Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 1516: Rich

The old man spoke, because he knew that Ye Chen, although arrogant, but in the final analysis still has some sense, always maintained the idea that people will not offend me and that I will not offend others.

In this case, these alchemy masters should not be offended for this.

Everyone knows how terrifying the energy of these alchemy masters is, not limited to their own cultivation base, but the horror lies in their influence.

"Father, I called it down not because of myself, but because of a person." Ye Chen explained softly, with a smile, gentle and full of doting.

That person is naturally his beloved daughter Ya Ya!

Ya Ya is also the world tree, has grown to be no weaker than other ancient powers, and has terrifying potential. If she gets this world tree burial coffin, it will be of incomparable help to her.

Although Master Dark Shepherd and other alchemy masters and grand masters are very influential, they are always outsiders, and Ya Ya is his relative. As long as Ya Ya is good, he will not be afraid to offend anyone.

Even these alchemy masters, in the final analysis, still have nothing to do with him.

He has always been a helper and unreasonable person. As long as something happens to his relatives, as long as it is not too much, he will stand by his relatives.

It is precisely because of this that he will be so.

"Two billion?"

Many alchemy masters also frowned. Master Dark Mu did the same. He glanced in the direction of Ye Chen with a slight dissatisfaction. He seemed to be dissatisfied that this junior didn't understand the rules, and with a cold snort, he immediately gave three thousand gods. Many big people upstairs shook their heads.

After all, the Fighting Saint King was too young and energetic, and he didn't know how to be smooth, and invisibly offended these alchemy masters and even the 9th-level masters.

Qin Jiuyou also sneered, and said, "2.1 billion!"

"2.3 billion!"

Grandmaster Dark Mu spoke again.

"2.5 billion!"

The other alchemy masters also spoke.

"2.7 billion!"

Dan Chen also said.

"Four billion!" Ye Chen said, still at the same high price as the previous Immortal's Remnant Arm. It also refreshed everyone's impression of the Fighting Saint King. What an astonishing wealth this chaotic young supreme holds, is it worth hundreds of Billion? Or more?

At this moment, many people frowned, and so did many alchemy masters. After all, their wealth was quite different, and they could only sigh with excitement.

"4.1 billion!" The Dark Shepherd Grandmaster spoke again, only glancing at Ye Chen, and slowly said: "Are you the Fighting Saint King? There is indeed a lot of wealth on your body, but sometimes it is too late. Blindly going out and finally getting into a dilemma."

Obviously, he thought that Ye Chen didn't have that much wealth at all, but he was young and energetic, and wanted to stand out in front of many big people and show his prestige.

Now he is suggesting that the other party needs to know how to advance and retreat.

It's just that Ye Chen smiled at Master Dark Mu: "4.5 billion!"

Between the smiles, he immediately raised 400 million, and he became more and more wealthy.

Hearing that, Master Dark Shepherd also gave a cold snort, glanced at Ye Chen with a particularly dissatisfaction, but did not speak, because even he could not bring out so much wealth.

In response, Ye Chen just smiled faintly.

After all, he was just a passer-by on the ultimate ancient road, and sooner or later he would leave this ancient universe, naturally fearless.

Moreover, the ultimate ancient road has its own rules and will not allow outsiders to easily intervene. There are several invincibles of the level of the ancient kings sitting in the town, and there is also a mysterious Void God Temple that will not die, even the Forbidden Soul Temple must be jealous.

He naturally did not fear that these alchemy masters would find trouble.

"4.7 billion!"

Dan Chen said that it was about a world tree, and the Dan Emperor clan was unwilling to give up. If he cultivates a real world tree and grows to the supreme level, it can protect the entire Emperor clan for endless years. , This is the greatest good fortune.

"Five billion!" Yandi Clan Da Neng said.

"Five-and-a-half billion!" Qin Jiuyou also rushed to bid, and looked at Ye Chen almost provocatively, and said, "Don't you have a lot of money, Saint King of Fighting? Do you dare to continue bidding?"

In response, Ye Chen showed a cold smile and said, "Seven billion!"

One export directly increased by 1.5 billion!

A full 1.5 billion!

That's right, it has reached seven billion!

Everyone was stunned. Is the Fighting Saint King crazy? The price was raised to 1.5 billion in one go. It is extremely difficult for the emperor to use such wealth at once.

Danchen, Yandi Clan Mighty Frown, Qin Jiuyou was also shocked, just looking at the unchanging look of the Fighting Saint King, frowned, and wondering where the confidence of the Fighting Saint King came from, dare to bid for seven. Billions.

However, a world tree with a true spirit is indeed a priceless treasure, Qin Jiuyou coldly snorted, and said, "7.1 billion!"

Everyone looked at the fighting king, will he bid again? Will the bidding price be higher and more amazing?

It's just that Ye Chen smiled: "You won!"

Yes, Ye Chen withdrew.

Seven billion is too huge, even after he auctioned off the residual arm of the immortal, it would be difficult to own. However, his eyes towards Qin Jiuyou were filled with endless cold killing intent.

Even if Qin Jiuyou succeeded in the bidding, he didn't worry at all, because he would kill Qin Jiuyou directly by then, and just rob him directly, so he was afraid of everything.

Qin Jiuyou also snorted, because with the addition of this world tree burial coffin, he had spent tens of billions before and after, and it was impossible for him to have that much, and even the ancient kings could hardly grasp how huge wealth. , Will make the entire Soul Forbidden Palace painful.

But fortunately, as long as you successfully cultivate a real world tree, all this is worth it.

Even if those lofty hall masters get rid of the, they will certainly not blame him, and even reward him.

Soon, the third and final piece of the ultimate treasure was carried out.

"The third finale in the auction now is the most precious one!"

At this time, the emperor's power, who was carrying the king and ancient soldiers, looked dignified, and his body overflowed with light, and from it burst out a quaint Dadao Danding, which is the emperor's immortal soldier, and is accompanied by the thread of the king's Tianweiyi. Spread out.

And this time there is no outline of the strong mentality, and a strong pill fragrance that has never been spilled slowly flows out of it, which spreads the three thousand gods building, is smelled by everyone, and is full of energy. It's refreshing, and all of them can't help but bloom.

This is especially true when Master Gulan and Master Dark Shepherd are alchemy masters and masters, their eyes are bright, as if they have seen the most precious things, that kind of impulse simply cannot be suppressed.

If it weren't for the Emperor's Immortal Soldier, I'm afraid these alchemy masters and grandmasters who are always aloof would have rushed in the first time.

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