Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 154: The gods come

An unprecedented wave of great turbulence emerged from a distance like lightning, and the mountains and valleys were shaking. %77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d New Dagger Qi New Address:.

Because this is not the power of an ordinary **** of war, it is the power of a **** of heaven, it is extremely terrifying, and almost everyone in the scene changes their expressions.


Everyone was shocked, and obviously they didn't expect that they would be alarmed to this level of peerless power.

In the far edge of the sky, an old figure is rushing to it like lightning, bringing up a violent wind, and appearing in this space.

Wearing a black-and-white robe, this person is a fairly gentle old man, but there is a kind of earth-shattering powerful divine power rippling on his body, far better than anyone in the room, and the whole world will tremble.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, but his pupils shrank slightly, and in front of his spear, he was obviously quite jealous of this sudden deity. He didn't say a word, just looking at him and didn't understand.

"Too elder!"

The three masters exclaimed, and their surprise was immediately above the table, because this is the Supreme Elder of the Heavenly God Realm, if these old guys are willing to take action, the entire trial road will be unbeatable.

Elder Nalan, the lord of the twelfth pass, also exclaimed, but he did not expect that the appearance of the Supreme Elder was finally alarmed.


At this moment, Yao Jiao also separated from the thirteenth gate master, and came to Ye Chen's back, staring at the old man closely, naturally knowing how terrible this old man was.

The lord of the thirteenth pass was wounded, obviously not the opponent of the monster, but he insisted on it. At this moment, he hurried forward to pray, because this is the Supreme Elder.

The elder in black and white robes nodded slightly, then looked at the demon dragon behind Ye Chen and nodded: "It really is a demon dragon with the blood of a real dragon. It is rare in the world since ancient times. It finally appeared today."

Hearing that, the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and thirteenth four major gate masters looked happy, and the elder Taishang seemed to have the same heart for the monster flood, so he hurriedly said: "Elder Tai, this monster flood is important. , If it is cultivated, it can become the guardian beast of my Tiandu Academy and protect the safety of a generation. Please also ask the Supreme Elder to take action and tame this monster."

"Please take the Taishang elder, and I also hope that this young Ye Chen will be severely punished. Not only is he unwilling to hand over the demon, but also against my Tiandu Academy. He is bold and unforgivable. Please take action and severely punish this son."

"The creatures born in the world where the demon dragon tried for me should be owned by my Tiandu Academy, but this son must be his own."

Several masters persuaded one after another to let the Supreme Elder tame this monster.

"Elder Too..." The twelfth level master was a little unbearable, but her red lips opened, and after all she sighed slightly, and could not speak, because she knew she couldn't change some things at all.

Ye Chen's expression remained the same, but his whole body was quietly boiling, and there was a large amount of gold that was submerged in the **** spear, and it was about to recover at any time, showing a peerless edge.

Even if the gods shot, he was not afraid, it was a big deal. And when the Zhutian League Master’s order was taken out, he didn’t know if the Supreme Elder would dare to take action, but I’m afraid that the Supreme Old Palace Master who is on the top would not sit idly by, after all, this is only for the Supreme God. Qualified leader order.

The elder in black and white robes stretched out his hand and gestured to the masters to be quiet, then looked at Ye Chen gently, nodded and said: "You are Ye Chen, really very good. Since ancient times, when a hero was born as a teenager, it's not a good thing. False, after the dantian was abolished that year, it should have fallen to the altar, and the cultivation level has been lost. You can no longer practice in this life, but you break and stand, not only have not fallen behind, on the contrary, after these years, you have jumped up again and reached this point. The situation is unprecedented."

"You are strong enough to be comparable to the descendants of those superpowers. This time the old man came here not to embarrass you, but the palace lord and the old man asked me to greet you on his behalf. As long as you are willing, the gate of Tiandu Academy's Tiandu Academy It's for you anytime."


Everyone was stunned!

What exactly is this? At first, everyone thought that the elder of the Heavenly God Realm came to account for Ye Chen, severely punished this son, and took away the demon dragon, but at this moment he was so gentle, he was still willing to let Ye Chen join the Tiandu Academy , Is still the most advanced heavenly academy.

And listening to its meaning, it was clearly related to the legendary Supreme Old Palace Master, and this time it was also a sign from the old Palace Master.

The face of the master of the four major gates changed drastically, and the master of the tenth gate was even more surprised: "Elder Tai, why is this? This child is cunning, and he is diametrically opposed to my Tiandu Academy everywhere. It is not to be retained and should be severely punished."


The Taishang elder was indifferent, but it contained the power of the heavens, which made the tenth pass's face pale, and the blood in his body was surging, but he did not dare to speak anymore, because this was a small punishment from the Taishang elder. If we continue to speak, it will be more than just scolding.

At the same time, my heart was filled with horror, because the elder Taishang meant clearly that he didn’t want to have a bad relationship with Ye Chen. What kind of sacred is this son, so that the high-levels of the Tiandu Academy are so tolerant, and even the Supreme Old Mansion The Lord came forward to signal.

Ye Chen looked up at the sun at the highest point, and then nodded slightly to the elder Taishang, and pointed to the demon Jiao: "Where is it?"

The elder Taishang smiled slightly: "Don't worry, since the demon flood is surrendered to you, my Tiandu Academy will not intervene anymore, and you can let you deal with the demon flood."


Several masters couldn't help shouting, the existence of the demon dragon is too important, and the potential is extraordinary. In the future, it will be at least a great demon of the sky. He can act as a guardian of the house. If you give up and give up, you are too open-minded. .

The Supreme Elder just glanced at them lightly, and suddenly no one dared to speak.

Ye Chen was very satisfied with this treatment, nodded and smiled: "Since the Supreme Elder has spoken, the younger generation will thank you first. It is only today's matter, the younger generation hopes to have an explanation."

Get an inch!

Several Guanzhu clenched their fists and looked at Ye Chen bitterly.

The elder Taishang frowned, then glanced at the Four Great Guanzhu, and said: "Today you are all too much, so bullying a tester, is it still what the Guanzhu did? Over, now strip you away It is the responsibility of the master, and I need to apologize to Ye Chen."

The masters of several major gates have changed in discoloration. They have spent a lot of money to get the masters of the road to the trial, because it is easier to feel the principles of the strongest in this world, which is conducive to future cultivation. , But now they have to be beaten back to their original form, making them quite unwilling.

But what was even more angry was that he even had to apologize to this kid, which was much harder than death.

It's just that at this moment, the celestial power on the elder Taishang is rippling with strands, as if a mountain is pressing on their shoulders, and he has to bow his body in humiliation and say: "Little friend Ye Chen, I'm sorry."

"Although there is no sincerity, but for the sake of the Supreme Elder, let's forgive you once." Ye Chen said indifferently, making the four major gate masters full of humiliation. He looked at Ye Chen extremely resentfully, but he was helpless.

The elder Taishang ignored the four masters, and immediately said with a slightly solemn tone: "Little friend Ye Chen, your strength is quite extraordinary. This time the ancient road of kings is opened again, I wonder if you are willing to enter the ancient road again, little friend? ."

King of the Ancient Road! ?

Hearing that Ye Chen's pupils shrank, the last time he was abolished Dantian on the ancient road of the king, was expelled from the ancient road, and turned into a waste from a genius overnight.

Although this is a memory before awakening, but the memory is fused and empathetic, Ye Chen can feel the various experiences of "Ye Chen" back then.

Last time, the ancient road of Wangzhe didn't reach that long. I did not expect that after three years, the ancient road of Wangzhe would open again.

Ye Chen took a slow breath, looked at the elder Taishang, and said, "Dare to ask, who has participated in the ancient road of the king this time."

The elder Taishang said: "This time, only the strongest young tianjiao who participated in the ancient road of kings needs to reach the threshold of the Martial God Realm, because the ancient road is almost at the end, and a strong enough young tianjiao is required to be eligible. At the end of the ancient road, the young generation descendants of several superpowers will participate."

Ye Chen's eyes sparkled, and he suddenly asked someone: "So what about Huang Tianqin?"

Huang Tianqin was the young Tianjiao who made his Dantian abolished at the time, a peerless Tianjiao from the Tiandu Academy.

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