the well-deserved master of the Jiuyou Region.

The undead holy land, has been passed on for tens of thousands of years. There were several ancient powers at its peak. Looking at all the supreme sacred places in the heavens and domains, it is absolutely one of the best in the world, almost But side by side with the imperial clan, only there is no imperial soldier.

It's so powerful.

However, in the past hundreds of thousands of years, the Holy Land of Immortality has gradually declined, because the ancient powers in the Holy Land have fallen one by one.

First, because the previous generation of fighting sage Gu Yuntong was encircled and suppressed, the power of an immortal sacred land was lost, and then just a hundred years ago, another undead power was also lost under the hands of the Tianmen Sect master, and so far only remains. An ancient power was given.

But it also caused big troubles, because the encirclement and fighting against the Saint King, preventing the transformation from being unsuccessful, instead allowed the fighting against the Saint King to achieve complete success, and now the cultivation base is conquered, overwhelming the heavens, and is about to come to retaliate.

No, the undead sacred place that was originally facing the heavens is now completely sealed off and hidden. It is difficult for cultivators to find out in the deep path of death.

However, none of this can prevent disaster from coming.


On this day, a bright golden avenue ran through the sky and sank into the depths of the Jiuyou Region. The mighty, golden light, and the boundless Jinxia created a great sense of oppression for the entire Jiuyou Region.

Because the aura that bloomed on that golden avenue had a terrible suppression for all practitioners who practiced the path of death. It was a strong and flaming aura, which was stronger than the sun.

Wherever the Golden Avenue passes, all the stigma and death aura are burned and dissipated. Even the nearby practitioners of the path of death have been terribly affected and suppressed severely. Some weaker practitioners even more. It was ignited and burned directly.

Jinguang's dominance, that's it!

In the Nine Nether Domain, everyone saw that a majestic young figure appeared slowly on the golden avenue.

He is so young, yet so powerful. His body surrounds the ancient spirit of chaos, accompanied by bright golden light, and he is surrounded by the four great holy spirits of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, which set off this majesty. The man is like a chaotic emperor, unparalleled.

Along the Golden Light Avenue, this heroic man, if he was a heavenly emperor, descended directly into the deepest part of the Jiuyou Region, and the unleashed aura swept through half of the domain. The horror was boundless. If it were a round of brilliant golden light, it shone like a sun. The heavens!

This person was indeed the fighting sage Ye Chen, and now he is naturally going to come to collect the debt that day.

He stood in the central area of ​​Jiuyou Region, and there was no Domain Lord God City. He stared at the empty world in front of him, and smiled coldly: "Immortal Holy Land, do you think you can escape this way?"


An immeasurable light exploded on Ye Chen's body, directly piercing the void, and the ancient chaos was surging, swept away all the wisps, annihilating a large area of ​​space turbulence directly, turning it into a static void.

He rushed into it, and he was deducing, and he found out the plane world where the undead holy land was located, located in the extreme depth of the endless space turbulence, and then aggressively attacked.


The heavens and the earth are torn apart, and everything will be shattered. Although the Immortal Sacred Land is stronger than the ordinary planes of the heavens and the earth, with a terrifying power-level array that completely covers the entire Immortal Sacred Lands, Ye Chen can still blast through the ancient emperor world before it changes The world barrier of, let alone now, facing a world of great power far inferior to the ancient emperor world, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to stop Ye Chen's attack.


In the end, the heaven and earth barriers of the Undead Sacred Land were all captured by Ye Chensheng and pierced. He directly broke into it and entered the mysterious holy land where countless creatures were buried in this legend.

As imagined, this was a dark and gloomy ancient world, quite magnificent, at least several times larger than the Tiandu Continent.

In the center is a vast, dark continent, full of life, full of gloom and fog, the stars in the sky are dim, black mountains are continuous, and there are countless dense bones on the ground, everything looks so gloomy. Terrible, it is simply a Nine Nether Hell.

I have also seen that in the Holy Land of Undead, there is a burial coffin of all kinds, and most of them are very old burial coffins, even millions of years ago.

Ye Chen was fearless. He stepped on the golden avenue and ran straight through the sky. He sank into the deepest place. The aura released by him caused a large number of evil spirits and monsters in the Holy Land of the Undead to be scattered and purified. Everything will cease to exist.


In the deepest part of the Immortal Holy Land, there is also a magnificent and majestic hall standing there. Among them, a middle-aged man wearing dark armor sits on a **** seat, holding a dark euphorbia, surging with death. , Yao pointed at the fighting saint king who came.

Ye Chen came in stride, majestic, and said: "What last words do you want to say?"

He is very strong, even though this is the undead holy land and the opponent's home court, he has never been weak.

The great power on the **** seat rose up, his expression unchanged, and said: "I am not him, and I have never done anything to you. He is gone."

Mingjia's words are very concise, telling everything directly.

Ye Chen was slightly surprised, but after careful investigation, he found that the ancient power in front of him was really not the one who shot him.

Legend has it that there are three ancient powers in the Undead Holy Land, one of them besieged and killed the previous generation of fighting saints, one was destroyed by the master of Tianmen, and the other was the one who attacked Ye Chen, but no one Unexpectedly, there is a strong ancient power hidden in it.

"He's gone, I was awakened from a deep sleep by the people in the Holy Land, to prevent you from taking action and destroying the entire Holy Land." The powerful words of the Mingjia were as simple and clear as before.

Although what is in front of him is not the undead power to shoot himself, Ye Chen's expression is still very cold, and said: "You should know that my line of fighting saints and your line of undead holy ground have feuds. My master is because of you. The encirclement and suppression of the veins fell. When I was transformed, there were other powerful shots in your veins, and I couldn't expose them."

Ming Jia Da Neng said: "Yes, as long as you don't destroy the Immortal Holy Land, I have nothing to say and can make compensation."

Ye Chen's eyes showed a little surprise, and he didn't expect this Great Ming Jia to speak so easily.

But when I think about it, this Underworld Armor mostly hopes to stop the battle, because he can feel Ye Chen’s peerless strength, and he is full of blood. He is in the ascending stage of the human body and has unlimited potential. It is an absolutely terrifying big enemy.

Unless he has absolute strength to stay, Ming Jia Da Neng is absolutely unwilling to easily go to war with a future supreme being like Ye Chen.

Moreover, his duty is to wait for the Holy Land of the Undead not to be destroyed before he is awakened. If he can, he does not want to offend Ye Chen, and try his best to resolve it.

I'm afraid it's basically the same.

Ye Chen knew it.

"Okay, I want to compensate!" Ye Chen didn't make any moves, and he knew that this was the best situation. Although he could make a move, he might not have much advantage. After all, this is the home court of the Immortal Holy Land. The advantages.

Moreover, he can feel the power of this Underworld Armor, even stronger than Killing the Venerable, because he is afraid of it, and the other party is also very easy to talk. It is exactly what he wants to achieve such an effect.

With a violent wave of the dark halberd in his hand, the Great Power of Ming Jia immediately opened the dark ground in the Holy Land of Immortality with a loud bang, and a huge gap appeared.

It can be seen that many ancient burial coffins appeared in the depths of the chasm, most of them are many years old, very old, many of them are decayed, and many of them are left with simple traces and disappeared in the years. bingo.

But in this extremely yin place, there are countless creatures buried in it. Naturally, some unique treasures have been bred, such as the ghost lotus, and the nine-day Ganoderma lucidum. They are only dead and yin. The treasure that can be nurtured is an excellent aid to cultivation for those who practice the path of death.

Ye Chen found a lot of treasures and collected them. Although he is not practicing death, these treasures can also be used for alchemy ~ and they have extraordinary effects.


Suddenly, Ye Chen stopped, because his eyes looked over and found that in the deepest part of the chasm, a special sarcophagus appeared. At first glance, it looked a little ordinary, but Ye Chen took a closer look. Later, his expression changed, because this was actually a six-fold coffin of reincarnation.

The six coffins of reincarnation, this is the extraordinary ancient coffin second only to the nine-layered coffin of the gods, such as the Wuxiang King is buried in this ancient pass.


He jumped directly into the deepest part of the gap, and at the same time, the Great Power of Hades did the same. Both ancient powers came to the deepest part of the gap.

Ye Chen looked at this six-fold reincarnation coffin suspiciously. The six-fold reincarnation coffin touched Ye Chen’s ancient chaos, and unexpectedly, a special change took place. The entire mysterious ancient coffin was introverted and slowly faded away. The stale color has turned into a crystal coffin that is gleaming and crystal clear.

However, when he saw the person in the crystal coffin, Ye Chen's expression changed drastically, as if he had seen the most incredible thing!

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